I never called Obama a Kenyan or a Muslim. Can you say the same about inflammatory Trump nonsense?

View attachment 143719

I've accused Obama of being a war criminal.

Does that count and do you have monkey breath?



At the moment I have whiskey breath

Same here.

What is your poison tonight?

Southern Comfort

Cough syrup?

Depends on the night. Sometimes I just want the flavor. I've got about 6 different types of whiskey. Course Soco isn't a whiskey but I enjoy the walnuty flavor on occasion.

When I drank four decades ago it was Irish Scotch.
Or are you a two faced internet hypocrite?

I ALWAYS defended against the attacks on Michelle & her children. Can you say the same about Trumps wife or Ivanka?
And yes, I understand Ivanka is a bit older BUT I still won't engage in the war on women. Can you say the same?

Despite feeling like Obama didn't like me because I am white I never expressed that feeling nor complained about it. It was a "feeling" that was not based on any empirical evidence but just a gut feeling based on his actions throughout his life. I didn't try to use my "feeling" as a weapon to denigrate the president.
Can you say the same?

I am a WHITE CONSERVATIVE MALE and I have not a single racist bone nor any hate in my body. I don't hate my political opponents. I don't hate those that don't share my ethnicity. I am often vulgur and say mean things but anyone who knows me even just a little knows I'm just trolling to entertain myself.
Can you say the same?

I do not fit in the box you so desperately want to place me in with your labels.
Can you say the same?

View attachment 143719

I've accused Obama of being a war criminal.

Does that count and do you have monkey breath?



At the moment I have whiskey breath

Same here.

What is your poison tonight?

Southern Comfort

I do not drink that because I want to fight with moving cars and non-moving walls...

As for your OP the reality is partisan nutter will attack the Children and First lady all the time.

It is wrong and should not be tolerated from any side...

I have a half empty bottle of Makers Mark that'll work for you...

At the moment I have whiskey breath

Same here.

What is your poison tonight?
Southern Comfort
Cough syrup?
Depends on the night. Sometimes I just want the flavor. I've got about 6 different types of whiskey. Course Soco isn't a whiskey but I enjoy the walnuty flavor on occasion.
When I drank four decades ago it was Irish Scotch.
Never been a Scotch fan
Alright, I fess up. I've called him a Kenyan Muslim, a crack-smoking twink, a pole-smoker, a "liver-lipped Jug-eared bastard", and a Kenyan mongrel communist bastard who's mommie posed for nudie pictures. Among other things. Eight years is a long time to come up with good descriptors.

What do I win?
When I drank four decades ago it was Irish Scotch.

There is no such thing as "Irish Scotch." There is Irish whiskey and Scotch whisky. Irish whiskey is malt whiskey distilled in Ireland. Scotch whisky is malt whisky distilled in Scotland.
Or are you a two faced internet hypocrite?

I ALWAYS defended against the attacks on Michelle & her children. Can you say the same about Trumps wife or Ivanka?
And yes, I understand Ivanka is a bit older BUT I still won't engage in the war on women. Can you say the same?

Despite feeling like Obama didn't like me because I am white I never expressed that feeling nor complained about it. It was a "feeling" that was not based on any empirical evidence but just a gut feeling based on his actions throughout his life. I didn't try to use my "feeling" as a weapon to denigrate the president.
Can you say the same?

I am a WHITE CONSERVATIVE MALE and I have not a single racist bone nor any hate in my body. I don't hate my political opponents. I don't hate those that don't share my ethnicity. I am often vulgur and say mean things but anyone who knows me even just a little knows I'm just trolling to entertain myself.
Can you say the same?

I do not fit in the box you so desperately want to place me in with your labels.
Can you say the same?
You'd be hard pressed to find any posts from me where I demonized Obama. I certainly never called him a Muslim.

I pretty much like all of our presidents on a personal level, even if i dont agree with their politics.

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