I pity the young.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
4 more years of Obama and it's over for all of us.

Only thing is that people my age and older can at least remember a time when things were good. The young will live out the rest of their lives and never know that.

But then, it's mostly their fault.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d8FTPv955I]All in the Family / Archie Bunker's Place Opening Credits - YouTube[/ame]
i dont. Im still young, but I actually envy them. They are going to see us move past this crap and only a brighter future.
4 more years of Obama and it's over for all of us.

Only thing is that people my age and older can at least remember a time when things were good. The young will live out the rest of their lives and never know that.

But then, it's mostly their fault.

It's our fault. We've allowed the left to control academia and to poison the minds of our young. :(
But yeah... I get what you're saying. My own kids are young adults and they're the first American generation whose parents don't believe they'll achieve more success than they did themselves.
4 more years of Obama and it's over for all of us.

Only thing is that people my age and older can at least remember a time when things were good. The young will live out the rest of their lives and never know that.

But then, it's mostly their fault.

It's our fault. We've allowed the left to control academia and to poison the minds of our young. :(
But yeah... I get what you're saying. My own kids are young adults and they're the first American generation whose parents don't believe they'll achieve more success than they did themselves.

I have 5 daughters the oldest two voted for McCain, the 3rd oldest is a staunch democrat, the youngest two are not of voting age yet. I'm trying to teach them the truth, I have only failed the 3rd one.

But yeah, Obama has the young vote tied up. They will, unfortunately, live to regret it.
i dont. Im still young, but I actually envy them. They are going to see us move past this crap and only a brighter future.

You are more of an optimist than I am. We have to deal with this debt. The future generations have a burden we didn't have and look at us now. It's only beginning if we don't make those hard decisions now.
i dont. Im still young, but I actually envy them. They are going to see us move past this crap and only a brighter future.

How do you figure that?

Faith:) And hard work.

Hard work when 47% of the population is on the government check and the unemployment can't go below 8%, REAL unemployment above 11%?!

If more people had the faith that you do, we would have a chance.....but there are too many Democrats.
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4 more years of Obama and it's over for all of us.

Only thing is that people my age and older can at least remember a time when things were good. The young will live out the rest of their lives and never know that.

But then, it's mostly their fault.

It's our fault. We've allowed the left to control academia and to poison the minds of our young. :(
But yeah... I get what you're saying. My own kids are young adults and they're the first American generation whose parents don't believe they'll achieve more success than they did themselves.

Yes, it IS our fault. Most of us bought into the entitlement programs, by various presidents as something "good" for the citizens of our country. We believed the rationalizations and we didn't see them as something that would make parasites of millions and bankruptcy for all. :cuckoo:
4 more years of Obama and it's over for all of us.

Only thing is that people my age and older can at least remember a time when things were good. The young will live out the rest of their lives and never know that.

But then, it's mostly their fault.

Obama victory is a foregone conclusion. The only thing left to do is sure up as many republican seats in congress as possible. America has survived bad presidents before, and I think we'll be ok this time, but yeah, we're going to go through some tough times.
4 more years of Obama and it's over for all of us.

Only thing is that people my age and older can at least remember a time when things were good. The young will live out the rest of their lives and never know that.

But then, it's mostly their fault.

This is like those emails that used to go around. The ones where "the good old days" were SO friggin wonderful, when, in fact, they were anything but.

Just read to day that gW lost us 40THOUSAND factories when he sent them to China.
He lost us 4.4 MILLION jobs.

Even though the R have spent every single day working AGAINST the US and FOR foreign interests, President Obama has created 4.6 MILLION jobs.

You rw's are the real reason for the recession because it was YOU who voted for the GObP/pubpots. You're the ones who want to vote to remove regulations from the "too big to fail" banks so they can soak us again and you're the reason why bush was in the WH in the first place. If YOU had not voted for him, there would not have been the bush bailout (TARP), we would not have ignored the declaration of war against us and instead attacked a country who had done nothing to us.

All that money but more important, all the dead and wounded soldiers - it is the fucking right wing voter who caused that.

You want to say you feel sorry for generations to come? You're lying.

And, I know you're lying because now you want to vote for another bad actor who plans to take the VA away from our vets, SS away from our elderly and a hell of a lot more away from the working class.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.
I pity the partisan fools who think that less than 4 years of Obama is responsible for where we are and where we are going.
4 more years of Obama and it's over for all of us.

Only thing is that people my age and older can at least remember a time when things were good. The young will live out the rest of their lives and never know that.

But then, it's mostly their fault.

Obama victory is a foregone conclusion. The only thing left to do is sure up as many republican seats in congress as possible. America has survived bad presidents before, and I think we'll be ok this time, but yeah, we're going to go through some tough times.

pubpot congress?

I keep asking but the rw's run away from this question -

EXACTLY how many jobs have the pubpot created in the US in the past, oh, say, 10 years?

How many has Obama created?

Do the math.
My father and I always get on the phone with each other the day after every election. When Obama won in 2008, my dad said, "I'm glad I am going to die soon." He also said he pitied me and everyone else who would be around for a while.

I thought he was joking at the time. He's really not that old. He is below average life expectancy.

But his behavior since then has been one of a man subconsciously trying to commit suicide. He has let his health go completely to shit.

He almost died earlier this year and I became quite alarmed and gave him a ration of shit about not taking care of himself. I then reminded him of our post-2008 election conversation and said I was onto him.

He neither confirmed nor denied my allegation, which is as good as a confirmation when it comes to my father.

He's going to be a goner when Obama wins re-election.

But I blame the GOP for Obama. There is no way on God's green earth an incompetent screwball like Obama could ever succeed unless his opposition was profoundly handicapped by an overabundance of mentally challenged partisans.

These dumb UnConservative fuckers have killed my dad.

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I pity the partisan fools who think that less than 4 years of Obama is responsible for where we are and where we are going.

I pity the fools who thinks that after 4 years Obama isnt responsible for jack squat.
I pity the partisan fools who think that less than 4 years of Obama is responsible for where we are and where we are going.

I pity the fools who thinks that after 4 years Obama isnt responsible for jack squat.

Ohh he is responsible for quite a bit, however where we are has been building since around 1980.
Obama was a product of the machine and followed the path laid out for him, just as Romney will do if elected.

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