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I regret my vote for Cruz in the primary.

So you think Trump is worse than Hillary?
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all
I learned a little more than a decade ago the GOP had ejected all of its principles. They grow government, they spend too much, they are immoral, and have allowed retards, bigots, psychopaths, and hypocrites to hijack the party.

That is no reason to vote for the liberal party, because then YOU are ejecting YOUR principles.

My vote has to be EARNED, and no fucking way Clinton has earned my vote. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. Is that really the message you want to send to the Democrats?
You make a good point but what are the alternatives? People have been voting 3rd party for decades. Hell, I voted for Perot. The end result was a Clinton Presidency and the GOP clearly learned nothing. So naturally another 3rd party vote will likely bring the same results no?

A complete blowout by Hillary could shake them to their core. The core that they abandoned decades ago that I keep hoping they'll return to.

I honestly don't know what is the right thing to do right now.
There is no question that what the GOP as a whole has become is worse than HRC. On one side you have the crazies like Trump and Cruz with Kasich joining them, you have Cruz and Kasich conniving to thwart the will of the voters, and the RNC is doing the same thing.

I will vote for Gary Johnson, because the GOP nationally should not be running anything except from the voters.

Everyone keeps calling Cruz "crazy", and yet never provide any evidence besides "hes a Christian nutter" and "grumble grumble, shutdown, fake filibuster, grumble grumble."
Cruz is dishonest. Very dishonest. And there is no way he would win against Clinton.

I actually like some of Cruz's ideas, but he conveys them in an extremely dishonest manner. If he was honest, more Americans would be attracted to the conservative cause.

Considering the people he is running against, his honesty puts him smack dab in the middle.

Clinton lies, Trump just blathers on about doing things he knows he couldn't actually do, Sanders is honest, but his ideas are terrible.

Cruz can win, because he doesn't need to win over the country, just a few key States, like either candidate.
cruz wouldnt come close to winning and would be lucky to get 40% against hillary.
So you think Trump is worse than Hillary?
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all
I learned a little more than a decade ago the GOP had ejected all of its principles. They grow government, they spend too much, they are immoral, and have allowed retards, bigots, psychopaths, and hypocrites to hijack the party.

That is no reason to vote for the liberal party, because then YOU are ejecting YOUR principles.

My vote has to be EARNED, and no fucking way Clinton has earned my vote. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. Is that really the message you want to send to the Democrats?
You make a good point but what are the alternatives?

Leave the top of your ballot blank. That's what I do. I mostly just vote on Measures/Propositions, etc. these days.
There is no question that what the GOP as a whole has become is worse than HRC. On one side you have the crazies like Trump and Cruz with Kasich joining them, you have Cruz and Kasich conniving to thwart the will of the voters, and the RNC is doing the same thing.

I will vote for Gary Johnson, because the GOP nationally should not be running anything except from the voters.

Everyone keeps calling Cruz "crazy", and yet never provide any evidence besides "hes a Christian nutter" and "grumble grumble, shutdown, fake filibuster, grumble grumble."

The belief that his ideas are the best rout for our country is crazy. If you don't get that, I can't help you.
Donald Trump tries to smooth things over with GOP insiders - CNNPolitics.com

"Hollywood, Florida (CNN)Donald Trump's new delegate guru told Republican Party insiders at a posh resort here on Thursday that the billionaire front-runner is recalibrating the part "that he's been playing" and is ready to work with the GOP to "evolve" as a candidate past the divisive primary.

Meanwhile 1,100 miles away in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Trump told his supporters the Republican system is "rigged" and "crooked."

Big names back Trump tower

"Donald Trump has lined up three New York hedge funds, including money from billionaire George Soros, to invest $160 million in his Chicago skyscraper, a key piece in perhaps the largest construction financing in the city's history, according to real estate sources and public documents.

Despite reports about the project's record-breaking sales, most of them from Trump himself, many Chicago real estate developers and lenders have expressed doubts about whether the 90-story tower would ever be built."

Trump gets his money from the same folks Hillery does.

As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.

So you think Trump is worse than Hillary?
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all

As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.

Well said!! I hope the gop burns. Some people lie when they say they despise the GOP elites because they end up licking GOP elite ass which means the GOP will never change. You are a person of great integrity.

As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.

the reality is that more than half of the republican electorate don't want trump. they're just trying to make sure that the majority of GOP voters get a say.

trump is a thin-skinned whiner.

Cruz is a bought and paid for piece of feces. Trump doesnt need a few billionaires to do his talking for him, unlike cruz
So you think Trump is worse than Hillary?
I don't know what to think anymore. I had always placed my faith in my conservative roots & gave the gop the benefit of the doubt on most things. It has become quite obvious that I've been a puppet for some time now.

Fuck them all
I learned a little more than a decade ago the GOP had ejected all of its principles. They grow government, they spend too much, they are immoral, and have allowed retards, bigots, psychopaths, and hypocrites to hijack the party.

That is no reason to vote for the liberal party, because then YOU are ejecting YOUR principles.

My vote has to be EARNED, and no fucking way Clinton has earned my vote. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. Is that really the message you want to send to the Democrats?
You make a good point but what are the alternatives? People have been voting 3rd party for decades. Hell, I voted for Perot. The end result was a Clinton Presidency and the GOP clearly learned nothing. So naturally another 3rd party vote will likely bring the same results no?

A complete blowout by Hillary could shake them to their core. The core that they abandoned decades ago that I keep hoping they'll return to.

I honestly don't know what is the right thing to do right now.

Thats easy for me. If more people had done what i did in 08 and 2012 then the current rep party would already be dead.

rewarding bad behavior simply creates more bad behavior. Why reward the GOP for pissing on you and giving your tax dollars to a few big corporations and billionaires?
As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.

People have voted for Trump, but a majority of people in the party have voted for someone else. The nominee requires more than a plurality for a reason. This is about representing the party. If the majority of the party is not behind a candidate, the party can't nominate them. Mitt Romney and John McCain, as weak as they were, had to secure a majority of the delegates to be the nominee. It has been this way since 1856 when the Republican party began.

Now all this whining over the process began as Trump started getting his clock cleaned in states where there is a different process for selection of delegates. In all the states where the process worked in his favor, he was fine with the process.. the process was great. And this latest meme about some poll showing how people think the GOP should nominate the person who has the most delegates going into the convention... that doesn't matter... we don't change the process on the basis of a popularity poll. The fact that dunder-heads don't understand why we have the process, does't factor.

So why do we have this process? It's all about coalescing the party. Trump has roughly 37.5% of the vote in the GOP. That means 62.5% didn't vote for Trump and most of them are never going to vote for Trump. Now, maybe that 62.5% would vote for a Cruz/Kasich ticket? This is why we have the process which requires the nominee get a majority of the delegates. A majority, not a plurality.
There is no question that what the GOP as a whole has become is worse than HRC. On one side you have the crazies like Trump and Cruz with Kasich joining them, you have Cruz and Kasich conniving to thwart the will of the voters, and the RNC is doing the same thing.

I will vote for Gary Johnson, because the GOP nationally should not be running anything except from the voters.

Jake "Ready for Hillary since 2007" Starkey
The first chapter in Ted Cruz's book A Time For Truth is titled "Mendacity". It's all about how the GOP has sold conservative principles down the river. "Go along to get along". It's all about holding onto power instead of doing what is right for the country.

You all have heard me go on and on about how the GOP sold us all down the single payer healthcare river decades ago. All this fuss over ObamaCare is just theater for the rubes. The Republican party abdicated the health care issue to the Democrats a long, long time ago. We are headed to single payer healthcare in our lifetimes, and the GOP is complicit in that.

That is an example of the GOP's mendacity. The rubes have been chugging that piss for a very long time now. Drinking down the hollow words and lies which are laced with hallucinogens, denying them the ability to properly judge the actions of their heroes, and being carried further and further away from reality and the conservative reservation.

What aggravates the shit out of me about Cruz is that he whines about the GOP's mendacity, and then participates in his own dishonesty on the campaign trail. For instance, telling the public he would "abolish the IRS". This is total bullshit. A huge lie. The dumbass is walking down the exact same populist road as every other modern Republican. Using trigger phrases to titillate the rubes' passions.

That's not leadership. It's demagoguery. And Cruz's timing sucks. He's being out-huckstered by the granddaddy of hucksters, Donald Trump.

Leadership means defining the conservative movement, not crowd pleasing it.

Cruz has blown a golden opportunity to do so. He has ruined a chance to wrest the party mantle back from the hacks. He has all the right ingredients, and he fumbled it.
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As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.
Welcome aboard Grampa!

Sux its got to be under these conditions but what you just posted proves you're a man of integrity.

I couldn't agree more with your assessment and god as my witness if the script were flipped and Trump was playing a role in this I'd bail just the same.
As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.

the reality is that more than half of the republican electorate don't want trump. they're just trying to make sure that the majority of GOP voters get a say.

trump is a thin-skinned whiner.

Ha, and Hitlery isn't? :lmao:
As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.

Well said!! I hope the gop burns. Some people lie when they say they despise the GOP elites because they end up licking GOP elite ass which means the GOP will never change. You are a person of great integrity.

I really do not want to see the GOP burn, but for a while, that may be what is necessary. I really would like to see a GOP that is more concerned with running an effective government, one that controls spending and understands that it must bring in enough revenues to actually run the government efficiently. It is important that the GOP be there to balance the Democrats so that we don't end up with a Bernie Sanders or someone even further to the left than Bernie. We have allowed the far sides of each party to control the debate, and it has caused nothing but consternation and divisiveness towards the other party. It is the reason that neither party can work with the other on anything. While we should never expect both parties to gleefully hold hands and sing Kumbaya together, we should expect that at least on certain things, they could work to some compromise. While there is plenty of blame for this, I do believe that the far right has been the greatest offender by far. That is the reason I switched parties. It doesn't mean that I would never vote Republican again, but so long as the far right is in control, I have no choice but to look at more moderate Democrats. The far right has pretty much chased any moderate Republicans away.
As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.

Hillary lost the popular vote to Obama, but it never raised this much outrage on the left.

Go figure.
I have wanted the GOP to burn for years. But I would never vote for cankles. I think that's just taking it too far bro.. lol
I hear ya.

For YEARS I've tried to convince people that their vote did matter & they needed to exercise it.
It appears I was the one that was wrong
fucking music to my ears. Grampa this is how we (the American people) unify. First we admit there is a problem, then we come together as Americans and do something about it.

I welcome everyone, no matter their party affiliation, to see the system for what it is and take a stand against it. More the merrier.
There is no question that what the GOP as a whole has become is worse than HRC. On one side you have the crazies like Trump and Cruz with Kasich joining them, you have Cruz and Kasich conniving to thwart the will of the voters, and the RNC is doing the same thing.

I will vote for Gary Johnson, because the GOP nationally should not be running anything except from the voters.

Everyone keeps calling Cruz "crazy", and yet never provide any evidence besides "hes a Christian nutter" and "grumble grumble, shutdown, fake filibuster, grumble grumble."
Cruz is a dirty oily little rat.
We can stipulate that there actually are some REPs in Washington who are the real deal. Honest decent people who actually believe they are in Washington to serve the people who sent them there.
Of those people not a single one has come forward to endorse Cruz.
Within Washington he is despised.
The bastard will never get the nomination and all the bullshit he is doing now in his campaign will forever destroy him in politics.
The RNC already has a serious plan in the works to run someone against him who will kick Cruz's ass out of politics for good.
As I said at the time it was a reluctant vote and this latest stunt by Cruz & Kasuck confirms my reluctance.

I am considering now voting for Trump in the general in the hope that it will sink the Republican party.

Make no mistake about it, I CAN'T STAND TRUMP.


The PEOPLE have voted for him so all the underhanded bullshit the gop is pulling trying to stop him imo is a violation of the trust we placed with them. I don't give a fuck if the shit they're pulling is "within the rules" it is a violation of honor & integrity.

I am getting to the point that if they take the choice of the people and replace it with one of their own I may in fact vote for HILLARY CLINTON just to make sure the gop burns in hell for four years.

Now I know some of you are gonna come in here & call me a liberal because your tiny heads can't comprehend why someone would put their vote up for grab based simply on INTEGRITY. Well I'm sorry that you're too shallow to understand how someone can take a stand on principles.

I hope at the very least a new, VIABLE party is formed out of this. One that listens to the people.

The gop is playing with fire & I hope they get 3rd degree burns for it.

I appreciate your honesty, you are seeing what so many of us have seen for along time.

Both Liberals and Republicans are joining into this fight against the corrupt politics scamming us for years.

Trump is pulling the curtain open exposing it even more.

He may have a ego bigger than the US, but he is giving those assholes a run for their money.

Mark my words right here and now.

If, and it is a HUGE if, Trump was to win the White House he will betray us all. We are already seeing signs of him as the leftist in conservative disguise.

But Trump has no chance to win in the general. So what choice does the GOP have? Ditch him and go with Cruz or Kasich? Or lose everything and start all over.

Either way they are screwed. But the GOP did that to themselves. Trump is only the symptom of the disease that infects them. They have been ignoring their voters for decades.
There is no question that what the GOP as a whole has become is worse than HRC. On one side you have the crazies like Trump and Cruz with Kasich joining them, you have Cruz and Kasich conniving to thwart the will of the voters, and the RNC is doing the same thing.

I will vote for Gary Johnson, because the GOP nationally should not be running anything except from the voters.

Everyone keeps calling Cruz "crazy", and yet never provide any evidence besides "hes a Christian nutter" and "grumble grumble, shutdown, fake filibuster, grumble grumble."
Cruz is dishonest. Very dishonest. And there is no way he would win against Clinton.

I actually like some of Cruz's ideas, but he conveys them in an extremely dishonest manner. If he was honest, more Americans would be attracted to the conservative cause.

Considering the people he is running against, his honesty puts him smack dab in the middle.

Clinton lies, Trump just blathers on about doing things he knows he couldn't actually do, Sanders is honest, but his ideas are terrible.

Cruz can win, because he doesn't need to win over the country, just a few key States, like either candidate.
Cruz has already competed in a number of 'key states' and lost his ass.
That's not going to change pal.
There is no question that what the GOP as a whole has become is worse than HRC. On one side you have the crazies like Trump and Cruz with Kasich joining them, you have Cruz and Kasich conniving to thwart the will of the voters, and the RNC is doing the same thing.

I will vote for Gary Johnson, because the GOP nationally should not be running anything except from the voters.

Everyone keeps calling Cruz "crazy", and yet never provide any evidence besides "hes a Christian nutter" and "grumble grumble, shutdown, fake filibuster, grumble grumble."
Cruz is a dirty oily little rat.
We can stipulate that there actually are some REPs in Washington who are the real deal. Honest decent people who actually believe they are in Washington to serve the people who sent them there.
Of those people not a single one has come forward to endorse Cruz.
Within Washington he is despised.
The bastard will never get the nomination and all the bullshit he is doing now in his campaign will forever destroy him in politics.
The RNC already has a serious plan in the works to run someone against him who will kick Cruz's ass out of politics for good.

The reason they hate him and won't support him is two fold: 1. He's an outsider who won't play ball, and 2. He does exactly what he promised his voters he would do. Can't have that shit going on in Washington.

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