I remember when America was normal.

I wrote this over at USA Carry in 2013. Fits the theme of the OP's thread. Under Obama, our outlook was pretty grim


Because I was raised to love God & Country. My grandparents were hard working tobacco farmers for all their lives. They never ventured far from their home in Tennessee. During my youth, I spent my summers there working in the hot August fields and in the top of some bat and spider infested barns. But you know what? It felt like Utopia. The family would gather on Sundays for dinner (lunch down south) then retire to the vast fields for games of baseball until the lighting bugs blinked at sunset. America was a different place then. It was a place were a man was judged by the sweat off his brow and how he provided for his family. As grandma used to say; "I don't care if you dig a ditch for a living, just dig it to the best of your ability". They were true Americans who taught me the value and pride which comes from a hard days work.

I have tried to pass the culture to my son's. And to some extent, it is still a work in progress. It's just hard for them to see the forest through the trees. Some today get more fired up about a new release of the Ipad than it does at the prospects of employment. Sad

What would my grandparents think today of the America that turned it's back on their values? I picture the Indian with a tear in his eye (viewing litter) from the commercial years ago. The difference today is he would be reduced to a mere man on his knees viewing the cesspool society has manifested and nurtured.

The election was a referendum on the American Dream as my generation knew it. The shear fact that a little over half of us (America collectively) voted for the continued weakening of our National Sovernity is hard to stomach.

I can only hope the reason immigrants flock to America is because of the image it used to reflect, not the image of today. But as the subj: reads, I am on the slippery slope called hope and am growing more bitter by the day.
And the worst thing that has happened to it is the Reagan GOP give away to the rich and screw everybody else system of the last 35 years, Super Duper. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility and benefits of any modern country... The dupes don't know that but they know every detail of phony Democratic scandals and believe everybody just got lazy. Pathetic Chumps of the greedy idiot rich.
If the culture hadn't gone bat crap crazy, then the respect would have held over time, but once the culture went stupid it was on. That was the green light for the American people to be justifiably screwed over by those who sought to separate themselves from the crazies amongst the groups.

Can't say I blame them really, I mean who wants their family subjected to what Hollyweird is pumping out today, and all the crazy trends and deplorabalisms going on today ?? It takes money to separate, and this is what has taken place for many years now.

The crazies have figured it out, and that is why they seek government power to reel it all back in. They see it as no other way, and so the attack is on for power and control.

All of this is just bullshit. It is conservatives that have gone batshit crazy over every little thing. The rest of the modern world has adapted to giving rights to minorities. Only in the USA is there this crazed response to EVERY. LITTLE. THING. Most of which has absolutely NO impact on the lives of any of the people who are getting all hysterical over it.

Gay marriage is a good example. It has absolutely no impact on anyone other than gays, and those who want to illegally discriminate against them. But you'd think that gay marriage is the end of the world as you know it given the reaction of the American right. God will punish us!!! Think of the children!!!

I've lived in a country with gay marriage for nearly 20 years now, and it's had no impact on me or my family at all. But I see the positive impact it's had on the gay members of our communities.

One of the law clerks at my last firm was married and his husband had retired early for health reasons. Our clerk was able to add his husband to his supplemental health insurance so they both had full health insurance and supplemental health insurance at family rates, which was critical to their finances as my co-worker's husband needed a walker, and expensive drugs which aren't covered by OHIP until age 65.

In cases where there is no medical power of attorney, hospitals will call upon the spouse to make end of life medical decisions where the patient is no longer able to do so. Prior to gay marriage, gay partners were shunted aside in favour of estranged family members with no idea of the patient's wishes or history.

Gay marriage became necessary when a legal hierarchy was established as to who speaks for you when you can't. If you have designated Powers of Attorney for property, and Powers of Attorney for personal care, to designate who speaks for you when you can't, you have designated your attorneys, but in the case of minor children, it's their parents. In the event you have no P/A's, the law says your spouse is first, your adult children are second, and your parents, if living, are next. The person you live with in a relationship, has no legal standing, even if you've co-habited for 20 years.
Wasn't there something else besides marriage that would have taken care of the issue ?? Can't remember what it was called now, but it seems I remember something they all were talking about in order to keep marriage as a religious tradition and symbol between a man and a woman. What makes you think that everything is about gays when people are dissatisfied with the Demon-crat party ? Abortion is the huge elephant in the room wouldn't you say ??

No. Nothing else comes close to providing the blanket protections that marriage provides, both legally and socially. All jurisidictions throughout the world understand the legal concept of "marriage". Not all allow or recognize "co-habitation agreements" and certainly insurance companies, who are loathe to cover same sex unions in the first place, don't recognize them. Given that whether or not such a union would be recognized from state to state is ample evidence that the old methods weren't working.

What difference does it make whether or not you call it marriage?
I wrote this over at USA Carry in 2013. Fits the theme of the OP's thread. Under Obama, our outlook was pretty grim


Because I was raised to love God & Country. My grandparents were hard working tobacco farmers for all their lives. They never ventured far from their home in Tennessee. During my youth, I spent my summers there working in the hot August fields and in the top of some bat and spider infested barns. But you know what? It felt like Utopia. The family would gather on Sundays for dinner (lunch down south) then retire to the vast fields for games of baseball until the lighting bugs blinked at sunset. America was a different place then. It was a place were a man was judged by the sweat off his brow and how he provided for his family. As grandma used to say; "I don't care if you dig a ditch for a living, just dig it to the best of your ability". They were true Americans who taught me the value and pride which comes from a hard days work.

I have tried to pass the culture to my son's. And to some extent, it is still a work in progress. It's just hard for them to see the forest through the trees. Some today get more fired up about a new release of the Ipad than it does at the prospects of employment. Sad

What would my grandparents think today of the America that turned it's back on their values? I picture the Indian with a tear in his eye (viewing litter) from the commercial years ago. The difference today is he would be reduced to a mere man on his knees viewing the cesspool society has manifested and nurtured.

The election was a referendum on the American Dream as my generation knew it. The shear fact that a little over half of us (America collectively) voted for the continued weakening of our National Sovernity is hard to stomach.

I can only hope the reason immigrants flock to America is because of the image it used to reflect, not the image of today. But as the subj: reads, I am on the slippery slope called hope and am growing more bitter by the day.
And the worst thing that has happened to it is the Reagan GOP give away to the rich and screw everybody else system of the last 35 years, Super Duper. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility and benefits of any modern country... The dupes don't know that but they know every detail of phony Democratic scandals and believe everybody just got lazy. Pathetic Chumps of the greedy idiot rich.
If the culture hadn't gone bat crap crazy, then the respect would have held over time, but once the culture went stupid it was on. That was the green light for the American people to be justifiably screwed over by those who sought to separate themselves from the crazies amongst the groups.

Can't say I blame them really, I mean who wants their family subjected to what Hollyweird is pumping out today, and all the crazy trends and deplorabalisms going on today ?? It takes money to separate, and this is what has taken place for many years now.

The crazies have figured it out, and that is why they seek government power to reel it all back in. They see it as no other way, and so the attack is on for power and control.

All of this is just bullshit. It is conservatives that have gone batshit crazy over every little thing. The rest of the modern world has adapted to giving rights to minorities. Only in the USA is there this crazed response to EVERY. LITTLE. THING. Most of which has absolutely NO impact on the lives of any of the people who are getting all hysterical over it.

Gay marriage is a good example. It has absolutely no impact on anyone other than gays, and those who want to illegally discriminate against them. But you'd think that gay marriage is the end of the world as you know it given the reaction of the American right. God will punish us!!! Think of the children!!!

I've lived in a country with gay marriage for nearly 20 years now, and it's had no impact on me or my family at all. But I see the positive impact it's had on the gay members of our communities.

One of the law clerks at my last firm was married and his husband had retired early for health reasons. Our clerk was able to add his husband to his supplemental health insurance so they both had full health insurance and supplemental health insurance at family rates, which was critical to their finances as my co-worker's husband needed a walker, and expensive drugs which aren't covered by OHIP until age 65.

In cases where there is no medical power of attorney, hospitals will call upon the spouse to make end of life medical decisions where the patient is no longer able to do so. Prior to gay marriage, gay partners were shunted aside in favour of estranged family members with no idea of the patient's wishes or history.

Gay marriage became necessary when a legal hierarchy was established as to who speaks for you when you can't. If you have designated Powers of Attorney for property, and Powers of Attorney for personal care, to designate who speaks for you when you can't, you have designated your attorneys, but in the case of minor children, it's their parents. In the event you have no P/A's, the law says your spouse is first, your adult children are second, and your parents, if living, are next. The person you live with in a relationship, has no legal standing, even if you've co-habited for 20 years.
Wasn't there something else besides marriage that would have taken care of the issue ?? Can't remember what it was called now, but it seems I remember something they all were talking about in order to keep marriage as a religious tradition and symbol between a man and a woman. What makes you think that everything is about gays when people are dissatisfied with the Demon-crat party ? Abortion is the huge elephant in the room wouldn't you say ??

No. Nothing else comes close to providing the blanket protections that marriage provides, both legally and socially. All jurisidictions throughout the world understand the legal concept of "marriage". Not all allow or recognize "co-habitation agreements" and certainly insurance companies, who are loathe to cover same sex unions in the first place, don't recognize them. Given that whether or not such a union would be recognized from state to state is ample evidence that the old methods weren't working.

What difference does it make whether or not you call it marriage?
Oh so now you are of the mindset that something new can't catch on or be honored if agreed upon by everyone ?? Funny that never stopped fundemental change before eh ?
But it took a leftist Democrat, FDR to actually lock up American citizens based solely on their race. Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party and it's largely leftists democrats today who refuse to let racism die.
Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party

SOUTHERN Democrats. They are long gone. They're REPUBLICANS now
You have no proof of that. If so then link it/prove it.
How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
The party of Lincoln won over the once democratic south in what way ? Did the party of Lincoln turn into the southern democratic party or did it show the south it's wrong during reconstruction or after the war ended ??? Otherwise what's your point ?
whats my point?
You asked for proof that southern democrats became republicans, so I provided the history.

No, you provided a recitation of the big lie.

When asked to provide the names of these New Deal Democrats who promoted the radical left agenda of FDR that magically became "Republicans," you Stalinists will trot out "Strom Thurmond."

So clearly Strom Thurmond was the only Dixicrat who ever existed. Otherwise we might look at Fritz Hollings. We might discover that Hollings not only STAYED a democrat but was in fact part of the FAR LEFT segment of the party who never met a big government program he didn't love. Or we might look at Albert Gore, Klansman and life long democrat. Like Hollings, Gore leaned FAR left and was an early advocate for Fidel Castro. Or maybe we might look at Orval Faubus, staunch liberal democrat who called out the Arkansas National Guard to defy the Republicans in Washington. Bull Conner, George Wallace, Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd.

See, and ACTUAL look at history reveals the opposite of the big lie you of the Stalinist party tell, it reveals that the Dixicrats were always democrats, that racism was a democrat staple then, just as it is now.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
Remember everyone dying in Vietnam for no reason, kids hiding under desks in air raid drills, crack and laws about it destroying cities, people still at each other’s throats over politics. Racism was still frowned on back then, that’s a plus.

There is FAR more racism now than any other time in my life. The 60's weren't even close.

And it's STILL you democrat piles of shit promoting and engaging in racism.
Yes all that racism against the poor minority discriminated against whites, right, brainwashed functional moron? Obviously the problem is you have your own planet of garbage propaganda, the worst in our history by far...

Everything is about race now. Race is the #1 factor in all decisions for the left. What movies to watch or should get awards, what music to listen to, what politicians to vote for. EVERYTHING depends on race. You judge every person on skin color. You judge every act by the race of who engaged in the act.

Racism is THE dominant culture in America.
You are brainwashed and Clueless, super duper. The left is all about tolerance for everyone, maybe some help for the poor blacks who are discriminated against mainly by actual racist Republicans. Or whatever the poor brainwashed fools call themselves... Libertarian constitutionalists etc etc

The left is about POWER, absolute and totalitarian power. The vile racism of you and your fellow Stalinists is just a means to gain power by destroying the fabric that binds the nation,
Obama spying on the whole country was just a continuation of the policy from the previous admin and it has not stopped with the new admin. That is why the FISA court got 'renewed" by the current POTUS


Fucking Marxist moron.

Of course you're lying, as your commie ass always does.

NSA's Internet spying powers expanded under Obama

As I said, Obama continued on what Bush II did and Trump is now doing it. You can pretend your chosen party would never do that, I am sure it helps you sleep at night

No you lying Marxist pile of shit, Obama took a minor program and expanded it a thousand fold.

That's what Snowden revealed, you commie scumbag.
I would like a link to anything that says that. I believe respected media said he limited it in some ways and expanded it as new ways were invented 2 record stuff LOL. You right wing dupe conspiracy nutjobs are now doubting our law enforcement also now? You people are seriously dangerous to our great country.

Edward Snowden Interview

You utterly retarded fool.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress

And I remember back when men were not such whiny bitches.
Me too

Do you remember back when you weren’t a whiny bitch?

Me neither.

Remember when you weren't a Hamas Terrorist?

Neither do I....
They do, every day. The amount of discrimination against blacks browns and even yellows is incredible. The fact that you don't know that or won't admit that means you are a racist a*******.

No fuckwad, "they" don't. You racist pussbags do.

Your hatred is a boiling cauldron of filth; because you're a fucking pile of shit. You seek to foster hatred through these filthy and absurd lies you tell.

At worst, one in 10,000 on the right harbors ill will based on skin color. Can you find me one in 10 million on the left who doesn't? Take you, you're a racist cvnt - you are a reprehensible cesspool of hatred focused on those with a skin color that your flat out evil party is targeting, EXACTLY like the Nazis who are your mentors targeted the Jews. We've seen your type before, we know EXACTLY what you have planned. The ONLY reason that you and those like you have not murdered 100 million Americans is that you lack the political power and force of arms to pull it off.
LoneLaugher said:
I don't believe that everyone should get a trophy in competitive sports. You must be a RW but who believes that kind of bullshit.
Yet It's The LWNJ That Invented It
Along With Men Competing In Women's Sport

@EveryoneLaughing #At YOU
Remember everyone dying in Vietnam for no reason, kids hiding under desks in air raid drills, crack and laws about it destroying cities, people still at each other’s throats over politics. Racism was still frowned on back then, that’s a plus.

There is FAR more racism now than any other time in my life. The 60's weren't even close.

And it's STILL you democrat piles of shit promoting and engaging in racism.
Yes all that racism against the poor minority discriminated against whites, right, brainwashed functional moron? Obviously the problem is you have your own planet of garbage propaganda, the worst in our history by far...

Everything is about race now. Race is the #1 factor in all decisions for the left. What movies to watch or should get awards, what music to listen to, what politicians to vote for. EVERYTHING depends on race. You judge every person on skin color. You judge every act by the race of who engaged in the act.

Racism is THE dominant culture in America.
You are brainwashed and Clueless, super duper. The left is all about tolerance for everyone, maybe some help for the poor blacks who are discriminated against mainly by actual racist Republicans. Or whatever the poor brainwashed fools call themselves... Libertarian constitutionalists etc etc

The left is about POWER, absolute and totalitarian power. The vile racism of you and your fellow Stalinists is just a means to gain power by destroying the fabric that binds the nation,
funny how you will never find a single supporter of stalinism or communism anywhere in this country, super duper.faire capitalism with good opportunity would be a nice cha
Obama spying on the whole country was just a continuation of the policy from the previous admin and it has not stopped with the new admin. That is why the FISA court got 'renewed" by the current POTUS


Fucking Marxist moron.

Of course you're lying, as your commie ass always does.

NSA's Internet spying powers expanded under Obama

As I said, Obama continued on what Bush II did and Trump is now doing it. You can pretend your chosen party would never do that, I am sure it helps you sleep at night

No you lying Marxist pile of shit, Obama took a minor program and expanded it a thousand fold.

That's what Snowden revealed, you commie scumbag.
I would like a link to anything that says that. I believe respected media said he limited it in some ways and expanded it as new ways were invented 2 record stuff LOL. You right wing dupe conspiracy nutjobs are now doubting our law enforcement also now? You people are seriously dangerous to our great country.

Edward Snowden Interview

You utterly retarded fool.
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job...
nge for the United States after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts everywhere else.
Edward Snowden Interview

You utterly retarded fool.

Where does Snowden live now?

Oh that's right. Moscow

Yes, Hillary tried to murder him - and she is an expert at murdering people. Regardless, what Snowden leaked PROVED that Obama MASSIVELY expanded the Bush era subservience of calls to the middle east to include EVERY LAST AMERICAN.

And we know he used the NSA to spy on the opposition campaign in the 2016 election as part of his efforts to rig the election.

Obama is a crook and a traitor - fact.
There is FAR more racism now than any other time in my life. The 60's weren't even close.

And it's STILL you democrat piles of shit promoting and engaging in racism.
Yes all that racism against the poor minority discriminated against whites, right, brainwashed functional moron? Obviously the problem is you have your own planet of garbage propaganda, the worst in our history by far...

Everything is about race now. Race is the #1 factor in all decisions for the left. What movies to watch or should get awards, what music to listen to, what politicians to vote for. EVERYTHING depends on race. You judge every person on skin color. You judge every act by the race of who engaged in the act.

Racism is THE dominant culture in America.
You are brainwashed and Clueless, super duper. The left is all about tolerance for everyone, maybe some help for the poor blacks who are discriminated against mainly by actual racist Republicans. Or whatever the poor brainwashed fools call themselves... Libertarian constitutionalists etc etc

The left is about POWER, absolute and totalitarian power. The vile racism of you and your fellow Stalinists is just a means to gain power by destroying the fabric that binds the nation,
funny how you will never find a single supporter of stalinism or communism anywhere in this country, super duper.faire capitalism with good opportunity would be a nice cha

Fucking Marxist moron.

Of course you're lying, as your commie ass always does.

NSA's Internet spying powers expanded under Obama

As I said, Obama continued on what Bush II did and Trump is now doing it. You can pretend your chosen party would never do that, I am sure it helps you sleep at night

No you lying Marxist pile of shit, Obama took a minor program and expanded it a thousand fold.

That's what Snowden revealed, you commie scumbag.
I would like a link to anything that says that. I believe respected media said he limited it in some ways and expanded it as new ways were invented 2 record stuff LOL. You right wing dupe conspiracy nutjobs are now doubting our law enforcement also now? You people are seriously dangerous to our great country.

Edward Snowden Interview

You utterly retarded fool.
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job...
nge for the United States after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts everywhere else.

Derp, lying racist scumbag.
They do, every day. The amount of discrimination against blacks browns and even yellows is incredible. The fact that you don't know that or won't admit that means you are a racist a*******.

No fuckwad, "they" don't. You racist pussbags do.

Your hatred is a boiling cauldron of filth; because you're a fucking pile of shit. You seek to foster hatred through these filthy and absurd lies you tell.

At worst, one in 10,000 on the right harbors ill will based on skin color. Can you find me one in 10 million on the left who doesn't? Take you, you're a racist cvnt - you are a reprehensible cesspool of hatred focused on those with a skin color that your flat out evil party is targeting, EXACTLY like the Nazis who are your mentors targeted the Jews. We've seen your type before, we know EXACTLY what you have planned. The ONLY reason that you and those like you have not murdered 100 million Americans is that you lack the political power and force of arms to pull it off.
the Nazis were right wing at always will be despite your garbage propaganda, super duper. The anti-semites are in the GOP oh, they're still called Nazis when they are causing the spike in violence against gays Muslims Jews gays. Duh...
Edward Snowden Interview

You utterly retarded fool.

Where does Snowden live now?

Oh that's right. Moscow

Yes, Hillary tried to murder him - and she is an expert at murdering people. Regardless, what Snowden leaked PROVED that Obama MASSIVELY expanded the Bush era subservience of calls to the middle east to include EVERY LAST AMERICAN.

And we know he used the NSA to spy on the opposition campaign in the 2016 election as part of his efforts to rig the election.

Obama is a crook and a traitor - fact.
Dude you been playing in the psilocybin bin again haven't ya...
Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party

SOUTHERN Democrats. They are long gone. They're REPUBLICANS now
You have no proof of that. If so then link it/prove it.
How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
The party of Lincoln won over the once democratic south in what way ? Did the party of Lincoln turn into the southern democratic party or did it show the south it's wrong during reconstruction or after the war ended ??? Otherwise what's your point ?
whats my point?
You asked for proof that southern democrats became republicans, so I provided the history.

No, you provided a recitation of the big lie.

When asked to provide the names of these New Deal Democrats who promoted the radical left agenda of FDR that magically became "Republicans," you Stalinists will trot out "Strom Thurmond."

So clearly Strom Thurmond was the only Dixicrat who ever existed. Otherwise we might look at Fritz Hollings. We might discover that Hollings not only STAYED a democrat but was in fact part of the FAR LEFT segment of the party who never met a big government program he didn't love. Or we might look at Albert Gore, Klansman and life long democrat. Like Hollings, Gore leaned FAR left and was an early advocate for Fidel Castro. Or maybe we might look at Orval Faubus, staunch liberal democrat who called out the Arkansas National Guard to defy the Republicans in Washington. Bull Conner, George Wallace, Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd.

See, and ACTUAL look at history reveals the opposite of the big lie you of the Stalinist party tell, it reveals that the Dixicrats were always democrats, that racism was a democrat staple then, just as it is now.
Did you forget what Lee Atwater did for Nixon? Atwater got the south for Nixon.

President Obama carried only 18% of former Confederate states, while taking 62% of non-Confederate states in 2012. Only 27% of southern senators are Democrats, while 62% of Union state senators are Democrats. And 29% of southern members in the House are Democrats compared to 54% in states or territories that were part of the Union.

Today, in Georgia, its gone full swing.
They do, every day. The amount of discrimination against blacks browns and even yellows is incredible. The fact that you don't know that or won't admit that means you are a racist a*******.

No fuckwad, "they" don't. You racist pussbags do.

Your hatred is a boiling cauldron of filth; because you're a fucking pile of shit. You seek to foster hatred through these filthy and absurd lies you tell.

At worst, one in 10,000 on the right harbors ill will based on skin color. Can you find me one in 10 million on the left who doesn't? Take you, you're a racist cvnt - you are a reprehensible cesspool of hatred focused on those with a skin color that your flat out evil party is targeting, EXACTLY like the Nazis who are your mentors targeted the Jews. We've seen your type before, we know EXACTLY what you have planned. The ONLY reason that you and those like you have not murdered 100 million Americans is that you lack the political power and force of arms to pull it off.
the Nazis were right wing at always will be despite your garbage propaganda, super duper. The anti-semites are in the GOP oh, they're still called Nazis when they are causing the spike in violence against gays Muslims Jews gays. Duh...

Big lie shit doesn't impress anyone anymore.

You democrats are the new Nazis and you have a "final solution" worked out for the "white christian" problem.

Antisemites in the GOP? :rofl:

Like georgephillip ? Like Ilhan Omar? Like Lesh

You and your filthy party are racist scum and JOOOOOOO hating motherfuckers.
Edward Snowden Interview

You utterly retarded fool.

Where does Snowden live now?

Oh that's right. Moscow

Yes, Hillary tried to murder him - and she is an expert at murdering people. Regardless, what Snowden leaked PROVED that Obama MASSIVELY expanded the Bush era subservience of calls to the middle east to include EVERY LAST AMERICAN.

And we know he used the NSA to spy on the opposition campaign in the 2016 election as part of his efforts to rig the election.

Obama is a crook and a traitor - fact.
Dude you been playing in the psilocybin bin again haven't ya...


"iffen eyez jes lie like dey tells mee at thinkprogress, all the bad things about Obama will jes go ahwaze"

The party of Lincoln won over the once democratic south in what way ? Did the party of Lincoln turn into the southern democratic party or did it show the south it's wrong during reconstruction or after the war ended ??? Otherwise what's your point ?
whats my point?
You asked for proof that southern democrats became republicans, so I provided the history.

No, you provided a recitation of the big lie.

When asked to provide the names of these New Deal Democrats who promoted the radical left agenda of FDR that magically became "Republicans," you Stalinists will trot out "Strom Thurmond."

So clearly Strom Thurmond was the only Dixicrat who ever existed. Otherwise we might look at Fritz Hollings. We might discover that Hollings not only STAYED a democrat but was in fact part of the FAR LEFT segment of the party who never met a big government program he didn't love. Or we might look at Albert Gore, Klansman and life long democrat. Like Hollings, Gore leaned FAR left and was an early advocate for Fidel Castro. Or maybe we might look at Orval Faubus, staunch liberal democrat who called out the Arkansas National Guard to defy the Republicans in Washington. Bull Conner, George Wallace, Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd.

See, and ACTUAL look at history reveals the opposite of the big lie you of the Stalinist party tell, it reveals that the Dixicrats were always democrats, that racism was a democrat staple then, just as it is now.
Did you forget what Lee Atwater did for Nixon? Atwater got the south for Nixon.

President Obama carried only 18% of former Confederate states, while taking 62% of non-Confederate states in 2012. Only 27% of southern senators are Democrats, while 62% of Union state senators are Democrats. And 29% of southern members in the House are Democrats compared to 54% in states or territories that were part of the Union.

Today, in Georgia, its gone full swing.

The old democrat racist scum died out. The new South is conservative and has rejected the racism of you hate mongers.
What year was that? I started voting with Reagan after the horrible Carter years. But I remember how vicious they were with Nixon. Obama actually committed the crimes Nixon was ACCUSED of. Nixon was an illegitimate president (according to the tards). So was Reagan. So were the Bushs. And now it's Trumps turn.

The left has gotten much worse, but Republicans have never elected a legitimate president, according to the tards.
Except Nixon spied on like 5 insignificant democrats and obama spied on the whole country.

What Nixon did and the left still cockledoodledo about is equivalent to a parking ticket.

What the negro marxist did is high treason.

Hey dummy Nixon committed crimes and Obstructed Justice.

To say that this is a “parking ticket” compared to the cleanest Presidency in modern history is straight nuts.

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