I S I S Captures Route Irish. This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control.


Here, let me school you, genius. Taken or captured means ISIS has the ability to deny access to us and our allies. It means they've successfully carried out ambushes, planted IEDs, or have successfully attacked anywhere along the road that renders it inaccessible for our normal purposes.


Prove we don't have access to it

I already explained how I know.

Here, let me explain something else, idiot.

You and the other dolts who claim everything's got to be on the internet for it to be real crack the rest of us up.

You can't even find internet postings about all the activity that occurred on Route Irish over the years, can ya?????????

Does that mean they didn't happen?????? LOL.

Keep digging your hole, lib.
The recent bombings and mortar attacks in Baghdad, including the attacks on checkpoints have been in the media. They just haven't been interpreted as indicating a capture of the road by ISIS. Nor has the attacks been viewed as hindering access to the road. If your criteria and interpretation are use it would mean the road was captured since the first day of the invasion. The road has been under constant attack since 2003. It has never been safe. As far as internet posting of Route Irish over the years, there are pages of them as well as youtube video's covering a decade of attacks on the road.

You have the Gruber disease, don't you?

You're trying to tell me enemy attacks on the road never hindered access, or operations? I can attest personally that you're wrong.The team I was with was disrupted numerous times.
Oh, look the little clerk wants to play word games.

They've denied access.

Dempsey's out there claiming Iraq's all under control.

Anyone with a brain knows I'm exactly right.

But keep playing with your papers dingbat.

Prove that no traffic is going to and from the green zone to the airport.

ONE OUNCE of proof.

That's not what I said.

There are alternate ways to do it.

Read the thread title. The point is that Dempsey and Obama are acting like they've got Iraq under control. You don't have it under control when ISIS is able to deny access to OF ALL THINGS, route Irish.

How can you not grasp that?

You have to prove they've denied access. You have not actually proven anything, in fact, I'm quite sure at this point that I know more about what has happened in the last few days on that road than you do.

I don't have to prove anything to a little boy clerk. Intelligent people know the OP is spot on.

Aha, so you want to bet, and you want to claim you won the bet, without proving anything...

...are you mentally retarded?

Here, let me school you, genius. Taken or captured means ISIS has the ability to deny access to us and our allies. It means they've successfully carried out ambushes, planted IEDs, or have successfully attacked anywhere along the road that renders it inaccessible for our normal purposes.


Prove we don't have access to it

I already explained how I know.

Here, let me explain something else, idiot.

You and the other dolts who claim everything's got to be on the internet for it to be real crack the rest of us up.

You can't even find internet postings about all the activity that occurred on Route Irish over the years, can ya?????????

Does that mean they didn't happen?????? LOL.

Keep digging your hole, lib.
The recent bombings and mortar attacks in Baghdad, including the attacks on checkpoints have been in the media. They just haven't been interpreted as indicating a capture of the road by ISIS. Nor has the attacks been viewed as hindering access to the road. If your criteria and interpretation are use it would mean the road was captured since the first day of the invasion. The road has been under constant attack since 2003. It has never been safe. As far as internet posting of Route Irish over the years, there are pages of them as well as youtube video's covering a decade of attacks on the road.

She started this thread without imagining that she might actually get called out on the facts. Some people are still naïve enough around messageboards like this to try something like that.

Poor little dumbass clerk thinks you have to have 10000 ISIS fighters lining the whole road. LMAO. It's right there in writing. LOL
A suicide car bomb attack hit a UN convoy on the road between Baghdad and the airport on Monday, the day EconChick claimed ISIS captured the road.

If ISIS had captured that road, the UN would not be using it.

"No UN personnel were killed or injured in the incident and all proceeded safely back to the UN compound. One of the vehicles sustained serious damage," it said. "The unfortunate incident this morning will not deter the UN from continuing its work in support of Iraq and its people, who have lived with violence for too long," UN Iraq envoy Nickolay Mladenov said.

EconChick is, as usual, full of shit.

Yes. I researched that days ago. My guess is that might have caused her, shall we say, 'confusion'.
Prove that no traffic is going to and from the green zone to the airport.

ONE OUNCE of proof.

That's not what I said.

There are alternate ways to do it.

Read the thread title. The point is that Dempsey and Obama are acting like they've got Iraq under control. You don't have it under control when ISIS is able to deny access to OF ALL THINGS, route Irish.

How can you not grasp that?

You have to prove they've denied access. You have not actually proven anything, in fact, I'm quite sure at this point that I know more about what has happened in the last few days on that road than you do.

I don't have to prove anything to a little boy clerk. Intelligent people know the OP is spot on.

Aha, so you want to bet, and you want to claim you won the bet, without proving anything...

...are you mentally retarded?

Here, let me school you, genius. Taken or captured means ISIS has the ability to deny access to us and our allies. It means they've successfully carried out ambushes, planted IEDs, or have successfully attacked anywhere along the road that renders it inaccessible for our normal purposes.


Prove we don't have access to it

I already explained how I know.

Here, let me explain something else, idiot.

You and the other dolts who claim everything's got to be on the internet for it to be real crack the rest of us up.

You can't even find internet postings about all the activity that occurred on Route Irish over the years, can ya?????????

Does that mean they didn't happen?????? LOL.

Keep digging your hole, lib.
The recent bombings and mortar attacks in Baghdad, including the attacks on checkpoints have been in the media. They just haven't been interpreted as indicating a capture of the road by ISIS. Nor has the attacks been viewed as hindering access to the road. If your criteria and interpretation are use it would mean the road was captured since the first day of the invasion. The road has been under constant attack since 2003. It has never been safe. As far as internet posting of Route Irish over the years, there are pages of them as well as youtube video's covering a decade of attacks on the road.

She started this thread without imagining that she might actually get called out on the facts. Some people are still naïve enough around messageboards like this to try something like that.

Poor little dumbass clerk thinks you have to have 10000 ISIS fighters lining the whole road. LMAO. It's right there in writing. LOL

So ISIS controls the road, but they are letting Iraqis and Americans and everyone else use it?

A suicide car bomb attack hit a UN convoy on the road between Baghdad and the airport on Monday, the day EconChick claimed ISIS captured the road.

If ISIS had captured that road, the UN would not be using it.

"No UN personnel were killed or injured in the incident and all proceeded safely back to the UN compound. One of the vehicles sustained serious damage," it said. "The unfortunate incident this morning will not deter the UN from continuing its work in support of Iraq and its people, who have lived with violence for too long," UN Iraq envoy Nickolay Mladenov said.

EconPuppy is, as usual, full of shit.

LOL, do you realize how fucking stupid your statement is??????

Jesus, just when I think you idiots can't show more stupidity, you outdo yourself. Do yourself a favor and stop talking about Iraq, moron.
Last edited:

Baghdad Airport Now Out of Militants’ Reach, U.S. Says

Iraqi security forces aren't yet able to mount a counteroffensive against Islamic State fighters, but they have been able to conduct strategically disruptive “spoiling attacks” and have developed a plan to retake parts of the country conquered by the Sunni extremists.

Defense officials from U.S. Central Command, briefing reporters on Thursday, said the Iraqis have begun to contest the advance of Islamic State militants, referred to by U.S. officials by the acronym ISIL.
A suicide car bomb attack hit a UN convoy on the road between Baghdad and the airport on Monday, the day EconChick claimed ISIS captured the road.

If ISIS had captured that road, the UN would not be using it.

"No UN personnel were killed or injured in the incident and all proceeded safely back to the UN compound. One of the vehicles sustained serious damage," it said. "The unfortunate incident this morning will not deter the UN from continuing its work in support of Iraq and its people, who have lived with violence for too long," UN Iraq envoy Nickolay Mladenov said.

EconPuppy is, as usual, full of shit.

LOL, do you realize how fucking stupid your statement is??????

Jesus, just when I think you idiots can't show more stupidity, you outdo yourself. Do yourself a favor and stop talking about Iraq, morn.
I will continue to talk about Iraq as long as it shows what an unmitigated idiot you are. I refuse to give up my fun, as much as you would like me to, kid.
A suicide car bomb attack hit a UN convoy on the road between Baghdad and the airport on Monday, the day EconChick claimed ISIS captured the road.

If ISIS had captured that road, the UN would not be using it.

"No UN personnel were killed or injured in the incident and all proceeded safely back to the UN compound. One of the vehicles sustained serious damage," it said. "The unfortunate incident this morning will not deter the UN from continuing its work in support of Iraq and its people, who have lived with violence for too long," UN Iraq envoy Nickolay Mladenov said.

EconPuppy is, as usual, full of shit.

That shows SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much control of the situation in Iraq, doesn't it, shit for brains?????????? LMAO, you ppl are too dumb to be allowed in any thread about Iraq.

It's like me getting on a thread and trying to convince readers I know how your dumbass was conceived. LMAO. I'm sure people would be laughing their asses off as they read it, just like reading YOU and Carbeeee, LOL
A suicide car bomb attack hit a UN convoy on the road between Baghdad and the airport on Monday, the day EconChick claimed ISIS captured the road.

If ISIS had captured that road, the UN would not be using it.

"No UN personnel were killed or injured in the incident and all proceeded safely back to the UN compound. One of the vehicles sustained serious damage," it said. "The unfortunate incident this morning will not deter the UN from continuing its work in support of Iraq and its people, who have lived with violence for too long," UN Iraq envoy Nickolay Mladenov said.

EconPuppy is, as usual, full of shit.

LOL, do you realize how fucking stupid your statement is??????

Jesus, just when I think you idiots can't show more stupidity, you outdo yourself. Do yourself a favor and stop talking about Iraq, morn.
I will continue to talk about Iraq as long as it shows what an unmitigated idiot you are. I refuse to give up my fun, as much as you would like me to, kid.

Oh hell, shit for brains....I do want you to keep bumping my thread, LOL.....I'm just telling you people are laughing at your dumb ass when you pretend to know jack about Iraq, or Rt Irish.

Small gains but slow progress against ISIL for Iraqi forces

One bombing on Sunday, however, indicated that even the most heavily protected parts of the city are vulnerable. A car bomb that went off in the car park next to the main checkpoint on the airport road injured five people but killed no one, in the first infiltration of that area in several years.

Infiltration. Not capture. A single car bomb that injured no one.

Fun, fun, fun! :laugh2:
A suicide car bomb attack hit a UN convoy on the road between Baghdad and the airport on Monday, the day EconChick claimed ISIS captured the road.

If ISIS had captured that road, the UN would not be using it.

"No UN personnel were killed or injured in the incident and all proceeded safely back to the UN compound. One of the vehicles sustained serious damage," it said. "The unfortunate incident this morning will not deter the UN from continuing its work in support of Iraq and its people, who have lived with violence for too long," UN Iraq envoy Nickolay Mladenov said.

EconPuppy is, as usual, full of shit.

LOL, do you realize how fucking stupid your statement is??????

Jesus, just when I think you idiots can't show more stupidity, you outdo yourself. Do yourself a favor and stop talking about Iraq, morn.
I will continue to talk about Iraq as long as it shows what an unmitigated idiot you are. I refuse to give up my fun, as much as you would like me to, kid.

Oh hell, shit for brains....I do want you to keep bumping my thread, LOL.....I'm just telling you people are laughing at your dumb ass when you pretend to know jack about Iraq, or Rt Irish.
It is important to keep bumping it so everyone can see what an idiot you have made of yourself.

I am happy to oblige. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Small gains but slow progress against ISIL for Iraqi forces

One bombing on Sunday, however, indicated that even the most heavily protected parts of the city are vulnerable. A car bomb that went off in the car park next to the main checkpoint on the airport road injured five people but killed no one, in the first infiltration of that area in several years.

Infiltration. Not capture. A single car bomb that injured no one.

Fun, fun, fun! :laugh2:

Stop the presses everyone!! G5000 has become DNI! Laugh My Fucking Ass Off.

OMG, I've almost fallen out of my chair from laughter. That's some ingenius analysis there. Holy shit, this is fun!

A car bomb explodes on the airport road, injuring no one. EconPuppy rushes to the internet to show off her mad skillz. ISIS CAPTURZ ROOT IRSH Y'ALL! BETCHA DONNO WUT THAT IZ!


Oh, man. This is classic.
Small gains but slow progress against ISIL for Iraqi forces

One bombing on Sunday, however, indicated that even the most heavily protected parts of the city are vulnerable. A car bomb that went off in the car park next to the main checkpoint on the airport road injured five people but killed no one, in the first infiltration of that area in several years.

Infiltration. Not capture. A single car bomb that injured no one.

Fun, fun, fun! :laugh2:

WOW, you got the big picture on Iraq there, huh, shit for brains?????????????




Here, let me school you, genius. Taken or captured means ISIS has the ability to deny access to us and our allies. It means they've successfully carried out ambushes, planted IEDs, or have successfully attacked anywhere along the road that renders it inaccessible for our normal purposes.


Prove we don't have access to it

I already explained how I know.

Here, let me explain something else, idiot.

You and the other dolts who claim everything's got to be on the internet for it to be real crack the rest of us up.

You can't even find internet postings about all the activity that occurred on Route Irish over the years, can ya?????????

Does that mean they didn't happen?????? LOL.

Keep digging your hole, lib.
The recent bombings and mortar attacks in Baghdad, including the attacks on checkpoints have been in the media. They just haven't been interpreted as indicating a capture of the road by ISIS. Nor has the attacks been viewed as hindering access to the road. If your criteria and interpretation are use it would mean the road was captured since the first day of the invasion. The road has been under constant attack since 2003. It has never been safe. As far as internet posting of Route Irish over the years, there are pages of them as well as youtube video's covering a decade of attacks on the road.

You have the Gruber disease, don't you?

You're trying to tell me enemy attacks on the road never hindered access, or operations? I can attest personally that you're wrong.The team I was with was disrupted numerous times.

I didn't say those attacks in the past didn't hinder access. I said the recent attacks were not hindering access. The road is still operational.
"ISIS captured that road, everybody, and I know a term for that road that you don't cause imma insider!"

A car bomb explodes on the airport road, injuring no one. EconPuppy rushes to the internet to show off her mad skillz. ISIS CAPTURZ ROOT IRSH Y'ALL! BETCHA DONNO WUT THAT IZ!


Oh, man. This is classic.


You must be on top of every single fucking incident that's happened in all of Iraq with that display of genius, LMFAO. And you got it from the INTERNET no less!!!!
I'm pretty sure at this point EconPup is a teenager.

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet? Huh? Huh? Huh? I'l bet you eleventy thousand dollars!"


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