I S I S Captures Route Irish. This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control.


Here, let me school you, genius. Taken or captured means ISIS has the ability to deny access to us and our allies. It means they've successfully carried out ambushes, planted IEDs, or have successfully attacked anywhere along the road that renders it inaccessible for our normal purposes.


Prove we don't have access to it

I already explained how I know.

Here, let me explain something else, idiot.

You and the other dolts who claim everything's got to be on the internet for it to be real crack the rest of us up.

You can't even find internet postings about all the activity that occurred on Route Irish over the years, can ya?????????

Does that mean they didn't happen?????? LOL.

Keep digging your hole, lib.
The recent bombings and mortar attacks in Baghdad, including the attacks on checkpoints have been in the media. They just haven't been interpreted as indicating a capture of the road by ISIS. Nor has the attacks been viewed as hindering access to the road. If your criteria and interpretation are use it would mean the road was captured since the first day of the invasion. The road has been under constant attack since 2003. It has never been safe. As far as internet posting of Route Irish over the years, there are pages of them as well as youtube video's covering a decade of attacks on the road.

You have the Gruber disease, don't you?

You're trying to tell me enemy attacks on the road never hindered access, or operations? I can attest personally that you're wrong.The team I was with was disrupted numerous times.

I didn't say those attacks in the past didn't hinder access. I said the recent attacks were not hindering access. The road is still operational.

The road is ALWAYS operational. Denial of access is a different story.

Once ISIS displays the ability to deny access to Iris, it means IRAQ IS CERTAINLY NOT UNDER CONTROL.

You libs are missing the big picture as usual.
A car bomb explodes on the airport road, injuring no one. EconPuppy rushes to the internet to show off her mad skillz. ISIS CAPTURZ ROOT IRSH Y'ALL! BETCHA DONNO WUT THAT IZ!


Oh, man. This is classic.


You must be on top of every single fucking incident that's happened in all of Iraq with that display of genius, LMFAO. And you got it from the INTERNET no less!!!!
If ISIS had captured that road, there would have been an "oh by the way, besides that car bomb which hurt no one, they also, like, INVADED AND CAPTURED THAT ROAD, TOO."

Seeing as how that would have been bigger news than the non-fatal car bomb, you stupid little twerp.
"ISIS captured that road, everybody, and I know a term for that road that you don't cause imma insider!"



A guy drives a car bomb into a UN convoy and blows his dumb ass up, injuring and killing no one.

This is EconChick's idea of "dey done gone an captured RooT Irish, OMG!"
A guy drives a car bomb into a UN convoy and blows his dumb ass up, injuring and killing no one.

This is EconChick's idea of "dey done gone an captured RooT Irish, OMG!"

Fun times.

LOL, you know even less about this topic than the economic topics I've pummeled you on, LOL? Can you find Iraq on a map, honey? LOL
Not recognizing one of the most significant economic discoveries in the past century and get outed as knowing jack shit about economics is EconChick's idea of pummeling someone. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
A guy drives a car bomb into a UN convoy and blows his dumb ass up, injuring and killing no one.

This is EconChick's idea of "dey done gone an captured RooT Irish, OMG!"

Quick, tell me how many Americans travel that road each day.

Come on!!

No looking it up, now.

Come on, dum dum.

Or quick, tell me how long the road is.

Quick, don't look it up.

Quick, tell me which gate it leads to. No looking it up. Quick, quick. Come on dummy.

You love playing this game so I'm giving you a taste of it.

The road was not captured, honey. There is nothing you can say or do to cover up your stupidity. There is no amount of smoke you can throw up which will hide that fact.

You've been busted. Again.

Some dumb shit blew himself up on the road.

ISIS did not capture it.

End of story.
Well, I've pummeled all you lib idiots on this thread who failed to grasp the title with both hands tied behind my back.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This is such fun.

The only thing more fun would be having that other Iraq genius, Foo here to decimate as well.

Sooooo, g50000000, you think you got all the reports under control now??? LMAO.

Darlin, since you're a crackhead, let me give you a hint.

Even that idiot clerk, Carbee knows no one would EVER take someone seriously who has just one report or source on ANNNNNNY thing.

Even lib reporters know that.


You guys are such fun. In fact I'm heading off to have a glass of wine...I'll toast you morons with it.

Some dumb shit blew himself up on the road.

ISIS did not capture it.

End of story.

You need to stop while you can shit for brains. I even got an email from someone wanting to know how idiots like you are even allowed on boards like this, LMAO.

Now go look up Iraq on a map.

No, not Iran.


Insurgent tactics such as suicide bombings can be expected to increase as ISIS is pushed back on the conventional battle front. The increased insurgent tactics indicate they are being weakened.
It's pretty obvious to retired vets like me what EconChick is. She desperately wants everyone to believe she is a grizzled combat vet with a thousand yard stare. She is a pathetic creature with a serious case of narcissistic personality disorder.

We now see her breaking down in the face of the facts. ISIS did not capture Route Irish. It was just a car bomb, nothing more.

To use the dime store novel bullshit speak EconChick likes to use, "She got her intel wrong." Probably a Tweet or an email from some moron somewhere trying to impress her. She is probably being fed texts or emails on what to say.

The rest of her noise is just a lot of smoke and bluster to cover up her mistake, and an earnest need to be liked.

Our work is done here. We are beating up on a retard and it just isn't right to keep doing it.
It's pretty obvious to retired vets like me what EconChick is. She desperately wants everyone to believe she is a grizzled combat vet with a thousand yard stare. She is a pathetic creature with a serious case of narcissistic personality disorder.

We now see her breaking down in the face of the facts. ISIS did not capture Route Irish. It was just a car bomb, nothing more.

To use the dime store novel bullshit speak EconChick likes to use, "She got her intel wrong." Probably a Tweet or an email from some moron somewhere trying to impress her. She is probably being fed texts or emails on what to say.

The rest of her noise is just a lot of smoke and bluster to cover up her mistake, and an earnest need to be liked.

Our work is done here. We are beating up on a retard and it just isn't right to keep doing it.

I never said I was a combat vet, idiot. I spent a ton of time in Iraq though, most of it outside the Green Zone. Everywhere outside the GZ is the frontlines. Moron.

And you?? You've never been there, idiot. You have no idea what you're talking about.

A retired vet? Other than thanking you for your service, you're a pathetic piece of shit that says some of the most ridiculous crap on serious topics like the economy and foreign policy.

So you're actually a retired vet who thinks one report off the internet represents reality on the ground there??????????????????????

WTF did you do in the military????? It sure didn't involved much strategy. Or thinking. Using your hands maybe. But your brainpower has the wattage of a number 2 bulb.
It's pretty obvious to retired vets like me what EconChick is. She desperately wants everyone to believe she is a grizzled combat vet with a thousand yard stare. She is a pathetic creature with a serious case of narcissistic personality disorder.

We now see her breaking down in the face of the facts. ISIS did not capture Route Irish. It was just a car bomb, nothing more.

To use the dime store novel bullshit speak EconChick likes to use, "She got her intel wrong." Probably a Tweet or an email from some moron somewhere trying to impress her. She is probably being fed texts or emails on what to say.

The rest of her noise is just a lot of smoke and bluster to cover up her mistake, and an earnest need to be liked.

Our work is done here. We are beating up on a retard and it just isn't right to keep doing it.

Let me guess. You were in the Army. They sure wouldn't have let someone as stupid as you get IN the Air Force, let alone retire from it.

Being the small brained idiot that you are, you locked on to the piss ant aspect of the thread and completely MISSED the big picture point, didn't ya?

Here let me school ya, idiot.

What does what goes on on Irish have to do with the state of our overall campaign?

Wait, that's too hard a question for an idiot like you.

Need to be liked? LMAO. Honey, if I came here to be liked, I'd be spending my time sucking your dick (as little as it is), not stomping it, and be using avatars where I was mostly unclothed.

As usual, you have ZERO analytical abilities. You're an idiot.

You've never been to Iraq, yet you act like you know everything about it.


Get it?

Got it?


Now work that.


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