I S I S Captures Route Irish. This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control.

Why isn't real news Fox News reporting this major story? Don't they have transcripts from Fox and Friends.

EC 10198678
EconChick said:
Taken or captured means ISIS has the ability to deny access to us and our allies. It means they've successfully carried out ambushes, planted IEDs, or have successfully attacked anywhere along the road that renders it inaccessible for our normal purposes.

EconChick's version of 'captured' does not contradict Dempsey at all. Route Irish is accessible for normal purposes following this incident: . The new Iraq government controls Route Irish for its intended purposes and has most of Iraq 'under control' .. Dempsey is right. EconChick has made a fool of herself once again.

UN convoy hit by explosion in Baghdad U.N. - Peace and Security Tuesday 18th November, 2014

According to astatement from the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), no UN personnel were killed or injured in the incident and all proceeded safely back to the UN Compound. One of the vehicles sustained serious damage.
"The unfortunate incident this morning will not deter the UN from continuing its work in support of Iraq and its people, who have lived with violence for too long," UNAMI chief Nickolay Mladenov said.
He commended the UN security teams whose "professionalism has ensured that no staff member was injured or killed today" and said that he looked forward to working together with the Government of Iraq in ensuring that the perpetrators of this attack are brought to justice.
UN convoy hit by explosion in Baghdad - Irish Sun

She's a pathological liar. A textbook case.

She certainly is.: EC 9495796 regarding NF 9493384, EC 9492265
President DumbFuck inserts a POISON PILL. He requires that the Iraqi Legislature had to approve the agreement. Well a) that's difficult for a western legis but especially for one as messy as this one but b) that has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations.
So please folks, anyone interested in dealing in truth, please help override the corrupt press and WH and get the actual truth out to the public.

She's been caught in a lie because she also claims she worked on the 2008 SOFA negotiations. If anyone worked on those negotiations they would have to know that the 2008 SOFA had to be approved by Iraq's Parliament. She didn't know. How could that be. She's been running from threads ever since. This 'mystical' ploy is all she has left. Its the insider knowledge game.

IS gains in June and July are being rolled back... Slowly... but they are being rolled back.

Ok, every news organization in the world is ignoring this massive story. Your analysis and logic is poor at best.

That really happens often to poor pathetic pitiful EconChick. She is so full up pent up "truth" and no news agency will report it. Like her "truth" that Obama inserted a poison pill into the 2011 SOFA negotiations and the 'corrupt' news agencies would not report it.

EC 10191019
I don't lie.
Yeah right.
Kosh 10200661
If he wanted to control things in Iraq he would not have cut and run, but he had to appease the far left base before an election

How can you make that make-believe stick with the reality of tripling troop numbers in Afghanistan that openly took place concurrently with the Bush-Maliki set drawdown in Iraq? I mean if the intent of abiding by the Bush/Maliki drawdown was to appease the far left base before an election, what good does it do to appease the far left base (your words not mine) on one war where there was, as EconChick once said, 'relative stability' at the time - and then on the other hand triple the number of US troops in Afghanistan?. You make no sense whatsoever with that cockamamie political opportunism theory. Do you think the anti-war left would only notice the drawdown from Iraq but not the escalation of the war in Afghanistan? How do you deal with the Afghanistan reality in your vision of Obama's intentions?
EC 10181473
So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

I see at this stage you have not impressed anyone but maybe Deltex with your drama here that is right up there being goofy with the time Geraldo cracked open Al Ca-pone's vault on live TV in 1986,

But let me guess... Its the highway to hell for Irishicandy6 and the peepot dreamer band?
So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

Do you know the significance of ISIS capturing it?

I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.

There is no link. EC made a lame attempt to attack US strategy of degrading ISIS with air strikes and retraining and equipping Iraq, Peshmerga and FSA forces as ground troops instead of a strategy of sending in US forces as ground troops.
Nothing on the airport rd, known when US forces were using it as Route Irish, was captured. Not a single check point or section of the route was overrun and held. Not for one minute. There wasn't even an attempt made to capture a section. Some suicide car bomb attacks were used with failure. Iraqi forces were able to blunt the attacks, one at a security check point and one made on a UN convoy. No ISIS ground troops were involved, hence, there was not even an attempt of a capture of any section of the road made. But hey, maybe EC has a link we haven't seen and maybe the media is keeping it away from us and she is giving us some of her top secret classified information.
EC, provide a link that Route Irish was captured.

Or shut up.

I'll bet neither will happen. She may hide for awhile and hope we forget this disaster of a thread for her and Deltex. She's desperate for Daesh to take over all of Iraq. She got uncontrollably excited when she thought Daesh captured Route Irish. Suicide bombers can't capture anything if their intent is fulfilled. Maybe she thinks scattered Daesh body parts can hold a bridge is stretch of road.
Being atttacked, captured, and held is not the same as being attacked by a suicide bomber. The difference if of kind not of degree.

EC, however, is a slash and burn poster: she won't give evidence but will require it to refute her opinions, which grants her failure from the beginning.
So it's been four days now since Echick posted this;

I S I S Captures Route Irish. This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control.

Her thread title contains two statements that many of us have asked her to give legitimacy by links or direct quotes or any form of proof. Her responses so far as I've seen fall under the category of "if you weren't so dumb (or were "in the loop" as she claims she is) we would know these "facts". Even an unbiased reader would suspect she may be skirting around outright lies. Newspapers are full of information indicating "Route Irish" has not been captured and is not under control of ISIS. She has given hints that she's using a car bombing of a checkpoint as support for her claim that ISIS has "captured" the whole road. As a matter of fact some of her later posts in the thread suggest she is toying with the definition of "capture". Maybe we should start with a dictionary definition of the word. From Oxford Dictionary Online;

Capture, Verb:
"Take into one’s possession or control by force, Example:the island was captured by Australian forces in 1914"

It's more than obvious what 99.9% of us mean when we talk about "capture" and control.
She's definitely doing some awkward squirming to extricate herself from that lie.

Now to the second statement in the OP title, "This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control". Not as much attention has been paid to it's inclusion in the title but she has just as coyly avoided supplying evidence to support this allegation. She's been asked repeatedly for a quote to verify he's said anything like that lately. So when and where did he say it? If he did say it what was the context? Several replies ago I pointed out to her he said pretty much the opposite to his troops during his surprise visit to Iraq last weekend. From an NBC report, Nov 16/2014;

"BAGHDAD — The United States' top military officer told American troops on a surprise visit to Baghdad on Saturday that the momentum in the battle with ISIS was "starting to turn", but predicted a drawn-out campaign lasting several years. General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff..."

She's in effect accusing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of being a liar or a fool and I for one would like to see more evidence for this than "I say so" or "You're not in the "need-to-know" insiders club.

How long is this going to go on anyway, is she hoping we'll all get bored pursuing her lies and let her slip out the back door?

Here's the opening paragraph from a NY Times story dated yesterday:

BAGHDAD — When the Turkish prime minister’s motorcade made its way along the airport road on Thursday morning to Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone, once a terrifying journey with the constant threat of snipers and car bombs, the vehicles instead passed by palm trees, manicured lawns and a fountain — the landscaping work of a Turkish company.

...case closed.

the vehicles instead passed by palm trees, manicured lawns and a fountain

Perhaps EC saw a photo of the palm trees and mistook them for IS terrorists. We can understand how it looks like they 'captured' Route Irish.

Then a member of her bash the General team diagnoses Dempsey being senile based on EC's hallucination.

Mnv 10181527
Dempsey is a senile person. You have no chance with such a soldier, retire him.

How could we all 'not know' that critical Route Irish was not only 'captured' by ISIS it was "taken" by ISIS.

EC 10184722
Now. Idiot. Back to topic. How can you NOT know Irish was taken by ISIS if you know the first thing about Iraq?

Where did Mineva go? Shouldn't General Dempsey get an apology? Will Mineva ever be suckered by EC again?

And not only was Route Irish 'captured' by ISIS and 'taken' by ISIS we were told by EC that "losing it to ISIS is significant"

If you had been to Iraq, you'd be VERY aware of what Irish is. You'd know that losing it to ISIS is significant.
the vehicles instead passed by palm trees, manicured lawns and a fountain

Perhaps EC saw a photo of the palm trees and mistook them for IS terrorists. We can understand how it looks like they 'captured' Route Irish.

Then a member of her bash the General team diagnoses Dempsey being senile based on EC's hallucination.

Mnv 10181527
Dempsey is a senile person. You have no chance with such a soldier, retire him.

How could we all 'not know' that critical Route Irish was not only 'captured' by ISIS it was "taken" by ISIS.

EC 10184722
Now. Idiot. Back to topic. How can you NOT know Irish was taken by ISIS if you know the first thing about Iraq?

Where did Mineva go? Shouldn't General Dempsey get an apology? Will Mineva ever be suckered by EC again?

And not only was Route Irish 'captured' by ISIS and 'taken' by ISIS we were told by EC that "losing it to ISIS is significant"

If you had been to Iraq, you'd be VERY aware of what Irish is. You'd know that losing it to ISIS is significant.

She's right about one general observation. 'Losing it' is significant, as her losing it in this thread proves.

The lesson here, if you're going to be an over the top arrogant bitch about the threads you post, you might want to be sure you're right about what you're claiming.
LOL, I knew I could rely on you idiots to keep my thread alive. It's like investing money then sitting back and watching it grow without lifting a finger.


But in the meantime I DO wanna nominate all you little paper pushers for Director of Central Intelligence, LMAO. Man, you little clerks sure can dig up information that's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO comprehensive I'm ready to ask Clapper to move over right now.

So JUST AS I SAID, none of you little clerks would even KNOW what Rt Irish was to begin with.

CHECK that box. :)

Then the little clerks scurry around like roaches running out of a nest to look HERE look THERE look everywhere to LEARN what I was even fucking talking about.

CHECK that box for making you clowns jump through my hoops. :)

Then the little clerks announce "there's no way anything happened on Irish or it would be all over the news!!!!"

CHECK that box for showing your ignorance AS USUAL. :) That one made me laugh endlessly.

Then after pulling their hair out wondering what the hell they were SOOOOO uninformed about, the clerks start sharing information behind the scenes, digging here, digging there, trying to find military people who might shine light.....and after all that scurrying the little clerks find a PEBBLE OF INFORMATION ON THE BEACH. LOL.

WOW, little clerks were so excited they wet themselves. And then the little clerks announce, look at us, look at us, we're now experts on Route Irish!! Hey, if I can find ONE report, says the littlest clerk of all, I won't look as stupid as I've been looking.

CHECK the box for not knowing shit about how intelligence is analyzed. :)

(But watch the little clerk tell EC, who briefed the Joint Chiefs, that OH YES HE DOES, LMFAO.)

Then the little clerks realize they've been caught looking stupid even after finally figuring out that YES, the OP was right, so little clerks set out to tell us what THE LITTLE CLERK THAT'S NEVER BEEN TO IRAQ OR TO ANY WAR-TORN COUNTY thinks the definition of capture is. :ack-1:

Unlike what THOSE OF US who've been up and down Irish many times mean by capture. :badgrin:

Little clerk thinks it means thousands of ISIS fighters occupy every inch of the road from one end to the other (although little clerk's first EVEN DUMBER definition was it meant in front of the GZ gates, LOL.)

CHECK that box for little clerk having never been in Iraq and talking out his ass. :)

Then all of a sudden little clerks are POOF -They're experts!!! They scurry around and find another pebble here....another pebble there.....and tell us they have the BEACH!

The beach, the beach!

Little clerks still scurrying around for pebbles ..............................

It's like shooting fish in a barrel.


I want my money now, Carbee the Little Clerk.
the vehicles instead passed by palm trees, manicured lawns and a fountain

Perhaps EC saw a photo of the palm trees and mistook them for IS terrorists. We can understand how it looks like they 'captured' Route Irish.

Then a member of her bash the General team diagnoses Dempsey being senile based on EC's hallucination.

Mnv 10181527
Dempsey is a senile person. You have no chance with such a soldier, retire him.

How could we all 'not know' that critical Route Irish was not only 'captured' by ISIS it was "taken" by ISIS.

EC 10184722
Now. Idiot. Back to topic. How can you NOT know Irish was taken by ISIS if you know the first thing about Iraq?

Where did Mineva go? Shouldn't General Dempsey get an apology? Will Mineva ever be suckered by EC again?

And not only was Route Irish 'captured' by ISIS and 'taken' by ISIS we were told by EC that "losing it to ISIS is significant"

If you had been to Iraq, you'd be VERY aware of what Irish is. You'd know that losing it to ISIS is significant.

She's right about one general observation. 'Losing it' is significant, as her losing it in this thread proves.

The lesson here, if you're going to be an over the top arrogant bitch about the threads you post, you might want to be sure you're right about what you're claiming.

First of all, you've just broken rules about trolling. As you do hundreds of times.


On the subject of what you know about Route Irish....

Here's the opening paragraph from a NY Times story dated yesterday:

BAGHDAD — When the Turkish prime minister’s motorcade made its way along the airport road on Thursday morning to Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone, once a terrifying journey with the constant threat of snipers and car bombs, the vehicles instead passed by palm trees, manicured lawns and a fountain — the landscaping work of a Turkish company.

...case closed.




So now the clerk says Route Irish is paradise. Like living in Hawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, you're quite the analyst, aren't ya little clerk???
So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

Do you know the significance of ISIS capturing it?

I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.

There is no link. EC made a lame attempt to attack US strategy of degrading ISIS with air strikes and retraining and equipping Iraq, Peshmerga and FSA forces as ground troops instead of a strategy of sending in US forces as ground troops.
Nothing on the airport rd, known when US forces were using it as Route Irish, was captured. Not a single check point or section of the route was overrun and held. Not for one minute. There wasn't even an attempt made to capture a section. Some suicide car bomb attacks were used with failure. Iraqi forces were able to blunt the attacks, one at a security check point and one made on a UN convoy. No ISIS ground troops were involved, hence, there was not even an attempt of a capture of any section of the road made. But hey, maybe EC has a link we haven't seen and maybe the media is keeping it away from us and she is giving us some of her top secret classified information.

Says another little clerk that thought the OP about Route Irish meant ISIS was controlling the gate of the Green Zone.


Who claimed NOTHING had happened or it would be all over the news!


You talk like a little two striper.
My work is done here.

You little clerks don't know shit about Route Irish.

You little clerks have no idea what's going on in Iraq.

You little clerks think Obummer has Iraq under control.

You little clerks can't even spell strategy.

But I command you to keep bumping his thread. I want people to be reminded of what an idiot your hero is.

As for Huggy the fucking crack head that is so drunk he thinks he's at an AA meeting instead of a political forum, YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF, animal.

And I'm as Irish as they come, honey.
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This is the best mental breakdown of a messageboard poster I have ever seen. Ever.

There are records being set here that may never be broken lolol.

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