I S I S Captures Route Irish. This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control.

The best part is I got her to denigrate my military service.

LOL, I didn't say you were a BAD clerk, Carbee. I just stated the fact that you are in NO position to know what being on Route Irish is like. Unlike myself.

No go back to playing with yourself darlin :)

So now you're claiming you were posting FROM Baghdad last week when you put up this thread.

Oh, this just gets better every day.

Yes, this is her in Baghdad. See the palm tree? :D

"I S I S Captures Route Irish. "

No one in the entire world knows that ISIS has captured Route Irish except the self-anointed god's gift to Iraq - The Irish (she says) Econchick. How can that be?

Everything's go

Who's plan? Is it ISIS's plan? Find some dimwit in the US to build up ISIS bigger than they are by declaring that ISIS has captured the most critical stretch of highway in all the world - which means the top general in all the world is in denial about how great and powerful ISIS has become.. And that fiction will aid ISIS in recruiting more dimwit killers from around the world.

You should tell your ISIS propaganda planners that their plan did not work. Or perhaps it was your execution of their plan that failed EconChick.

You certainly convinced no one except maybe Deltex.
So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

Do you know the significance of ISIS capturing it?

I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.
ISIS depends and relies on propaganda that portrays them as victorious and unstoppable to recruit thousands of foreign fighters to travel across the globe to join them and obtain the power and authority to rape, pillage, belong to a warrior cult and lay claim to enslaved young girls as wives and concubines. The horrible videos of beheading's and mass murders and stories of kidnapped girls are all designed to convey and project this message of the unstoppable and victorious forces of ISIS. One would think an American claiming to have worked in the highest levels of the US military intelligence community would have more character and common sense than to promote an untrue story about a huge victory for ISIS on an American message board. One can only speculate the purpose for behavior so stupid and irresponsible. At a time when ISIS is being pushed back and suffering defeats that could thwart it's recruitment efforts it seems beyond bizarre to promote a non existent ISIS victory and lend support for ISIS propaganda.
EC 10184850
ISIS has Irish now, dumbass

Is that all of Route Irish or just one tiny section of Route Irish or did you just make the whole 'has Irish now' story up?

I'm pretty sure she heard it somewhere, like on Twitter, and then ran with it without verifying it because why would anyone not take at face value, as fact, something you heard in the Internet?

You know, as a general rule, when you fuck up on the facts, and we all do sooner or later, your best bet is to own up to it, apologize for it, and move on.

I've done it. It won't kill you. It's unassailable from a character perspective.
So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

Do you know the significance of ISIS capturing it?

I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.
ISIS depends and relies on propaganda that portrays them as victorious and unstoppable to recruit thousands of foreign fighters to travel across the globe to join them and obtain the power and authority to rape, pillage, belong to a warrior cult and lay claim to enslaved young girls as wives and concubines. The horrible videos of beheading's and mass murders and stories of kidnapped girls are all designed to convey and project this message of the unstoppable and victorious forces of ISIS. One would think an American claiming to have worked in the highest levels of the US military intelligence community would have more character and common sense than to promote an untrue story about a huge victory for ISIS on an American message board. One can only speculate the purpose for behavior so stupid and irresponsible. At a time when ISIS is being pushed back and suffering defeats that could thwart it's recruitment efforts it seems beyond bizarre to promote a non existent ISIS victory and lend support for ISIS propaganda.
Indeed. The celebratory nature of her posts about imaginary American defeats does make one wonder where her loyalties lie.
Econ(the Irish)Chick is not the only one here aiding and abetting the terrorist enemy. CrusaderFrank predicted that all of Baghdad falls by now on Deltex's thread declaring that Baghdad was imploding.

CF 10073757.
Baghdad falls after the midterm shellacking. Bookmark it

Perhaps EconChick figured CF needed a little boost so the Route Irish 'is captured' fiction popped into her head.

Where is CF these days?
EC 10227637 November 24, 2014 Post 298
Everything's going exactly to plan on this thread.

Not for EconChick's Daesh it isn't. They are losing villages one by one and they never captured or took Route Irish as EconRteIrishChick claims that they did.

Salahuddin (IraqiNews.com) On Thursday, the movement of Tha’r al-Iraq has announced it liberated 5 villages from ISIS militants in al-Sharqat area in north of Salahuddin province.
The movement, which has its headquarters in Erbil announced, that its fighters accompanied by Kurdish troops and with aerial support from the US-led coalition have carried out an offensive against ISIS militants in al-Sharqat and managed to liberate the villages of E’liywa Saghir, E’liywa Kabir, Kabiba, Jarollah, and Jadida from ISIS militants.”

Iraqi joint forces retake 5 villages in Salahuddin - Iraqi News
Yeah, send us all those pictures of you being on Route Irish

I never claimed to have been on Route Irish, so why the request for pictures? I didn't have to be on that road in the past to know that it would be near impossible for Daesh to capture it. Why did you fall for such an absurd claim or make it up?
Last edited:
So this thread is still the first Google match for "route irish isis". Have we confirmed that ISIS has captured Route Irish? Or is the online media still ignoring this small story?
EC 10227637
I'm not surprised you use that to claim peace has broken out in Iraq though.

I guess ole Abu Muslim al-Turkmani won't be driving down Route Irish any time soon will he EconChick?

Your terrorists are not doing so well are they Econ-RouteIrish-Chick?

They just lost 700 square kilometers in two days and they lost Abu Muslim al-Turkmani and other top command and control leadership. They are losing ground east and and south of Baghdad too. So is it fair to say that no Daesh capture or taking of Route Irish has occurred nor is it likely to occur ever,

God's gift to Iraq is wrong about Iraq once again.

The leaders of autonomous Kurdistan described the operation they have spearheaded since Wednesday as the most successful so far against the jihadists.

After the US-led coalition paved the way with some 50 air strikes, about 8000 peshmerga reclaimed some 700 square kilometres in the Zumar and Sinjar regions in two days.

"I can confirm that since mid-November, targeted coalition air strikes successfully killed multiple senior and mid-level leaders," spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said.

US officials said among those killed was Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, who was Baghdadi's deputy in charge of Iraq and would be the most senior IS leader to fall this year.

Kirby said strikes against the group's leadership were disrupting the jihadists' "ability to command and control current operations against" Iraqi federal and Kurdish forces.

The Iraqi portion of the jihadists' caliphate has shrunk in recent weeks, with central government troops and Shi'ite militia making significant gains in the east of the country and south of Baghdad. AFP

Read more: Iraq Kurds press fightback World 3 News
EC 10199133
Once ISIS displays the ability to deny access to Iris, it means IRAQ IS CERTAINLY NOT UNDER CONTROL.

EC 10181473
EconChick said:
I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.

What is wrong with Obama's strategy in Iraq?


The Islamic State is failing at being a state

GAZIANTEP, Turkey — The Islamic State’s vaunted exercise in state-building appears to be crumbling as living conditions deteriorate across the territories under its control, exposing the shortcomings of a group that devotes most of its energies to fighting battles and enforcing strict rules.

Services are collapsing, prices are soaring, and medicines are scarce in towns and cities across the “caliphate” proclaimed in Iraq and Syria by the Islamic State, residents say, belying the group’s boasts that it is delivering a model form of governance for Muslims.

The Islamic State is failing at being a state - The Washington Post

Someone tell EconChick that Iraq continues to be mostly
under Iraqi control with towns and villages being liberated from IS failed state control every week that passes.

The "Failed State" IS terrorists are never going to deny access to Route Irish.
AceR 10420954
The media is STILL ignoring this huge story? Shame on them!

It must be because the media has never ever driven down Route Irish like EconChick so gloriously did!

They cannot know what god's gift to Iraq from America knows.

He who laughs last lasts longest.
ECOLICHICK has been absent for over a month, ever since she took a beating here on this thread about Route Irish and gig as ISIS cheerleader.

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