I S I S Captures Route Irish. This Contradicts Dempsey Saying Iraq Under Control.

The best part is I got her to denigrate my military service.

That's not difficult for one demented women who starts a thread calling a US General basically a liar or ignorant of the situation in Iraq just because it is where she supposedly drove down a road a while back so she knows more than a five star general serving his country now as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

But what she also is doing is mangling our language. See an example here:

Unlike what THOSE OF US who've been up and down Irish many times mean by capture.

What EC means by 'capture' is so meaningless that if she had her way, anyone could say that the 2013 kindergarten class from Castalia, Ohio has just captured Route Irish too.

Words have no meaning with the profoundly 'detached from reality' woman.

If words (like capture) may only be interpreted exclusively by someone who drove down some road in Baghdad then its the end of language as we know it. Language becomes worthless noise. Its the goal of those like EC who want ignorance and emotions to prevail in politics.
This is the best mental breakdown of a messageboard poster I have ever seen. Ever.

There are records being set here that may never be broken lolol.

Oh, I melted you liars down alright, LMAO.

I burned your asses to a crisp.

Not one of you idiots have ever been on Route Irish. And you Carbee the clerk....have never been in a war zone. You know it. We all know it. You were discredited MANY moons ago. But you're one of my tools that keeps these topics alive, so good job, dickless.
The best part is I got her to denigrate my military service.

LOL, I didn't say you were a BAD clerk, Carbee. I just stated the fact that you are in NO position to know what being on Route Irish is like. Unlike myself.

No go back to playing with yourself darlin :)
The best part is I got her to denigrate my military service.

That's not difficult for one demented women who starts a thread calling a US General basically a liar or ignorant of the situation in Iraq just because it is where she supposedly drove down a road a while back so she knows more than a five star general serving his country now as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

But what she also is doing is mangling our language. See an example here:

Unlike what THOSE OF US who've been up and down Irish many times mean by capture.

What EC means by 'capture' is so meaningless that if she had her way, anyone could say that the 2013 kindergarten class from Castalia, Ohio has just captured Route Irish too.

Words have no meaning with the profoundly 'detached from reality' woman.

If words (like capture) may only be interpreted exclusively by someone who drove down some road in Baghdad then its the end of language as we know it. Language becomes worthless noise. Its the goal of those like EC who want ignorance and emotions to prevail in politics.

Says the idiot that's even dumber than Carbee. Yeah, send us all those pictures of you being on Route Irish or ANYWHERE on the frontlines of war, little princess.
The best part is I got her to denigrate my military service.

That's not difficult for one demented women who starts a thread calling a US General basically a liar or ignorant of the situation in Iraq just because it is where she supposedly drove down a road a while back so she knows more than a five star general serving his country now as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

But what she also is doing is mangling our language. See an example here:

Unlike what THOSE OF US who've been up and down Irish many times mean by capture.

What EC means by 'capture' is so meaningless that if she had her way, anyone could say that the 2013 kindergarten class from Castalia, Ohio has just captured Route Irish too.

Words have no meaning with the profoundly 'detached from reality' woman.

If words (like capture) may only be interpreted exclusively by someone who drove down some road in Baghdad then its the end of language as we know it. Language becomes worthless noise. Its the goal of those like EC who want ignorance and emotions to prevail in politics.

Says the idiot that's even dumber than Carbee. Yeah, send us all those pictures of you being on Route Irish or ANYWHERE on the frontlines of war, little princess.

We can all take General Dempsey's word for it .. not yours. Its very doubtful that you were ever on a front line of war anyway.
EconChick is putting her sad face on these days. Most of the "capturing" going on is by the Iraqi government forces and the Peshmerga being assisted by US led coalition air strikes. EconChick is right about nothing with regard to Iraq. So what she rode up and down Route Irish a few times .. or at least claims it.

Agence France Presse KIRKUK, Iraq: The Iraqi army's next target is to isolate militants holding the city of Tikrit, after having broken ISIS's hold on Baiji and its refinery, a senior officer said Monday.

"Over the next three days, we will work on reinforcing our capacity because we are planning to clear areas on three sides of Tikrit," an army brigadier general said.

Tikrit, the hometown of executed former president Saddam Hussein, is the second largest Iraqi city under ISIS control.

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Nov-17/277929-iraqi-army-says-tikrit-next-target-after-baiji.ashx#ixzz3JzE4qb8k
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The best part is I got her to denigrate my military service.

LOL, I didn't say you were a BAD clerk, Carbee. I just stated the fact that you are in NO position to know what being on Route Irish is like. Unlike myself.

No go back to playing with yourself darlin :)

So now you're claiming you were posting FROM Baghdad last week when you put up this thread.

Oh, this just gets better every day.
This is the best mental breakdown of a messageboard poster I have ever seen. Ever.

There are records being set here that may never be broken lolol.

Oh, I melted you liars down alright, LMAO.

I burned your asses to a crisp.

Not one of you idiots have ever been on Route Irish. And you Carbee the clerk....have never been in a war zone. You know it. We all know it. You were discredited MANY moons ago. But you're one of my tools that keeps these topics alive, so good job, dickless.

Had Bush ever been to Iraq before he ordered the invasion in 2003?

Is that why he fucked up so badly? ...because he hadn't actually been there? lol
So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

Do you know the significance of ISIS capturing it?

I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.

Would it kill you post a link?

Do you think all information comes off the internet?

Those who rely only on the internet are the kind of dummies that predicted Democrats were going to keep the Senate.

But when the link shows up, I'll be happy to post it.

Do you have a special crystal ball, or has that link showed up yet?
So Jakey and NotFooled, do you know what Route Irish is?

Do you know the significance of ISIS capturing it?

I'll let you read up and figure out why you continue to be wrong about Obama's strategy in Iraq.

Would it kill you post a link?

Do you think all information comes off the internet?

Those who rely only on the internet are the kind of dummies that predicted Democrats were going to keep the Senate.

But when the link shows up, I'll be happy to post it.

You predicted the stock market would collapse when the Fed ended QE, so shut the fuck up grandma.

There is no news story anywhere on what you're 'reporting'.

Shut the fuck up, loser.

I trounced your Socialist ass on every thread and told ya your ass would be kicked from here to kingdom come in the election.

And it was.

But by all means, plz keep telling people you dumb ass liberals won that election.

Show me where I said the stock market would collapse the day after QE ended, dumbass. You can't. Because that's not what I said. You have to have an IQ above 30 to grasp what I said.

Now. Idiot. Back to topic. How can you NOT know Irish was taken by ISIS if you know the first thing about Iraq?

It's because you don't know shit. You don't even know its significance. That's why it's fun reporting it before you have a chance to try to RESEARCH is on the internet, to try to pretend you know what the fuck it is.


Why do you think Fakey and FOO haven't responded yet? They don't want to reveal what useless, know-nothing idiots thy are.

If you had been to Iraq, you'd be VERY aware of what Irish is. You'd know that losing it to ISIS is significant.

So I'll wait and see how many days it takes for you lying GRUBERFUCKS to catch up to the facts on the ground. Because as we already know...........you don't know shit about them.

Irish skank, is that you?

Oh cool. Is that a picture of me? Awww, it must suck to have one conservative chick grind you limp dicked small brained libs (except for Old School) into the ground with one hand behind my back.

I'd make me out to be a big green monster in your head TOO if I were you.

Laugh My Ass Off.
That's your self image.

The way the rest of us see you is a little puppy who might have been cute except it is not housebroken and pees on the keyboard. We could spank you pretty hard, but that would be cruel.


LOL, umm sweety, this is more like my self image. Hair's almost exactly same cut, color and length. I just like using serious avatars for serious subjects.

As you can see, you have my direct quote and your lie ....
and all the world can see there's a huge difference between the two.


That's a stock photo off multiple porn sites, lol

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's funny!
EconChic briefed
So.....no link yet?.

There's a lot that doesn't make it to the internet. There's a lot that doesn't even make it to the liberal press.

But like most things under Obama's reign.....it will finally make it there. :)

But since you actually attempt to have real debates, I'll tell you who my sources were. Two military analysts that speak on conservative news outlets (and sometimes CNN), one a former Marine, another a former SEAL......and then my network that's actually in Iraq.

I'm curious to see how long it takes to get to the internet as well.

You have a network in Iraq! That's so COOL!

This thread is SO funny!
A suicide car bomb attack hit a UN convoy on the road between Baghdad and the airport on Monday, the day EconChick claimed ISIS captured the road.

If ISIS had captured that road, the UN would not be using it.

"No UN personnel were killed or injured in the incident and all proceeded safely back to the UN compound. One of the vehicles sustained serious damage," it said. "The unfortunate incident this morning will not deter the UN from continuing its work in support of Iraq and its people, who have lived with violence for too long," UN Iraq envoy Nickolay Mladenov said.

EconPuppy is, as usual, full of shit.

LOL, do you realize how fucking stupid your statement is??????

Jesus, just when I think you idiots can't show more stupidity, you outdo yourself. Do yourself a favor and stop talking about Iraq, morn.
I will continue to talk about Iraq as long as it shows what an unmitigated idiot you are. I refuse to give up my fun, as much as you would like me to, kid.

Oh hell, shit for brains....I do want you to keep bumping my thread, LOL.....I'm just telling you people are laughing at your dumb ass when you pretend to know jack about Iraq, or Rt Irish.

Here's an idiot bump for ya!
Oh look, USMB's trailer trash has bumped the thread for me. Everything's going exactly to plan on this thread.


(BTW, where'd you guys find that 250 pound hippopotamus that calls herself Danger, LOL....I'm sure she carries a number of diseases that ARE dangerous.)

Now back to topic. No, Carbee the little clerk, Route Irish is NOT like paradise. Iraq has always had palm trees. And they've always been along Rt. Irish.

I'm not surprised you use that to claim peace has broken out in Iraq though.

So Hagel speaks the truth about the cluster fuck in Iraq and your hero forces him to step down.

Now watch all the idiots on this thread say, "he did NOT make him.....where's it say he made him, where's it say he made him?"

Newsflash for all you liberal idiots on here that have the analytical skills of a peapod....having been on the Joint Staff, I can tell you that internet links are not used to make Pentagon decisions.

Wait, I keep forgetting I'm talking to low lives that think the Pentagon is some round building in Florida.

LOL. Disregard.
Did Irish skank ever clean her stinky pigsty? I doubt it.

Anyhoot, I'm thrilled to be in the presence of someone that has inside Pentagon information.

Man, that was hard to type with a straight face. :eek:
My work is done here.

You little clerks don't know shit about Route Irish.

You little clerks have no idea what's going on in Iraq.

You little clerks think Obummer has Iraq under control.

You little clerks can't even spell strategy.

But I command you to keep bumping his thread. I want people to be reminded of what an idiot your hero is.

As for Huggy the fucking crack head that is so drunk he thinks he's at an AA meeting instead of a political forum, YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF, animal.

And I'm as Irish as they come, honey.



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