I tend to think Jesus is coming back pretty soon

Every generation of fundamentalist Xtian has been sure Jesus was coming back soon. For 2000 years, nothing.

Funny that you see evil in way different than I do.

I see denying healthcare to the sick, so you can save on taxes, as evil.

I see judging and ostracizing people, and the rampant hatred, as evil.

Religion has always been a way to keep the masses under control. Telling the poor, the sick, and the suffering that they will have a better life after death keeps them in their place.
He's in good company then. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days and mocked by Satan, Jesus ALWAYS RESPONDED WITH SCRIPTURE.

That is the SAFEST place for the Christian to be. You are playing the role of Satan who caused Adam and Eve to sin by imparting doubt about God. How does that make you feel?

4o days in the desert and he survived?
That's the stupidity that brings religion into disrepute. Do you expect people to believe that?
Give me your theory or proof about immaculate conception and virgin births.
How about resurrections and dead men walking?

Don't insult me by Adam and eve. One came from clay and the other from a rib.
Are you mad? What a load of rubbish.

Get a grip on yourself. You've been conned and are delusional.
4o days in the desert and he survived?
That's the stupidity that brings religion into disrepute. Do you expect people to believe that?
Give me your theory or proof about immaculate conception and virgin births.
How about resurrections and dead men walking?

Don't insult me by Adam and eve. One came from clay and the other from a rib.
Are you mad? What a load of rubbish.

Get a grip on yourself. You've been conned and are delusional.
There you go again. I only read the first sentence.

"Get thee behind me Satan!"
There you go again. I only read the first sentence.

"Get thee behind me Satan!"
There is no Satan and you know it.

How about those other questions?
Can't answer them either?
You certainly know your stuff Einstein.
Go away You delusional godbotherer.
I think there are many reasons to believe the end of this age is not too far off. Just off the top of my head, there's a scripture that says in the last days God will pour out his Spirit and people will have prophetic dreams and visions, etc, about the end of this age.

There are TONS of people having those kind of dreams recently. I had a dream about the second coming of Christ/rapture, I think seven or eight years ago. Maybe it was more, I'll have to check my journal to see when I had that dream. But anyway, it was by far the most phenomenal dream I ever had, and so, SO real. I really can't even put into words how amazing it was, and as I said, tons of people have been having dreams like that... including some that are basically identical to the one I had.
Every generation of fundamentalist Xtian has been sure Jesus was coming back soon. For 2000 years, nothing.

Funny that you see evil in way different than I do.

I see denying healthcare to the sick, so you can save on taxes, as evil.

I see judging and ostracizing people, and the rampant hatred, as evil.

Religion has always been a way to keep the masses under control. Telling the poor, the sick, and the suffering that they will have a better life after death keeps them in their place.

Not only will He, but every knee shall bow. You'll see, eventually.

Oh, and your Marxist comment about religion is hilariously wrong. Why do you think religion (namely Christianity) is outlawed in communist countries? And many socialist governments are hostile to religion, namely Christianity? Because they know that genuine believers put GOD first, not government. In other words, they CAN'T control people who answer to a higher power. So religion is competition to corrupt governments who want to control the masses. You know how they DO control the masses? Through lies and indoctrination, via the controlled media, public schools, entertainment, etc. All of which nonbelievers like yourself tend to buy.
Every generation of fundamentalist Xtian has been sure Jesus was coming back soon. For 2000 years, nothing.

Funny that you see evil in way different than I do.

I see denying healthcare to the sick, so you can save on taxes, as evil.

I see judging and ostracizing people, and the rampant hatred, as evil.

Religion has always been a way to keep the masses under control. Telling the poor, the sick, and the suffering that they will have a better life after death keeps them in their place.

You are incredibly righteous in your own eyes. We know.
From Revelation 22:

16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
From Revelation 22:

16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Then you should pay attention to Revelation 1:9.
my best info tells me Jesus is coming back soon. We can see how the most free country in the world (once-called) is essentially gone (@ least for the time being?) because of perverts. I call anyone who 100% ditches Jesus (or common decency, if you prefer)--as elite dims obviously have--perverts. They not only pervert (distort) Jesus's words (if they use them at all) they violate the "laws" of common sense and simple logic. They have become beastly more than human. Some seem possessed by the devil. I feel that God has just about had enough

BTW (to interrupt myself here): What does anyone here "know" or suspect about the 2nd Coming vis a vis the end of the world? Are thy one and the same event?

In any case, God sees the lawlessness and malice against Christians and others of good will... persecutions, the bullying..

Mt 25:31

No one knows when the End will come. Jesus said only the Father knows. But we can and do wonder... I mean, how can a holy and loving God not be very.. well, at least highly irritated?

(I kind of "miss" the Old Testament wrath stuff.)
Come on God, do some more genocides! Oh please merciful and loving King of Kings, smite all the people I personally don't like! All the billions of them! Please please please!!!

You mean smite those engaged in genocide to the tune of over 50 million since Roe vs. Wade?
Every generation of fundamentalist Xtian has been sure Jesus was coming back soon. For 2000 years, nothing.

Funny that you see evil in way different than I do.

I see denying healthcare to the sick, so you can save on taxes, as evil.

I see judging and ostracizing people, and the rampant hatred, as evil.

Religion has always been a way to keep the masses under control. Telling the poor, the sick, and the suffering that they will have a better life after death keeps them in their place.
it is called ostracizingg when u believe homosexuality is perverse which I do

I won't be shamed into believing otherwise, thank you ..
I think there are many reasons to believe the end of this age is not too far off. Just off the top of my head, there's a scripture that says in the last days God will pour out his Spirit and people will have prophetic dreams and visions, etc, about the end of this age.

There are TONS of people having those kind of dreams recently. I had a dream about the second coming of Christ/rapture, I think seven or eight years ago. Maybe it was more, I'll have to check my journal to see when I had that dream. But anyway, it was by far the most phenomenal dream I ever had, and so, SO real. I really can't even put into words how amazing it was, and as I said, tons of people have been having dreams like that... including some that are basically identical to the one I had.

Revelation says it will be soon within a generation.
my best info tells me Jesus is coming back soon. We can see how the most free country in the world (once-called) is essentially gone (@ least for the time being?) because of perverts. I call anyone who 100% ditches Jesus (or common decency, if you prefer)--as elite dims obviously have--perverts. They not only pervert (distort) Jesus's words (if they use them at all) they violate the "laws" of common sense and simple logic. They have become beastly more than human. Some seem possessed by the devil. I feel that God has just about had enough

BTW (to interrupt myself here): What does anyone here "know" or suspect about the 2nd Coming vis a vis the end of the world? Are thy one and the same event?

In any case, God sees the lawlessness and malice against Christians and others of good will... persecutions, the bullying..

Mt 25:31

No one knows when the End will come. Jesus said only the Father knows. But we can and do wonder... I mean, how can a holy and loving God not be very.. well, at least highly irritated?

(I kind of "miss" the Old Testament wrath stuff.)
Why worry about things that we can't control nor even comprehend? God has spoken, the end, the judgment will come like a thief in the night, there will be no warning.......one day, only God knows when......with a great noise, the earth and the elements will melt in fervent heat. Read 2 Peter 3

We have been living in the Last Days of Mankind since Jesus constructed His kingdom/church over 2000 years ago. (Acts)

And it is playing out just as God revealed in scripture. "Knowing this first, there shall come a time in the last days (days that we have been living now for over 2000 years) SCOFFERS, walking after their own lusts. And saying, where is the promise of His coming? for since the fathers fell asleep (death), all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." -- 2 Peter 3:3-4.

God's business is God's business. What is to anyone when God is longsuffering toward us.....even to those who do not believe in the chance that they might come to the knowledge of the truth and find salvation (spiritual salvation)? 2 Peter 3:9

Vengeance is mine. Is this not comprehensible? Simply live each day as if it were your last..........live in that New Kingdom and New Heaven that came over 2000 years ago (2 Peter 3:13)......with a bended knee in worship to He that is greater than the created. Accept your reality. We are living in a world and life that was created with an expiration date. The one truth that all have in common, the saint and the sinner.......we are born dying from the first breath to the last and there is no promise of your next breath. The difference between the Christian and the infidel? Christians have come to the knowledge of the truth and that is freedom both in this physical life as well as the spiritual life that is eternal. We have HOPE.......and hope sure beats hopelessness. We are without hope if all there is and all there ever will be is this physical life......
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Why worry about things that we can't control nor even comprehend? God has spoken, the end, the judgment will come like a thief in the night, there will be no warning.......one day, only God knows when......with a great noise, the earth and the elements will melt in fervent heat. Read 2 Peter 3

We have been living in the Last Days of Mankind since Jesus constructed His kingdom/church over 2000 years ago. (Acts)

And it is playing out just as God revealed in scripture. "Knowing this first, there shall come a time in the last days (days that we have been living now for over 2000 years) SCOFFERS, walking after their own lusts. And saying, where is the promise of His coming? for since the fathers fell asleep (death), all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." -- 2 Peter 3:3-4.

God's business is God's business. What is to anyone when God is longsuffering toward us.....even to those who do not believe in the chance that they might come to the knowledge of the truth and find salvation (spiritual salvation)? 2 Peter 3:9

Vengeance is mine. Is this not comprehensible? Simply live each day as if it were your last..........live in that New Kingdom and New Heaven that came over 2000 years ago (2 Peter 3:13)......with a bended knee in worship to He that is greater than the created. Accept your reality. We are living in a world and life that was created with an expiration date. The one truth that all have in common, the saint and the sinner.......we are born dying from the first breath to the last and there is no promise of your next breath. The difference between the Christian and the infidel? Christians have come to the knowledge of the truth and that is freedom both in this physical life as well as the spiritual life that is eternal. We have HOPE.......and hope sure beats hopelessness. We are without hope if all there is and all there ever will be is this physical life......

you do not understand because you have substituted a book for the spoken, prescribed religion of antiquity that is universal is all languages ...

do worry, the final judgement is dependent on all who remain at the time - being all similar, the judgement begins after the last dissimilar one perishes - the judgement is what they are that are still living. for their admission to the Everlasting - or not.
you do not understand because you have substituted a book for the spoken, prescribed religion of antiquity that is universal is all languages ...

do worry, the final judgement is dependent on all who remain at the time - being all similar, the judgement begins after the last dissimilar one perishes - the judgement is what they are that are still living. for their admission to the Everlasting - or not.
:abgg2q.jpg: Cults are easy to understand, they all must attempt to REMOVE the "BOOKS" from the equation. Even the cult known as human secularism.

"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened (The Bible), and another book was opened (the book of life); and the dead were judged out of these things which are written in the books......." -- Rev. 20:12

What is contained in these books? The words of Jesus that are to judge all ON THAT DAY. "He that rejects Me and does not receive MY WORDS, has one that judges him.......the WORD that I have spoken will judge him on the last day." -- John 12:48

You must reject THE BOOKS in order to mold your cult ideology around the actual source of all Christian Doctrine........Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by THE WORD OF GOD.

There can be no Christian Doctrine void of THE BOOKS. What? Was your faith miracled into existence from birth......or did someone TEACH your false doctrine to you? Books are very important to salvation......just make sure you are reading from the correct Books. Books that were confirmed as truth from Heaven via signs and wonders.

Was your cult books confirmed by miracles? Have you ever witnessed the dead raised? The crippled healed? The blind given sight? Where is YOUR miraculous proof? Show me a miracle and I will join your cult......in the mean while, I will faithfully defend the actual content of THE BOOKS that condemn all false doctrines who cannot stand up to the test of the content of THE BOOKS. Truth must have a source of calibration. Those books are the Christians only weapon to use against the deceit used by the god of this world.

Thus......Its not that I don't understand, its the reality that I refuse to be grifted by con artists who assume they can outwit the Holy Spirit of God that inspired all the words found in THE BOOKS.
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