"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

Its says affordable health care.. I don't see free health care in that sentence.

People who already have health care have a choice to go with obama or stay.

People who have not been able to get insurance for 6 months will now get it...

Meaning someone who's cancer has eatten up their who savings and home and are left for dead will now receive the care that they need.

Just want you to know that the chemo rooms are jammed pack with people, so you never know if it could be you next.

I know of a professional woman who used up all of her resources and died last summer due to being kicked off insurance. I find that very unfair

The poor already get health care, I do feel that this may help the middle class in the long run hopefully.

That is a lie. Someone who is forced off of their plan has no choice. My brother has health insurance, an individual catastrophic plan. He got his letter last week stating that due to the ACA he will no longer be able to purchase this plan because it is being cancelled. It is not ACA compliant. Know what that means? It means the ACA has a list of required things that they decided have to be covered by insurance. The more things covered the more expensive the premiums are. Know what has to be covered? Maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental).

Now tell me, why the fucking hell should a 55 year old, single, no kids have to fork over money to cover something that they will never, ever use?????

Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

They will though.

What single mother of two, working as a waitress, has extra money to pay for coverage?
Might as well continue to use the ER and just pay the fine out of their $5,000 EIC Tax refund

And, amazingly, there are brain dead rw's who actuallly believe they have to pay money they can't afford for ObamaCare.

You being the authority and junk, I hope you set them straight.

Why the hell should a 55 year old, single, no kids HAVE to pay for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental)????
"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

What do you mean I have to sign up and PAY for health insurance?
That ain't what was told to us."

Healthcare in the USA has been free since EMTALA law in 1986. Now everyone who can has to pay for healthcare.

Key word - "can".

I just posted a link about this a couple of days ago.

There many people with expensive new clothes, shoes & automobiles going to the ER for "Free Healthcare" thanks to the EMTALA.

There are also many wealthy CEO's getting multi-million dollar bonuses while their employees go uninsured & get "Free Healthcare" thanks to the EMTALA.

Why have I had to sacrifice more to pay for others healthcare when they can & should pay their own. That harms my business & steals my wealth.

The EMTALA the most unfair comminist law ever foisted upon the USA. It was anti free market.
Why have I had to sacrifice more to pay for others healthcare when they can & should pay their own. That harms my business & steals my wealth.

The EMTALA the most unfair comminist law ever foisted upon the USA.


With EMTALA, you have had to "sacrifice more to pay for others healthcare when they can & should pay their own".
BREAKING- Wherever you go, there ya are lol...What's your beef, affordable guaranteed health insurance, or free health care if you're poor...

The poor already get free health care you dingbat.

If you're referring to EMTALA, it entitles any and all people free emergent care. They are then advised to follow up with their regular doctor.

That's why an pregnant illegal can have her baby there but not get prenatal care.
There are some states that have $0 premiums. It all goes by how much you make.

My state isn't like that. Kasige didn't want the expanded Medicaid option so I'm not sure how that would have worked here.

That's part of my point, Sarah.
Medicaid is an option for those with no or very little income (it always has been, and is being expanded which is a good thing)

It's the ones in the low to middle classes that are really going to be pinched.
They're already living paycheck to paycheck, They've seen their hours cut because the business they work for is trying to dodge this bazooka-sized bullet.
So, besides the added monthly premiums, they also have outrageous deductibles.

I can't comprehend how the Ds around here continue to champion this bovine excrement.
Obama promised you that no one making less than $200k would see a tax increase. The Supreme Court - which, btw, I'm constantly reminded supported this law as constitutional, and "it's the law of the land. Deal with it" - even called it a TAX.

Enjoy your party's short-lived success because I'm seeing young people that the first ballots they ever cast were for Obama (twice). Now they have a bad taste in their mouth because they see that they were lied to or, at least, mislead......they won't vote for a while
What do you mean I have to sign up and PAY for health insurance?
That ain't what was told to us."

Almost exactly, word-for-word, what was railed at me when I had to hand out the Dept. of Labor's information sheet to our employees today!!


One of them even went straight to the phone to tell somebody, "Did you know it was the law that we have to have health coverage or pay a fine?!"


That, dear friends, is how shit like this happens


There are some obviously uniformed people who work for your organization!

And it's a perfect snapshot of our voting youth
$0 premiums doesn't mean $0 deductible.

The Bronze plan, which has the cheapest premiums has a $5,000 deductible before anything other than a basic office visit (with $60 copay) is covered. And then, the "insured" pays 30%.


I know but some are premiums that are too high and the deductable is as well. I would put the deductable in a flexible spending account or some account and be happy with zero premiums though.

The deductibles have been high for quite sometime. Insurance companies have 5000.00 deductible as average. These deductibles go way higher than that now. You should check into it before blaming Obamacare for high deductibles.
Before obiecare my deductable never exceeded 2k per year. Now it's 5k. Go sell your bullshit somewhere else.

Hey.....Barry only said that you can keep your insurance company and doctor.
He never said you could afford it
What do you mean I have to sign up and PAY for health insurance?
That ain't what was told to us."

Almost exactly, word-for-word, what was railed at me when I had to hand out the Dept. of Labor's information sheet to our employees today!!


One of them even went straight to the phone to tell somebody, "Did you know it was the law that we have to have health coverage or pay a fine?!"


That, dear friends, is how shit like this happens


Don't lie.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUwtcTRdsHM]Obama Healthcare - We Got Free Healthcare!! 2014! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRgB2eeHZEw]Your Higher Taxes pay for My healthcare thanks President Obama Healthcare Reform - GloZell - YouTube[/ame]
Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

They will though.

What single mother of two, working as a waitress, has extra money to pay for coverage?
Might as well continue to use the ER and just pay the fine out of their $5,000 EIC Tax refund

You really don't understand how it works, do you? A single mother of two whose only job is being a waitress will either fall into Medicaid or if she earns enough, she'll get a huge tax credit that will pay for almost all of her health insurance. Yes, it's more welfare, but it makes certain the hospitals and doctors actually get paid, and it will help keep costs down.

The tax credits help with the premiums
How about the $5k deductible
What do you mean I have to sign up and PAY for health insurance?
That ain't what was told to us."

Almost exactly, word-for-word, what was railed at me when I had to hand out the Dept. of Labor's information sheet to our employees today!!


One of them even went straight to the phone to tell somebody, "Did you know it was the law that we have to have health coverage or pay a fine?!"


That, dear friends, is how shit like this happens


Actually it's a tax. Well, it's a tax when Obama is explaining it to the SCOTUS, but it's just a penalty when explaining it to everyone else.
I never thought it'd ever get to this point, but sadly those people are now the majority.

This country is done.
and you have to pay for those checkups three times more than if you just go to any office and pay cash.

leftardism is mental deficiency, that's for sure.
Cancer patients without insurance were always able to get on many varieties of options social workers in the hospital helped them with. Including the medicaid.

but our leftards will parrot fat mike, no matter what

Looks like it actually changes nothing

no, it does change - you HAVE to pay the corporations, otherwise the government will prosecute you - financially and criminally.

They finally figure out a way to "Tax Life". ObamaCare turns human beings into Financial Derivatives.

Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

They will though.

What single mother of two, working as a waitress, has extra money to pay for coverage?
Might as well continue to use the ER and just pay the fine out of their $5,000 EIC Tax refund

Dumb fuck, she has no health care at all at present. Yes, she can afford at least catastrophic health care under the ACA. But you assholes would rather her children die of a ruptured appendix than she recieve any kind of assistance from the whole of society that benefits from her work. Good ol' Randian morality.

Eat shit, fumble head.
She also has no fucking Mercedes at the moment. If we were to pass the Affordable CAR Act would she magically be able to afford the added expense of the car payments?
"I thought healthcare was going to be free.
Well then you, sir, have not been paying attention.

Perhaps you were confused by the liars at FOX who kept calling ACA socialized medicine?

As you can now plainly see ACA is not remotely SOCIALISED MEDICINE.

If anything it is CORPORATIZED medicine.

Conservative tools ought to love it.

After all it was the GOP's plan to begin with.

Or did you not know that, either?

Perhaps you ought to consider listening to REAL news services so in the future you won't be suprised to learn that everything you've been told is a big fat lie.

Missed the quotation marks, Edit?

Those were the words of my young Obama-voting employees
"I thought healthcare was going to be free.
Well then you, sir, have not been paying attention.

Perhaps you were confused by the liars at FOX who kept calling ACA socialized medicine?

As you can now plainly see ACA is not remotely SOCIALISED MEDICINE.

If anything it is CORPORATIZED medicine.

Conservative tools ought to love it.

After all it was the GOP's plan to begin with.

Or did you not know that, either?

Perhaps you ought to consider listening to REAL news services so in the future you won't be suprised to learn that everything you've been told is a big fat lie.

This is the real reason why rw's are paying more, losing their doctor and other stuff they post here.

They aren't really paying more or losing their doctor but since none of them are willing to EDUCATE themselves, they think they can get away with lying about it.

Like voting against their own interests, they are sticking their collective noses up in the air instead of using ObamaCare for the welfare of their families and themselves.

Like I've said before - Its their choice and they're welcome to it.

So everyone is lying about higher prices and less coverage?

But you're fine with the largest tax increase on low/middle America in our lifetime
Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

They will though.

What single mother of two, working as a waitress, has extra money to pay for coverage?
Might as well continue to use the ER and just pay the fine out of their $5,000 EIC Tax refund

Dumb fuck, she has no health care at all at present. Yes, she can afford at least catastrophic health care under the ACA. But you assholes would rather her children die of a ruptured appendix than she recieve any kind of assistance from the whole of society that benefits from her work. Good ol' Randian morality.

And to do so, my meager paycheck gets raped. My living conditions have to go down because I have less of my money to spend on me so that her living conditions can go up.
Why have I had to sacrifice more to pay for others healthcare when they can & should pay their own. That harms my business & steals my wealth.

The EMTALA the most unfair comminist law ever foisted upon the USA.

With EMTALA, you have had to "sacrifice more to pay for others healthcare when they can & should pay their own".

The cost of paying for the uninsured was absorbed by other policy-holders.

Now it gets absorbed by every taxpayer in America.


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