"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

They will though.

What single mother of two, working as a waitress, has extra money to pay for coverage?
Might as well continue to use the ER and just pay the fine out of their $5,000 EIC Tax refund

You really don't understand how it works, do you? A single mother of two whose only job is being a waitress will either fall into Medicaid or if she earns enough, she'll get a huge tax credit that will pay for almost all of her health insurance. Yes, it's more welfare, but it makes certain the hospitals and doctors actually get paid, and it will help keep costs down.
I know but some are premiums that are too high and the deductable is as well. I would put the deductable in a flexible spending account or some account and be happy with zero premiums though.

The deductibles have been high for quite sometime. Insurance companies have 5000.00 deductible as average. These deductibles go way higher than that now. You should check into it before blaming Obamacare for high deductibles.
Before obiecare my deductable never exceeded 2k per year. Now it's 5k. Go sell your bullshit somewhere else.

plus you have to pay 10-30% AFTER the deductible as well.

Sounds like a lot of you are used to having insurance that comes with a $500 deductible and then pays 100% after that. That is the reason insurance policies cost $6000 per year. I've always had a private policy because I'm self-employed, and I've never had a deductible under $2500 per year per family member. My max out of pocket has normally been $5000 for each member of my family. After my deductible, they pay 80%. Some doctors visits are covered with a copay as are prescriptions. That's a normal policy to me, and I pay about $600 per month for myself an my two boys. Every year I have about $1000 to $2000 in out of pocket medical expenses on top of the insurance.

I find it hilarious how so many of you complain about the cost of insurance but then complain if your plan doesn't cover 100% of all your medical bills. This attitude came about because too many people get their insurance through their employer and they have no fucking idea how much it really costs.
Of course Dem pols know what's in it- It's been argued about since FDR, and this plan basically since Nixon. Only now are people finding out what's in it...Media trying to explain it are accused of brainwashing by Fox etc- like NBC- except for Fox of course- which seems to spread only fear mongering misinformation...
That's a choice?

Pay or be fined?

Gives all new meaning to "pro-choice"

the Rs are who claim there is no such thing as a "Free Lunch" - and now they complain when the myth is brought to lite ... health is a fact of life not a choice.


So you're defending Obama's and the Democrats' massive tax increase on the working poor and middle class?

not only that they support congress and the Large corporations being exempt

from the law

Before obiecare my deductable never exceeded 2k per year. Now it's 5k. Go sell your bullshit somewhere else.

plus you have to pay 10-30% AFTER the deductible as well.

Sounds like a lot of you are used to having insurance that comes with a $500 deductible and then pays 100% after that. That is the reason insurance policies cost $6000 per year. I've always had a private policy because I'm self-employed, and I've never had a deductible under $2500 per year per family member. My max out of pocket has normally been $5000 for each member of my family. After my deductible, they pay 80%. Some doctors visits are covered with a copay as are prescriptions. That's a normal policy to me, and I pay about $600 per month for myself an my two boys. Every year I have about $1000 to $2000 in out of pocket medical expenses on top of the insurance.

I find it hilarious how so many of you complain about the cost of insurance but then complain if your plan doesn't cover 100% of all your medical bills. This attitude came about because too many people get their insurance through their employer and they have no fucking idea how much it really costs.

Don't LIE.

They ALL have the minimum of 5000$ deductible and then 10-30% of a co-pay.

plus a premium of 500-700 dollars. those are the exchanges - the total rip-off of the consumer.

One is much better off, BTW, just going to the regular insurance to buy out-of pocket - it is almost twice cheaper.
"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

their first mistake was

this law is not about health care
They should have read it before they voted for it.

they did.
Not even one Republican voted for it.
Some dems, who opposed it - were FORCED by blackmail to vote for it by pelosi.

It was rammed through our throats in order to satisfy big corporations and big businesses, not the Americans - the law which sells the American taxpayer to the corporations with a guarantee of government prosecution if Americans do notwant to be sold.

It is worse, than slavery.
"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

their first mistake was

this law is not about health care

Of course, not.



It is what left is all about.

Always WAS. And always will be.

The lying scum of the earth.
Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

They will though.

What single mother of two, working as a waitress, has extra money to pay for coverage?
Might as well continue to use the ER and just pay the fine out of their $5,000 EIC Tax refund

You really don't understand how it works, do you? A single mother of two whose only job is being a waitress will either fall into Medicaid or if she earns enough, she'll get a huge tax credit that will pay for almost all of her health insurance. Yes, it's more welfare, but it makes certain the hospitals and doctors actually get paid, and it will help keep costs down.

but it makes certain the hospitals and doctors actually get paid

no not really

the bronze plan pays

only a portion of two doctor office visits

any other office visits come out of pocket

then there is a 5000 dollar deductible

this in addition to monthly insurance payments

doctors will probably get paid less then they do now

because any money the working poor had to pay the

docs will go to insurance payments
Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

They will though.

What single mother of two, working as a waitress, has extra money to pay for coverage?
Might as well continue to use the ER and just pay the fine out of their $5,000 EIC Tax refund

Dumb fuck, she has no health care at all at present. Yes, she can afford at least catastrophic health care under the ACA. But you assholes would rather her children die of a ruptured appendix than she recieve any kind of assistance from the whole of society that benefits from her work. Good ol' Randian morality.
Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

They will though.

What single mother of two, working as a waitress, has extra money to pay for coverage?
Might as well continue to use the ER and just pay the fine out of their $5,000 EIC Tax refund

And, amazingly, there are brain dead rw's who actuallly believe they have to pay money they can't afford for ObamaCare.

You being the authority and junk, I hope you set them straight.
You're quite mad if you think Big Health enjoys being regulated by O-Care- cutting their non-care spending down to 15-20 per cent. Talking to the Gang of Six for 6 months is hardly ramming it through- and already the GOP was actually up to it's Party of NO thing, were just stalling-even on a Pub style plan...

Pelosi gave red state Dems some cover, but hardly forced them- that's a lockstep Pub thing- for example, NOW.

If you disagree, change the channel- you're losing brain cells...
"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

What do you mean I have to sign up and PAY for health insurance?
That ain't what was told to us."

Healthcare in the USA has been free since EMTALA law in 1986. Now everyone who can has to pay for healthcare.
"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

Well then you, sir, have not been paying attention.

Perhaps you were confused by the liars at FOX who kept calling ACA socialized medicine?

As you can now plainly see ACA is not remotely SOCIALISED MEDICINE.

If anything it is CORPORATIZED medicine.

Conservative tools ought to love it.

After all it was the GOP's plan to begin with.

Or did you not know that, either?

Perhaps you ought to consider listening to REAL news services so in the future you won't be suprised to learn that everything you've been told is a big fat lie.
"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

Well then you, sir, have not been paying attention.

Perhaps you were confused by the liars at FOX who kept calling ACA socialized medicine?

As you can now plainly see ACA is not remotely SOCIALISED MEDICINE.

If anything it is CORPORATIZED medicine.

Conservative tools ought to love it.

After all it was the GOP's plan to begin with.

Or did you not know that, either?

Perhaps you ought to consider listening to REAL news services so in the future you won't be suprised to learn that everything you've been told is a big fat lie.

This is the real reason why rw's are paying more, losing their doctor and other stuff they post here.

They aren't really paying more or losing their doctor but since none of them are willing to EDUCATE themselves, they think they can get away with lying about it.

Like voting against their own interests, they are sticking their collective noses up in the air instead of using ObamaCare for the welfare of their families and themselves.

Like I've said before - Its their choice and they're welcome to it.

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