I Thought When Bush Left Office, The World Was Going to Love Us Again?

You are of course completely correct in that assumption, Borillar...but what I'm amused by is the number of times Barack Obama has now used the "I didn't know about it until I read it in the Press" excuse. It seems to be his "go to" method of escaping blame.

Giving obama every benefit of the doubt, he is incompetent. He has appointed people to posts which they use to deceive him and the public. His staff routinely conceals necessary information from him or outright lies to him. obama, himself, is too distracted and/or uninterested in knowing what's going on in his admistration which is in free fall with no one's hand on the wheel.

Since there is no "hell to pay", no one is punished, dismissed or demoted, we can only conclude one of two things, he really did know and was lying to us all along, or he simply doesn't care who lies, who deceived or who they deceived, even if it's him. This would mean, of course, that he simply doesn't care what happens in his administration. A staffer could declare war on China and he wouldn't know or care.

It would be hard to tell which would be worse for the American people.
Who is "us"? Republicans think they are the ONLY true and real Americans. Suddenly, when it comes to the world fearing and hating the US, there's an "us"?

NSA denies Obama knew of spying on German leader

NSA spying claims: Five things you need to know - CNN.com

Everyone spies on everybody. And that's just a fact," U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, told CNN last week.
A prominent Republican lawmaker told CNN on Sunday that such surveillance programs keep U.S. allies safe.
"If the French citizens knew exactly what that was about, they would be applauding and popping champagne corks," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Michigan. "This whole notion that we're going to go after each other on what is really legitimate protection of nation-state interest, I think is disingenuous."

Gee, Deanie...once again "Team Obama" get's caught in a scandal...and once again Barry didn't know anything about it until he read about it in the Press! Barack Obama is either the most clueless President we've ever had...a man who knows NOTHING about what's going on in his own administration...or he and his people are lying to the American people!

So pick yer' poison, little buddy. Is Barry a liar or is he clueless?

Of course he's lying. Every country spies on each other. When someone shines a light on this common activity, the President, or PM, or Premier, or Chairman has to be shocked, shocked that such an activity is taking place.

Mature leaders know that behind-the-scenes shenanigans are necessary for national defense and don't talk about it in public. World wide, giggling adolescent leaders rule.
Could the ODS kooks all make up their mind? You know, concerning whether President Obama is a spineless wimp or iron-fisted dictator, a helpless boob or mastermind socialist manipulator. Pick one position and stick with it, please. If there's disagreement among you, discuss it and come to a consensus.
Somehow, the Moonbats will spin all of this into being Bush's Fault.
You are of course completely correct in that assumption, Borillar...but what I'm amused by is the number of times Barack Obama has now used the "I didn't know about it until I read it in the Press" excuse. It seems to be his "go to" method of escaping blame.

Giving obama every benefit of the doubt, he is incompetent. He has appointed people to posts which they use to deceive him and the public. His staff routinely conceals necessary information from him or outright lies to him. obama, himself, is too distracted and/or uninterested in knowing what's going on in his admistration which is in free fall with no one's hand on the wheel.

Since there is no "hell to pay", no one is punished, dismissed or demoted, we can only conclude one of two things, he really did know and was lying to us all along, or he simply doesn't care who lies, who deceived or who they deceived, even if it's him. This would mean, of course, that he simply doesn't care what happens in his administration. A staffer could declare war on China and he wouldn't know or care.

It would be hard to tell which would be worse for the American people.

A very good and accurate post.

Obama is an amateur wannabe dictator. He appoints those to office who will defer to him and they are usually women or minorities. He gives them free-reign to bumble their way around and when caught, he gives them a "paid" "time out" as worse case scenario, then brings them back with a raise, paid for by us taxpayers. He is a buffoon and so is every member of his administration. All rookies. What a disaster. He knows he is in over his head and will be playing defensively for the remainder of his term.
Could the ODS kooks all make up their mind? You know, concerning whether President Obama is a spineless wimp or iron-fisted dictator, a helpless boob or mastermind socialist manipulator. Pick one position and stick with it, please. If there's disagreement among you, discuss it and come to a consensus.

That's hilarious. He's every scary thought to every right winger. And he's "Superman" since only Superman could be all those things at the same time.

Obama didn't know!!!!
Those three little words we always hear!!

Every scandal!
Obama didn't know!!

It's reminiscent of shaggy's " it wasn't me"!!
Could the ODS kooks all make up their mind? You know, concerning whether President Obama is a spineless wimp or iron-fisted dictator, a helpless boob or mastermind socialist manipulator. Pick one position and stick with it, please. If there's disagreement among you, discuss it and come to a consensus.

That's hilarious. He's every scary thought to every right winger. And he's "Superman" since only Superman could be all those things at the same time.


Why you think any of Barry's opponents would be "scared" of Barack Obama at this point is a mystery to me, Deanie. His legacy of ineptitude continues to grow with each passing year. He's on course to relieve Jimmy Carter of the dubious label of being the most ineffective President ever. Superman? Wow, that's stupid even for you.

Obama is more Blankman than Superman: blankman videos - Bing Videos
Since when do conservatives give a fuck about how the world perceives them?

The subject here was not how the world feels about conservatives but how it feels about the U.S. not a irrelevant question when we were told Obama was going to change direction from Bush and restore Americas standing in the world almost five years in now and that does not seem to be the case.
Could the ODS kooks all make up their mind? You know, concerning whether President Obama is a spineless wimp or iron-fisted dictator, a helpless boob or mastermind socialist manipulator. Pick one position and stick with it, please. If there's disagreement among you, discuss it and come to a consensus.

That's hilarious. He's every scary thought to every right winger. And he's "Superman" since only Superman could be all those things at the same time.


Why you think any of Barry's opponents would be "scared" of Barack Obama at this point is a mystery to me, Deanie. His legacy of ineptitude continues to grow with each passing year. He's on course to relieve Jimmy Carter of the dubious label of being the most ineffective President ever. Superman? Wow, that's stupid even for you.

Obama is more Blankman than Superman: blankman videos - Bing Videos

You are so mistaken, it's not even funny. Just the fact he took the country out of a terrible GOP created recession, saved the auto industry, took us out of Iraq, showed Republicans how to get rid of a dictator without an invasion, gave the nation Health Care and took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go will be legacy enough. And he's still got plenty of time to go. The brand that's been damaged is the Republican brand. Anti science, anti education, stupid moronic fucks. They have hurt themselves for years to come.
That's hilarious. He's every scary thought to every right winger. And he's "Superman" since only Superman could be all those things at the same time.


Why you think any of Barry's opponents would be "scared" of Barack Obama at this point is a mystery to me, Deanie. His legacy of ineptitude continues to grow with each passing year. He's on course to relieve Jimmy Carter of the dubious label of being the most ineffective President ever. Superman? Wow, that's stupid even for you.

Obama is more Blankman than Superman: blankman videos - Bing Videos

You are so mistaken, it's not even funny. Just the fact he took the country out of a terrible GOP created recession, saved the auto industry, took us out of Iraq, showed Republicans how to get rid of a dictator without an invasion, gave the nation Health Care and took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go will be legacy enough. And he's still got plenty of time to go. The brand that's been damaged is the Republican brand. Anti science, anti education, stupid moronic fucks. They have hurt themselves for years to come.

The recession was caused by both Democrats and Republicans...

Barack Obama has presided over the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...

The American taxpayer is still out billions of dollars on the sweetheart deal Barry cut to save UAW benefits...money we probably will never recoup...

He followed the Bush timetable to withdraw from Iraq...

The nation asked for lower health care costs and Barry gave them ObamaCare instead...

Seal Team 6 took out Osama bin Laden using information obtained from enhanced interrogations conducted by the Bush Administration.

You forgot to mention the OTHER things that Barry has "given" the American people, Deanie!!!

Under his watch we've increased the national debt at a record pace...

More Americans are on Food Stamps than at any other time...

More Americans have been on extended unemployment for longer periods of time than any time since the Great Depression...

Under his watch we had an American Ambassador murdered at one of our consulates by terrorists...

Under his watch the IRS targeted Americans for their political views...

Under his watch the US had it's first credit downgrade in the nation's history...

Under his watch the phones of US journalists were tapped...

Under his watch the phones of our allies leaders were tapped...

Under his watch the ATF sold assault weapons to drug cartels in other sovereign nations without their knowledge...
Last edited:
If you think that only Oblama has spied upon our enemies and allies, you really do need to buy this rainbow creator that is for sale on Craigslist.
Why you think any of Barry's opponents would be "scared" of Barack Obama at this point is a mystery to me, Deanie. His legacy of ineptitude continues to grow with each passing year. He's on course to relieve Jimmy Carter of the dubious label of being the most ineffective President ever. Superman? Wow, that's stupid even for you.

Obama is more Blankman than Superman: blankman videos - Bing Videos

You are so mistaken, it's not even funny. Just the fact he took the country out of a terrible GOP created recession, saved the auto industry, took us out of Iraq, showed Republicans how to get rid of a dictator without an invasion, gave the nation Health Care and took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go will be legacy enough. And he's still got plenty of time to go. The brand that's been damaged is the Republican brand. Anti science, anti education, stupid moronic fucks. They have hurt themselves for years to come.

The recession was caused by both Democrats and Republicans...

Barack Obama has presided over the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...

The American taxpayer is still out billions of dollars on the sweetheart deal Barry cut to save UAW benefits...money we probably will never recoup...

He followed the Bush timetable to withdraw from Iraq...

The nation asked for lower health care costs and Barry gave them ObamaCare instead...

Seal Team 6 took out Osama bin Laden using information obtained from enhanced interrogations conducted by the Bush Administration.

You forgot to mention the OTHER things that Barry has "given" the American people, Deanie!!!

Under his watch we've increased the national debt at a record pace...

More Americans are on Food Stamps than at any other time...

More Americans have been on extended unemployment for longer periods of time than any time since the Great Depression...

Under his watch we had an American Ambassador murdered at one of our consulates by terrorists...

Under his watch the IRS targeted Americans for their political views...

Under his watch the US had it's first credit downgrade in the nation's history...

Under his watch the phones of US journalists were tapped...

Under his watch the phones of our allies leaders were tapped...

Under his watch the ATF sold assault weapons to drug cartels in other sovereign nations without their knowledge...

Funny how you didn't mention the record number of Republican filibusters.

Funny that you didn't mention Republicans taking credit for the stimulus.

Funny that you didn't mention that Boehner got 98% of everything he wanted.

Funny that you didn't mention the GOP blackmailed Obama into extending the Bush tax cuts.

Funny you didn't mention Republicans blocking this administration from investigating BP.

And you told all those debunked lies.

Why are you guys like that?
Could the ODS kooks all make up their mind? You know, concerning whether President Obama is a spineless wimp or iron-fisted dictator, a helpless boob or mastermind socialist manipulator. Pick one position and stick with it, please. If there's disagreement among you, discuss it and come to a consensus.

You left out a lying piece of dog squeeze. That would be my choice.
You are so mistaken, it's not even funny. Just the fact he took the country out of a terrible GOP created recession, saved the auto industry, took us out of Iraq, showed Republicans how to get rid of a dictator without an invasion, gave the nation Health Care and took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go will be legacy enough. And he's still got plenty of time to go. The brand that's been damaged is the Republican brand. Anti science, anti education, stupid moronic fucks. They have hurt themselves for years to come.

The recession was caused by both Democrats and Republicans...

Barack Obama has presided over the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...

The American taxpayer is still out billions of dollars on the sweetheart deal Barry cut to save UAW benefits...money we probably will never recoup...

He followed the Bush timetable to withdraw from Iraq...

The nation asked for lower health care costs and Barry gave them ObamaCare instead...

Seal Team 6 took out Osama bin Laden using information obtained from enhanced interrogations conducted by the Bush Administration.

You forgot to mention the OTHER things that Barry has "given" the American people, Deanie!!!

Under his watch we've increased the national debt at a record pace...

More Americans are on Food Stamps than at any other time...

More Americans have been on extended unemployment for longer periods of time than any time since the Great Depression...

Under his watch we had an American Ambassador murdered at one of our consulates by terrorists...

Under his watch the IRS targeted Americans for their political views...

Under his watch the US had it's first credit downgrade in the nation's history...

Under his watch the phones of US journalists were tapped...

Under his watch the phones of our allies leaders were tapped...

Under his watch the ATF sold assault weapons to drug cartels in other sovereign nations without their knowledge...

Funny how you didn't mention the record number of Republican filibusters.

Funny that you didn't mention Republicans taking credit for the stimulus.

Funny that you didn't mention that Boehner got 98% of everything he wanted.

Funny that you didn't mention the GOP blackmailed Obama into extending the Bush tax cuts.

Funny you didn't mention Republicans blocking this administration from investigating BP.

And you told all those debunked lies.

Why are you guys like that?

No Republican I know of took credit for the stimulus. That clusterfuck was about shovel ready jobs that didn't exist.

Obama's own party explained to the clueless dork that you don't raise taxes during a recession.

Obama extorted $20 billion from BP and nobody stopped Holder from investigating BP.

Is that all you got?
If you think that only Oblama has spied upon our enemies and allies, you really do need to buy this rainbow creator that is for sale on Craigslist.

He got caught is what matters. And then the liar in chief said he didn't know about it. Is there anything that he does know anything about?
Why you think any of Barry's opponents would be "scared" of Barack Obama at this point is a mystery to me, Deanie. His legacy of ineptitude continues to grow with each passing year. He's on course to relieve Jimmy Carter of the dubious label of being the most ineffective President ever. Superman? Wow, that's stupid even for you.

Obama is more Blankman than Superman: blankman videos - Bing Videos

You are so mistaken, it's not even funny. Just the fact he took the country out of a terrible GOP created recession, saved the auto industry, took us out of Iraq, showed Republicans how to get rid of a dictator without an invasion, gave the nation Health Care and took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go will be legacy enough. And he's still got plenty of time to go. The brand that's been damaged is the Republican brand. Anti science, anti education, stupid moronic fucks. They have hurt themselves for years to come.

The recession was caused by both Democrats and Republicans...

Barack Obama has presided over the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...

The American taxpayer is still out billions of dollars on the sweetheart deal Barry cut to save UAW benefits...money we probably will never recoup...

He followed the Bush timetable to withdraw from Iraq...

The nation asked for lower health care costs and Barry gave them ObamaCare instead...

Seal Team 6 took out Osama bin Laden using information obtained from enhanced interrogations conducted by the Bush Administration.

You forgot to mention the OTHER things that Barry has "given" the American people, Deanie!!!

Under his watch we've increased the national debt at a record pace...

More Americans are on Food Stamps than at any other time...

More Americans have been on extended unemployment for longer periods of time than any time since the Great Depression...

Under his watch we had an American Ambassador murdered at one of our consulates by terrorists...

Under his watch the IRS targeted Americans for their political views...

Under his watch the US had it's first credit downgrade in the nation's history...

Under his watch the phones of US journalists were tapped...

Under his watch the phones of our allies leaders were tapped...

Under his watch the ATF sold assault weapons to drug cartels in other sovereign nations without their knowledge...

and when is that Brak recovery gonna happen? so far it just keeps getting worse.

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