I WAS a career criminal. I wouldn't think twice about hurting you if it made my life better.

I worked in the criminal justice system for years and all the research shows that offenders provided programming and rehabilitation have lower rates of recidivism than those just thrown into prison for years with no other intervention.

Further, restorative justice (liberal bleeding heart approach to offender behavior) programs have produced even lower rates of recidivism in offenders who participate.

So I call bullshit on the premise you assert.

And I fully expect that you will call me names in response.
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.
I worked in the criminal justice system for years and all the research shows that offenders provided programming and rehabilitation have lower rates of recidivism than those just thrown into prison for years with no other intervention.

Further, restorative justice (liberal bleeding heart approach to offender behavior) programs have produced even lower rates of recidivism in offenders who participate.

So I call bullshit on the premise you assert.

And I fully expect that you will call me names in response.
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
One of the things I remember most is how many inmates are just simply "victims of a corrupt system". Sure some are, but a very few. At any rate, those in denial are least likely to clean up. One incident I'll never forget occurred at the honor camp where I worked. A general conversation with this fellow turned into how he was just a victim, and the burns over his body was square enough. Anyway, he got six years, big fucking deal. What he didn't know is he killed my wife's best friend's father and 10 year old brother. The guy was drunk and ran a stop sign doing 80 in a 25. He split the victim's truck in two.
Circumstances can lead to devastating consequences. The group I ran with managed to maintain their freedom for another 6 months. Then they killed a night manager in a botched robbery. Had I not been in prison I would have been there. Stoned out of my mind, but present nonetheless
I worked in the criminal justice system for years and all the research shows that offenders provided programming and rehabilitation have lower rates of recidivism than those just thrown into prison for years with no other intervention.

Further, restorative justice (liberal bleeding heart approach to offender behavior) programs have produced even lower rates of recidivism in offenders who participate.

So I call bullshit on the premise you assert.

And I fully expect that you will call me names in response.
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.
A few weeks ago I caught a documentary about a hardcore prison. I was in "corrections" long ago, including maximum security, so it was a bit reminiscent. At any rate, without realizing it an inmate summarized liberal policy with a simple statement ..... "If I knew I'd get 30 years I wouldn't have done it. I'm from California, where the most I'd had gotten is eight years".

Congratulations on cleaning up OP. I know it's difficult, but you show it's possible. Will-power, personal responsibility and doing the right thing goes a long way buddy.
Thank you. It was VERY difficult at first. And I won't lie, I slipped a couple times and reverted to my old ways. Started dealing, using, pimping and a few nasty encounters that went south. You know what saved me?

This will blow your mind if you know me. My pastor. He begged the court to put me in rehab instead of revoking my parole. I owe my freedom today to him & my exwife.
Getting rehab instead of being thrown back into jail sounds pretty liberal to me.
It is I suppose but you have to realize that I am the minority. Most people thrown there don't give a rats ass about your chances and they are just playing the system.
But, thank God that some bleeding heart liberal at least gave you a shot...eh?
My early victims would take issue with your position.
I worked in the criminal justice system for years and all the research shows that offenders provided programming and rehabilitation have lower rates of recidivism than those just thrown into prison for years with no other intervention.

Further, restorative justice (liberal bleeding heart approach to offender behavior) programs have produced even lower rates of recidivism in offenders who participate.

So I call bullshit on the premise you assert.

And I fully expect that you will call me names in response.
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
I worked in the criminal justice system for years and all the research shows that offenders provided programming and rehabilitation have lower rates of recidivism than those just thrown into prison for years with no other intervention.

Further, restorative justice (liberal bleeding heart approach to offender behavior) programs have produced even lower rates of recidivism in offenders who participate.

So I call bullshit on the premise you assert.

And I fully expect that you will call me names in response.
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
Those programs are in every prison and have been for decades. If an individual does not desire change in his life you can throw all the education at him you want, it won't work.
I worked in the criminal justice system for years and all the research shows that offenders provided programming and rehabilitation have lower rates of recidivism than those just thrown into prison for years with no other intervention.

Further, restorative justice (liberal bleeding heart approach to offender behavior) programs have produced even lower rates of recidivism in offenders who participate.

So I call bullshit on the premise you assert.

And I fully expect that you will call me names in response.
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
It is fact dumbass.

Recidivism | National Institute of Justice

You "working" in the industry does not change the facts.
I worked in the criminal justice system for years and all the research shows that offenders provided programming and rehabilitation have lower rates of recidivism than those just thrown into prison for years with no other intervention.

Further, restorative justice (liberal bleeding heart approach to offender behavior) programs have produced even lower rates of recidivism in offenders who participate.

So I call bullshit on the premise you assert.

And I fully expect that you will call me names in response.
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
Those programs are in every prison and have been for decades. If an individual does not desire change in his life you can throw all the education at him you want, it won't work.

No, they are not in EVERY prison, and haven't been for decades. If you are going to make those types of comments you need to do some more research.

And even with your logic... NO ONE can turn their life around if there isn't opportunities for them to do so...
But if there are opportunities there (Call them fucking Liberal if you want) then it gives those inmates the chance to fix their lives and become contributing members to society. FACT is, with those programs there is a lower recidivism rate. And places with more opportunities than others, like those that have baking programs or horticulture programs... mechanics, etc. do even better.

To call it Liberal is bullshit. If wanting to give someone an opportunity to do something productive with their life instead of continuing to commit crime and get locked up, then you can call me Liberal in this position... that doesn't make me a Liberal, but if your distorted view of rehabilitation is Liberal then so be it.
Seems some are mistaking leniency for liberalism.

On a side note, in "my" world we let the victims get even if they care to, and punishment is severe. For example, you commit robbery, there's no reason to put the culprit behind bars, simple because we remove the hand used to hold the weapon. We remove the cocks from sex predators, and if you murder someone you're a week out from a 30-06 round to the head. I think you have the idea. Cheap and effective, and there would be little crime.
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I worked in the criminal justice system for years and all the research shows that offenders provided programming and rehabilitation have lower rates of recidivism than those just thrown into prison for years with no other intervention.

Further, restorative justice (liberal bleeding heart approach to offender behavior) programs have produced even lower rates of recidivism in offenders who participate.

So I call bullshit on the premise you assert.

And I fully expect that you will call me names in response.
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
It is fact dumbass.

Recidivism | National Institute of Justice

You "working" in the industry does not change the facts.

You don't even know what you are posting.

"“We found strong evidence that correctional education plays a role in reducing recidivism,” said Lois Davis, the project's lead researcher and a senior policy researcher at RAND, a nonprofit research organization. “Our findings are clear that providing inmates education programs and vocational training helps keep them from returning to prison and improves their future job prospects.”

Researchers found that inmates who participate in correctional education programs have 43 percent lower odds of returning to prison than those who do not. The estimate is based on studies that carefully account for motivation and other differences between correctional education recipients and non-recipients."

Education and Vocational Training in Prisons Reduces Recidivism, Improves Job Outlook | RAND

If you are going to do a search on the subject, you need to include the rehab and skill programs...
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
Those programs are in every prison and have been for decades. If an individual does not desire change in his life you can throw all the education at him you want, it won't work.

No, they are not in EVERY prison, and haven't been for decades. If you are going to make those types of comments you need to do some more research.

And even with your logic... NO ONE can turn their life around if there isn't opportunities for them to do so...
But if there are opportunities there (Call them fucking Liberal if you want) then it gives those inmates the chance to fix their lives and become contributing members to society. FACT is, with those programs there is a lower recidivism rate. And places with more opportunities than others, like those that have baking programs or horticulture programs... mechanics, etc. do even better.

To call it Liberal is bullshit. If wanting to give someone an opportunity to do something productive with their life instead of continuing to commit crime and get locked up, then you can call me Liberal in this position... that doesn't make me a Liberal, but if your distorted view of rehabilitation is Liberal then so be it.
The only places that don't have those programs are 24/7 max lock down facilities. If you're in one of those you've been judged to be a major threat and beyond help.
I went through a 30 day preplacement program in Topeka KS. prior to being sent to Hutchinson State Penitentiary. Aka, KSIR.

And as I stated if the inmate doesn't desire the help you're wasting your time & tax dollars.
You can call all the bullshit you want. I lived it.

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
It is fact dumbass.

Recidivism | National Institute of Justice

You "working" in the industry does not change the facts.

You don't even know what you are posting.

"“We found strong evidence that correctional education plays a role in reducing recidivism,” said Lois Davis, the project's lead researcher and a senior policy researcher at RAND, a nonprofit research organization. “Our findings are clear that providing inmates education programs and vocational training helps keep them from returning to prison and improves their future job prospects.”

Researchers found that inmates who participate in correctional education programs have 43 percent lower odds of returning to prison than those who do not. The estimate is based on studies that carefully account for motivation and other differences between correctional education recipients and non-recipients."

Education and Vocational Training in Prisons Reduces Recidivism, Improves Job Outlook | RAND

If you are going to do a search on the subject, you need to include the rehab and skill programs...
I don't know what I'm posting.....

Fucking hilarious. I am the thief, you are the victim/guard and you're gonna tell me what the reality of my life is?

You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
Those programs are in every prison and have been for decades. If an individual does not desire change in his life you can throw all the education at him you want, it won't work.

No, they are not in EVERY prison, and haven't been for decades. If you are going to make those types of comments you need to do some more research.

And even with your logic... NO ONE can turn their life around if there isn't opportunities for them to do so...
But if there are opportunities there (Call them fucking Liberal if you want) then it gives those inmates the chance to fix their lives and become contributing members to society. FACT is, with those programs there is a lower recidivism rate. And places with more opportunities than others, like those that have baking programs or horticulture programs... mechanics, etc. do even better.

To call it Liberal is bullshit. If wanting to give someone an opportunity to do something productive with their life instead of continuing to commit crime and get locked up, then you can call me Liberal in this position... that doesn't make me a Liberal, but if your distorted view of rehabilitation is Liberal then so be it.
The only places that don't have those programs are 24/7 max lock down facilities. If you're in one of those you've been judged to be a major threat and beyond help.
I went through a 30 day preplacement program in Topeka KS. prior to being sent to Hutchinson State Penitentiary. Aka, KSIR.

And as I stated if the inmate doesn't desire the help you're wasting your time & tax dollars.

No they are NOT in EVERY prison, and every prison does not have the same programs. And you need to get rid of your fucked up logic that prisons should get rid of programs because there is some inmates that won't use it or they won't turn their lives around.... that's just fucked up logic.

Might as well get rid of Chemo...because it is expensive and it doesn't save everyone's life? :dunno:
You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
It is fact dumbass.

Recidivism | National Institute of Justice

You "working" in the industry does not change the facts.

You don't even know what you are posting.

"“We found strong evidence that correctional education plays a role in reducing recidivism,” said Lois Davis, the project's lead researcher and a senior policy researcher at RAND, a nonprofit research organization. “Our findings are clear that providing inmates education programs and vocational training helps keep them from returning to prison and improves their future job prospects.”

Researchers found that inmates who participate in correctional education programs have 43 percent lower odds of returning to prison than those who do not. The estimate is based on studies that carefully account for motivation and other differences between correctional education recipients and non-recipients."

Education and Vocational Training in Prisons Reduces Recidivism, Improves Job Outlook | RAND

If you are going to do a search on the subject, you need to include the rehab and skill programs...
I don't know what I'm posting.....

Fucking hilarious. I am the thief, you are the victim/guard and you're gonna tell me what the reality of my life is?


Yes... your little stint as a criminal doesn't change the FACTS that are backed up by numbers. You do understand they keep track of who gets locked up and who gets let out... and who gets locked up again... and their jacket with all their programs and RIB tickets... and all that right?

It's literally ALL about statistics. FACTS say you are wrong. What's sad is you say your Preacher talking you into rehab saved your life... that's EXACTLY what these programs are about.
You just said that rehab saved your life... and then you call her bullshit for saying that programs like rehab lower recidivism rates. You understand you are making no sense?
The rehab didn't save me. The desire to not go back to prison did. Check the recidivism rates for convicts if you doubt me.

I worked in a prison for 5 years... and I have studied this in college. It isn't opinion. It's a FACT that institutions where programs for education, rehab, life skills, and other programs are accessible for the inmates there is a lower recidivism rate. It's a FACT.
Those programs are in every prison and have been for decades. If an individual does not desire change in his life you can throw all the education at him you want, it won't work.

No, they are not in EVERY prison, and haven't been for decades. If you are going to make those types of comments you need to do some more research.

And even with your logic... NO ONE can turn their life around if there isn't opportunities for them to do so...
But if there are opportunities there (Call them fucking Liberal if you want) then it gives those inmates the chance to fix their lives and become contributing members to society. FACT is, with those programs there is a lower recidivism rate. And places with more opportunities than others, like those that have baking programs or horticulture programs... mechanics, etc. do even better.

To call it Liberal is bullshit. If wanting to give someone an opportunity to do something productive with their life instead of continuing to commit crime and get locked up, then you can call me Liberal in this position... that doesn't make me a Liberal, but if your distorted view of rehabilitation is Liberal then so be it.
The only places that don't have those programs are 24/7 max lock down facilities. If you're in one of those you've been judged to be a major threat and beyond help.
I went through a 30 day preplacement program in Topeka KS. prior to being sent to Hutchinson State Penitentiary. Aka, KSIR.

And as I stated if the inmate doesn't desire the help you're wasting your time & tax dollars.
Bullshit, sir.

Again, I've worked in the system and was/am in contact with prosecutors and defense attorneys nationwide. The cuts to rehabilitation programs have been regular and deep for many years, such that the vast majority of prisoners don't get much if any programming. You simply don't know what you are talking about.

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