I WAS a career criminal. I wouldn't think twice about hurting you if it made my life better.

Dear, the democrats had me back on the streets many times. Our law & justice system is a joke. I should have been locked up years earlier.

Ok, I can agree that that....BTW Good for you!

Look at your life now, what a blessing..

Anyway I was a hoodlum too, I didn't break into homes, but I got a DUI, I was drunker than shit driving a 280 ZX..

I had to go to jail .. lol.. You are right book smart people just don't get the street smarts..

Dui isn't hoodlum status dear. But you go girl!

My attorney for my DUI married me...lol

Anyway , some people have the funniest stories before they straightened out their life's...Some end up dead .

Congrats on taking the harder but higher road..
Dear, the democrats had me back on the streets many times. Our law & justice system is a joke. I should have been locked up years earlier.

Ok, I can agree that that....BTW Good for you!

Look at your life now, what a blessing..

Anyway I was a hoodlum too, I didn't break into homes, but I got a DUI, I was drunker than shit driving a 280 ZX..

I had to go to jail .. lol.. You are right book smart people just don't get the street smarts..

Dui isn't hoodlum status dear. But you go girl!

My attorney for my DUI married me...lol

Anyway , some people have the funniest stories before they straightened out their life's...Some end up dead .
Ahhh, you clever girl! My last Dui I hired an ex judge. He was too God damn old and ugly to marry.
Dear, the democrats had me back on the streets many times. Our law & justice system is a joke. I should have been locked up years earlier.

Ok, I can agree that that....BTW Good for you!

Look at your life now, what a blessing..

Anyway I was a hoodlum too, I didn't break into homes, but I got a DUI, I was drunker than shit driving a 280 ZX..

I had to go to jail .. lol.. You are right book smart people just don't get the street smarts..

Dui isn't hoodlum status dear. But you go girl!

My attorney for my DUI married me...lol

Anyway , some people have the funniest stories before they straightened out their life's...Some end up dead .

Congrats on taking the harder but higher road..
That is a funny story.

Payment in kind.
Talking various programs, I can speak from some experience. Course my experience occurred in the 80s. That and in Nevada. There are much rougher prisons than in Nevada.

Minimum: A.K.A. honor camp. I'll never forget the clown-looking dude who'd play taps on his bugle on an occasional morning. Course some inmates didn't much like it. He wanted me to bring my drum set into the prison so we could start a band HA HA HA HAA!......If you're not smiling or laughing in his presence there's something wrong. That and I remember the smartest guy I've ever met. Pull any word out of the dictionary and he's got the definition in his brain. He was a scientist who got cooked up in meth. It hadn't taken his brain yet. Perhaps just a cook. A few are in programs, but only because medium security prison is next door. All of them work, BLM, cooks, accountant, whatever. Great forms of rehab. They had free reign of the honor camp less curfew. Oh yeah, free meals. Fire clean-up gets you a steak.

Medium Prison: I hated minimum. Child molesters (aka... protective custody) get their own unit, two per room. Fish tank. PC and the like get room service. On a side note: I'll never forget the time we got two busloads from an outskirt honor camp. Them boys had baseball bats taken to them in their sleep. I guess they pissed off the blacks.

Lots of programs, basketball, pool tables etc. available to the general population, where there must have been 30-40 plus in a single room. Those rooms stank.......It really stank!..... If you're going to get raped then general population is the place for it. You might get your ass kicked too. Better watch your shit.

That said, unless you're PC (e.g., child rapists), the hole or something like, there's no privacy. Incidentally, the hole really sucks. Blanket, mattress, pillow, toilet, sink & room service is your life. Hopefully we don't run out of space or you could be bunked with the wrong guy. You know, he might like you.

Max Prison: All kinds of stuff at max. As for rehab programs? Ha ha, I honestly don't remember any than other for medium custody. Maybe access to the library. There may have been a VERY limited number of programs for max. custody, but not much I promise you. I'll work my way from the door up the yard.

We had some high medium level custody inmates, and these guys worked, gardened, played games with others etc. They have access to the yard, but if I recall, not quite what the general population had at the medium security prison. These boys lived in the old cell house, which was the classic prison setting (some movie appearances). That portion of the prison was built in the 1800s.

Oh look, it's death row. Yeah, we're just kidding, too many rights and bureaucracy. Fuck, if the evidence is clear you should be dead in a week. What's a bullet cost? Not much else to say other than it's a very cold place. That portion of the prison was also built in the 1800s.

Ah this is cool, it's the federal inmates waiting extradition unit, one inmate per cell. My partner and I pretty much played cards, and we got to eat every night for bonus. Prison food isn't bad man, you should try my wife's cooking. These inmates are a very different group. Generally speaking, most of them struck me as very intelligent. Just not very wise.........ha!

Oh look, it's my unit four. Guns above but it's just me in a bubble, and perhaps 60 inmates in three areas with generally two inmates a cell. Less the catwalk and culinary (between death row and cell house), there's no contact with others outside your area. Lots of inmates crowded up and down the catwalk for meals, but that's alright, there's plenty of weaponry above. Very controlled environment. Your yard for perhaps an hour is maybe a 22 x 10 piece of dirt. Better watch your shit. Someone in your area may want you dead.

Short version is the higher up the hill the greater the custody. Eventually you get to the creepiest of creeps. If you're "behaved" you get sometime alone outdoors for a short stint. Unless you're alone you're in chains. Lots of privacy and room service too. I think I counted 12 doors between them and the fence. I believe they had a personal TV, but only if they earned it.
Last edited:
I don't think most of this board has any idea how the real world works. Y'all live in you little insulated bubbles oblivious to the real dangers you face on a daily basis.

Alert: Drama seeking attention whore has breached the premises. Evacuate immediately.
Talking various programs, I can speak from some experience. Course my experience occurred in the 80s. That and in Nevada. There are much rougher prisons than in Nevada.

Minimum: A.K.A. honor camp. I'll never forget the clown-looking dude who'd play taps on his bugle on occasion. If you're not smiling or laughing in his presence there's something wrong. That and I remember the smartest guy I've ever met. He was a scientist who got cooked up in meth. It hadn't taken his brain yet. Perhaps just a cook. Some of these guys are in programs, but only because minimum security is next door. All of them work, BLM, cooks, accountant, whatever. Great forms of rehab. They had free reign of the honor camp less curfew.

Medium Prison: I hated minimum. Child molesters (aka... protective custody) get their own unit, two per room. Fish tank. PC and the like get room service. On a side note: I'll never forget the time we got two busloads from an outskirt honor camp. Them boys had baseball bats taken to them in their sleep. I guess they pissed off the blacks.

Lots of programs, basketball, pool tables etc. available to the general population, where there must have been 30-40 plus in a single room. Those rooms stank.......SINKS!..... If you're going to get raped then general population is the place for it. You might get your ass kicked too. Better watch your shit.

That said, unless you're PC (e.g., child rapists), the hole or something like, there's no privacy. PC and the like get room service. Incidentally, the hole really sucks. Blanket, mattress, pillow, toilet, sink & room service is your life. Hopefully we don't run out of space or you could be bunked with the wrong guy. You know, he might like you.

Max Prison: All kinds of stuff at max. As for rehab programs? Ha ha, I honestly don't remember any than other for medium custody. Maybe access to the librady. There may have been a VERY limited number of programs for max. custody, but not much I promise you. I'll work my way from the door up the yard.

We had some medium custody inmates, and these guys worked, gardened, played games with others etc. They have access to the yard, but if I recall, not quite what the general population had at the medium security prison. These boys lived in the old cell house, which was the classic prison setting (some movie appearances). That portion of the prison was built in the 1800s.

Oh look, it's death row. Yeah, we're just kidding, too many rights and bureaucracy. Fuck, if the evidence is clear you should be dead in a week. What's a bullet cost? Not much else to say other than it's a very cold place. That portion of the prison was also built in the 1800s.

Ah this is cool, it's the federal inmates waiting extradition unit, one inmate per cell. My partner and I pretty much played cards, and we got to eat every night for bonus. Prison food isn't bad man, you should try my wife's cooking. These inmates are a very different group. Generally speaking, most of them struck me as very intelligent. Just not very wise.........ha!

Oh look, it's my unit four. Guns above but it's just me in a bubble, and 60-80 inmates in three areas with generally two inmates a cell. There's contact with others in their area less daily procedure. That might get you killed. One area at a time is released for meals, which is the culinary located between death row and the cell house. Lots of inmates crowded up and down the walkway for meals, but that's alright, there's plenty of weaponry above. Very controlled environment.

Short version is the higher up the hill the greater the custody. Eventually you get to the creepiest of creeps. If you're "behaved" you get sometime alone outdoors for a short stint. Unless you're alone you're in chains. Lots of privacy and room service too. I think I counted 12 doors between them and the fence. I believe they had a personal TV, but only if they earned it.
I was on this prison... Hutchinson Correctional Facility — Kansas Department of Corrections

Max security and built in the 1800's. No air conditioning. Whipping posts still stood in the yard. It sucked.
The first 30 days was in "orientation" and consisted of kitchen duty with 5 days a week "yard" access. After that was genpop. I was moved from cell block to cell block. If you've seen Alcatraz then you've seen the prison I was in. 4 stories, railings along the walkways. In the summer they gave us ice in our trashcans to cool us off in our cells. I eventually got a job in the construction dept building out buildings for them to sale at the state fair every year.
Contrary to popular belief gay sex isn't forced because in max security there are so many lifers that trying to "turn" someone is unnecessary.
Once a week we got movie privileges and church services. "Store" was every Thursday. Candy could bring decent money if you held onto it until Tuesday or Wednesday. Pot was a HUGE bankroll if you had a woman to bring it in, in her bra during visitation.

It is world in an into itself
No, they are not in EVERY prison, and haven't been for decades. If you are going to make those types of comments you need to do some more research.

And even with your logic... NO ONE can turn their life around if there isn't opportunities for them to do so...
But if there are opportunities there (Call them fucking Liberal if you want) then it gives those inmates the chance to fix their lives and become contributing members to society. FACT is, with those programs there is a lower recidivism rate. And places with more opportunities than others, like those that have baking programs or horticulture programs... mechanics, etc. do even better.

To call it Liberal is bullshit. If wanting to give someone an opportunity to do something productive with their life instead of continuing to commit crime and get locked up, then you can call me Liberal in this position... that doesn't make me a Liberal, but if your distorted view of rehabilitation is Liberal then so be it.
The only places that don't have those programs are 24/7 max lock down facilities. If you're in one of those you've been judged to be a major threat and beyond help.
I went through a 30 day preplacement program in Topeka KS. prior to being sent to Hutchinson State Penitentiary. Aka, KSIR.

And as I stated if the inmate doesn't desire the help you're wasting your time & tax dollars.

No they are NOT in EVERY prison, and every prison does not have the same programs. And you need to get rid of your fucked up logic that prisons should get rid of programs because there is some inmates that won't use it or they won't turn their lives around.... that's just fucked up logic.

Might as well get rid of Chemo...because it is expensive and it doesn't save everyone's life? :dunno:
Dude you're trying to hard. I DO BELIEVE that people like you & me could make a difference but for that to happen you have to realize you don't know it all. That book/published paper doesn't tell you the whole story. It gives you a very narrow snapshot. Nothing more. I've been through rehab 4 or 5 times. Every time forced upon me. It never worked till I had the desire to change. That change didn't come from a government program. It came from my desire to achieve more in life.

There is a lesson to be learned from my words/experience and despite my trolling about the left the lesson is bipartisan.

AND you couldn't be reformed from rehab if it wasn't available.... You don't even realize you are arguing against yourself.
How do I say this?

THE REHAB DIDN'T REFORM ME. My heart did that.

You just don't get it. This is the point where I laugh at book smarts as compared to common sense/street smarts
Perhaps what YOU don't understand is that many former criminals are able to reform and turn their lives around without resorting to the blind stupidity of conservative political thinking.
The only places that don't have those programs are 24/7 max lock down facilities. If you're in one of those you've been judged to be a major threat and beyond help.
I went through a 30 day preplacement program in Topeka KS. prior to being sent to Hutchinson State Penitentiary. Aka, KSIR.

And as I stated if the inmate doesn't desire the help you're wasting your time & tax dollars.

No they are NOT in EVERY prison, and every prison does not have the same programs. And you need to get rid of your fucked up logic that prisons should get rid of programs because there is some inmates that won't use it or they won't turn their lives around.... that's just fucked up logic.

Might as well get rid of Chemo...because it is expensive and it doesn't save everyone's life? :dunno:
Dude you're trying to hard. I DO BELIEVE that people like you & me could make a difference but for that to happen you have to realize you don't know it all. That book/published paper doesn't tell you the whole story. It gives you a very narrow snapshot. Nothing more. I've been through rehab 4 or 5 times. Every time forced upon me. It never worked till I had the desire to change. That change didn't come from a government program. It came from my desire to achieve more in life.

There is a lesson to be learned from my words/experience and despite my trolling about the left the lesson is bipartisan.

AND you couldn't be reformed from rehab if it wasn't available.... You don't even realize you are arguing against yourself.
How do I say this?

THE REHAB DIDN'T REFORM ME. My heart did that.

You just don't get it. This is the point where I laugh at book smarts as compared to common sense/street smarts
Perhaps what YOU don't understand is that many former criminals are able to reform and turn their lives around without resorting to the blind stupidity of conservative political thinking.
Many? As in the 10 to 20 percent that actually succeed without conservative values? And that's being generous. GOD is the big salvation in prison.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that ain't a leftist thing
No they are NOT in EVERY prison, and every prison does not have the same programs. And you need to get rid of your fucked up logic that prisons should get rid of programs because there is some inmates that won't use it or they won't turn their lives around.... that's just fucked up logic.

Might as well get rid of Chemo...because it is expensive and it doesn't save everyone's life? :dunno:
Dude you're trying to hard. I DO BELIEVE that people like you & me could make a difference but for that to happen you have to realize you don't know it all. That book/published paper doesn't tell you the whole story. It gives you a very narrow snapshot. Nothing more. I've been through rehab 4 or 5 times. Every time forced upon me. It never worked till I had the desire to change. That change didn't come from a government program. It came from my desire to achieve more in life.

There is a lesson to be learned from my words/experience and despite my trolling about the left the lesson is bipartisan.

AND you couldn't be reformed from rehab if it wasn't available.... You don't even realize you are arguing against yourself.
How do I say this?

THE REHAB DIDN'T REFORM ME. My heart did that.

You just don't get it. This is the point where I laugh at book smarts as compared to common sense/street smarts
Perhaps what YOU don't understand is that many former criminals are able to reform and turn their lives around without resorting to the blind stupidity of conservative political thinking.
Many? As in the 10 to 20 percent that actually succeed without conservative values? And that's being generous. GOD is the big salvation in prison.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that ain't a leftist thing

Again, I've been in the system for YEARS. Many colleagues who are POs, corrections, social workers, rehabilitation counselors, etc. I practiced criminal law in a state where the DEMOCRAT governor mandated community supervision for 75% of offenders and it WORKED to emphasize rehabilitation of offenders and reduce recidivism. The policy carried over to the next DEMOCRAT governer who also happened to be the former A.G. and continues to create very favorable results at significant cost savings to the citizens without any increase in crime, in fact overall crime rates have steadily decreased over the period of time that this approach has been followed. Meanwhile people's lives are kept from ruin and families are kept from generational poverty because the state allows deferred imposition on first time felony charges with strict supervision by P&P; people who successfully complete (and many do) will NOT have a felony record and all the negative consequences that brings such as limited employment, housing, educational opportunities.

You are an anecdote and proof of nothing but the limitations of your own thinking.
Talking various programs, I can speak from some experience. Course my experience occurred in the 80s. That and in Nevada. There are much rougher prisons than in Nevada.

Minimum: A.K.A. honor camp. I'll never forget the clown-looking dude who'd play taps on his bugle on occasion. If you're not smiling or laughing in his presence there's something wrong. That and I remember the smartest guy I've ever met. He was a scientist who got cooked up in meth. It hadn't taken his brain yet. Perhaps just a cook. Some of these guys are in programs, but only because minimum security is next door. All of them work, BLM, cooks, accountant, whatever. Great forms of rehab. They had free reign of the honor camp less curfew.

Medium Prison: I hated minimum. Child molesters (aka... protective custody) get their own unit, two per room. Fish tank. PC and the like get room service. On a side note: I'll never forget the time we got two busloads from an outskirt honor camp. Them boys had baseball bats taken to them in their sleep. I guess they pissed off the blacks.

Lots of programs, basketball, pool tables etc. available to the general population, where there must have been 30-40 plus in a single room. Those rooms stank.......SINKS!..... If you're going to get raped then general population is the place for it. You might get your ass kicked too. Better watch your shit.

That said, unless you're PC (e.g., child rapists), the hole or something like, there's no privacy. PC and the like get room service. Incidentally, the hole really sucks. Blanket, mattress, pillow, toilet, sink & room service is your life. Hopefully we don't run out of space or you could be bunked with the wrong guy. You know, he might like you.

Max Prison: All kinds of stuff at max. As for rehab programs? Ha ha, I honestly don't remember any than other for medium custody. Maybe access to the librady. There may have been a VERY limited number of programs for max. custody, but not much I promise you. I'll work my way from the door up the yard.

We had some medium custody inmates, and these guys worked, gardened, played games with others etc. They have access to the yard, but if I recall, not quite what the general population had at the medium security prison. These boys lived in the old cell house, which was the classic prison setting (some movie appearances). That portion of the prison was built in the 1800s.

Oh look, it's death row. Yeah, we're just kidding, too many rights and bureaucracy. Fuck, if the evidence is clear you should be dead in a week. What's a bullet cost? Not much else to say other than it's a very cold place. That portion of the prison was also built in the 1800s.

Ah this is cool, it's the federal inmates waiting extradition unit, one inmate per cell. My partner and I pretty much played cards, and we got to eat every night for bonus. Prison food isn't bad man, you should try my wife's cooking. These inmates are a very different group. Generally speaking, most of them struck me as very intelligent. Just not very wise.........ha!

Oh look, it's my unit four. Guns above but it's just me in a bubble, and 60-80 inmates in three areas with generally two inmates a cell. There's contact with others in their area less daily procedure. That might get you killed. One area at a time is released for meals, which is the culinary located between death row and the cell house. Lots of inmates crowded up and down the walkway for meals, but that's alright, there's plenty of weaponry above. Very controlled environment.

Short version is the higher up the hill the greater the custody. Eventually you get to the creepiest of creeps. If you're "behaved" you get sometime alone outdoors for a short stint. Unless you're alone you're in chains. Lots of privacy and room service too. I think I counted 12 doors between them and the fence. I believe they had a personal TV, but only if they earned it.
I was on this prison... Hutchinson Correctional Facility — Kansas Department of Corrections

Max security and built in the 1800's. No air conditioning. Whipping posts still stood in the yard. It sucked.

No shit you were max. custody and cleaned up your shit. Good for you and always be that guy. Whipping posts...........Ha!. I imagine we had a few REMOVED ourselves. For anyone who cares, max. doesn't necessarily mean you're a violent murderer or some shit. It may mean a discipline problem, or a penalty because you kicked someone's ass and such. I was a discipline problem myself. I went through the scared straight program when I was 18. Same prison I ended up working for. Fuck dude, I was big bubba's favorite (controlled environment., (i.e., I'm still a virgin). That dude was 400 pounds easy. Scars throughout his body, and no shit he pulled his eye out and chucked it at me. Course his eye was plastic, but I don't know, it was kind of creepy.
I read the OP and am confident that he is bullshitting. I've known hardcore criminals, and this pussy isn't one of them.
Dude you're trying to hard. I DO BELIEVE that people like you & me could make a difference but for that to happen you have to realize you don't know it all. That book/published paper doesn't tell you the whole story. It gives you a very narrow snapshot. Nothing more. I've been through rehab 4 or 5 times. Every time forced upon me. It never worked till I had the desire to change. That change didn't come from a government program. It came from my desire to achieve more in life.

There is a lesson to be learned from my words/experience and despite my trolling about the left the lesson is bipartisan.

AND you couldn't be reformed from rehab if it wasn't available.... You don't even realize you are arguing against yourself.
How do I say this?

THE REHAB DIDN'T REFORM ME. My heart did that.

You just don't get it. This is the point where I laugh at book smarts as compared to common sense/street smarts
Perhaps what YOU don't understand is that many former criminals are able to reform and turn their lives around without resorting to the blind stupidity of conservative political thinking.
Many? As in the 10 to 20 percent that actually succeed without conservative values? And that's being generous. GOD is the big salvation in prison.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that ain't a leftist thing
You're seriously stupid, or just a liar.

Again, I've been in the system for YEARS. Many colleagues who are POs, corrections, social workers, rehabilitation counselors, etc. I practiced criminal law in a state where the DEMOCRAT governor mandated community supervision for 75% of offenders and it WORKED to emphasize rehabilitation of offenders and reduce recidivism. The policy carried over to the next DEMOCRAT governer who also happened to be the former A.G. and continues to create very favorable results at significant cost savings to the citizens without any increase in crime, in fact overall crime rates have steadily decreased over the period of time that this approach has been followed. Meanwhile people's lives are kept from ruin and families are kept from generational poverty because the state allows deferred imposition on first time felony charges with strict supervision by P&P; people who successfully complete (and many do) will NOT have a felony record and all the negative consequences that brings such as limited employment, housing, educational opportunities.

You are an anecdote and proof of nothing but the limitations of your own thinking.
A liar? Lol

I was given away at 7 years old.
In juvenile prison by 12.
At least 20 different foster homes.
Probably about 6 different state run group homes.
In and out of adult jail by 15.
Certified ad an adult at 16.
In prison by 17.
Through rehab no less than 6 times.
Arrested no less than 20 or 30 times.

I have "been there, done that" more times than the average age of this board.
Talking various programs, I can speak from some experience. Course my experience occurred in the 80s. That and in Nevada. There are much rougher prisons than in Nevada.

Minimum: A.K.A. honor camp. I'll never forget the clown-looking dude who'd play taps on his bugle on occasion. If you're not smiling or laughing in his presence there's something wrong. That and I remember the smartest guy I've ever met. He was a scientist who got cooked up in meth. It hadn't taken his brain yet. Perhaps just a cook. Some of these guys are in programs, but only because minimum security is next door. All of them work, BLM, cooks, accountant, whatever. Great forms of rehab. They had free reign of the honor camp less curfew.

Medium Prison: I hated minimum. Child molesters (aka... protective custody) get their own unit, two per room. Fish tank. PC and the like get room service. On a side note: I'll never forget the time we got two busloads from an outskirt honor camp. Them boys had baseball bats taken to them in their sleep. I guess they pissed off the blacks.

Lots of programs, basketball, pool tables etc. available to the general population, where there must have been 30-40 plus in a single room. Those rooms stank.......SINKS!..... If you're going to get raped then general population is the place for it. You might get your ass kicked too. Better watch your shit.

That said, unless you're PC (e.g., child rapists), the hole or something like, there's no privacy. PC and the like get room service. Incidentally, the hole really sucks. Blanket, mattress, pillow, toilet, sink & room service is your life. Hopefully we don't run out of space or you could be bunked with the wrong guy. You know, he might like you.

Max Prison: All kinds of stuff at max. As for rehab programs? Ha ha, I honestly don't remember any than other for medium custody. Maybe access to the librady. There may have been a VERY limited number of programs for max. custody, but not much I promise you. I'll work my way from the door up the yard.

We had some medium custody inmates, and these guys worked, gardened, played games with others etc. They have access to the yard, but if I recall, not quite what the general population had at the medium security prison. These boys lived in the old cell house, which was the classic prison setting (some movie appearances). That portion of the prison was built in the 1800s.

Oh look, it's death row. Yeah, we're just kidding, too many rights and bureaucracy. Fuck, if the evidence is clear you should be dead in a week. What's a bullet cost? Not much else to say other than it's a very cold place. That portion of the prison was also built in the 1800s.

Ah this is cool, it's the federal inmates waiting extradition unit, one inmate per cell. My partner and I pretty much played cards, and we got to eat every night for bonus. Prison food isn't bad man, you should try my wife's cooking. These inmates are a very different group. Generally speaking, most of them struck me as very intelligent. Just not very wise.........ha!

Oh look, it's my unit four. Guns above but it's just me in a bubble, and 60-80 inmates in three areas with generally two inmates a cell. There's contact with others in their area less daily procedure. That might get you killed. One area at a time is released for meals, which is the culinary located between death row and the cell house. Lots of inmates crowded up and down the walkway for meals, but that's alright, there's plenty of weaponry above. Very controlled environment.

Short version is the higher up the hill the greater the custody. Eventually you get to the creepiest of creeps. If you're "behaved" you get sometime alone outdoors for a short stint. Unless you're alone you're in chains. Lots of privacy and room service too. I think I counted 12 doors between them and the fence. I believe they had a personal TV, but only if they earned it.
I was on this prison... Hutchinson Correctional Facility — Kansas Department of Corrections

Max security and built in the 1800's. No air conditioning. Whipping posts still stood in the yard. It sucked.

No shit you were max. custody and cleaned up your shit. Good for you and always be that guy. Whipping posts...........Ha!. I imagine we had a few REMOVED ourselves. For anyone who cares, max. doesn't necessarily mean you're a violent murderer or some shit. It may mean a discipline problem, or a penalty because you kicked someone's ass and such. I was a discipline problem myself. I went through the scared straight program when I was 18. Same prison I ended up working for. Fuck dude, I was big bubba's favorite (controlled environment., (i.e., I'm still a virgin). That dude was 400 pounds easy. Scars throughout his body, and no shit he pulled his eye out and chucked it at me. Course his eye was plastic, but I don't know, it was kind of creepy.
I was in max because I had escaped several times before. Was involved in a riot that left a guard crippled when I was at YCAT in Topeka KS. Made it to Milwaukee before they caught me.

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