I WAS a career criminal. I wouldn't think twice about hurting you if it made my life better.

By the way, he posted awhile ago that he was drunk. Not long after posting this.
Talking various programs, I can speak from some experience. Course my experience occurred in the 80s. That and in Nevada. There are much rougher prisons than in Nevada.

Minimum: A.K.A. honor camp. I'll never forget the clown-looking dude who'd play taps on his bugle on occasion. If you're not smiling or laughing in his presence there's something wrong. That and I remember the smartest guy I've ever met. He was a scientist who got cooked up in meth. It hadn't taken his brain yet. Perhaps just a cook. Some of these guys are in programs, but only because minimum security is next door. All of them work, BLM, cooks, accountant, whatever. Great forms of rehab. They had free reign of the honor camp less curfew.

Medium Prison: I hated minimum. Child molesters (aka... protective custody) get their own unit, two per room. Fish tank. PC and the like get room service. On a side note: I'll never forget the time we got two busloads from an outskirt honor camp. Them boys had baseball bats taken to them in their sleep. I guess they pissed off the blacks.

Lots of programs, basketball, pool tables etc. available to the general population, where there must have been 30-40 plus in a single room. Those rooms stank.......SINKS!..... If you're going to get raped then general population is the place for it. You might get your ass kicked too. Better watch your shit.

That said, unless you're PC (e.g., child rapists), the hole or something like, there's no privacy. PC and the like get room service. Incidentally, the hole really sucks. Blanket, mattress, pillow, toilet, sink & room service is your life. Hopefully we don't run out of space or you could be bunked with the wrong guy. You know, he might like you.

Max Prison: All kinds of stuff at max. As for rehab programs? Ha ha, I honestly don't remember any than other for medium custody. Maybe access to the librady. There may have been a VERY limited number of programs for max. custody, but not much I promise you. I'll work my way from the door up the yard.

We had some medium custody inmates, and these guys worked, gardened, played games with others etc. They have access to the yard, but if I recall, not quite what the general population had at the medium security prison. These boys lived in the old cell house, which was the classic prison setting (some movie appearances). That portion of the prison was built in the 1800s.

Oh look, it's death row. Yeah, we're just kidding, too many rights and bureaucracy. Fuck, if the evidence is clear you should be dead in a week. What's a bullet cost? Not much else to say other than it's a very cold place. That portion of the prison was also built in the 1800s.

Ah this is cool, it's the federal inmates waiting extradition unit, one inmate per cell. My partner and I pretty much played cards, and we got to eat every night for bonus. Prison food isn't bad man, you should try my wife's cooking. These inmates are a very different group. Generally speaking, most of them struck me as very intelligent. Just not very wise.........ha!

Oh look, it's my unit four. Guns above but it's just me in a bubble, and 60-80 inmates in three areas with generally two inmates a cell. There's contact with others in their area less daily procedure. That might get you killed. One area at a time is released for meals, which is the culinary located between death row and the cell house. Lots of inmates crowded up and down the walkway for meals, but that's alright, there's plenty of weaponry above. Very controlled environment.

Short version is the higher up the hill the greater the custody. Eventually you get to the creepiest of creeps. If you're "behaved" you get sometime alone outdoors for a short stint. Unless you're alone you're in chains. Lots of privacy and room service too. I think I counted 12 doors between them and the fence. I believe they had a personal TV, but only if they earned it.
I was on this prison... Hutchinson Correctional Facility — Kansas Department of Corrections

Max security and built in the 1800's. No air conditioning. Whipping posts still stood in the yard. It sucked.

No shit you were max. custody and cleaned up your shit. Good for you and always be that guy. Whipping posts...........Ha!. I imagine we had a few REMOVED ourselves. For anyone who cares, max. doesn't necessarily mean you're a violent murderer or some shit. It may mean a discipline problem, or a penalty because you kicked someone's ass and such. I was a discipline problem myself. I went through the scared straight program when I was 18. Same prison I ended up working for. Fuck dude, I was big bubba's favorite (controlled environment., (i.e., I'm still a virgin). That dude was 400 pounds easy. Scars throughout his body, and no shit he pulled his eye out and chucked it at me. Course his eye was plastic, but I don't know, it was kind of creepy.
I was in max because I had escaped several times before. Was involved in a riot that left a guard crippled when I was at YCAT in Topeka KS. Made it to Milwaukee before they caught me.

I went to school and even partied with many of the inmates. One guy in particular was a fucker. He escaped with a guy, killed him in Mexico and was later caught. He was a very creepy dude, but his brother was my friend. At any rate, BIG PROPS for escaping Ha! It aint easy. Were you medium custody beforehand? Was that where the riot took place? I've never experienced a riot. That has to be a riot.
By the way, he posted awhile ago that he was drunk. Not long after posting this.
This thread started well before then. Either way I have always been an honest poster. If you doubt it look through my history. The same 4 years ago as it is today.
I don't recall him offering a name.

List of lies said:
I was given away at 7 years old.
In juvenile prison by 12.
At least 20 different foster homes.
Probably about 6 different state run group homes.
In and out of adult jail by 15.
Certified ad an adult at 16.
In prison by 17.
Through rehab no less than 6 times.
Arrested no less than 20 or 30 times.

Shouldn't be that hard.
Thanks to my investigative journalism, we can now safely conclude that he is full of shit.

Blatant lying: A conservative value in action :laugh2:
Aggravated Juvenile Delinquency. Someone was injured.

Aggravated Intimidaton of a Witness: Ha, they can't even spell it right. Maybe you were in a "club" and who likes a snitch?

Criminal Damage to Property ($150 or More): Heck I don't know, but safe to say three felonies was enough. I don't know what class E means, but it's not an A.
Aggravated Juvenile Delinquency. Someone was injured.

Aggravated Intimidaton of a Witness: Ha, they can't even spell it right. Maybe you were in a "club" and who likes a snitch?

Criminal Damage to Property ($150 or More): Heck I don't know, but safe to say three felonies was enough. I don't know what class E means, but it's not an A.
Winner. Those were my first charges. I bailed out and it got worse. As I asked Onyx, please keep my name to yourself.

You suck at research. I'm going to give you a DIRECT LINK TO MY FIRST JUVENILE CONVICTION AS AN ADULT.

Don't blink

No listed court or conviction. Those would both be filed on the papers if you were actually sent away.

Furthermore, the papers directly state that 39384 is the case ID number. Not the prison number.
You suck at research. I'm going to give you a DIRECT LINK TO MY FIRST JUVENILE CONVICTION AS AN ADULT.

Don't blink

No listed court or conviction. Those would both be filed on the papers if you were actually sent away.

Furthermore, the papers directly state that 39384 is the case ID number. Not the prison number.
In the state of Kansas your case number IS your prison number.

Are you seriously going to be this dense?

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