I Will Never Be A Far Right Conservative

I have to agree with this.

One thing my father always taught me from a young age, is to always think for myself. We agreed on most things, but not all. And, it would always upset me if we had a disagreement.

But, he would always tell me in those times............"son if you agreed with everything I said, I would wonder if you were listening".

No two people will ever agree on everything, if they are being honest.

Exactly, being a conservative doesn't mean you have to be a sheep.
Since I don't believe that being too far right is just as bad as being too far left even though I will always be a conservative. So if the reason you're following me is because you think that I am like that please take me off your follows list now. After all, too much of anything isn't good.
To many liberal/progressives/socialist ect. if you aren't one of them, then you are far right.
Since I don't believe that being too far right is just as bad as being too far left even though I will always be a conservative. So if the reason you're following me is because you think that I am like that please take me off your follows list now. After all, too much of anything isn't good.
There is NO FAR RIGHT anywhere in Mainstream American Politics anymore
A conservative “too far right” would be considered a reactionary.

Hmm,.. interesting. I just called it that since I didn't want to be called a liberal even though on rare occasions I actually agree with them.
A conservative “too far right” would be considered a reactionary.
I'm a Conservative Nationalist Republican Militia Sergeant /Ultra Conservative Shasta County Recall Voter & Ca. CCW holder who Practices Judaism and Supports Israel ( Yet I do not consider myself "Far Right" )
Hmm,.. interesting. I just called it that since I didn't want to be called a liberal even though on rare occasions I actually agree with them.
If you post here long enough, expect to be called everything in the book.
I can't think of ONE far Right Congresscritter in DC ,even my own Doug LaMalfa (R) Ca.Dist 1 is Middle Right in my book
Since I don't believe that being too far right is just as bad as being too far left even though I will always be a conservative. So if the reason you're following me is because you think that I am like that please take me off your follows list now. After all, too much of anything isn't good.
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Jus sayin. (-:
Have you been called a Socially Liberal Fiscally Conservative Turd Party Type who trends Fence Sitter on many Social Issues (Like Choice / Legalized Drugs / Gay Marriage / ... ????

No, but that's strangely specific.
But you'll never tell will you? ;)
I can. When I implemented the new behavior module last year, I became a lot more easier to be understood. Muh wife even understands when to cook breakfast and get beer magazines.


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