I Will Never Be A Far Right Conservative

Thanks, “MisterBeale” and Mr. (“J.W.Booth”) Harley …

Seems like you guys are competing to prove me right about this place being … “Bizarro Land.”
I know you dont understand. You get on here kissing tyrants ass all the time.
You are a joke man. A fucking lackey.
Since I don't believe that being too far right is just as bad as being too far left even though I will always be a conservative. So if the reason you're following me is because you think that I am like that please take me off your follows list now. After all, too much of anything isn't good.

Might want to edit your 1st sentence, so that it makes sense.
Thanks, “MisterBeale” and Mr. (“J.W.Booth”) Harley …

Seems like you guys are competing to prove me right about this place being … “Bizarro Land.”
Your home world...

"Since I don't believe that being too far right is just as bad as being too far left even though I will always be a conservative."

So, just to be clear, you DO NOT believe being too far to the right, is just as bad as being too far to the left?

Sorry, my bad I meant to say I don't believe that being too far right isn't just as bad as being too far left. My mistake.

Do you know the difference between being a republican vs a conservative?

No, I actually didn't know that there was a difference.

Might want to edit your 1st sentence, so that it makes sense.

Thanks, I can't on my OP, but I just did in this post. :)
No, I actually didn't know that there was a difference.

A Conservative:
People like Ron Paul, Justin Amash, Rand Paul (5 years ago), Thomas Massie... People who want to cut spending and taxes and stupid regulations (not all). People who believe in minding our own business around the world. We don't believe in lobbyist. Especially ones from the Military industrial complex or big pharma.
We don't mind a little welfare to help those who 1. Really need it. 2. Will use it to get back on their feet, and not sponge off it for the rest of their lives.
We actually want a smaller government.
We care about the Federal Reserve and want to do something about it before $15hr becomes a poverty wage. And before all our corporations move out of the country.

A Republican:
People like Donald J. Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan. People who only talk about doing the things I listed above. But never actually do them. Or even try to do them. Republicans only care about all the spending when a democrat is in the white house. The Trump tax cuts were BS. But his worshippers praised them like they were going to be tax free. I've paid more every year since the tax cuts than what I was paying before, because of all the deductions they eliminated.

In short, actual conservatives are serious about the budget, spending and the government living within it's means. Republicans just give lip service to those things.
A Conservative:
People like Ron Paul, Justin Amash, Rand Paul (5 years ago), Thomas Massie... People who want to cut spending and taxes and stupid regulations (not all). People who believe in minding our own business around the world. We don't believe in lobbyist. Especially ones from the Military industrial complex or big pharma.
We don't mind a little welfare to help those who 1. Really need it. 2. Will use it to get back on their feet, and not sponge off it for the rest of their lives.
We actually want a smaller government.
We care about the Federal Reserve and want to do something about it before $15hr becomes a poverty wage. And before all our corporations move out of the country.

A Republican:
People like Donald J. Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan. People who only talk about doing the things I listed above. But never actually do them. Or even try to do them. Republicans only care about all the spending when a democrat is in the white house. The Trump tax cuts were BS. But his worshippers praised them like they were going to be tax free. I've paid more every year since the tax cuts than what I was paying before, because of all the deductions they eliminated.

In short, actual conservatives are serious about the budget, spending and the government living within it's means. Republicans just give lip service to those things.

I don't think I can agree with that as Trump got a lot accomplished when he was still president.
A Conservative:
People like Ron Paul, Justin Amash, Rand Paul (5 years ago), Thomas Massie... People who want to cut spending and taxes and stupid regulations (not all). People who believe in minding our own business around the world. We don't believe in lobbyist. Especially ones from the Military industrial complex or big pharma.
We don't mind a little welfare to help those who 1. Really need it. 2. Will use it to get back on their feet, and not sponge off it for the rest of their lives.
We actually want a smaller government.
We care about the Federal Reserve and want to do something about it before $15hr becomes a poverty wage. And before all our corporations move out of the country.

A Republican:
People like Donald J. Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan. People who only talk about doing the things I listed above. But never actually do them. Or even try to do them. Republicans only care about all the spending when a democrat is in the white house. The Trump tax cuts were BS. But his worshippers praised them like they were going to be tax free. I've paid more every year since the tax cuts than what I was paying before, because of all the deductions they eliminated.

In short, actual conservatives are serious about the budget, spending and the government living within it's means. Republicans just give lip service to those things.
Total bullshit!
Sorry, my bad I meant to say I don't believe that being too far right isn't just as bad as being too far left. My mistake.

No, I actually didn't know that there was a difference.

Thanks, I can't on my OP, but I just did in this post. :)

I think that it's possible but -
A Conservative:
People like Ron Paul, Justin Amash, Rand Paul (5 years ago), Thomas Massie... People who want to cut spending and taxes and stupid regulations (not all). People who believe in minding our own business around the world. We don't believe in lobbyist. Especially ones from the Military industrial complex or big pharma.
We don't mind a little welfare to help those who 1. Really need it. 2. Will use it to get back on their feet, and not sponge off it for the rest of their lives.
We actually want a smaller government.
We care about the Federal Reserve and want to do something about it before $15hr becomes a poverty wage. And before all our corporations move out of the country.

A Republican:
People like Donald J. Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan. People who only talk about doing the things I listed above. But never actually do them. Or even try to do them. Republicans only care about all the spending when a democrat is in the white house. The Trump tax cuts were BS. But his worshippers praised them like they were going to be tax free. I've paid more every year since the tax cuts than what I was paying before, because of all the deductions they eliminated.

In short, actual conservatives are serious about the budget, spending and the government living within it's means. Republicans just give lip service to those things.

Even the greatest Conservative can't turn an aircraft carrier around on a dime.
things take time and cooperation.

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