I wish to thank all the MSM for helping Trump get elected!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
As I've been a major critic of the biased MSM after deep reflection and further substantiation I've come to
understand the role the MSM played in convincing Americans that :
1) The MSM IS biased.
2) Everything or time they report biased news/headlines/soundbites I am suspicious of their work.

So "Thanks" to the MSM for being a part in Trump's election as more and more Americans came to the
same conclusion, that is Trump couldn't be all bad as the MSM reported nor were Americans like me
"deplorables" as labeled by Hillary.

As this Harvard study shows, Trump received MORE negative tone stories and LESS positive tone
stories then Hillary.
Now just as the MSM did in 2008 where they pumped McCain up during the primaries more then
other candidates BECAUSE they knew that against Obama he stood no chance... so they pushed McCain..in the primaries.
So too with Trump! They WANTED Trump to be the buffoon candidate for the GOP... so yes as you see
below Trump had less "negative" and more "positive"... as they could appear "unbiased" as their nefarious and obvious choice was the "buffoon" Trump!

BUT Trump outsmarted, outworked, and outflanked the biased MSM during the general election.
He went to all of us and he also confirmed to all of us the BIASED MSM coverage that was occurring.
Then when Hillary called us "deplorables" and the MSM touted that phrase... that convinced millions of Americans who like me didn't want to get into arguments with relatives, or tell biased pollster I favored Trump... we showed our choice behind the curtain.

SO a big thanks to the MSM for convincing millions of Americans that if Trump was so good in the
primaries, why then was the MSM after the primaries so biased? Wrote so many untrue stories that thanks to the internet millions of Americans could find out were false.
Perfect example... just now I did a Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant"
About 38,600 results (0.51 seconds) as MSNBC portrayed... his "anti-immigrant" speech!
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history | MSNBC
Sep 1, 2016 - Rachel Maddow shows how throughout American history, when normal politics breaks down, fringe voices gain prominence scapegoating ...

How many people believed that Trump (who married a "legal immigrant" who has a daughter who converted to Judaism and with her husband raising a family in the Jewish faith) is what these 38,600 results state:
"Trump anti-immigrant"? The more times this 180° from the facts was reported by the MSM, the more the "deplorables" recognized Trump was stating the truth...MSM is biased... AND GUESS WHAT???
THE MSM agreed with him!!!
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules
As this NYT reporter states:
"Now comes Jim Rutenberg, in his first season as media columnist for the New York Times. He’s a good reporter and I give him credit for trying to openly grapple with this bizarre situation.
But Rutenberg is, in my view, trying to defend the indefensible:
If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable.”
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules


News Coverage of the 2016 General Election: How the Press Failed the Voters - Shorenstein Center
They thought that by giving him maximum exposure they'd help him bury himself.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too.


I figured the under the surface discontent in the middle of the country would make the election close, but honestly I was still 55% thinking Hillary would squeak by.
They thought that by giving him maximum exposure they'd help him bury himself. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Oops. .
I figured the under the surface discontent in the middle of the country would make the election close, but honestly I was still 55% thinking Hillary would squeak by.
Yeah, exactly. I'm rarely shocked any more, but when I woke up the next morning and saw the news...

They thought that by giving him maximum exposure they'd help him bury himself.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too.


I think Trump knows the MSM very well and he saw the 2008 election as a perfect example of HOW idiot GOP like McCain who thought the MSM was his friend.. Remember this:
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday. Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russet
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So that's what gave McCain the idea he could run for President and the MSM would support him...which they did in the primaries!
But boy they knew that Obama the first black president was THEIR MAN and they pulled out all the negative press during the election campaign.

But Trump knew this and knew the MSM was so liberally biased...remember he WAS a Democrat and donated to Hillary.

Trump knew the MSM would support him just for his buffoonery candidacy during the primaries.

The MSM never knew what was happening... thanks again!
I still want a poster of Rachael Maddow on election night.

I've never seen a face like that before....it was priceless.
They thought that by giving him maximum exposure they'd help him bury himself. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Oops. .
I figured the under the surface discontent in the middle of the country would make the election close, but honestly I was still 55% thinking Hillary would squeak by.
Yeah, exactly. I'm rarely shocked any more, but when I woke up the next morning and saw the news...


I went to be around 11:30 Eastern, so I kind of knew what was going on by then. It was the fact that Wisconsin was in play that made me think he pulled it off.

My wife is a Hillary supporter, and was out at a bar, I guess assuming a victory. Needless to say the next morning was not pleasant.
Trump knew the MSM would support him just for his buffoonery candidacy during the primaries. The MSM never knew what was happening...
This is the central issue/question to me.

I suppose it's possible. The cognitive dissonance for me, though, is that a guy with that kind of ego would be willing to play the buffoon like that.

Whatever, I reckon. I'm giving up assuming anything, and I'm hoping he does well.
Trump knew the MSM would support him just for his buffoonery candidacy during the primaries. The MSM never knew what was happening...
This is the central issue/question to me.

I suppose it's possible. The cognitive dissonance for me, though, is that a guy with that kind of ego would be willing to play the buffoon like that.

Whatever, I reckon. I'm giving up assuming anything, and I'm hoping he does well.
Fix your quote.....
Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.
Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.

I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.
They thought that by giving him maximum exposure they'd help him bury himself.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too.


I figured the under the surface discontent in the middle of the country would make the election close, but honestly I was still 55% thinking Hillary would squeak by.

I agree. I voted for Trump but I really thought Hillary would be the next POTUS.

No one was more surprised than I was when he won and I'm sure glad he did.

Four years of Hillary isn't something I wanted to think about. Woman is a waste of oxygen and she's stupid, careless and incompetent. One can only imagine what her presidency would consist of.
Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.

Actually you are ignoring the decrease due to people basically giving up looking for a job at their level, and either entering the black market workforce, or taking positions so low they don't want to report what they are doing.

Go to the States that flipped to Trump, say "full employment" and watch yourself get tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail.
Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.

I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Where have you loons been? For the last 20 years, we've been pointing out every how Democrat has known they're running against both the Republicans and the corporate mainstream media.

Anyways, good of you all to finally admit that yes, the mainstream media is composed almost entirely of GOP shills.

So, does this mean you'll finally stop whining about the "liberal media"? Probably not. After all, in order to get sucked into the conservative cult, you have to be capable of believing a dozen contradictory things before breakfast.
Where have you loons been? For the last 20 years, we've been pointing out every how Democrat has known they're running against both the Republicans and the corporate mainstream media.

Anyways, good of you all to finally admit that yes, the mainstream media is composed almost entirely of GOP shills.

So, does this mean you'll finally stop whining about the "liberal media"? Probably not. After all, in order to get sucked into the conservative cult, you have to be capable of believing a dozen contradictory things before breakfast.

You so full of shit.

The only right wing network out there is FOX. The rest of the LSM is all liberal. Every single one.

Good lord what rock have you been hiding under.
Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.

I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

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