I wouldn't vote to convict the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks of murder

There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed a taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man in trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
Shot him in the back after dropping his Taser. Back shooting cop is a low life POS.
The Taser wasn't "his" you moron! He stole the Taser from the LEO. As he was running away with it he turned and fired the Taser at the LEO.
YOU try that shit and you will be maggot meat.
This case has the life expectancy of a popcorn fart in the wind. Even CNN/MSNBC have decided to not cover it. That's saying something.
Talk about a moron... That's you, Boy. The cop dropped it when he hit the car.
The CNN video proves the tree dweller was fighting with the cops and he took the Taser. Or don't you believe the CNN video?
No he knew it was a taser. He even was caught on video saying that.
Not only did the cop know it was a taser, he saw the taser fired over his head before he shot Brooks. So he knew both that it was a taser and one that had been discharged and hence rendered useless.
Bingo. And then the POS had the unmitigated gall to say "gottem".

what do you mean "USELESS" ? it is a weapon---it can be USED by a criminal. The criminal who stole it has already demonstrated his depravity. It died during the commission of a crime at the hands of a person sworn to PROTECT society. When I cop tries to arrest you----you should not put up a fight
Maybe you need to have it explained that a Taser is only capable of being fired once before it must be reloaded.

The taser was already fired and missed the cop by a very wide margin.

so? what is stopping the man from recharging the weapon which should not be in his hands at all----and
using it later for whatever nefarious reason brought him to the attention of the cop to begin with?
Wow the stupid is strong with you.

The Taser fires a cartridge that shoots electrodes into a person's body if that cartridge is fired and hits nothing the Taser cannot be fired again until a new cartridge is inserted.

So is it your contention that this man also stole Taser refill cartridges from the cop? And don't forget he dropped the Taser to the ground before the cop shot him in the back
Obviously he had some refills in his back pocket

oh one has to have refills? I did not know----when he dropped the weapon he SURRENDERED?
When he dropped the taser he ran.

oh----so he escaped a lawful arrest----he was a
The cops had his car, his name, his address so they could have found him and arrested him at any time.

How was the cop's life in danger from a man who was running away?

I did not suggest that the cop's life was in danger.
If I had a gun and shot him----that would be a crime.
I am not a cop and did not have him under arrest

So if the cop's life was not in danger why did he shoot?

Police have to justify their actions.
Because Brooks had stolen his taser and was shooting at the police. Ironically, if he had just been arrested he would have been out as soon as he sobered up. It's not like this is a case that would go to trial.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed a taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man in trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
Shot him in the back after dropping his Taser. Back shooting cop is a low life POS.
The Taser wasn't "his" you moron! He stole the Taser from the LEO. As he was running away with it he turned and fired the Taser at the LEO.
YOU try that shit and you will be maggot meat.
This case has the life expectancy of a popcorn fart in the wind. Even CNN/MSNBC have decided to not cover it. That's saying something.
Talk about a moron... That's you, Boy. The cop dropped it when he hit the car.
The CNN video proves the tree dweller was fighting with the cops and he took the Taser. Or don't you believe the CNN video?
The body cam is much better and gives much more detail.
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
I hope the one that got fired walks, and does so with a couple million Atlanta tax dollars.

He shot a man in the back - twice. It's really hard to convince people that your life is in danger from a man who is running away, or that they had no other way of arresting him when they had his car, his name, and his address.

He'll be convicted because this is a rage killing. He got pissed off and shot a man who was running away from him and posed no danger to him, in the back and killed him.

the man who resisted arrest and grabbed the cop's weapon is a DANGER TO SOCIETY
Who told you that or is that just your opinion?

I is old. I no longer work---HOWEVER during my working years, I dealt with both cops and robbers.
I know BOTH well.. A man who should be in cuffs----running around town with a weapon ----is LIKELY to be dangerous. When packed into a padded room and in restraints------they are fairly safe (only fairly)

Should every non-violent offender be in cuffs? Especially cuffed behind the back? Why is every suspect cuffed and placed in a physically vulnerable position? Freddy Gray, hands cuffed behind his back, was tossed in the back of a paddy wagon and bounced around back there, defenceless, until it killed him. Police may not have intended to kill him, but they sure as hell intended to hurt him.
The drunk negro tried to ran from a LEO after the negro failed a DUI test. He then got into a fight with the LEOs and punched one LEO in the face then took the LEO's Taser. As he was running away he turned a fired the Taser at a LEO. How crimes did the negro commit? Or can you count that high?
He was NOT "non-violent". Do you see a pattern of negro street thugs getting into fights with LEO's and getting shot?
These people are obviously not sentient enough to behave themselves in normal society. Their own 'communities' are shit scared of them.
They are uncontrollable in the inner city schools. By the time most of them are ten they are already in a gang. 75% of them have no father figure in the home b/c the fathers are mostly in prison or about to be going back to prison or shot dead by another negro over a bag of weed or a pair of Nikes.
The words 'short bus' and Bell Curve come to mind.

good point-----fugitive on the loose and running.
To where was he running? -----the local playground? I is old-----I have seen lots of people dead of acute
lead poisoning to the head. Case scenario:
the fugitive runs away---gets a gun and shoots
up the area------a six year old catches a bullet in
his head. Should the cop who let him go get
the blame? Little heads----three feet from the
ground------are very vulnerable
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.

A cop is only meant to shoot if he is in fear of his life... They searched him and they knew he had no weapons... So the worst he could have is a tazer....

Not saying the guy is innocent but was he deserving of the death penalty? Cops let these guys go and they have him a few days..
What would you be posting today if the drunk violent tree dweller had carjacked someone's car and then drove it head on to a members of YOUR family? Fucking wise up!
No he knew it was a taser. He even was caught on video saying that.
Not only did the cop know it was a taser, he saw the taser fired over his head before he shot Brooks. So he knew both that it was a taser and one that had been discharged and hence rendered useless.
Bingo. And then the POS had the unmitigated gall to say "gottem".

what do you mean "USELESS" ? it is a weapon---it can be USED by a criminal. The criminal who stole it has already demonstrated his depravity. It died during the commission of a crime at the hands of a person sworn to PROTECT society. When I cop tries to arrest you----you should not put up a fight
Maybe you need to have it explained that a Taser is only capable of being fired once before it must be reloaded.

The taser was already fired and missed the cop by a very wide margin.

so? what is stopping the man from recharging the weapon which should not be in his hands at all----and
using it later for whatever nefarious reason brought him to the attention of the cop to begin with?
Wow the stupid is strong with you.

The Taser fires a cartridge that shoots electrodes into a person's body if that cartridge is fired and hits nothing the Taser cannot be fired again until a new cartridge is inserted.

So is it your contention that this man also stole Taser refill cartridges from the cop? And don't forget he dropped the Taser to the ground before the cop shot him in the back
Obviously he had some refills in his back pocket

oh one has to have refills? I did not know----when he dropped the weapon he SURRENDERED?
When he dropped the taser he ran.

oh----so he escaped a lawful arrest----he was a
The cops had his car, his name, his address so they could have found him and arrested him at any time.

How was the cop's life in danger from a man who was running away?

I did not suggest that the cop's life was in danger.
If I had a gun and shot him----that would be a crime.
I am not a cop and did not have him under arrest

So if the cop's life was not in danger why did he shoot?

Police have to justify their actions.
Because Brooks had stolen his taser and was shooting at the police. Ironically, if he had just been arrested he would have been out as soon as he sobered up. It's not like this is a case that would go to trial.

You need to catch up.

A Taser can be fired only once and a new cartridge must be installed before it can be fired again.

When the Taser was fired it missed the cop by a very wide margin.

After the subject fired the Taser he dropped it and ran.

At what point was the cop's life in danger from a nonlethal weapon that had been discharged, missed the cop and dropped?

How is a person running away from a cop a threat to that cop?
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
I hope the one that got fired walks, and does so with a couple million Atlanta tax dollars.

He shot a man in the back - twice. It's really hard to convince people that your life is in danger from a man who is running away, or that they had no other way of arresting him when they had his car, his name, and his address.

He'll be convicted because this is a rage killing. He got pissed off and shot a man who was running away from him and posed no danger to him, in the back and killed him.

the man who resisted arrest and grabbed the cop's weapon is a DANGER TO SOCIETY
Who told you that or is that just your opinion?

I is old. I no longer work---HOWEVER during my working years, I dealt with both cops and robbers.
I know BOTH well.. A man who should be in cuffs----running around town with a weapon ----is LIKELY to be dangerous. When packed into a padded room and in restraints------they are fairly safe (only fairly)
The guy wasnt a robber. He was sleep in the drive through from my understanding. Who knows what the cops said to or indicated to him to cause him to go from cooperating to trying to fight for his life.
the cops had already patted him down, and he didn't have his car anymore. No one will ever know why he went from cooperative drunk/stoner to The HULK, but we can't have cops shooting people in the backs while running away. That's not gonna cut it. People will start shooting cops instead of running away.

btw----people are shooting cops-----and other people too. lots and lots and lots.
Yep. And it seems to escalate when passions are inflamed.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed a taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man in trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
Shot him in the back after dropping his Taser. Back shooting cop is a low life POS.
The Taser wasn't "his" you moron! He stole the Taser from the LEO. As he was running away with it he turned and fired the Taser at the LEO.
YOU try that shit and you will be maggot meat.
This case has the life expectancy of a popcorn fart in the wind. Even CNN/MSNBC have decided to not cover it. That's saying something.
Talk about a moron... That's you, Boy. The cop dropped it when he hit the car.
The CNN video proves the tree dweller was fighting with the cops and he took the Taser. Or don't you believe the CNN video?
Cop was running with taser in left hand. Perp took a right turn. Cop hit parked car. Dropped taser.
Did you see that or are you trying to justify what didn't happen?
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
I hope the one that got fired walks, and does so with a couple million Atlanta tax dollars.

He shot a man in the back - twice. It's really hard to convince people that your life is in danger from a man who is running away, or that they had no other way of arresting him when they had his car, his name, and his address.

He'll be convicted because this is a rage killing. He got pissed off and shot a man who was running away from him and posed no danger to him, in the back and killed him.

the man who resisted arrest and grabbed the cop's weapon is a DANGER TO SOCIETY
Who told you that or is that just your opinion?

I is old. I no longer work---HOWEVER during my working years, I dealt with both cops and robbers.
I know BOTH well.. A man who should be in cuffs----running around town with a weapon ----is LIKELY to be dangerous. When packed into a padded room and in restraints------they are fairly safe (only fairly)

Should every non-violent offender be in cuffs? Especially cuffed behind the back? Why is every suspect cuffed and placed in a physically vulnerable position? Freddy Gray, hands cuffed behind his back, was tossed in the back of a paddy wagon and bounced around back there, defenceless, until it killed him. Police may not have intended to kill him, but they sure as hell intended to hurt him.
The drunk negro tried to ran from a LEO after the negro failed a DUI test. He then got into a fight with the LEOs and punched one LEO in the face then took the LEO's Taser. As he was running away he turned a fired the Taser at a LEO. How crimes did the negro commit? Or can you count that high?
He was NOT "non-violent". Do you see a pattern of negro street thugs getting into fights with LEO's and getting shot?
These people are obviously not sentient enough to behave themselves in normal society. Their own 'communities' are shit scared of them.
They are uncontrollable in the inner city schools. By the time most of them are ten they are already in a gang. 75% of them have no father figure in the home b/c the fathers are mostly in prison or about to be going back to prison or shot dead by another negro over a bag of weed or a pair of Nikes.
The words 'short bus' and Bell Curve come to mind.

good point-----fugitive on the loose and running.
To where was he running? -----the local playground? I is old-----I have seen lots of people dead of acute
lead poisoning to the head. Case scenario:
the fugitive runs away---gets a gun and shoots
up the area------a six year old catches a bullet in
his head. Should the cop who let him go get
the blame? Little heads----three feet from the
ground------are very vulnerable

He was shot by police late in the evening, long after dark. The children were all home in their beds, and the suspect didn't have a gun.

The police had the suspect's car, they knew his name, and where he lived. Shooting an unarmed man in the back as he runs away, is murder.
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
I hope the one that got fired walks, and does so with a couple million Atlanta tax dollars.

He shot a man in the back - twice. It's really hard to convince people that your life is in danger from a man who is running away, or that they had no other way of arresting him when they had his car, his name, and his address.

He'll be convicted because this is a rage killing. He got pissed off and shot a man who was running away from him and posed no danger to him, in the back and killed him.
No he won’t be because normal people know what you’re saying is bullshit. The asshole got shot because he was fighting police, took. a weapon off of one and used it. Shooting that sack of shit was the best option in preventing innocent people from being harmed.
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
I hope the one that got fired walks, and does so with a couple million Atlanta tax dollars.

He shot a man in the back - twice. It's really hard to convince people that your life is in danger from a man who is running away, or that they had no other way of arresting him when they had his car, his name, and his address.

He'll be convicted because this is a rage killing. He got pissed off and shot a man who was running away from him and posed no danger to him, in the back and killed him.

the man who resisted arrest and grabbed the cop's weapon is a DANGER TO SOCIETY
Who told you that or is that just your opinion?

I is old. I no longer work---HOWEVER during my working years, I dealt with both cops and robbers.
I know BOTH well.. A man who should be in cuffs----running around town with a weapon ----is LIKELY to be dangerous. When packed into a padded room and in restraints------they are fairly safe (only fairly)

Should every non-violent offender be in cuffs? Especially cuffed behind the back? Why is every suspect cuffed and placed in a physically vulnerable position? Freddy Gray, hands cuffed behind his back, was tossed in the back of a paddy wagon and bounced around back there, defenceless, until it killed him. Police may not have intended to kill him, but they sure as hell intended to hurt him.
The drunk negro tried to ran from a LEO after the negro failed a DUI test. He then got into a fight with the LEOs and punched one LEO in the face then took the LEO's Taser. As he was running away he turned a fired the Taser at a LEO. How crimes did the negro commit? Or can you count that high?
He was NOT "non-violent". Do you see a pattern of negro street thugs getting into fights with LEO's and getting shot?
These people are obviously not sentient enough to behave themselves in normal society. Their own 'communities' are shit scared of them.
They are uncontrollable in the inner city schools. By the time most of them are ten they are already in a gang. 75% of them have no father figure in the home b/c the fathers are mostly in prison or about to be going back to prison or shot dead by another negro over a bag of weed or a pair of Nikes.
The words 'short bus' and Bell Curve come to mind.

good point-----fugitive on the loose and running.
To where was he running? -----the local playground? I is old-----I have seen lots of people dead of acute
lead poisoning to the head. Case scenario:
the fugitive runs away---gets a gun and shoots
up the area------a six year old catches a bullet in
his head. Should the cop who let him go get
the blame? Little heads----three feet from the
ground------are very vulnerable

He was shot by police late in the evening, long after dark. The children were all home in their beds, and the suspect didn't have a gun.

The police had the suspect's car, they knew his name, and where he lived. Shooting an unarmed man in the back as he runs away, is murder.

lol ---"late in the evening.......the kids were all home.....
the suspect didn't have a gun.....
and as Scarlett said "TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY" an arrestee on the run is a CRIMINAL FUGITIVE. It would have been much better if the cop had another way of getting the guy------but he did have the responsibility of HOLDING HIM. He ALSO faced a problem as in "oh shucks---the perp escaped...." and then gets called "SCHMUCK"
Argentina 100 to 150​
Australia 1 to 10​
Bangladesh 154 to 466​
Canada 23 to 41​
France 10 to 26​
Germany 6 to 14​
Jamaica 101 to 357​
Poland 1 to 3​
Portugal 0 to 5​
South Africa 394 to 436​
United Kingdom 0 to 6​
United States 1,276 to 1,767​

Rightardia is all giddy - "We're #1!"

Naw, not quite:

Brazil 4,224 to 6,160

the stats are based ENTIRELY on numbers provided by the countries cited.
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
I hope the one that got fired walks, and does so with a couple million Atlanta tax dollars.

He shot a man in the back - twice. It's really hard to convince people that your life is in danger from a man who is running away, or that they had no other way of arresting him when they had his car, his name, and his address.

He'll be convicted because this is a rage killing. He got pissed off and shot a man who was running away from him and posed no danger to him, in the back and killed him.

the man who resisted arrest and grabbed the cop's weapon is a DANGER TO SOCIETY
Who told you that or is that just your opinion?

I is old. I no longer work---HOWEVER during my working years, I dealt with both cops and robbers.
I know BOTH well.. A man who should be in cuffs----running around town with a weapon ----is LIKELY to be dangerous. When packed into a padded room and in restraints------they are fairly safe (only fairly)

Should every non-violent offender be in cuffs? Especially cuffed behind the back? Why is every suspect cuffed and placed in a physically vulnerable position? Freddy Gray, hands cuffed behind his back, was tossed in the back of a paddy wagon and bounced around back there, defenceless, until it killed him. Police may not have intended to kill him, but they sure as hell intended to hurt him.
The drunk negro tried to ran from a LEO after the negro failed a DUI test. He then got into a fight with the LEOs and punched one LEO in the face then took the LEO's Taser. As he was running away he turned a fired the Taser at a LEO. How crimes did the negro commit? Or can you count that high?
He was NOT "non-violent". Do you see a pattern of negro street thugs getting into fights with LEO's and getting shot?
These people are obviously not sentient enough to behave themselves in normal society. Their own 'communities' are shit scared of them.
They are uncontrollable in the inner city schools. By the time most of them are ten they are already in a gang. 75% of them have no father figure in the home b/c the fathers are mostly in prison or about to be going back to prison or shot dead by another negro over a bag of weed or a pair of Nikes.
The words 'short bus' and Bell Curve come to mind.

good point-----fugitive on the loose and running.
To where was he running? -----the local playground? I is old-----I have seen lots of people dead of acute
lead poisoning to the head. Case scenario:
the fugitive runs away---gets a gun and shoots
up the area------a six year old catches a bullet in
his head. Should the cop who let him go get
the blame? Little heads----three feet from the
ground------are very vulnerable

He was shot by police late in the evening, long after dark. The children were all home in their beds, and the suspect didn't have a gun.

The police had the suspect's car, they knew his name, and where he lived. Shooting an unarmed man in the back as he runs away, is murder.

lol ---"late in the evening.......the kids were all home.....
the suspect didn't have a gun.....
and as Scarlett said "TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY" an arrestee on the run is a CRIMINAL FUGITIVE. It would have been much better if the cop had another way of getting the guy------but he did have the responsibility of HOLDING HIM. He ALSO faced a problem as in "oh shucks---the perp escaped...." and then gets called "SCHMUCK"
He did have a better option. 2 in fact. He could have gotten some exercise or called for backup. His personal pride has no place in the execution of his job. Thats the reason he shot the guy. His pride was wounded and he intended to make him pay for it. Thanks for establishing the case for the murder charges that will be coming shortly.
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
I hope the one that got fired walks, and does so with a couple million Atlanta tax dollars.

He shot a man in the back - twice. It's really hard to convince people that your life is in danger from a man who is running away, or that they had no other way of arresting him when they had his car, his name, and his address.

He'll be convicted because this is a rage killing. He got pissed off and shot a man who was running away from him and posed no danger to him, in the back and killed him.

the man who resisted arrest and grabbed the cop's weapon is a DANGER TO SOCIETY
Who told you that or is that just your opinion?

I is old. I no longer work---HOWEVER during my working years, I dealt with both cops and robbers.
I know BOTH well.. A man who should be in cuffs----running around town with a weapon ----is LIKELY to be dangerous. When packed into a padded room and in restraints------they are fairly safe (only fairly)

Should every non-violent offender be in cuffs? Especially cuffed behind the back? Why is every suspect cuffed and placed in a physically vulnerable position? Freddy Gray, hands cuffed behind his back, was tossed in the back of a paddy wagon and bounced around back there, defenceless, until it killed him. Police may not have intended to kill him, but they sure as hell intended to hurt him.
The drunk negro tried to ran from a LEO after the negro failed a DUI test. He then got into a fight with the LEOs and punched one LEO in the face then took the LEO's Taser. As he was running away he turned a fired the Taser at a LEO. How crimes did the negro commit? Or can you count that high?
He was NOT "non-violent". Do you see a pattern of negro street thugs getting into fights with LEO's and getting shot?
These people are obviously not sentient enough to behave themselves in normal society. Their own 'communities' are shit scared of them.
They are uncontrollable in the inner city schools. By the time most of them are ten they are already in a gang. 75% of them have no father figure in the home b/c the fathers are mostly in prison or about to be going back to prison or shot dead by another negro over a bag of weed or a pair of Nikes.
The words 'short bus' and Bell Curve come to mind.

good point-----fugitive on the loose and running.
To where was he running? -----the local playground? I is old-----I have seen lots of people dead of acute
lead poisoning to the head. Case scenario:
the fugitive runs away---gets a gun and shoots
up the area------a six year old catches a bullet in
his head. Should the cop who let him go get
the blame? Little heads----three feet from the
ground------are very vulnerable

He was shot by police late in the evening, long after dark. The children were all home in their beds, and the suspect didn't have a gun.

The police had the suspect's car, they knew his name, and where he lived. Shooting an unarmed man in the back as he runs away, is murder.

lol ---"late in the evening.......the kids were all home.....
the suspect didn't have a gun.....
and as Scarlett said "TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY" an arrestee on the run is a CRIMINAL FUGITIVE. It would have been much better if the cop had another way of getting the guy------but he did have the responsibility of HOLDING HIM. He ALSO faced a problem as in "oh shucks---the perp escaped...." and then gets called "SCHMUCK"
He did have a better option. 2 in fact. He could have gotten some exercise or called for backup. His personal pride has no place in the execution of his job. Thats the reason he shot the guy. His pride was wounded and he intended to make him pay for it. Thanks for establishing the case for the murder charges that will be coming shortly.
I just heard the coroner rules it as a HOMICIDE.
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
I hope the one that got fired walks, and does so with a couple million Atlanta tax dollars.

He shot a man in the back - twice. It's really hard to convince people that your life is in danger from a man who is running away, or that they had no other way of arresting him when they had his car, his name, and his address.

He'll be convicted because this is a rage killing. He got pissed off and shot a man who was running away from him and posed no danger to him, in the back and killed him.

the man who resisted arrest and grabbed the cop's weapon is a DANGER TO SOCIETY
Who told you that or is that just your opinion?

I is old. I no longer work---HOWEVER during my working years, I dealt with both cops and robbers.
I know BOTH well.. A man who should be in cuffs----running around town with a weapon ----is LIKELY to be dangerous. When packed into a padded room and in restraints------they are fairly safe (only fairly)

Should every non-violent offender be in cuffs? Especially cuffed behind the back? Why is every suspect cuffed and placed in a physically vulnerable position? Freddy Gray, hands cuffed behind his back, was tossed in the back of a paddy wagon and bounced around back there, defenceless, until it killed him. Police may not have intended to kill him, but they sure as hell intended to hurt him.
The drunk negro tried to ran from a LEO after the negro failed a DUI test. He then got into a fight with the LEOs and punched one LEO in the face then took the LEO's Taser. As he was running away he turned a fired the Taser at a LEO. How crimes did the negro commit? Or can you count that high?
He was NOT "non-violent". Do you see a pattern of negro street thugs getting into fights with LEO's and getting shot?
These people are obviously not sentient enough to behave themselves in normal society. Their own 'communities' are shit scared of them.
They are uncontrollable in the inner city schools. By the time most of them are ten they are already in a gang. 75% of them have no father figure in the home b/c the fathers are mostly in prison or about to be going back to prison or shot dead by another negro over a bag of weed or a pair of Nikes.
The words 'short bus' and Bell Curve come to mind.

good point-----fugitive on the loose and running.
To where was he running? -----the local playground? I is old-----I have seen lots of people dead of acute
lead poisoning to the head. Case scenario:
the fugitive runs away---gets a gun and shoots
up the area------a six year old catches a bullet in
his head. Should the cop who let him go get
the blame? Little heads----three feet from the
ground------are very vulnerable

He was shot by police late in the evening, long after dark. The children were all home in their beds, and the suspect didn't have a gun.

The police had the suspect's car, they knew his name, and where he lived. Shooting an unarmed man in the back as he runs away, is murder.

lol ---"late in the evening.......the kids were all home.....
the suspect didn't have a gun.....
and as Scarlett said "TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY" an arrestee on the run is a CRIMINAL FUGITIVE. It would have been much better if the cop had another way of getting the guy------but he did have the responsibility of HOLDING HIM. He ALSO faced a problem as in "oh shucks---the perp escaped...." and then gets called "SCHMUCK"
He did have a better option. 2 in fact. He could have gotten some exercise or called for backup. His personal pride has no place in the execution of his job. Thats the reason he shot the guy. His pride was wounded and he intended to make him pay for it. Thanks for establishing the grounds for the murder charge that will be coming shortly.

try again-----at the very most he can be charged with
HOMICIDE----not murder. That "pride" thing can be USED for anything. If the lousy perp got away that would be BLAMED on him. It is a fact. And if the lousy perp committed ANOTHER crime-----YOU would blame it on the negligent cop. You don't think a person should PAY FOR CRIME? I am fascinated. As a test case what about the lawyers who tossed
Molotov cocktails into police cars? Was that
crime? How about the people who looted stores?
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
" Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police. "

Youre mistaken. As employees of the tax payers respect is a one way street. Police must respect the community they are policing not the other way around. The police only exist at the request of the people. Get your shit straight.
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
I hope the one that got fired walks, and does so with a couple million Atlanta tax dollars.

He shot a man in the back - twice. It's really hard to convince people that your life is in danger from a man who is running away, or that they had no other way of arresting him when they had his car, his name, and his address.

He'll be convicted because this is a rage killing. He got pissed off and shot a man who was running away from him and posed no danger to him, in the back and killed him.

the man who resisted arrest and grabbed the cop's weapon is a DANGER TO SOCIETY
Who told you that or is that just your opinion?

I is old. I no longer work---HOWEVER during my working years, I dealt with both cops and robbers.
I know BOTH well.. A man who should be in cuffs----running around town with a weapon ----is LIKELY to be dangerous. When packed into a padded room and in restraints------they are fairly safe (only fairly)

Should every non-violent offender be in cuffs? Especially cuffed behind the back? Why is every suspect cuffed and placed in a physically vulnerable position? Freddy Gray, hands cuffed behind his back, was tossed in the back of a paddy wagon and bounced around back there, defenceless, until it killed him. Police may not have intended to kill him, but they sure as hell intended to hurt him.
The drunk negro tried to ran from a LEO after the negro failed a DUI test. He then got into a fight with the LEOs and punched one LEO in the face then took the LEO's Taser. As he was running away he turned a fired the Taser at a LEO. How crimes did the negro commit? Or can you count that high?
He was NOT "non-violent". Do you see a pattern of negro street thugs getting into fights with LEO's and getting shot?
These people are obviously not sentient enough to behave themselves in normal society. Their own 'communities' are shit scared of them.
They are uncontrollable in the inner city schools. By the time most of them are ten they are already in a gang. 75% of them have no father figure in the home b/c the fathers are mostly in prison or about to be going back to prison or shot dead by another negro over a bag of weed or a pair of Nikes.
The words 'short bus' and Bell Curve come to mind.

good point-----fugitive on the loose and running.
To where was he running? -----the local playground? I is old-----I have seen lots of people dead of acute
lead poisoning to the head. Case scenario:
the fugitive runs away---gets a gun and shoots
up the area------a six year old catches a bullet in
his head. Should the cop who let him go get
the blame? Little heads----three feet from the
ground------are very vulnerable

He was shot by police late in the evening, long after dark. The children were all home in their beds, and the suspect didn't have a gun.

The police had the suspect's car, they knew his name, and where he lived. Shooting an unarmed man in the back as he runs away, is murder.

lol ---"late in the evening.......the kids were all home.....
the suspect didn't have a gun.....
and as Scarlett said "TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY" an arrestee on the run is a CRIMINAL FUGITIVE. It would have been much better if the cop had another way of getting the guy------but he did have the responsibility of HOLDING HIM. He ALSO faced a problem as in "oh shucks---the perp escaped...." and then gets called "SCHMUCK"
He did have a better option. 2 in fact. He could have gotten some exercise or called for backup. His personal pride has no place in the execution of his job. Thats the reason he shot the guy. His pride was wounded and he intended to make him pay for it. Thanks for establishing the grounds for the murder charge that will be coming shortly.

try again-----at the very most he can be charged with
HOMICIDE----not murder. That "pride" thing can be USED for anything. If the lousy perp got away that would be BLAMED on him. It is a fact. And if the lousy perp committed ANOTHER crime-----YOU would blame it on the negligent cop. You don't think a person should PAY FOR CRIME? I am fascinated. As a test case what about the lawyers who tossed
Molotov cocktails into police cars? Was that
crime? How about the people who looted stores?

What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
" Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police. "

Youre mistaken. As employees of the tax payers respect is a one way street. Police must respect the community they are policing not the other way around. The police only exist at the request of the people. Get your shit straight.

you're depraved

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