I wouldn't vote to convict the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks of murder

Is it racist to point out that loving father Rayshard Brooks was charged with cruelty to children, false imprisonment, battery on family member, and much more? Why hasn't the media mentioned this?
I have not seen any of that reported in the lib news media
Did you see any of that reported in any legit news source?
Just his criminal record
I said legit. Show us the link. Then tell us how it makes the situation different.
How about when he gets charged for manslaughter or murder for breaking the rules of deadly force?
I do t know if he broke the rules

but the black guy definitely resisted arrest and was carrying a dangerous weapon so I suspect this falls onto a grey area
Again the DA didnt see it the way you do. Neither did the police chief. I think I trust their expertise over yours.
A deep blue city run by libs

the cops are just sacrificial lambs of no value at all
Is it racist to point out that loving father Rayshard Brooks was charged with cruelty to children, false imprisonment, battery on family member, and much more? Why hasn't the media mentioned this?
I have not seen any of that reported in the lib news media
Did you see any of that reported in any legit news source?
Just his criminal record
I said legit. Show us the link. Then tell us how it makes the situation different.
Cop hatred fueled by the Democratically ran Atlanta DA’s office!! 

Incident 1) 5 APD officers were fired for using a taser to remove two college students from a car. Officers were fired because the Atlanta DA’s office deemed the officers use of the taser was DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE!!

Incident 2) A suspect who failed a field sobriety test and deemed driving while intoxicated resists arrest, fights with police, steals the officers taser (robbery) and escapes. During pursuit the suspect turns and fired taser at officer and was then shot and eventually died. The Atlanta mayor calls for the officer to be fired because he used deadly physical force against a taser.

BURNING QUESTION: Why is using a taser considered Deadly Physical Force when it’s used by an officer but not Deadly Physical Force when used by a suspect???
How about when he gets charged for manslaughter or murder for breaking the rules of deadly force?
I do t know if he broke the rules

but the black guy definitely resisted arrest and was carrying a dangerous weapon so I suspect this falls onto a grey area
Again the DA didnt see it the way you do. Neither did the police chief. I think I trust their expertise over yours.
A deep blue city run by libs

the cops are just sacrificial lambs of no value at all
Unprofessional cops are scum and POS. They deserve every bit of trouble they get.
Is it racist to point out that loving father Rayshard Brooks was charged with cruelty to children, false imprisonment, battery on family member, and much more? Why hasn't the media mentioned this?
I have not seen any of that reported in the lib news media
Did you see any of that reported in any legit news source?
Just his criminal record
I said legit. Show us the link. Then tell us how it makes the situation different.
Cop hatred fueled by the Democratically ran Atlanta DA’s office!! 

Incident 1) 5 APD officers were fired for using a taser to remove two college students from a car. Officers were fired because the Atlanta DA’s office deemed the officers use of the taser was DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE!!

Incident 2) A suspect who failed a field sobriety test and deemed driving while intoxicated resists arrest, fights with police, steals the officers taser (robbery) and escapes. During pursuit the suspect turns and fired taser at officer and was then shot and eventually died. The Atlanta mayor calls for the officer to be fired because he used deadly physical force against a taser.

BURNING QUESTION: Why is using a taser considered Deadly Physical Force when it’s used by an officer but not Deadly Physical Force when used by a suspect???
You cant figure out the answer to your burning question by yourself? I mean seriously? BTW it was excessive force not deadly force you idiot.

Is it racist to point out that loving father Rayshard Brooks was charged with cruelty to children, false imprisonment, battery on family member, and much more? Why hasn't the media mentioned this?
I have not seen any of that reported in the lib news media
Did you see any of that reported in any legit news source?
Just his criminal record
I said legit. Show us the link. Then tell us how it makes the situation different.
Cop hatred fueled by the Democratically ran Atlanta DA’s office!! 

Incident 1) 5 APD officers were fired for using a taser to remove two college students from a car. Officers were fired because the Atlanta DA’s office deemed the officers use of the taser was DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE!!

Incident 2) A suspect who failed a field sobriety test and deemed driving while intoxicated resists arrest, fights with police, steals the officers taser (robbery) and escapes. During pursuit the suspect turns and fired taser at officer and was then shot and eventually died. The Atlanta mayor calls for the officer to be fired because he used deadly physical force against a taser.

BURNING QUESTION: Why is using a taser considered Deadly Physical Force when it’s used by an officer but not Deadly Physical Force when used by a suspect???
You cant figure out the answer to your burning question by yourself? I mean seriously? BTW it was excessive force not deadly force you idiot.

So no answer ?
Is it racist to point out that loving father Rayshard Brooks was charged with cruelty to children, false imprisonment, battery on family member, and much more? Why hasn't the media mentioned this?
I have not seen any of that reported in the lib news media
Did you see any of that reported in any legit news source?
Just his criminal record
I said legit. Show us the link. Then tell us how it makes the situation different.
Cop hatred fueled by the Democratically ran Atlanta DA’s office!! 

Incident 1) 5 APD officers were fired for using a taser to remove two college students from a car. Officers were fired because the Atlanta DA’s office deemed the officers use of the taser was DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE!!

Incident 2) A suspect who failed a field sobriety test and deemed driving while intoxicated resists arrest, fights with police, steals the officers taser (robbery) and escapes. During pursuit the suspect turns and fired taser at officer and was then shot and eventually died. The Atlanta mayor calls for the officer to be fired because he used deadly physical force against a taser.

BURNING QUESTION: Why is using a taser considered Deadly Physical Force when it’s used by an officer but not Deadly Physical Force when used by a suspect???
You cant figure out the answer to your burning question by yourself? I mean seriously? BTW it was excessive force not deadly force you idiot.

So no answer ?
I'll give you an answer when you ask a legit question.
Is it racist to point out that loving father Rayshard Brooks was charged with cruelty to children, false imprisonment, battery on family member, and much more? Why hasn't the media mentioned this?
I have not seen any of that reported in the lib news media
Did you see any of that reported in any legit news source?
Just his criminal record
I said legit. Show us the link. Then tell us how it makes the situation different.
Cop hatred fueled by the Democratically ran Atlanta DA’s office!! 

Incident 1) 5 APD officers were fired for using a taser to remove two college students from a car. Officers were fired because the Atlanta DA’s office deemed the officers use of the taser was DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE!!

Incident 2) A suspect who failed a field sobriety test and deemed driving while intoxicated resists arrest, fights with police, steals the officers taser (robbery) and escapes. During pursuit the suspect turns and fired taser at officer and was then shot and eventually died. The Atlanta mayor calls for the officer to be fired because he used deadly physical force against a taser.

BURNING QUESTION: Why is using a taser considered Deadly Physical Force when it’s used by an officer but not Deadly Physical Force when used by a suspect???
You cant figure out the answer to your burning question by yourself? I mean seriously? BTW it was excessive force not deadly force you idiot.

So no answer ?
I'll give you an answer when you ask a legit question.
Cop hatred fueled by the Democratically ran Atlanta DA’s office!! 

Incident 1) 5 APD officers were fired for using a taser to remove two college students from a car. Officers were fired because the Atlanta DA’s office deemed the officers use of the taser was DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE!!

Incident 2) A suspect who failed a field sobriety test and deemed driving while intoxicated resists arrest, fights with police, steals the officers taser (robbery) and escapes. During pursuit the suspect turns and fired taser at officer and was then shot and eventually died. The Atlanta mayor calls for the officer to be fired because he used deadly physical force against a taser.

BURNING QUESTION: Why is using a taser considered Deadly Physical Force when it’s used by an officer but not Deadly Physical Force when used by a suspect???
They cannot allow a violent criminal to get away with a police taser.
The tale of Jerry York, a violent criminal who beat the police with their own batons and drove away in their police vehicle yet somehow managed not to be shot and killed.

Probably because he beat them up and took their car before they could get a shot off?

Which begs the question why weren't they in fear of their lives? I'm pretty sure it's dangerous to be on the ground tusseling with a suspect (as we saw) yet they never went for or drew their weapons? Why do you think that is?
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I am anti guns, anti cons and and anti trump....you break the law, punch a cop and threaten their life, you deserve everything that happens to you.
What if the cop threatens your life or family but claims you attacked him for no reason?
Different story.
All I saw is a violent person trying to harm 2 police officers and if he reached their guns he was gonna use it...I'm sorry but I cant support that kind of behavior and I'm super anti gun and pro banning guns altogether and join the civilised world.

Did you see the video about how it all started? One cop wanted to deescalate - but the other one didn't. Rayshard Brooks was very respectful in the beginning. After what recently happened with George Floyd - no wonder he became excited and scared.
Once he resisted arrest...the police were correct to retaliate to subdue the suspect. Once he took their weapon...he earned his shooting. You don't get to do that.
They are not to shoot anyone running from them. They are to give chase or call for backup. This came from the DA and the police chief.
If someone points a weapon at them....
The weapon has to be a gun or a car and or he has to be coming at them with say a knife.
True or false, a taser could have incapacitated the police officer.

He had already fired the taser - over the cop's head. And Brooks had nothing to reload it with.
After seeing the film taken by the surveillance camera seemed to exonerate the police but ahhh, there might still be some wiggle room to hold the police responsible.

Now that the body cam video has been released there is no doubt that this was a good shoot. All a jury has to do is see that and it's all over. Those cops are going to walk.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I am anti guns, anti cons and and anti trump....you break the law, punch a cop and threaten their life, you deserve everything that happens to you.
What if the cop threatens your life or family but claims you attacked him for no reason?
Different story.
All I saw is a violent person trying to harm 2 police officers and if he reached their guns he was gonna use it...I'm sorry but I cant support that kind of behavior and I'm super anti gun and pro banning guns altogether and join the civilised world.

Did you see the video about how it all started? One cop wanted to deescalate - but the other one didn't. Rayshard Brooks was very respectful in the beginning. After what recently happened with George Floyd - no wonder he became excited and scared.
Once he resisted arrest...the police were correct to retaliate to subdue the suspect. Once he took their weapon...he earned his shooting. You don't get to do that.
They are not to shoot anyone running from them. They are to give chase or call for backup. This came from the DA and the police chief.
If someone points a weapon at them....
The weapon has to be a gun or a car and or he has to be coming at them with say a knife.
True or false, a taser could have incapacitated the police officer.

He had already fired the taser - over the cop's head. And Brooks had nothing to reload it with.
It recharges in five seconds.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I am anti guns, anti cons and and anti trump....you break the law, punch a cop and threaten their life, you deserve everything that happens to you.
What if the cop threatens your life or family but claims you attacked him for no reason?
Different story.
All I saw is a violent person trying to harm 2 police officers and if he reached their guns he was gonna use it...I'm sorry but I cant support that kind of behavior and I'm super anti gun and pro banning guns altogether and join the civilised world.

Did you see the video about how it all started? One cop wanted to deescalate - but the other one didn't. Rayshard Brooks was very respectful in the beginning. After what recently happened with George Floyd - no wonder he became excited and scared.
Once he resisted arrest...the police were correct to retaliate to subdue the suspect. Once he took their weapon...he earned his shooting. You don't get to do that.

We strongly disagree on that. He didn't deserve to die.
Do you also get to take the cop's mace, his night stick, his car?

His car? I have generally considered you a reasonable person - but now you're sounding somewhat unreasonable. Brooks did NOT have a lethal weapon and was running away. That should not have been a death sentence.
Last edited:
I wouldn't vote to convict the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks of murder

After watching all the videos several times - I strongly disagree! There was no need to shoot him twice in the back as he ran away. The cops already had possession of his car, keys, and driver's license. The cops could have easily deescalated the situation and rounded him up later. The one cop seemed reasonable - but the killer cop was an asshole.
Yea just let the guy run in a parking list with a gun lol

What gun? He had already fired the taser over the cop's head. Don't they have to be reloaded?
is the cop a mind reader? How does he know that’s not a colt 45?
Because they previously frisked him and found no weapons and he acquired the taser by taking it from one of the officers.
If he was in the right he wouldnt have gotten fired
Of course he would be fired by a political movement that wants to fire all the cops

no one on the left cares about the cops

Don't be stupid.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I am anti guns, anti cons and and anti trump....you break the law, punch a cop and threaten their life, you deserve everything that happens to you.
What if the cop threatens your life or family but claims you attacked him for no reason?
Different story.
All I saw is a violent person trying to harm 2 police officers and if he reached their guns he was gonna use it...I'm sorry but I cant support that kind of behavior and I'm super anti gun and pro banning guns altogether and join the civilised world.

Did you see the video about how it all started? One cop wanted to deescalate - but the other one didn't. Rayshard Brooks was very respectful in the beginning. After what recently happened with George Floyd - no wonder he became excited and scared.
Once he resisted arrest...the police were correct to retaliate to subdue the suspect. Once he took their weapon...he earned his shooting. You don't get to do that.
They are not to shoot anyone running from them. They are to give chase or call for backup. This came from the DA and the police chief.
If someone points a weapon at them....
The weapon has to be a gun or a car and or he has to be coming at them with say a knife.
True or false, a taser could have incapacitated the police officer.
True. However incapacitated is not dead. Fear of your life is the requirement.

Wow...ok. And if one of the taser probes hits you in the eye?

Wait, let me guess, they should have let the guy shoot at them just to see if the probe was going to blind them.

I don't think your view is very realistic.
Well he already had shot it and missed. They didnt have to shoot him.

Again, your view is not very realistic.
Whats unrealistic about it? What was he going to do other than keep running?
Who knows. He was intoxicated and disorderly and pointing weapons at people.
If he was in the right he wouldnt have gotten fired
Of course he would be fired by a political movement that wants to fire all the cops

no one on the left cares about the cops

Don't be stupid.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I am anti guns, anti cons and and anti trump....you break the law, punch a cop and threaten their life, you deserve everything that happens to you.
What if the cop threatens your life or family but claims you attacked him for no reason?
Different story.
All I saw is a violent person trying to harm 2 police officers and if he reached their guns he was gonna use it...I'm sorry but I cant support that kind of behavior and I'm super anti gun and pro banning guns altogether and join the civilised world.

Did you see the video about how it all started? One cop wanted to deescalate - but the other one didn't. Rayshard Brooks was very respectful in the beginning. After what recently happened with George Floyd - no wonder he became excited and scared.
Once he resisted arrest...the police were correct to retaliate to subdue the suspect. Once he took their weapon...he earned his shooting. You don't get to do that.
They are not to shoot anyone running from them. They are to give chase or call for backup. This came from the DA and the police chief.
If someone points a weapon at them....
The weapon has to be a gun or a car and or he has to be coming at them with say a knife.
True or false, a taser could have incapacitated the police officer.

He had already fired the taser - over the cop's head. And Brooks had nothing to reload it with.
Nothing left to do except strike someone with it.

I understand the suspicions of policing given the recent history but in this case, the policeman's actions were completely justified.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I am anti guns, anti cons and and anti trump....you break the law, punch a cop and threaten their life, you deserve everything that happens to you.
What if the cop threatens your life or family but claims you attacked him for no reason?
Different story.
All I saw is a violent person trying to harm 2 police officers and if he reached their guns he was gonna use it...I'm sorry but I cant support that kind of behavior and I'm super anti gun and pro banning guns altogether and join the civilised world.

Did you see the video about how it all started? One cop wanted to deescalate - but the other one didn't. Rayshard Brooks was very respectful in the beginning. After what recently happened with George Floyd - no wonder he became excited and scared.
Once he resisted arrest...the police were correct to retaliate to subdue the suspect. Once he took their weapon...he earned his shooting. You don't get to do that.

We strongly disagree on that. He didn't deserve to die.
Do you also get to take the cop's mace, his night stick, his car?
If your name is Jerry York, apparently. And drive off
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I am anti guns, anti cons and and anti trump....you break the law, punch a cop and threaten their life, you deserve everything that happens to you.
What if the cop threatens your life or family but claims you attacked him for no reason?
Different story.
All I saw is a violent person trying to harm 2 police officers and if he reached their guns he was gonna use it...I'm sorry but I cant support that kind of behavior and I'm super anti gun and pro banning guns altogether and join the civilised world.

Did you see the video about how it all started? One cop wanted to deescalate - but the other one didn't. Rayshard Brooks was very respectful in the beginning. After what recently happened with George Floyd - no wonder he became excited and scared.
Once he resisted arrest...the police were correct to retaliate to subdue the suspect. Once he took their weapon...he earned his shooting. You don't get to do that.

We strongly disagree on that. He didn't deserve to die.
He could've killed both of them. He tried to get the guns but luckily he got the taser. Besides he was behind the wheels and he couldve killed innocent people while driving. I just can't find excuses for his behavior, he put many lives in danger including his.
Cops are not allowed to kill someone because they could've done something. If that was the case they could just pull you over and shoot you in the face because you couldve had a gun and was going to kill them.
You are right...but the guy showed disregard to human life by putting everyone's life in danger including himself. All he had to do is cooperate.
That may be true but he also could have been fighting for his own life. We dont know what made him go from being compliant to trying to get away. Cops could have said something or looked at him a certain way that made him fear for his life even after he had cooperated. I dont think some of you guys really understand the shit cops do to Black people when there are no cameras to catch them.
I have a hard time beleiving that theory, given what's going on the cops would be foolish to wanting to take his life from just a DUI stop. Everything was evident from all angles, the guy made the wrong move. I hate to see people die, but he made the situation deadly not the cops. He punched a cop, reached for his gun/taser.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I am anti guns, anti cons and and anti trump....you break the law, punch a cop and threaten their life, you deserve everything that happens to you.
What if the cop threatens your life or family but claims you attacked him for no reason?
Different story.
All I saw is a violent person trying to harm 2 police officers and if he reached their guns he was gonna use it...I'm sorry but I cant support that kind of behavior and I'm super anti gun and pro banning guns altogether and join the civilised world.

Did you see the video about how it all started? One cop wanted to deescalate - but the other one didn't. Rayshard Brooks was very respectful in the beginning. After what recently happened with George Floyd - no wonder he became excited and scared.
Once he resisted arrest...the police were correct to retaliate to subdue the suspect. Once he took their weapon...he earned his shooting. You don't get to do that.

We strongly disagree on that. He didn't deserve to die.
He could've killed both of them. He tried to get the guns but luckily he got the taser. Besides he was behind the wheels and he couldve killed innocent people while driving. I just can't find excuses for his behavior, he put many lives in danger including his.
Cops are not allowed to kill someone because they could've done something. If that was the case they could just pull you over and shoot you in the face because you couldve had a gun and was going to kill them.
You are right...but the guy showed disregard to human life by putting everyone's life in danger including himself. All he had to do is cooperate.
That may be true but he also could have been fighting for his own life. We dont know what made him go from being compliant to trying to get away. Cops could have said something or looked at him a certain way that made him fear for his life even after he had cooperated. I dont think some of you guys really understand the shit cops do to Black people when there are no cameras to catch them.
I have a hard time beleiving that theory, given what's going on the cops would be foolish to wanting to take his life from just a DUI stop. Everything was evident from all angles, the guy made the wrong move. I hate to see people die, but he made the situation deadly not the cops. He punched a cop, reached for his gun/taser.

He took the taser out of the cop's hand. He never reached for a gun.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I am anti guns, anti cons and and anti trump....you break the law, punch a cop and threaten their life, you deserve everything that happens to you.
What if the cop threatens your life or family but claims you attacked him for no reason?
Different story.
All I saw is a violent person trying to harm 2 police officers and if he reached their guns he was gonna use it...I'm sorry but I cant support that kind of behavior and I'm super anti gun and pro banning guns altogether and join the civilised world.

Did you see the video about how it all started? One cop wanted to deescalate - but the other one didn't. Rayshard Brooks was very respectful in the beginning. After what recently happened with George Floyd - no wonder he became excited and scared.
Once he resisted arrest...the police were correct to retaliate to subdue the suspect. Once he took their weapon...he earned his shooting. You don't get to do that.

We strongly disagree on that. He didn't deserve to die.
He could've killed both of them. He tried to get the guns but luckily he got the taser. Besides he was behind the wheels and he couldve killed innocent people while driving. I just can't find excuses for his behavior, he put many lives in danger including his.
Cops are not allowed to kill someone because they could've done something. If that was the case they could just pull you over and shoot you in the face because you couldve had a gun and was going to kill them.
You are right...but the guy showed disregard to human life by putting everyone's life in danger including himself. All he had to do is cooperate.
That may be true but he also could have been fighting for his own life. We dont know what made him go from being compliant to trying to get away. Cops could have said something or looked at him a certain way that made him fear for his life even after he had cooperated. I dont think some of you guys really understand the shit cops do to Black people when there are no cameras to catch them.
I have a hard time beleiving that theory, given what's going on the cops would be foolish to wanting to take his life from just a DUI stop. Everything was evident from all angles, the guy made the wrong move. I hate to see people die, but he made the situation deadly not the cops. He punched a cop, reached for his gun/taser.

He took the taser out of the cop's hand. He never reached for a gun.
Oh brother....

Okay you win.

The next time the cops get called to the scene of a disturbance, here is what I think they should do based on your reasoning. The lead cop confronts the suspect. The junior officer draws his firearm and points it at the suspect's face.

Apparently the use of mitigation devices such as the taser these cops whose actions you are condemning only buy you more trouble. Threatening deadly force is much easier and much more intimidating but, hey, it would force submission and compliance quicker. There...happy?

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