Ideology of liberals/democrats: You WILL obey

Which ones?

Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai Shek, ect.

Those are the larger examples.

They all had scapegoats. They all gave the population a reason to be afraid. They all consolidated power to form an authoritarian state.

Deflection. You said we should "all look back through our history books". I asked which ones.

So which ones?

The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich

Read it.

I have read it.
So the State tells you....

The logical inference has nothing to do with state public relations.

He is a politician. He is running to head the state. He is a state actor, because he shares in the political processes and roles that create the state.

Trump is not a revolutionary. The only revolutions that end with elections are fascist in nature.
The most redeeming quality of Trump is that he is not a politician.....
Spreading truth scares many people....

What truth?

Many things descend from a hint of truth, but are embellished and exaggerated.

Like the problems Trump is claiming only he can solve, as fascists have promised in the past.
The foundations of Hitler's beliefs were that he blamed the decline of Germany on

Marxism, multiculturalism, internationalism. Sound familiar?
Spreading truth scares many people....

What truth?

Many things descend from a hint of truth, but are embellished and exaggerated.

Like the problems Trump is claiming only he can solve, as fascists have promised in the past.
Democrats stood for slavery....democrats created Jim Crow laws, democrats backed segreggration....democrats revised history....

Strange watching people wake up to the truth when they no longer listen to the State....
Which ones?

Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai Shek, ect.

Those are the larger examples.

They all had scapegoats. They all gave the population a reason to be afraid. They all consolidated power to form an authoritarian state.

Deflection. You said we should "all look back through our history books". I asked which ones.

So which ones?

The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich

Read it.

I have read it.

I meant I have read it also.

Try Solzhenitsyn.
What American liberals believe in is:
-infinite growth in the multiracial, progressive, utopian modern culture
-infinite amount of regulations and propaganda designed to ensure obedience to it.
-law abiding white people are evil oppressors (though obviously, we want you to work harder to keep the system going)
-criminal brown and black people are brave rebels, holy saints who will usher in a new post racial age

If you resist them, you are automatically labeled any number of things: a racist, a reactionary, a bigot, a sexist; all of this, merely for challenging their system

Worst of all to liberals is if you are a brown or black person who thinks differently to them, in which case you are labeled a traitor to your race, white washed, etc.

Democrats simply don't stand for freedom anymore, if they ever did. What Democrats now stand for is: I'm going to personally attack anybody who disagrees with me. That is now what leftism in America is.

And isn't this exactly the same for the right, they demand you stand for the anthem, demand you go fight their wars for them, demand you act according to their moral code?

No, they don't, but it may well come to that if you people don't stop being stupid.

Oh right, so do what you don't like and it's being stupid!

Funny how insults always try and solve your problems huh? How walls solve your problems, how the simple solution is always the best, even when the facts show you're completely wrong.

You conseratives want to tell people who we can marry, who we can be, tell us not to get abortion...

Which can be understood by more thoughtful people to mean "do not murder unborn babies."
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai Shek, ect.

Those are the larger examples.

They all had scapegoats. They all gave the population a reason to be afraid. They all consolidated power to form an authoritarian state.

Deflection. You said we should "all look back through our history books". I asked which ones.

So which ones?

The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich

Read it.

I have read it.

I meant I have read it also.

Try Solzhenitsyn.

I've only read 'August 1914' one of my favorite books ever. Should be a movie.
The most redeeming quality of Trump is that he is not a politician.....

He is playing politics, is he not?

The guy is most definitely a politician.

Trying to portray oneself as not being a politician is one of the oldest political ploys in the book.
Like Obama?

No, like Trump.
Link to any political office Trump held?

That's the point. Trump's political ploy is to tout his lack of experience in government.
He is playing politics, is he not?

The guy is most definitely a politician.

Trying to portray oneself as not being a politician is one of the oldest political ploys in the book.
Like Obama?

No, like Trump.
Link to any political office Trump held?

That's the point. Trump's political ploy is to tout his lack of experience in government.
So, you're saying Trump is not a politician,....huh.....:lol:
And isn't this exactly the same for the right, they demand you stand for the anthem, demand you go fight their wars for them, demand you act according to their moral code?

Have they ever tried to legislate morality? Have Republicans ever tried to make it a law to stand up for the National Anthem? Did you know that we currently have (and have had for some time now) an all volunteer military?

That's not to say that they don't want this stuff, they just find the Supreme Court would whack them down every time.

Texas v.Johnson 1989 for example.

Texas made it against the law to burn the flag among other things. The Supreme Court said no. So, it's not like the right hasn't tried before, is it?

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