Ideology of liberals/democrats: You WILL obey

That's not to say that they don't want this stuff, they just find the Supreme Court would whack them down every time.

Texas v.Johnson 1989 for example.

Texas made it against the law to burn the flag among other things. The Supreme Court said no. So, it's not like the right hasn't tried before, is it?

Everybody wants stuff. There are many on the right that would love to see abortion illegal in this country. There are many on the left would would love a disarmed society which may very well happen if Hil-Liar is elected President.

But wanting things and demanding things are two different issues. I have a pen and I have a cell phone is not asking or wanting things, it's demanding things.
Our "disturbing sideshow freak tent" show has been created by the racialized and radicalized crazies in the Alt Right.
Deflection. You said we should "all look back through our history books". I asked which ones.

So which ones?

The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich

Read it.

I have read it.

I meant I have read it also.

Try Solzhenitsyn.

I've only read 'August 1914' one of my favorite books ever. Should be a movie.

There's a BBC radio production out there somewhere.
Trying to portray oneself as not being a politician is one of the oldest political ploys in the book.
Like Obama?

No, like Trump.
Link to any political office Trump held?

That's the point. Trump's political ploy is to tout his lack of experience in government.
So, you're saying Trump is not a politician,....huh.....:lol:

The definition of a politician is not limited to someone holding office.
That's not to say that they don't want this stuff, they just find the Supreme Court would whack them down every time.

Texas v.Johnson 1989 for example.

Texas made it against the law to burn the flag among other things. The Supreme Court said no. So, it's not like the right hasn't tried before, is it?

Everybody wants stuff. There are many on the right that would love to see abortion illegal in this country. There are many on the left would would love a disarmed society which may very well happen if Hil-Liar is elected President.

But wanting things and demanding things are two different issues. I have a pen and I have a cell phone is not asking or wanting things, it's demanding things.

I'm sure making a law is demanding things. So they can't get away with it because they have to abide by the Constitution after they made a clearly unconstitutional law.

Why you think Hillary would be able to disarm the US I don't know. She'd only be President.
I'm sure making a law is demanding things. So they can't get away with it because they have to abide by the Constitution after they made a clearly unconstitutional law.

Why you think Hillary would be able to disarm the US I don't know. She'd only be President.

Yes, she will be President......a President that gets to pick Supreme Court nominations.

If the tilted SC gets yet another gun case in front of them, it's only a simple majority ruling that states a city can sue gun manufacturers for injuries to criminals and citizens, or place a huge tax on ammunition, or outright bad guns all together. They might even rule that a citizen does not have the right to possess a firearm unless they are in a militia which really doesn't exist anymore.

It's not like liberals haven't thought of these schemes in the past, but they never tried to exercise them because of our Supreme Court and constitutional protections of firearms. Once they rule that we have no constitutional right to firearms, cities and states will have the ability to do whatever they please including suing firearms manufacturers right out of business.
Democrats stood for slavery....democrats created Jim Crow laws, democrats backed segreggration....democrats revised history....

Strange watching people wake up to the truth when they no longer listen to the State....

What are you talking about? Why are you bringing up Democrats?

Do you know the definition of the state? The Republicans have dominated and been apart of it.

Although that has nothing to do with what I am talking about anyways. I must of lost you at some point.
I'm sure making a law is demanding things. So they can't get away with it because they have to abide by the Constitution after they made a clearly unconstitutional law.

Why you think Hillary would be able to disarm the US I don't know. She'd only be President.

Yes, she will be President......a President that gets to pick Supreme Court nominations.

If the tilted SC gets yet another gun case in front of them, it's only a simple majority ruling that states a city can sue gun manufacturers for injuries to criminals and citizens, or place a huge tax on ammunition, or outright bad guns all together. They might even rule that a citizen does not have the right to possess a firearm unless they are in a militia which really doesn't exist anymore.

It's not like liberals haven't thought of these schemes in the past, but they never tried to exercise them because of our Supreme Court and constitutional protections of firearms. Once they rule that we have no constitutional right to firearms, cities and states will have the ability to do whatever they please including suing firearms manufacturers right out of business.

The funny thing is that the right are fearful that the Supreme Court will go to the left, meaning they realize it's on the right, right now. But they still don't like the Court's decisions when it's majority right, so what difference does it make?

Also, I doubt the Supreme Court would be able to make a decision taking people's guns away.

Sure, some Liberals have thought about these things in the past, but Obama hasn't done anything about it, why Hillary? She's more interested in her own career than the US, and going against guns wouldn't be good for her career.
Democrats stood for slavery....democrats created Jim Crow laws, democrats backed segreggration....democrats revised history....

Strange watching people wake up to the truth when they no longer listen to the State....

What are you talking about? Why are you bringing up Democrats?

Do you know the definition of the state? The Republicans have dominated and been apart of it.

Although that has nothing to do with what I am talking about anyways. I must of lost you at some point.
Did you notice the GOP'ers establishments dislike of the non-politician Trump?

I must have lot you at some don't seem to understand the mortal threat Trump represents to the State and democrats (which I consider the GOP'ers to be a part of)......
I'm sure making a law is demanding things. So they can't get away with it because they have to abide by the Constitution after they made a clearly unconstitutional law.

Why you think Hillary would be able to disarm the US I don't know. She'd only be President.

Yes, she will be President......a President that gets to pick Supreme Court nominations.

If the tilted SC gets yet another gun case in front of them, it's only a simple majority ruling that states a city can sue gun manufacturers for injuries to criminals and citizens, or place a huge tax on ammunition, or outright bad guns all together. They might even rule that a citizen does not have the right to possess a firearm unless they are in a militia which really doesn't exist anymore.

It's not like liberals haven't thought of these schemes in the past, but they never tried to exercise them because of our Supreme Court and constitutional protections of firearms. Once they rule that we have no constitutional right to firearms, cities and states will have the ability to do whatever they please including suing firearms manufacturers right out of business.

The funny thing is that the right are fearful that the Supreme Court will go to the left, meaning they realize it's on the right, right now. But they still don't like the Court's decisions when it's majority right, so what difference does it make?

Also, I doubt the Supreme Court would be able to make a decision taking people's guns away.

Sure, some Liberals have thought about these things in the past, but Obama hasn't done anything about it, why Hillary? She's more interested in her own career than the US, and going against guns wouldn't be good for her career.
You mean detach from the constitution.....
Did you notice the GOP'ers establishments dislike of the non-politician Trump?

That was grounded in reality. He is an uncontrollable moron tearing up conservative ideals.

I do not see the relevance though.

you don't seem to understand the mortal threat Trump represents to the State and democrats (which I consider the GOP'ers to be a part of)......

Okay, maybe you are not getting this.

If Trump becomes president, then he becomes integrated into the state. You cannot separate the presidential office from the state.
Did you notice the GOP'ers establishments dislike of the non-politician Trump?

That was grounded than reality. He was an uncontrollable moron tearing up conservative ideals.

I do not see the relevance though.

you don't seem to understand the mortal threat Trump represents to the State and democrats (which I consider the GOP'ers to be a part of)......

Okay, maybe you are not getting this.

If Trump becomes president, then he becomes integrated into the state. You cannot separate the presidential office from the state.
Very good, one can not separate the president from the State....the converse being, one can not change the State unless POTUS .......Trump is not a part of the Borg.....if you have a better option capable of winning this election, do tell.

Without a Trump, we could never put a conservative in office. The pendulum is swinging so hard and fast left, only a Trump like individual can stop it and start it back right. Trump will not move it all the way to the right, and that's OK, but he has nothing to gain, and I think will enjoy destroying leviathan.....
Very good, one can not separate the president from the State....the converse being, one can not change the State unless POTUS

More laws. More conditions. More government projects. More debt. More forced taxation.

What about the state is going to change with Trump?

Without a Trump, we could never put a conservative in office.

Trump is not conservative.

I also doubt that. An establishment candidate like Marco Rubio or John Kasich would of been a shoe in.

The pendulum is swinging so hard and fast left, only a Trump like individual can stop it and start it back right.


More laws. More regulations. More government projects. More debt. More forced taxation.
What American liberals believe in is:
-infinite growth in the multiracial, progressive, utopian modern culture
-infinite amount of regulations and propaganda designed to ensure obedience to it.
-law abiding white people are evil oppressors (though obviously, we want you to work harder to keep the system going)
-criminal brown and black people are brave rebels, holy saints who will usher in a new post racial age

If you resist them, you are automatically labeled any number of things: a racist, a reactionary, a bigot, a sexist; all of this, merely for challenging their system

Worst of all to liberals is if you are a brown or black person who thinks differently to them, in which case you are labeled a traitor to your race, white washed, etc.

Democrats simply don't stand for freedom anymore, if they ever did. What Democrats now stand for is: I'm going to personally attack anybody who disagrees with me. That is now what leftism in America is.
You do not speak or represent me in any form or manner...So piss off wanker...
The funny thing is that the right are fearful that the Supreme Court will go to the left, meaning they realize it's on the right, right now. But they still don't like the Court's decisions when it's majority right, so what difference does it make?

Also, I doubt the Supreme Court would be able to make a decision taking people's guns away.

Sure, some Liberals have thought about these things in the past, but Obama hasn't done anything about it, why Hillary? She's more interested in her own career than the US, and going against guns wouldn't be good for her career.

DumBama hasn't had the opportunity to change the entire face of the SC. Do you think Sotomayor is a moderate?

And no, the court is not right-leaning today, it's evenly divided with the passing of Scalia. The way in which the court will lean all depends on who gets elected President. If Hil-Liar wins, then it will be a left-leaning court.

The job of the SC is to interpret the US Constitution. So nothing in the world can stop a left-leaning court from interpreting that we private citizens do not have the constitutional right to own or carry a firearm. And again, without that protection, we are subject to any and all firearm laws a state or city wishes to impose on us.

Sad day for honest law abiding citizens, great day for criminals.
Did you notice the GOP'ers establishments dislike of the non-politician Trump?

That was grounded than reality. He was an uncontrollable moron tearing up conservative ideals.

I do not see the relevance though.

you don't seem to understand the mortal threat Trump represents to the State and democrats (which I consider the GOP'ers to be a part of)......

Okay, maybe you are not getting this.

If Trump becomes president, then he becomes integrated into the state. You cannot separate the presidential office from the state.
Very good, one can not separate the president from the State....the converse being, one can not change the State unless POTUS .......Trump is not a part of the Borg.....if you have a better option capable of winning this election, do tell.

Without a Trump, we could never put a conservative in office. The pendulum is swinging so hard and fast left, only a Trump like individual can stop it and start it back right. Trump will not move it all the way to the right, and that's OK, but he has nothing to gain, and I think will enjoy destroying leviathan.....
Trump is a very long way from ever being a conservative....
The funny thing is that the right are fearful that the Supreme Court will go to the left, meaning they realize it's on the right, right now. But they still don't like the Court's decisions when it's majority right, so what difference does it make?

Also, I doubt the Supreme Court would be able to make a decision taking people's guns away.

Sure, some Liberals have thought about these things in the past, but Obama hasn't done anything about it, why Hillary? She's more interested in her own career than the US, and going against guns wouldn't be good for her career.

DumBama hasn't had the opportunity to change the entire face of the SC. Do you think Sotomayor is a moderate?

And no, the court is not right-leaning today, it's evenly divided with the passing of Scalia. The way in which the court will lean all depends on who gets elected President. If Hil-Liar wins, then it will be a left-leaning court.

The job of the SC is to interpret the US Constitution. So nothing in the world can stop a left-leaning court from interpreting that we private citizens do not have the constitutional right to own or carry a firearm. And again, without that protection, we are subject to any and all firearm laws a state or city wishes to impose on us.

Sad day for honest law abiding citizens, great day for criminals.
Oh I bet you have gone over the speed limit at one time in your life...
Very good, one can not separate the president from the State....the converse being, one can not change the State unless POTUS

More laws. More conditions. More government projects. More debt. More forced taxation.

What about the state is going to change with Trump?

Without a Trump, we could never put a conservative in office.

Trump is not conservative.

I also doubt that. An establishment candidate like Marco Rubio or John Kasich would of been a shoe in.

The pendulum is swinging so hard and fast left, only a Trump like individual can stop it and start it back right.


More laws. More regulations. More government projects. More debt. More forced taxation.
Less laws, less conditions, less .gov projects, debt reduction, less and reduced taxation....all done with a sledge hammer....

Do you understand the analogy of the pendulum?
Did you notice the GOP'ers establishments dislike of the non-politician Trump?

That was grounded than reality. He was an uncontrollable moron tearing up conservative ideals.

I do not see the relevance though.

you don't seem to understand the mortal threat Trump represents to the State and democrats (which I consider the GOP'ers to be a part of)......

Okay, maybe you are not getting this.

If Trump becomes president, then he becomes integrated into the state. You cannot separate the presidential office from the state.
Very good, one can not separate the president from the State....the converse being, one can not change the State unless POTUS .......Trump is not a part of the Borg.....if you have a better option capable of winning this election, do tell.

Without a Trump, we could never put a conservative in office. The pendulum is swinging so hard and fast left, only a Trump like individual can stop it and start it back right. Trump will not move it all the way to the right, and that's OK, but he has nothing to gain, and I think will enjoy destroying leviathan.....
Trump is a very long way from ever being a conservative....
Trump is not, nor will ever be a conservative.....what is your point?

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