If democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon how come...

That's all they talk about now? Trump this, pence that and the entire gop is the brunt of the covid ranting.
The market crashes every other day and that causes celebratory threads.

Y'all are a terrible bunch

you cons are such jerks


you just REFUSE to stop politicizing the virus!

you politicize EVERYTHING!
60 Million Babies you Murdered and you don't care. But God does and some day The Left will be made accountable.

Thousands of deaths at the hands of Mexican and Columbian Drug Cartels, and you don't care......

Rinse Lather Repeat.
Yeah, it's been a thing for quite awhile.

U.S. officials worried about Chinese control of American drug supply <---2019

What's been done about it? I mean other than trade wars with China, I'm sure that's helping the situation quite a bit right about now.

Interesting. So what you're saying is that while this was in the early stages, the only thing the Democrats cared about occupying their time with is impeaching the President. Thanks for the info.

The Democrats aren't the ones who started a trade war with China nor is Congress directly responsible for our diplomatic relationships with them. Way to pass the buck.

No, it's not passing the buck, it's simply pointing out hypocrisy. Nobody (at the time) had any idea what this was all about or the severity of it. When Trump instituted an additional travel ban, the Democrats made the usual claim it was done out of racism. It was nothing to worry about. He's only using the virus as an excuse.

I'm not saying no Democrats have criticized Trump in that regard but can you tell who and how many?

And yes, blaming Democrats for our shitty relationship with China due to our current trade war is passing the buck.

Who and how many what?

The point is, nobody at the time thought any big deal about the coronavirus. It wasn't a real concern when it first started. The Democrats didn't think so and neither did Trump.
More people will die in America in 2020 from drug overdoses than will die of "the virus".

Fortunately most of the deceased druggies would otherwise have voted Democrat.

Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?

If that's all they were talking about on the MSM, yes, it's an overkill.

We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.
China and Russia did what they did as a coordinated attack on America, and The Democrats are right with them as their allies just like they were in 2016, again.
More people will die in America in 2020 from drug overdoses than will die of "the virus".

Fortunately most of the deceased druggies would otherwise have voted Democrat.

Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?

If that's all they were talking about on the MSM, yes, it's an overkill.

We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
More people will die in America in 2020 from drug overdoses than will die of "the virus".

Fortunately most of the deceased druggies would otherwise have voted Democrat.

Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?

If that's all they were talking about on the MSM, yes, it's an overkill.

We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?

I didn't say it was not news worthy. I'm saying it shouldn't be consuming our entire airwaves on every single news station including Fox. More importantly than that is it shouldn't be politicized either. I hope somebody develops a coronavirus filter I could buy so I wouldn't see anymore stories on it when I'm on the internet.

Look...... our government agencies are doing all they can. Trump is doing all he can. Everybody knows about this problem ten times over. What more needs to be discussed? The people who are vulnerable to death are people like myself, I'm approaching 60 years old and have two of the serious medical conditions of people that have died so far. We do have a vaccine, but it needs to undergo the proper testing before it can be marketed, which will probably not be until the end of this year.
More people will die in America in 2020 from drug overdoses than will die of "the virus".

Fortunately most of the deceased druggies would otherwise have voted Democrat.

Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?

If that's all they were talking about on the MSM, yes, it's an overkill.

We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Only Old Democrats and People In Dirty Sanctuary Cities are going to die. The whole thing is a hoax. Stay home on election day Lefty.
President Corona has things well in hand. He has already assured us that there are only 15 cases in the US and that it would soon be down to zero.

Why President Corona has already developed a vaccine
Yeah, it's been a thing for quite awhile.

U.S. officials worried about Chinese control of American drug supply <---2019

What's been done about it? I mean other than trade wars with China, I'm sure that's helping the situation quite a bit right about now.

Interesting. So what you're saying is that while this was in the early stages, the only thing the Democrats cared about occupying their time with is impeaching the President. Thanks for the info.

The Democrats aren't the ones who started a trade war with China nor is Congress directly responsible for our diplomatic relationships with them. Way to pass the buck.

No, it's not passing the buck, it's simply pointing out hypocrisy. Nobody (at the time) had any idea what this was all about or the severity of it. When Trump instituted an additional travel ban, the Democrats made the usual claim it was done out of racism. It was nothing to worry about. He's only using the virus as an excuse.

I'm not saying no Democrats have criticized Trump in that regard but can you tell who and how many?

And yes, blaming Democrats for our shitty relationship with China due to our current trade war is passing the buck.

Who and how many what?

Really? You honestly can't figure out what am asking? Jesus, you're either dumb or that's the worst debating tactic I've ever seen.

The point is, nobody at the time thought any big deal about the coronavirus. It wasn't a real concern when it first started. The Democrats didn't think so and neither did Trump.

When the WHO warns governments to start taking action, that's what they should do. Those government agencies are under the executive branch.

Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

January 30th, 2020
To all countries
It is expected that further international exportation of cases may appear in any country. Thus, all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoVinfection, and to share full data with WHO. Technical advice is available on the WHO website.

Countries are reminded that they are legally required to share information with WHO under the IHR.

Any detection of 2019-nCoV in an animal (including information about the species, diagnostic tests, and relevant epidemiological information) should be reported to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as an emerging disease.

Countries should place particular emphasis on reducing human infection, prevention of secondary transmission and international spread, and contributing to the international response though multi-sectoral communication and collaboration and active participation in increasing knowledge on the virus and the disease, as well as advancing research.

The Committee does not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available.

Countries must inform WHO about travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR.

The Committee asked the Director-General to provide further advice on these matters and, if necessary, to make new case-by-case recommendations, in view of this rapidly evolving situation.

What was Trump's response? Well, first nothing.

Then against the advice of the CDC ill prepared people were sent in to take American citizens haphazardly off a cruise ship and send them here, the workers were exposed tot the virus as they didn;t have proper protection. The first case in California was within minutes from Ft. Travis where these people entered back into the country.

Since then Trump has lied about the number of people infected, lied that there were enough tests and anyone who wanted it could get one in the meantime there was at least one nurse who was exposed but couldn't get a test. As the virus spreads Trump implied it was just fine to go to work if you have it. Now that everyone else is cancelling public events he's not.

His response has sucked and created a lot of confusion where idiots like you keep comparing it to the flu which has nothing to do with the virus. You do this in an effort to downplay it in the hopes it won't shake poor leader's already bad reputation.

If he lies during a pandemic, when does he tell the truth?
Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?

If that's all they were talking about on the MSM, yes, it's an overkill.

We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?
Only Old Democrats and People In Dirty Sanctuary Cities are going to die. The whole thing is a hoax. Stay home on election day Lefty.

What is going to happen is that it will peak, and then it will come back down. Warmer weather might play a part in this as well.

Coronavirus latest: China records another low in new virus cases
Heart attacks are going to kill more people than cancer. Should we stop talking about cancer?

If that's all they were talking about on the MSM, yes, it's an overkill.

We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?

I didn't say it was not news worthy. I'm saying it shouldn't be consuming our entire airwaves on every single news station including Fox. More importantly than that is it shouldn't be politicized either. I hope somebody develops a coronavirus filter I could buy so I wouldn't see anymore stories on it when I'm on the internet.

I wouldn't be upset if someone invented a filter so you wouldn't read any more about coronavirus either, I just don't want you in your ignorance to spread it around to anyone else.

Look...... our government agencies are doing all they can. Trump is doing all he can. Everybody knows about this problem ten times over. What more needs to be discussed? The people who are vulnerable to death are people like myself, I'm approaching 60 years old and have two of the serious medical conditions of people that have died so far. We do have a vaccine, but it needs to undergo the proper testing before it can be marketed, which will probably not be until the end of this year.

Our agencies are doing OK. The problem is at the top where Trump keeps getting in front of the cameras and giving contradictory information (hunches) and it creates confusion. When Trump lies, it causes panic because people really want and need to believe their leaders in times like these.

We don't have a vaccine until it's in use which is not happening anytime soon. Trump was saying a month or two. Maybe he should just shut the fuck up and then you won't have to listen to the valid criticism.
Interesting. So what you're saying is that while this was in the early stages, the only thing the Democrats cared about occupying their time with is impeaching the President. Thanks for the info.

The Democrats aren't the ones who started a trade war with China nor is Congress directly responsible for our diplomatic relationships with them. Way to pass the buck.

No, it's not passing the buck, it's simply pointing out hypocrisy. Nobody (at the time) had any idea what this was all about or the severity of it. When Trump instituted an additional travel ban, the Democrats made the usual claim it was done out of racism. It was nothing to worry about. He's only using the virus as an excuse.

I'm not saying no Democrats have criticized Trump in that regard but can you tell who and how many?

And yes, blaming Democrats for our shitty relationship with China due to our current trade war is passing the buck.

Who and how many what?

Really? You honestly can't figure out what am asking? Jesus, you're either dumb or that's the worst debating tactic I've ever seen.

The point is, nobody at the time thought any big deal about the coronavirus. It wasn't a real concern when it first started. The Democrats didn't think so and neither did Trump.

When the WHO warns governments to start taking action, that's what they should do. Those government agencies are under the executive branch.

Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

January 30th, 2020
To all countries
It is expected that further international exportation of cases may appear in any country. Thus, all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoVinfection, and to share full data with WHO. Technical advice is available on the WHO website.

Countries are reminded that they are legally required to share information with WHO under the IHR.

Any detection of 2019-nCoV in an animal (including information about the species, diagnostic tests, and relevant epidemiological information) should be reported to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as an emerging disease.

Countries should place particular emphasis on reducing human infection, prevention of secondary transmission and international spread, and contributing to the international response though multi-sectoral communication and collaboration and active participation in increasing knowledge on the virus and the disease, as well as advancing research.

The Committee does not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available.

Countries must inform WHO about travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR.

The Committee asked the Director-General to provide further advice on these matters and, if necessary, to make new case-by-case recommendations, in view of this rapidly evolving situation.

What was Trump's response? Well, first nothing.

Then against the advice of the CDC ill prepared people were sent in to take American citizens haphazardly off a cruise ship and send them here, the workers were exposed tot the virus as they didn;t have proper protection. The first case in California was within minutes from Ft. Travis where these people entered back into the country.

Since then Trump has lied about the number of people infected, lied that there were enough tests and anyone who wanted it could get one in the meantime there was at least one nurse who was exposed but couldn't get a test. As the virus spreads Trump implied it was just fine to go to work if you have it. Now that everyone else is cancelling public events he's not.

His response has sucked and created a lot of confusion where idiots like you keep comparing it to the flu which has nothing to do with the virus. You do this in an effort to downplay it in the hopes it won't shake poor leader's already bad reputation.

If he lies during a pandemic, when does he tell the truth?

Trump imposes travel restrictions, mandatory quarantines over coronavirus outbreak
The Democrats aren't the ones who started a trade war with China nor is Congress directly responsible for our diplomatic relationships with them. Way to pass the buck.

No, it's not passing the buck, it's simply pointing out hypocrisy. Nobody (at the time) had any idea what this was all about or the severity of it. When Trump instituted an additional travel ban, the Democrats made the usual claim it was done out of racism. It was nothing to worry about. He's only using the virus as an excuse.

I'm not saying no Democrats have criticized Trump in that regard but can you tell who and how many?

And yes, blaming Democrats for our shitty relationship with China due to our current trade war is passing the buck.

Who and how many what?

Really? You honestly can't figure out what am asking? Jesus, you're either dumb or that's the worst debating tactic I've ever seen.

The point is, nobody at the time thought any big deal about the coronavirus. It wasn't a real concern when it first started. The Democrats didn't think so and neither did Trump.

When the WHO warns governments to start taking action, that's what they should do. Those government agencies are under the executive branch.

Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

January 30th, 2020
To all countries
It is expected that further international exportation of cases may appear in any country. Thus, all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoVinfection, and to share full data with WHO. Technical advice is available on the WHO website.

Countries are reminded that they are legally required to share information with WHO under the IHR.

Any detection of 2019-nCoV in an animal (including information about the species, diagnostic tests, and relevant epidemiological information) should be reported to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as an emerging disease.

Countries should place particular emphasis on reducing human infection, prevention of secondary transmission and international spread, and contributing to the international response though multi-sectoral communication and collaboration and active participation in increasing knowledge on the virus and the disease, as well as advancing research.

The Committee does not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available.

Countries must inform WHO about travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR.

The Committee asked the Director-General to provide further advice on these matters and, if necessary, to make new case-by-case recommendations, in view of this rapidly evolving situation.

What was Trump's response? Well, first nothing.

Then against the advice of the CDC ill prepared people were sent in to take American citizens haphazardly off a cruise ship and send them here, the workers were exposed tot the virus as they didn;t have proper protection. The first case in California was within minutes from Ft. Travis where these people entered back into the country.

Since then Trump has lied about the number of people infected, lied that there were enough tests and anyone who wanted it could get one in the meantime there was at least one nurse who was exposed but couldn't get a test. As the virus spreads Trump implied it was just fine to go to work if you have it. Now that everyone else is cancelling public events he's not.

His response has sucked and created a lot of confusion where idiots like you keep comparing it to the flu which has nothing to do with the virus. You do this in an effort to downplay it in the hopes it won't shake poor leader's already bad reputation.

If he lies during a pandemic, when does he tell the truth?

Trump imposes travel restrictions, mandatory quarantines over coronavirus outbreak

CNBC didn't call Trump a racist? What?

Ok, he did one thing. Not enough.
If that's all they were talking about on the MSM, yes, it's an overkill.

We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?

I didn't say it was not news worthy. I'm saying it shouldn't be consuming our entire airwaves on every single news station including Fox. More importantly than that is it shouldn't be politicized either. I hope somebody develops a coronavirus filter I could buy so I wouldn't see anymore stories on it when I'm on the internet.

I wouldn't be upset if someone invented a filter so you wouldn't read any more about coronavirus either, I just don't want you in your ignorance to spread it around to anyone else.

Look...... our government agencies are doing all they can. Trump is doing all he can. Everybody knows about this problem ten times over. What more needs to be discussed? The people who are vulnerable to death are people like myself, I'm approaching 60 years old and have two of the serious medical conditions of people that have died so far. We do have a vaccine, but it needs to undergo the proper testing before it can be marketed, which will probably not be until the end of this year.

Our agencies are doing OK. The problem is at the top where Trump keeps getting in front of the cameras and giving contradictory information (hunches) and it creates confusion. When Trump lies, it causes panic because people really want and need to believe their leaders in times like these.

We don't have a vaccine until it's in use which is not happening anytime soon. Trump was saying a month or two. Maybe he should just shut the fuck up and then you won't have to listen to the valid criticism.

President Trump is trying to calm the masses which is what he's supposed to be doing. Something like this (thanks to the MSM) can cause unnecessary panic, and a severe impact on our economy. More people die getting shot in Chicago in a month than we've had fatalities with this virus across the entire country.

What we need to do is avoid unnecessary exposure to the public, use plenty of hand sanitizer, and wash your hands frequently. It's all we can do right now. Nothing more can be done about this.
No, it's not passing the buck, it's simply pointing out hypocrisy. Nobody (at the time) had any idea what this was all about or the severity of it. When Trump instituted an additional travel ban, the Democrats made the usual claim it was done out of racism. It was nothing to worry about. He's only using the virus as an excuse.

I'm not saying no Democrats have criticized Trump in that regard but can you tell who and how many?

And yes, blaming Democrats for our shitty relationship with China due to our current trade war is passing the buck.

Who and how many what?

Really? You honestly can't figure out what am asking? Jesus, you're either dumb or that's the worst debating tactic I've ever seen.

The point is, nobody at the time thought any big deal about the coronavirus. It wasn't a real concern when it first started. The Democrats didn't think so and neither did Trump.

When the WHO warns governments to start taking action, that's what they should do. Those government agencies are under the executive branch.

Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

January 30th, 2020
To all countries
It is expected that further international exportation of cases may appear in any country. Thus, all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoVinfection, and to share full data with WHO. Technical advice is available on the WHO website.

Countries are reminded that they are legally required to share information with WHO under the IHR.

Any detection of 2019-nCoV in an animal (including information about the species, diagnostic tests, and relevant epidemiological information) should be reported to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as an emerging disease.

Countries should place particular emphasis on reducing human infection, prevention of secondary transmission and international spread, and contributing to the international response though multi-sectoral communication and collaboration and active participation in increasing knowledge on the virus and the disease, as well as advancing research.

The Committee does not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available.

Countries must inform WHO about travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR.

The Committee asked the Director-General to provide further advice on these matters and, if necessary, to make new case-by-case recommendations, in view of this rapidly evolving situation.

What was Trump's response? Well, first nothing.

Then against the advice of the CDC ill prepared people were sent in to take American citizens haphazardly off a cruise ship and send them here, the workers were exposed tot the virus as they didn;t have proper protection. The first case in California was within minutes from Ft. Travis where these people entered back into the country.

Since then Trump has lied about the number of people infected, lied that there were enough tests and anyone who wanted it could get one in the meantime there was at least one nurse who was exposed but couldn't get a test. As the virus spreads Trump implied it was just fine to go to work if you have it. Now that everyone else is cancelling public events he's not.

His response has sucked and created a lot of confusion where idiots like you keep comparing it to the flu which has nothing to do with the virus. You do this in an effort to downplay it in the hopes it won't shake poor leader's already bad reputation.

If he lies during a pandemic, when does he tell the truth?

Trump imposes travel restrictions, mandatory quarantines over coronavirus outbreak

CNBC didn't call Trump a racist? What?

Ok, he did one thing. Not enough.

He acted immediately. Check the date on that article. It's the same date of the WHO article you posted.
We're in the middle of a pandemic. So the media is going to focus on what that means to us and the world as far as how many people are going to get it, what is the fatality rate, where is it spreading and what our government is doing about it. These are all relative subjects to be had.

What they're trying to do is destroy the economy and market for political expediency. 16,000 Americans died from the flu so far this year, and not a peep. Less than a 100 so far with this virus, and it's the only thing they talk about.

Nobody is trying to destroy the economy.

This is not the flu. This is an additional virus that we don't know how many are going to die or catch it as we are only in the very beginning of the pandemic. We also haven't tested nearly enough people to see who currently has it. At what point do you think this is news worthy? When 1,000 people die? 10k or 20k?

I didn't say it was not news worthy. I'm saying it shouldn't be consuming our entire airwaves on every single news station including Fox. More importantly than that is it shouldn't be politicized either. I hope somebody develops a coronavirus filter I could buy so I wouldn't see anymore stories on it when I'm on the internet.

I wouldn't be upset if someone invented a filter so you wouldn't read any more about coronavirus either, I just don't want you in your ignorance to spread it around to anyone else.

Look...... our government agencies are doing all they can. Trump is doing all he can. Everybody knows about this problem ten times over. What more needs to be discussed? The people who are vulnerable to death are people like myself, I'm approaching 60 years old and have two of the serious medical conditions of people that have died so far. We do have a vaccine, but it needs to undergo the proper testing before it can be marketed, which will probably not be until the end of this year.

Our agencies are doing OK. The problem is at the top where Trump keeps getting in front of the cameras and giving contradictory information (hunches) and it creates confusion. When Trump lies, it causes panic because people really want and need to believe their leaders in times like these.

We don't have a vaccine until it's in use which is not happening anytime soon. Trump was saying a month or two. Maybe he should just shut the fuck up and then you won't have to listen to the valid criticism.

President Trump is trying to calm the masses which is what he's supposed to be doing. Something like this (thanks to the MSM) can cause unnecessary panic, and a severe impact on our economy. More people die getting shot in Chicago in a month than we've had fatalities with this virus across the entire country.

What we need to do is avoid unnecessary exposure to the public, use plenty of hand sanitizer, and wash your hands frequently. It's all we can do right now. Nothing more can be done about this.

Trump does not want to be blamed in an election year......so he is sending misinformation and having the right wing media downplay the threat of pandemic for him.

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