If Democrats weren't murdering 3000 unborn babies a day, we wouldn't have all this hate and division

It's like slavery, it created hatred that broke out into civil war, that cost the lives of 600,000 Americans. It could happen again, probably will.

28% of Americans believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned. 53% of Republicans believe it should NOT be. That's about half of the right, is it not?
You can stop saying it's just lefties because it's not.
You guys are losing and it gets worse every year. No one LIKES abortion. I wouldn't have one, as a matter of fact I had to make that decision once. But I definitely believe it is others' right to, if they are not ready or able to make that lifetime commitment to the child.
You call it murder. You would do better to call it what a Catholic priest called it when I heard him giving a sermon on that night of candles in California--can't remember what it was called. Anyway, it is a loss of potential. We all know that. We should do all we can to eliminate the need for abortion with more prevention.
About seven-in-ten Americans oppose overturning Roe v. Wade

28% of Americans believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned. 53% of Republicans believe it should NOT be. That's about half of the right, is it not?
You can stop saying it's just lefties because it's not.
You guys are losing and it gets worse every year. No one LIKES abortion. I wouldn't have one, as a matter of fact I had to make that decision once. But I definitely believe it is others' right to, if they are not ready or able to make that lifetime commitment to the child.
You call it murder. You would do better to call it what a Catholic priest called it when I heard him giving a sermon on that night of candles in California--can't remember what it was called. Anyway, it is a loss of potential. We all know that. We should do all we can to eliminate the need for abortion with more prevention.
There is no NEED for abortion, our nation is the wealthiest in the world, and there is no excuse for saying there is no money to raise a child.
When we run out of young people to pay into Social Security, the eldest among us will wish we hadn't aborted so many of them.
the silver lining is that lib/lefty women are probably the ones getting most of the abortions
Spare the sanctimony. The only ones who care are the social cons. The rest of the right are probably getting as many abortions as the left. Anyway, once the kids are born, they immediately become societal leaches who the right want to take healthcare and social services away from.
the silver lining is that lib/lefty women are probably the ones getting most of the abortions
Spare the sanctimony. The only ones who care are the social cons. The rest of the right are probably getting as many abortions as the left. Anyway, once the kids are born, they immediately become societal leaches who the right want to take healthcare and social services away from.
Our Christian repubs keep their knees closed don't use the pill and never have abortions. Such stupidity
the silver lining is that lib/lefty women are probably the ones getting most of the abortions
Boy, the bias,hate and uneducation is staggering.
Another white boy who doesn't know the def of liberal.
Zero Latin in college I guess
I know what the dictionary definition of liberal is and that it comes from the latin leberte(sp?), but those who call themselves liberal nowdays are anything but, at least in the classical sense

and by the way.....I dont think you should be using racial slurs
The problem with killing so many people is the moral debt it creates, some call it karma.

The Bible has a concept, you shall reap what you have sown.

We have sown the seeds of our own destruction with so many millions of abortions.

I only hope I don't live long enough to see the reckoning that awaits us.

But my children will live to see it.
When we run out of young people to pay into Social Security, the eldest among us will wish we hadn't aborted so many of them.
The joke is many of the rightie posters are old white farts sucking off their socialist benefits. Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said
About seven-in-ten Americans oppose overturning Roe v. Wade

28% of Americans believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned. 53% of Republicans believe it should NOT be. That's about half of the right, is it not?
You can stop saying it's just lefties because it's not.
You guys are losing and it gets worse every year. No one LIKES abortion. I wouldn't have one, as a matter of fact I had to make that decision once. But I definitely believe it is others' right to, if they are not ready or able to make that lifetime commitment to the child.
You call it murder. You would do better to call it what a Catholic priest called it when I heard him giving a sermon on that night of candles in California--can't remember what it was called. Anyway, it is a loss of potential. We all know that. We should do all we can to eliminate the need for abortion with more prevention.

If an abortion doesn't kill a cjild.... what's not to like about it?
We paid for slavery with the lives of 600,000 Americans. What will be the price for abortion? Something equally terrible, I am sure.
the silver lining is that lib/lefty women are probably the ones getting most of the abortions
Boy, the bias,hate and uneducation is staggering.
Another white boy who doesn't know the def of liberal.
Zero Latin in college I guess
I know what the dictionary definition of liberal is and that it comes from the latin leberte(sp?), but those who call themselves liberal nowdays are anything but, at least in the classical sense

and by the way.....I dont think you should be using racial slurs
It's liber actually, free. For the individual and small gov.
How do you know they are anything but?. Big time shrink degree? Not my corporate filthy rich liberal friends.
And mentioning white when 99 % of the posters are white isn't racial. It's a fact
And while we are at it I wonder how many posters made it to college. How many do you think? 20% maybe?
The posters remind me of a trump rally, hardly a brown face in sight
We paid for slavery with the lives of 600,000 Americans. What will be the price for abortion? Something equally terrible, I am sure.
It will be very terrible.....actually it already is.......once we made it legal to kill babies in the womb we became a country with no soul....
Since abortion is very common among the blacks, it has done the most damage to them, made life seem cheap and not worth living. Abortion is the reason the murder rate is so high among the blacks, the reason young black men think nothing of taking the life of another black man. Their mothers showed them the way, by murdering so many of their brothers and sisters.
About seven-in-ten Americans oppose overturning Roe v. Wade

28% of Americans believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned. 53% of Republicans believe it should NOT be. That's about half of the right, is it not?
You can stop saying it's just lefties because it's not.
You guys are losing and it gets worse every year. No one LIKES abortion. I wouldn't have one, as a matter of fact I had to make that decision once. But I definitely believe it is others' right to, if they are not ready or able to make that lifetime commitment to the child.
You call it murder. You would do better to call it what a Catholic priest called it when I heard him giving a sermon on that night of candles in California--can't remember what it was called. Anyway, it is a loss of potential. We all know that. We should do all we can to eliminate the need for abortion with more prevention.
There is no NEED for abortion, our nation is the wealthiest in the world, and there is no excuse for saying there is no money to raise a child.

So how many of those unwanted kids will you adopt or support with your tax money?

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