If Gaige Grosskreutz shot Kyle Rittenhouse dead, would it have been self defense?

What about this is hard to understand

Gayge ran up on a downed Kyle, feigned surrender then ran up and pointed a glock (illegally concealed and carrying) at his head

Kyle defended himself against a handful of you antifa scumbags
I seen the video at full speed... Grosskreutz self checked when he realized that Kyle was indeed paying attention to him and going to shoot him if he didn't stop...but immediately continued the charge after Kyle hesitated by reacting to his self check...
in a national television interview Grosskreutz admitted to cycling his Glock after pulling the trigger and failing to fire his weapon at Kyle.
That's attempted murder IMHO.
The aggressors are the ones doing the chasing and yelling to kill Kyle. The chasers got what they bargained for, stupid fucks that they were. Kyle just defended himself.
And all of this happened as Kyle was obviously trying to get to the police...

Those chasing him didn't want him to get to the police.
Except he didn't know he was a rapist, never touched him, and did not direct the threat at KR

There was no evidence offered that Rittenhouse didn't know that Rosenbaum was a Chomo.

You are only assuming that.

Rosenbaum's conviction was a matter of public record, Rittenhouse could have easily known it.

Remember this, and never forget, its up to the Persecution to prove the case, not the defense.
I seen the video at full speed... Grosskreutz self checked when he realized that Kyle was indeed paying attention to him and going to shoot him if he didn't stop...but immediately continued the charge after Kyle hesitated by reacting to his self check...
in a national television interview Grosskreutz admitted to cycling his Glock after pulling the trigger and failing to fire his weapon at Kyle.
That's attempted murder IMHO.
Agreed. All 3 (Rosenbaum, Huber and Gayge) got what they deserved. Vaporized!
This is what makes leftists dangerous........knowing that Kyle had a rifle, they still charged him.....simply with the intent of killing him. They charged a guy with a rifle when all they had to do was let him go...they are insane. Another reason why morons like this should never have control of a government......
Anyone who actually watched videos of what happened knew this. Maybe stop getting your propaganda from the MSspin
Yes. Imagine that. People, after the fact, watched a bunch of different of different videos and were able to figure out what happened! Who've thunk? Too bad the folks experiencing it in real time didn't have the benefit of your stunning acuity!
Yes. Imagine that. People, after the fact, watched a bunch of different of different videos and were able to figure out what happened! Who've thunk? Too bad the folks experiencing it in real time didn't have the benefit of your stunning acuity!

The 3 thugs knew what had happened when they attacked Kyle............they knew that he was running away from them....wasn't shooting anyone as he ran, and yet they chased him, then attacked him....knowing he was leaving, and not shooting anyone.

Gaige stated that Rittenhouse did not shoot him when he had his hands up in the air, and only fired when he lowered his hands and pointed the gun at Kyle....

So the guys who were shot knew Kyle wasn't shooting people ....they knew he was running away...actually toward where the police lines were......

They initiated violence against someone they knew was not shooting people, and who was running away from them...

Sell your crap to Biden voters....

Gunshots would've been heard by everyone.

Kyle had just killed two men and was running down the street with an AR15 in his hands while people yelled that he was the killer.

A reasonable person could assume he was an "active shooter."

Not like such an attack is unheard of in America.
Gunshots from at least two different caliber weapons. Seeing a armed person fleeing, the obvious conclusion is that he is fleeing from the actual shooter, not that he is the shooter.

We can all appreciate him being truthful

One thing that's obvious is that he could've shot Kyle Rittenhouse dead. If he did so, you think he would've gotten off on self defense?

I don't have any problem at all with Gaige's testimony. The man was their to provide medical assistance to those in need from either side of the issue. He thought Baby Kyle was an active shooter. No reason bo believe in the heat of the moment that he wasn't. In fact, he certainly WAS.
Yes. Imagine that. People, after the fact, watched a bunch of different of different videos and were able to figure out what happened! Who've thunk? Too bad the folks experiencing it in real time didn't have the benefit of your stunning acuity!
What did Rittenhouse observe in real-time?
I don't have any problem at all with Gaige's testimony. The man was their to provide medical assistance to those in need from either side of the issue. He thought Baby Kyle was an active shooter. No reason bo believe in the heat of the moment that he wasn't. In fact, he certainly WAS.
Active shooters don't limit their fire to those trying to harm/kill them.
So, you cannot be right.
Active shooters don't limit their fire to those trying to harm/kill them.
So, you cannot be right.
You mean like the guys who tried to disarm him and were shot, or the unarmed guy who was chasing him and was killed? Dude, you are prolly gonna win our bet. But this redneck judge was completely out of line and they may get another trial because of it. And if judge declares a mistrial on "prosecutorial misconduct" or they DO get another trial? Bet is off.
You mean like the guys who tried to disarm him and were shot, or the unarmed guy who was chasing him and was killed?
Yes. Rittenhouse limited his fire to those who tried to harm him.
This is not what "active shooters" do.
Glad you understand.
Dude, you are prolly gonna win our bet. But this redneck judge was completely out of line and they may get another trial because of it. And if judge declares a mistrial on "prosecutorial misconduct" or they DO get another trial? Bet is off.
I have no doubt you will try to weasel out of making good on our bet.
If the judge -does- declare a mistrial -- and there's no indication he will -- it will be ruled "with prejudice" - meaning Rittenhouse cannot be tried again.
Yes. Rittenhouse limited his fire to those who tried to harm him.
This is not what "active shooters" do.
Glad you understand.

I have no doubt you will try to weasel out of making good on our bet.
If the judge -does- declare a mistrial -- and there's no indication he will -- it will be ruled "with prejudice" - meaning Rittenhouse cannot be tried again.
Yes, this ^ would invalidate our bet. And if a new trial is granted due to judicial misconduct, that invalidates it as well. Not to worry dude, I'm guessing he is found guilty on one or two lesser charges and gets less than 5 years. In that case, I'll take my one month leave.
Gunshots from at least two different caliber weapons. Seeing a armed person fleeing, the obvious conclusion is that he is fleeing from the actual shooter, not that he is the shooter.
Most people hearing gunshots don’t know anything about the sounds of different calibers. Most people seeing a man with a high powered rifle running away from an area with people shouting he just shot someone would assume he was the shooter.
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Gunshots would've been heard by everyone.

Kyle had just killed two men and was running down the street with an AR15 in his hands while people yelled that he was the killer.

A reasonable person could assume he was an "active shooter."

Not like such an attack is unheard of in America.

Another jackass who hasn't watched a thing in this trial. Kyle had NOT just killed 2 men, he had killed ONE in self defense, and was attempting to evade the mob and reach police. A bunch of idiots chasing him and screaming that "he's a killer" does not negate his right to self defense. What you ASSUME is irrelevant.
A reasonable person could assume he was an "active shooter."

That is not of any interest in this case.

Rittenhouse's self defense claim doesn't hinge on what the people chasing him thought or the feelings anyone else wants to assign to the chasers, as a "reasonable" belief they might have held as they were chasing him.

The only thing that matters is if a reasonable person in Rittenhouse's situation would feel there was an imminent thereat to his life.
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Doesn’t mean anything. You are talking a span of minutes, where he already shot and killed an unarmed man,

Who was chasing him, trying to grab his weapon and threatening to kill him.

None of which was witnessed by any of the morons who attacked him while
he was running toward the police.......shooting no one.

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