If Gaige Grosskreutz shot Kyle Rittenhouse dead, would it have been self defense?

He was chasing him and KR turned around and shot him.

Wrong.....Kyle turned around and pointed the rifle, then turned around and continued to run... rosenbaum continued to chase him and cornered him, then as the witness stated rosenbaum lunged at kyle and grabbed his rifle
No. The commie was rioting. That would be like you going to your next door neighbor, assaulting him, and when he pushes you away you shoot him and claim self defense.

Rittenhouse HAD ties to Kenosha. Your hero's were the invaders.
Huber LIVED in Kenosha. So did Rosenbaum.
Kyle points gun at Gaige. Gaige points gun at Kyle.

Who pulls the trigger first?

I think Gaige would've won on a self defense claim.

Also, the whole encounter between the two happened in like 5 seconds. Not a lot of time to think things through.

Gaige pointed his gun at Kyle first,which is why he's missing a big chunk of bicep.
New video showed today by the sound and timing expert showed how Grosskreutz was definitely the aggressor in his situation.

He had to chase Kyle to catch up to him. Then rapidly advanced after re-racking his gun expelling a live round onto the street. Grosskreutz definitely was trying to shoot Kyle in the head and not shoot any of the protesters.
New video showed today by the sound and timing expert showed how Grosskreutz was definitely the aggressor in his situation.

He had to chase Kyle to catch up to him. Then rapidly advanced after re-racking his gun expelling a live round onto the street. Grosskreutz definitely was trying to shoot Kyle in the head and not shoot any of the protesters.

Thanks. waiting to read the days happenings on legal insurrection.....from what you say it is another bad dy for the prosecution
Rittenhouse had just shot dead two people. How's Grosskreutz to know that Rittenhouse wasn't going to unload his whole magazine into the crowd?
Because those two people were attacking Rittenhouse. The same assault that Grosskeutz participated in. Grosskeutz and the dude with the skateboard chased Rittenhouse as he was retreating. Not to mention, if Rittenhouse was going to hose down the crowd, he would have already done it.
Total time from killing Rosenbaum to finally getting turned away by the deaf police was 4 ½ minutes.
Right, you’d trust a complete stranger who had just shot and killed two people not to shoot.
Well, you should realize that he is a marksman under pressure and under physical exertion and just because he gets knocked down and is on his back, it is still a really bad idea to charge him and point a pistol at him.

We can all appreciate him being truthful

One thing that's obvious is that he could've shot Kyle Rittenhouse dead. If he did so, you think he would've gotten off on self defense?

Not only no, but hell no.
Gaige was a felon in possession of a firearm.
I think he had a intoxication charge pending also
You have the facts all fucked up.

GG ADMITTED to following after Rittenhouse, who was retreating.

Just admit that you're mad because your communist ilk got shot.
You think everyone who isn’t a rabid rightwinger like you is a commie. It has become meaningless.

Rittenhouse also admitted he knew Rosenbaum wasn’t armed but he shot him anyway. Point is, at that moment in time, as far as anyone knew, Rittenhouse was an active shooter.

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