If Gaige Grosskreutz shot Kyle Rittenhouse dead, would it have been self defense?

Mr Mginnis was a bystander chasing after Rosenbaum and Kyle to watch the outcome...but now is getting charges against Kyle for reckless endangerment.
Mr Mginnis was a bystander chasing after Rosenbaum and Kyle to watch the outcome...but now is getting charges against Kyle for reckless endangerment.
(1)  First-degree recklessly endangering safety. Whoever recklessly endangers another's safety under circumstances which show utter disregard for human life is guilty of a Class F felony.
(2)  Second-degree recklessly endangering safety. Whoever recklessly endangers another's safety is guilty of a Class G felony.

Given the intentionally limited scope of his actions, I wonder how an honest person could see them as "reckless"
No sir, Gaige was was not there supporting either side. He was there to provide assistance to whomever needed it. You're thinking of the two unarmed guys who were killed. Yes, they were there protesting and perhaps inappropriately. But they also tried to stop Baby Kyle and that's why they are dead.
Stop Kyle? They chased him to beat an kill him........
Kyle entered this arena an illegally purchased gun.

Not only has this charge been DISMISSED, it was irrelevant from the get go. If you are in imminent danger of death or great bodily injury, you can use ANYTHING at your disposal to defend yourself. The fact that the item you use, or your possession of it, is "illegal" DOES NOT OVERRIDE YOUR RIGHT TO LIVE.
Andrew Branca at legal insurrection was right about the gun charge....
Stop Kyle? They chased him to beat an kill him........
Ya sure - His Mama (who looks EXACTLY like the motherfucker) claims that if he didn't have his gun, he'd be dead. What BULLSHIT.

Judge dismissed the minor open carry charge this AM and that affects many of the more serious charge. Face it man, Kyle went looking for trouble that night and found it!

PS: This judge is a RW LOOOOON and this entire deal will be overturned on judicial misconduct and Baby Boy will be right back in the hot seat! :D
Face it man, Kyle went looking for trouble that night and found it!
Repeating this claim does not make up for the fact you have no rational basis for it.
PS: This judge is a RW LOOOOON
You have no rational basis for this claim, either.
Schroeder was appointed to the court in 1983 by Gov. Anthony Earl (D).
He ran for subsequent election, and several re-elections, as a Democrat.
and this entire deal will be overturned on judicial misconduct
You have no rational basis for this claim.
Ya sure - His Mama (who looks EXACTLY like the motherfucker) claims that if he didn't have his gun, he'd be dead. What BULLSHIT.

Judge dismissed the minor open carry charge this AM and that affects many of the more serious charge. Face it man, Kyle went looking for trouble that night and found it!

PS: This judge is a RW LOOOOON and this entire deal will be overturned on judicial misconduct and Baby Boy will be right back in the hot seat! :D
Not a chance... double Jeopardy.
Not a chance... double Jeopardy.
Hmmm, not in a case of judicial misconduct my friend ;)
The fact that he eliminated the charge of a child open packing on a a technicality was quite telling.
Baby Kyle already admitted that he didn't buy his AK to hunt. He was looking for trouble and he FOUND it!
This judge is a RW asshole who wants Baby Kyle to walk.
Hmmm, not in a case of judicial misconduct my friend ;)
The fact that he eliminated the charge of a child open packing on a a technicality was quite telling.
Baby Kyle already admitted that he didn't buy his AK to hunt. He was looking for trouble and he FOUND it!
This judge is a RW asshole who wants Baby Kyle to walk.
The law in Wisconsin is written to allow 17 year olds possess rifles.
Count six is dismissed.

The charge for "Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18" is gone.


I just heard the defense attorney say that

So the question is self defense or not

And its clear that rittenhouse was protecting himself
Hmmm, not in a case of judicial misconduct my friend ;)
But, you cannot show there was any misconduct, so...
The fact that he eliminated the charge of a child open packing on a a technicality was quite telling.
The law, especially law applied to a criminal trial, is all about technicalities.
If a law technically does not apply, why should a defendant have to face a charge?
This judge is a RW asshole who wants Baby Kyle to walk.
He was appointed by a Democrat and won ever election as a Democrat.
But, you cannot show there was any misconduct, so...

The law, especially law applied to a criminal trial, is all about technicalities.
If a law technically doe snot apply, why should a defendant have to face a charge?

We was appointed by a Democrat and won ever election as a Democrat.

Link on this asshole being appointed by a Democrat please. If true, someone didn't do their homework!
Link on this asshole being appointed by a Democrat please. If true, someone didn't do their homework!
Yes. That person is you.


The law in Wisconsin is written to allow 17 year olds possess rifles.
Yes, for HUNTING. Problem is, Baby Kyle went looking for trouble and HUNTING people he hated. That was problematic pal and he admitted on the stand that he didn't buy his AK to hunt. He thought it "looked cool" Open carry by a minor is illegal not to mention he crossed state lines.

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