If Gaige Grosskreutz shot Kyle Rittenhouse dead, would it have been self defense?

What about this is hard to understand

Gayge ran up on a downed Kyle, feigned surrender then ran up and pointed a glock (illegally concealed and carrying) at his head

Kyle defended himself against a handful of you antifa scumbags
Kyle entered this arena an illegally purchased gun.
Most people hearing gunshots don’t know anything about the sounds of different calibers. Most people seeing a man with a high powered rifle running away from an area with people shouting he just shot someone would assume he was the shooter.
What did Rittenhouse observe in real-time?
You are apparently unaware of the fact there are no charges to this effect before the court.
In fact Kyle was not in violation of the gun laws...

The header is not included in the law...it's not relevant that the heading of juvenile hunters is over the law...what is important is the law underneath the header of the section.

also since the rifle wasn't shortened, or a handgun, and Kyle was over 16 and months past his 17th birthday... Kyle was legally able to possess the rifle.
In fact Kyle was not in violation of the gun laws...

The header is not included in the law...it's not relevant that the heading of juvenile hunters is over the law...what is important is the law underneath the header of the section.

also since the rifle wasn't shortened, or a handgun, and Kyle was over 16 and months past his 17th birthday... Kyle was legally able to possess the rifle.

If that were true, they wouldn't be talking of convicting him of being a minor in possession of firearm, a misdemeanor charge.

Rittenhouse is accused of killing Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz. He also faces charges of endangering others and illegal possession of a weapon.

If that were true, they wouldn't be talking of convicting him of being a minor in possession of firearm, a misdemeanor charge.
Even the judge is not sure if the charge applies, and is likely to give instructions to that effect to the jury.
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If that were true, they wouldn't be talking of convicting him of being a minor in possession of firearm, a misdemeanor charge.

Rittenhouse is accused of killing Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz. He also faces charges of endangering others and illegal possession of a weapon.

The gun charge was only used as a means to bring the other charges before the court as a logical reason to bring the others...that portion was successful...but not as a means for conviction of the charges.
I Watched Friday's pleadings and that was from the judge himself...which the prosecutor thought was an "automatic guilty verdict" as well...but it isn't. The judge plans on explaining how Kyle was not guilty of those charges if he allows them at all.

all in all the whole prosecution's case hinges on one grainy and blurry photo of Kyle holding the rifle left handed (which he never did) that the prosecutor is going to argue is Kyle provoking Rosenbaum by pointing the rifle at Ziminski.

a completely preposterous position.

and the reduced charges are such that if the original charges of first degree aren't met there's no real room for the lesser charges.
I don't have any problem at all with Gaige's testimony. The man was their to provide medical assistance to those in need from either side of the issue. He thought Baby Kyle was an active shooter. No reason bo believe in the heat of the moment that he wasn't. In fact, he certainly WAS.

No...he didn't...he was lying...he was there burning and looting like the rest of the blm activists.....he belongs to various violent extremist groups and was there to riot........

When Kyle was running away, not shooting at people, he was not an active shooter.......the prosecution Is lying about that because they have nothing else...
Yes, this ^ would invalidate our bet. And if a new trial is granted due to judicial misconduct, that invalidates it as well. Not to worry dude, I'm guessing he is found guilty on one or two lesser charges and gets less than 5 years. In that case, I'll take my one month leave.

The only one violating the Constitution was the prosecutor who was violating the 5th Amendment protection against self incrimination.....and he did it twice, ignored the judges ruling on evidence, and was also accused of witness tampering...you really are an idiot...
Most people hearing gunshots don’t know anything about the sounds of different calibers. Most people seeing a man with a high powered rifle running away from an area with people shouting he just shot someone would assume he was the shooter.

And again, you doofus......he wasn't shooting anyone when he was running away........no one would know if he was the alleged shooter or not, since 1) he wasn't fucking shooting anyone, and 2) he was running away, in the direction of the police line...
No...he didn't...he was lying...he was there burning and looting like the rest of the blm activists.....he belongs to various violent extremist groups and was there to riot........

When Kyle was running away, not shooting at people, he was not an active shooter.......the prosecution Is lying about that because they have nothing else...

No sir, Gaige was was not there supporting either side. He was there to provide assistance to whomever needed it. You're thinking of the two unarmed guys who were killed. Yes, they were there protesting and perhaps inappropriately. But they also tried to stop Baby Kyle and that's why they are dead.

We can all appreciate him being truthful

One thing that's obvious is that he could've shot Kyle Rittenhouse dead. If he did so, you think he would've gotten off on self defense?

And kyle certainly did not shoot him with his hands raised...
No sir, Gaige was was not there supporting either side. He was there to provide assistance to whomever needed it. You're thinking of the two unarmed guys who were killed. Yes, they were there protesting and perhaps inappropriately. But they also tried to stop Baby Kyle and that's why they are dead.
What are you babbling about----the pedo and the other two criminals attacked kyle and were there to burn and loot.

We can all appreciate him being truthful

One thing that's obvious is that he could've shot Kyle Rittenhouse dead. If he did so, you think he would've gotten off on self defense?

"I was never trying to kill the defendant," he testified. "In that moment, I was trying to preserve my own life. But doing so while also taking the life of another is not something that I'm capable of or comfortable doing."

He’s a damn liar

Why was he carrying the gun if he wasnt willing to use it?

Thats stupid

So I think we can dismiss that statement as bullshit

Which begs the question, why didnt he shoot rittenhouse, if as he claims, he was in fear for his life?
"I was never trying to kill the defendant," he testified. "In that moment, I was trying to preserve my own life. But doing so while also taking the life of another is not something that I'm capable of or comfortable doing."

He’s a damn liar

Why was he carrying the gun if he wasnt willing to use it?

Thats stupid

So I think we can dismiss that statement as bullshit

Which begs the question, why didnt he shoot rittenhouse, if as he claims, he was in fear for his life?
If he was in such fear for his life why was he chasing and advancing on Kyle? Why did he cycle his gun (not noticing safety was engaged) when he tried to shoot Kyle but couldn't?

Wouldn't be running the other way be much more appropriate?
If he was in such fear for his life why was he chasing and advancing on Kyle? Why did he cycle his gun (not noticing safety was engaged) when he tried to shoot Kyle but couldn't?
Wouldn't be running the other way be much more appropriate?
Funny how they never answer this.
If they saw Rittenhouse as a threat, they were required by law to -retreat- from him.
You know, like he did from them.

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