If God doesn't exist...

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christian, this should be a good one for you, who is your alltime greatest christian leader of Western Civilization from the 4th century to present day ...

Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.
Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.

ok then christian, tell us your alltime christian hero and why you admire them so .... Western Civilization.
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?

I agree with you there are countless individuals through time who have honored religion in their lifetimes, all denominations.

I am secular first religious second, for there to be an afterlife in the Everlasting much as you claim to be an agnostic atheist.

innocence, the unjust crucifixion from an earlier time in the 4th century was changed from a religion to a political statement and used by the unjust to manipulate the public conscious for their own personal gain - and is an expense for real religion. bing.

when you prove the information of Life is organic physiology I would consider atheism, till then beyond physiology there is a dimension in the Everlasting I hope to become a part of.

You are a humanist. Big surprise, lol.
christian, this should be a good one for you, who is your alltime greatest christian leader of Western Civilization from the 4th century to present day ...

Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.
Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.

ok then christian, tell us your alltime christian hero and why you admire them so .... Western Civilization.
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?
It actually isn't. They are called saints. There is a big long list of the ones we know about.
Yet that is what you ask us to do.

No. That is not what I ask you to do. I don't care what you do. I am pointing out that you are not objective when it comes to religion or God because you only see the bad and do not acknowledge that there has been any good. You don't even realize that you are only able to be righteously indignant because religion has been a force for good. If you had led your life outside of Western Civilization, you would not have been afforded the same standard of living, freedom and liberty that you enjoy now.

The Least of These
Yes, atheism taken to an extreme is a religion. But I don't sense that here, otherwise I'd be on their ass just as bad... We are agnostics who question why people are killing each other, due to religion. And why their "god" doesn't step up to the plate and stop it.

The fact that you don't argue against the atheist worldview like you do the Christian worldview tells me that you are not an agnostic. The fact that you require perfection as proof of God's existence tells me you are not an agnostic. I think you should consider the reality that you are not an agnostic.

Silly Beliefs - Agnostics - Valid Stance or Scam?
You said you are being objective. Therefore you must practice critical theory.

No. That's not correct. Critical theory is the practice of criticizing what you don't believe to justify what you do believe without ever critically examining what you do believe. two major flaws which are common to all critical theory arguments; 1. your analysis was made in a vacuum; 2. what you did analyze lacked objectivity.

Critical thinking is critically examining what you do believe to test its validity.
You make claims such as "Christianity is the foundation that Western Civilization was laid upon. By any objective measure Western Civilization has been a force for good, thus, Christianity has been a force for good."

This is self evident. Can you name any other Civilization which has done more for humanity than Western Civilization? Can you name any institution that has played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church?
christian, this should be a good one for you, who is your alltime greatest christian leader of Western Civilization from the 4th century to present day ...

Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.
Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.

ok then christian, tell us your alltime christian hero and why you admire them so .... Western Civilization.
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?

I agree with you there are countless individuals through time who have honored religion in their lifetimes, all denominations.

I am secular first religious second, for there to be an afterlife in the Everlasting much as you claim to be an agnostic atheist.

innocence, the unjust crucifixion from an earlier time in the 4th century was changed from a religion to a political statement and used by the unjust to manipulate the public conscious for their own personal gain - and is an expense for real religion. bing.

when you prove the information of Life is organic physiology I would consider atheism, till then beyond physiology there is a dimension in the Everlasting I hope to become a part of.

Here is the truth. We hope there is a heaven but we don't know. Many believe because they want to believe. No science to faith. And it's cool to believe and hope there is a god and more after we die.

As long as it's cool to not believe. So what if someone doesn't believe? Does it make them a bad person? Are they going to hell because they don't believe? Would you chop their head off? The answers depend on which theist you ask.

Interesting Americans would rather vote for a pot smokers or cheaters than atheists.

I can't help believe this is holding us back as a species. As much good as it does a lie is wrong and better to know the truth?
You have terrible logic.... You can apply the same argument to slavery. Substitute the word "slavery" for "Christianity" in the above sentences, and you'll see what I mean.

No. That argument does not work. Does slavery still exist? No. Why not? Because it was based on failed behaviors and error cannot stand. Does Western Civilization still exist? Yes. Why? Because virtue is the greatest organizing principle of men. Despite your beliefs to the contrary, Western Civilization was built on the virtues of Christianity. Unlike failed behaviors, successful behaviors lead to success. The proof is in the pudding.
You make claims such as "Christianity is the foundation that Western Civilization was laid upon. By any objective measure Western Civilization has been a force for good, thus, Christianity has been a force for good."

This is self evident. Can you name any other Civilization which has done more for humanity than Western Civilization? Can you name any institution that has played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church?
The best of all the worst!???? Compared to every other uncivilized society before the Greeks invented democracy sure.

What I'm suggesting is we could have done so much better. For the hundreds of years of Western civilizations rule we've had how much war, povery and crime. Maybe if we weren't being duped our citizen wouldn't be such sheep.

All that separates us from the apes is 1%. What if we started teaching our children calculus and quantum physics and evolution and biology instead of stories from the bible. Maybe we'd be off this planet already. At least 1000 years maybe 5000 is how far back religion has held us. Scotty beam me up.
Based on your logic, slavery should also be a force for good. Which is understandable, based on the amount of slaves Christianity has created.

Slavery has existed since the beginning of mankind. Most of it was indentured servitude, not forced slavery. You act like this was a Christian invention. I suggest you do some research into just how many slaves were brought to America compared to the rest of the world. I believe it was something like 6%. They were brought here by the British. It was a British institution not a Christian institution. The reason we have race problem today is because back in the 17th century (maybe 18th) a British official wrote a law to prevent mixing of races which spread throughout the colonies. The rest of the world did not do this and allowed the races to mix.

The Greeks justified forced slavery because they believed they were morally superior. The Romans believed that forced slavery was against the Law of Nature but justified it on the grounds of state supremacy. Our Founding Fathers believed that slavery was against the Law of Nature but knew not how to end it at the time of our founding but wrote the Constitution is a way that would lead to its end. I suspect that you have such a poor opinion of America and Christians that you won't believe this either. Why? Because it appears that you believe slavery existed because of Christians.
I have already provided the positive case for religion. You are not objective enough to accept it. You have a vague rosy notion of goodness of life without religion. Yet history records nations which have been ruled by militant atheists like yourself quite differently.

No. You said you are objective...

So tell me negative things about religion. Otherwise, you're just spouting stuff that you were brainwashed with as a child. And still believe as an adult.
Actually, no it doesn't mean that. I'm not the one who is practicing critical theory. That's what you are doing. I don't define my beliefs by criticizing what I don't believe. Christianity is the foundation that Western Civilization was laid upon. By any objective measure Western Civilization has been a force for good, thus, Christianity has been a force for good. Do you believe that Western Civilization has not been a force for good? In the history of Western Civilization there have been many bad things that man has done, I don't need to itemize them to know that the overall benefit has been good. The logical conclusion of your argument is that religion should be banned.
In the history of Western Civilization there have been many bad things that man has done, I don't need to itemize them to know that the overall benefit has been good.

a rather pathetic statement ... how else could a christian characterize their religion.

with his trumpet blaring ...
Maybe you can tell me about your beliefs of God then. How's that? Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Can you tell me anything at all about your beliefs?

For me, personally, I believe in good. I don't need a supernatural being to tell me how to be good, or why I'm doing it.

Maybe there is something out there that we don't understand yet, and there is some sort of cosmic intelligence. But it really doesn't matter to me. It's not going to change who I am, nor how I am going to treat others, nor how I'm going to treat the world. Infinite possibilities are out there. If it's meant to be that I find out, well great! If not, it doesn't change who I am. I don't need a "god".

And, if I am good in my life, and there REALLY is a OBG just like you believe, and He doesn't like me because I didn't believe in him and sends me to hell....

Well, then, I'd rather rule in hell, than have to kiss his sorry ass.

So, as I asked before... Why do you need a god?
Because I understand that I am a rebel.
What bad things have you done, that you need forgiveness for in order to feel good about yourself?

Because likely, that's what it's all about. You've been bad, and since God will forgive you after a few prayers, you can feel good about yourself and start again. Until the next time you do something bad, and then you say a few "Hail Mary's" again, confess to some creepy priest in a box... and then start over again.

Christianity allows you to keep committing evil, get forgiven, and do it again!

As long as you ask for forgiveness on a regular basis, you can keep doing all the evils you want. And feel good and righteous about it at the same time!

People like me, we don't do evils. I don't have a guilty conscience. I don't need some imaginary being to forgive me. I don't need a "God".
Confession, forgiveness, thankfulness and dying to self all have practical applications which bring peace, happiness and objectivity. What good has come from your atheism?
What bad things have you done, that you need forgiveness for in order to feel good about yourself?

Because likely, that's what it's all about. You've been bad, and since God will forgive you after a few prayers, you can feel good about yourself and start again. Until the next time you do something bad, and then you say a few "Hail Mary's" again, confess to some creepy priest in a box... and then start over again.

Christianity allows you to keep committing evil, get forgiven, and do it again!

As long as you ask for forgiveness on a regular basis, you can keep doing all the evils you want. And feel good and righteous about it at the same time!

People like me, we don't do evils. I don't have a guilty conscience. I don't need some imaginary being to forgive me. I don't need a "God".
Only a good man knows just how bad he is. A bad man has no idea that he is bad.
You make claims such as "Christianity is the foundation that Western Civilization was laid upon. By any objective measure Western Civilization has been a force for good, thus, Christianity has been a force for good."

This is self evident. Can you name any other Civilization which has done more for humanity than Western Civilization? Can you name any institution that has played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church?
The best of all the worst!???? Compared to every other uncivilized society before the Greeks invented democracy sure.

What I'm suggesting is we could have done so much better. For the hundreds of years of Western civilizations rule we've had how much war, povery and crime. Maybe if we weren't being duped our citizen wouldn't be such sheep.

All that separates us from the apes is 1%. What if we started teaching our children calculus and quantum physics and evolution and biology instead of stories from the bible. Maybe we'd be off this planet already. At least 1000 years maybe 5000 is how far back religion has held us. Scotty beam me up.
So your argument is we should have done better?
christian, this should be a good one for you, who is your alltime greatest christian leader of Western Civilization from the 4th century to present day ...

Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.
Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.

ok then christian, tell us your alltime christian hero and why you admire them so .... Western Civilization.
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?

I agree with you there are countless individuals through time who have honored religion in their lifetimes, all denominations.

I am secular first religious second, for there to be an afterlife in the Everlasting much as you claim to be an agnostic atheist.

innocence, the unjust crucifixion from an earlier time in the 4th century was changed from a religion to a political statement and used by the unjust to manipulate the public conscious for their own personal gain - and is an expense for real religion. bing.

when you prove the information of Life is organic physiology I would consider atheism, till then beyond physiology there is a dimension in the Everlasting I hope to become a part of.

You are a humanist. Big surprise, lol.
You are a humanist. Big surprise, lol.

and you're an XXX, no surprise at all ... what's wrong with you.

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and affirms their ability to improve their lives through the use of reason and ingenuity as opposed to submitting blindly to tradition and authority or sinking into cruelty and brutality.

that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings ...

the above version "the value and agency of human beings" - is straight out of the christian bible, genesis - not at all the Garden of the Almighty and where that book should first be edited ....

You make claims such as "Christianity is the foundation that Western Civilization was laid upon. By any objective measure Western Civilization has been a force for good, thus, Christianity has been a force for good."

This is self evident. Can you name any other Civilization which has done more for humanity than Western Civilization? Can you name any institution that has played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church?
The best of all the worst!???? Compared to every other uncivilized society before the Greeks invented democracy sure.

What I'm suggesting is we could have done so much better. For the hundreds of years of Western civilizations rule we've had how much war, povery and crime. Maybe if we weren't being duped our citizen wouldn't be such sheep.

All that separates us from the apes is 1%. What if we started teaching our children calculus and quantum physics and evolution and biology instead of stories from the bible. Maybe we'd be off this planet already. At least 1000 years maybe 5000 is how far back religion has held us. Scotty beam me up.
So your argument is we should have done better?
And could have. During the Aristotle days before they invented Christianity the elites of Greek society who ruled (remember only Greek men could vote) learned all the math and science that today we know but back then that knowledge was not given to the masses. Instead they pushed religion capitalism and slavery. They chose to keep the masses uninformed. It's true
Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.
Can you share with me what you believe about God? Tell me if you believe God is good or bad? Tell me if you believe God works through you? Things like that.

ok then christian, tell us your alltime christian hero and why you admire them so .... Western Civilization.
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?

I agree with you there are countless individuals through time who have honored religion in their lifetimes, all denominations.

I am secular first religious second, for there to be an afterlife in the Everlasting much as you claim to be an agnostic atheist.

innocence, the unjust crucifixion from an earlier time in the 4th century was changed from a religion to a political statement and used by the unjust to manipulate the public conscious for their own personal gain - and is an expense for real religion. bing.

when you prove the information of Life is organic physiology I would consider atheism, till then beyond physiology there is a dimension in the Everlasting I hope to become a part of.

You are a humanist. Big surprise, lol.
You are a humanist. Big surprise, lol.

and you're an XXX, no surprise at all ... what's wrong with you.

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and affirms their ability to improve their lives through the use of reason and ingenuity as opposed to submitting blindly to tradition and authority or sinking into cruelty and brutality.

that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings ...

the above version "the value and agency of human beings" - is straight out of the christian bible, genesis - not at all the Garden of the Almighty and where that book should first be edited ....

Communism is naturalized humanism.
You make claims such as "Christianity is the foundation that Western Civilization was laid upon. By any objective measure Western Civilization has been a force for good, thus, Christianity has been a force for good."

This is self evident. Can you name any other Civilization which has done more for humanity than Western Civilization? Can you name any institution that has played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church?
The best of all the worst!???? Compared to every other uncivilized society before the Greeks invented democracy sure.

What I'm suggesting is we could have done so much better. For the hundreds of years of Western civilizations rule we've had how much war, povery and crime. Maybe if we weren't being duped our citizen wouldn't be such sheep.

All that separates us from the apes is 1%. What if we started teaching our children calculus and quantum physics and evolution and biology instead of stories from the bible. Maybe we'd be off this planet already. At least 1000 years maybe 5000 is how far back religion has held us. Scotty beam me up.
So your argument is we should have done better?
And could have. During the Aristotle days before they invented Christianity the elites of Greek society who ruled (remember only Greek men could vote) learned all the math and science that today we know but back then that knowledge was not given to the masses. Instead they pushed religion capitalism and slavery. They chose to keep the masses uninformed. It's true
I see. Could you have done better?
ok then christian, tell us your alltime christian hero and why you admire them so .... Western Civilization.
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?
Mother Theresa? Is your point that it's very hard to think of one?

I agree with you there are countless individuals through time who have honored religion in their lifetimes, all denominations.

I am secular first religious second, for there to be an afterlife in the Everlasting much as you claim to be an agnostic atheist.

innocence, the unjust crucifixion from an earlier time in the 4th century was changed from a religion to a political statement and used by the unjust to manipulate the public conscious for their own personal gain - and is an expense for real religion. bing.

when you prove the information of Life is organic physiology I would consider atheism, till then beyond physiology there is a dimension in the Everlasting I hope to become a part of.

You are a humanist. Big surprise, lol.
You are a humanist. Big surprise, lol.

and you're an XXX, no surprise at all ... what's wrong with you.

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and affirms their ability to improve their lives through the use of reason and ingenuity as opposed to submitting blindly to tradition and authority or sinking into cruelty and brutality.

that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings ...

the above version "the value and agency of human beings" - is straight out of the christian bible, genesis - not at all the Garden of the Almighty and where that book should first be edited ....

Communism is naturalized humanism.
Are you a commy breezewood? Lol
You make claims such as "Christianity is the foundation that Western Civilization was laid upon. By any objective measure Western Civilization has been a force for good, thus, Christianity has been a force for good."

This is self evident. Can you name any other Civilization which has done more for humanity than Western Civilization? Can you name any institution that has played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church?
The best of all the worst!???? Compared to every other uncivilized society before the Greeks invented democracy sure.

What I'm suggesting is we could have done so much better. For the hundreds of years of Western civilizations rule we've had how much war, povery and crime. Maybe if we weren't being duped our citizen wouldn't be such sheep.

All that separates us from the apes is 1%. What if we started teaching our children calculus and quantum physics and evolution and biology instead of stories from the bible. Maybe we'd be off this planet already. At least 1000 years maybe 5000 is how far back religion has held us. Scotty beam me up.
So your argument is we should have done better?
And could have. During the Aristotle days before they invented Christianity the elites of Greek society who ruled (remember only Greek men could vote) learned all the math and science that today we know but back then that knowledge was not given to the masses. Instead they pushed religion capitalism and slavery. They chose to keep the masses uninformed. It's true
I see. Could you have done better?
Absolutely. I wish I was Superman I would first pass a law that no CEO can make more than 80 times more than their lowest paid employees. If they get a raise every worker gets a raise too.

Break this rule and I fly you one mile up and drop you
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