If God doesn't exist...

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You said you are being objective. Therefore you must practice critical theory.

No. That's not correct. Critical theory is the practice of criticizing what you don't believe to justify what you do believe without ever critically examining what you do believe. two major flaws which are common to all critical theory arguments; 1. your analysis was made in a vacuum; 2. what you did analyze lacked objectivity.

Critical thinking is critically examining what you do believe to test its validity.

Totally wrong dude. Again, you have it upside-down. I sense a trend? :)
You have terrible logic.... You can apply the same argument to slavery. Substitute the word "slavery" for "Christianity" in the above sentences, and you'll see what I mean.

No. That argument does not work. Does slavery still exist? No. Why not? Because it was based on failed behaviors and error cannot stand. Does Western Civilization still exist? Yes. Why? Because virtue is the greatest organizing principle of men. Despite your beliefs to the contrary, Western Civilization was built on the virtues of Christianity. Unlike failed behaviors, successful behaviors lead to success. The proof is in the pudding.

What you're saying is that they were more apt to conquer, in the name of their God, and force people to believe or get tortured and die. Or go into slavery. Yes, Christianity had MUCH success in that... That is NOT a good thing...

Honestly, you should be ashamed about it, and praying to God daily to forgive you for those sins by your ancestors, that you continue to promote and ejaculate upon us. You should feel very guilty. But that's no reason to accept fiction as reality.

The vikings did the same exact things that you praise Christianity for doing. Why no love for the Vikings and Valhalla?

And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
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Based on your logic, slavery should also be a force for good. Which is understandable, based on the amount of slaves Christianity has created.

Slavery has existed since the beginning of mankind. Most of it was indentured servitude, not forced slavery. You act like this was a Christian invention. I suggest you do some research into just how many slaves were brought to America compared to the rest of the world. I believe it was something like 6%. They were brought here by the British. It was a British institution not a Christian institution. The reason we have race problem today is because back in the 17th century (maybe 18th) a British official wrote a law to prevent mixing of races which spread throughout the colonies. The rest of the world did not do this and allowed the races to mix.

The Greeks justified forced slavery because they believed they were morally superior. The Romans believed that forced slavery was against the Law of Nature but justified it on the grounds of state supremacy. Our Founding Fathers believed that slavery was against the Law of Nature but knew not how to end it at the time of our founding but wrote the Constitution is a way that would lead to its end. I suspect that you have such a poor opinion of America and Christians that you won't believe this either. Why? Because it appears that you believe slavery existed because of Christians.

Slavery was a religious invention, not necessarily a Christian one. But the Christians took full reigns on that one once they got in power, and have been promoting it for about 2000 years.

Which is totally against what the idea of Jesus is about.

But hey, why bother with trivial things like that?

I believe in Jesus as a symbol for goodness. Christianity has not followed the goodness that he represented. And, along with other religions, they have done the most cruel, sickening, and inhumane acts in the history of the world.

That is not what Jesus was about... I hope you can embrace the idea of goodness, without need for a ruler with a whip and financial interests.

I wish you, and everyone here, a Merry Christmas!
You have terrible logic.... You can apply the same argument to slavery. Substitute the word "slavery" for "Christianity" in the above sentences, and you'll see what I mean.

No. That argument does not work. Does slavery still exist? No. Why not? Because it was based on failed behaviors and error cannot stand. Does Western Civilization still exist? Yes. Why? Because virtue is the greatest organizing principle of men. Despite your beliefs to the contrary, Western Civilization was built on the virtues of Christianity. Unlike failed behaviors, successful behaviors lead to success. The proof is in the pudding.

What you're saying is that they were more apt to conquer, in the name of their God, and force people to believe or get tortured and die. Or go into slavery. Yes, Christianity had MUCH success in that... That is NOT a good thing...

Honestly, you should be ashamed about it, and praying to God daily to forgive you for those sins by your ancestors, that you continue to promote and ejaculate upon us. You should feel very guilty. But that's no reason to accept fiction as reality.

The vikings did the same exact things that you praise Christianity for doing. Why no love for the Vikings and Valhalla?

And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
I could use religion to make a terrorist or I could make someone into mother Theresa using religion. Either way I could lie and create a religious person.

Do I need religion to make a good person? No. In fact lots of Americans raise good people without religion.
You have terrible logic.... You can apply the same argument to slavery. Substitute the word "slavery" for "Christianity" in the above sentences, and you'll see what I mean.

No. That argument does not work. Does slavery still exist? No. Why not? Because it was based on failed behaviors and error cannot stand. Does Western Civilization still exist? Yes. Why? Because virtue is the greatest organizing principle of men. Despite your beliefs to the contrary, Western Civilization was built on the virtues of Christianity. Unlike failed behaviors, successful behaviors lead to success. The proof is in the pudding.

What you're saying is that they were more apt to conquer, in the name of their God, and force people to believe or get tortured and die. Or go into slavery. Yes, Christianity had MUCH success in that... That is NOT a good thing...

Honestly, you should be ashamed about it, and praying to God daily to forgive you for those sins by your ancestors, that you continue to promote and ejaculate upon us. You should feel very guilty. But that's no reason to accept fiction as reality.

The vikings did the same exact things that you praise Christianity for doing. Why no love for the Vikings and Valhalla?

And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
I could use religion to make a terrorist or I could make someone into mother Theresa using religion. Either way I could lie and create a religious person.

Do I need religion to make a good person? No. In fact lots of Americans raise good people without religion.
This is what I believe a world devoid religion would look like... Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.
You said you are being objective. Therefore you must practice critical theory.

No. That's not correct. Critical theory is the practice of criticizing what you don't believe to justify what you do believe without ever critically examining what you do believe. two major flaws which are common to all critical theory arguments; 1. your analysis was made in a vacuum; 2. what you did analyze lacked objectivity.

Critical thinking is critically examining what you do believe to test its validity.

Totally wrong dude. Again, you have it upside-down. I sense a trend? :)
Are you arguing that critical theory is not the practice of criticizing everything you don't believe to justify what you do believe?
Based on your logic, slavery should also be a force for good. Which is understandable, based on the amount of slaves Christianity has created.

Slavery has existed since the beginning of mankind. Most of it was indentured servitude, not forced slavery. You act like this was a Christian invention. I suggest you do some research into just how many slaves were brought to America compared to the rest of the world. I believe it was something like 6%. They were brought here by the British. It was a British institution not a Christian institution. The reason we have race problem today is because back in the 17th century (maybe 18th) a British official wrote a law to prevent mixing of races which spread throughout the colonies. The rest of the world did not do this and allowed the races to mix.

The Greeks justified forced slavery because they believed they were morally superior. The Romans believed that forced slavery was against the Law of Nature but justified it on the grounds of state supremacy. Our Founding Fathers believed that slavery was against the Law of Nature but knew not how to end it at the time of our founding but wrote the Constitution is a way that would lead to its end. I suspect that you have such a poor opinion of America and Christians that you won't believe this either. Why? Because it appears that you believe slavery existed because of Christians.

Slavery was a religious invention, not necessarily a Christian one. But the Christians took full reigns on that one once they got in power, and have been promoting it for about 2000 years.

Which is totally against what the idea of Jesus is about.

But hey, why bother with trivial things like that?

I believe in Jesus as a symbol for goodness. Christianity has not followed the goodness that he represented. And, along with other religions, they have done the most cruel, sickening, and inhumane acts in the history of the world.

That is not what Jesus was about... I hope you can embrace the idea of goodness, without need for a ruler with a whip and financial interests.

I wish you, and everyone here, a Merry Christmas!
The History of Slavery
...and science holds the answer to all questions....
False premise since science is a method of studying the Natural Universe, not anything outside of it. Ergo, science does not hold the answer to all questions, just a means to find answers within our Universe.
You have terrible logic.... You can apply the same argument to slavery. Substitute the word "slavery" for "Christianity" in the above sentences, and you'll see what I mean.

No. That argument does not work. Does slavery still exist? No. Why not? Because it was based on failed behaviors and error cannot stand. Does Western Civilization still exist? Yes. Why? Because virtue is the greatest organizing principle of men. Despite your beliefs to the contrary, Western Civilization was built on the virtues of Christianity. Unlike failed behaviors, successful behaviors lead to success. The proof is in the pudding.

What you're saying is that they were more apt to conquer, in the name of their God, and force people to believe or get tortured and die. Or go into slavery. Yes, Christianity had MUCH success in that... That is NOT a good thing...

Honestly, you should be ashamed about it, and praying to God daily to forgive you for those sins by your ancestors, that you continue to promote and ejaculate upon us. You should feel very guilty. But that's no reason to accept fiction as reality.

The vikings did the same exact things that you praise Christianity for doing. Why no love for the Vikings and Valhalla?

And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
No. That's not what I was saying.
....And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
If "goodness" is an evolutionary survival trait, then please give examples of it among other species.
You have terrible logic.... You can apply the same argument to slavery. Substitute the word "slavery" for "Christianity" in the above sentences, and you'll see what I mean.

No. That argument does not work. Does slavery still exist? No. Why not? Because it was based on failed behaviors and error cannot stand. Does Western Civilization still exist? Yes. Why? Because virtue is the greatest organizing principle of men. Despite your beliefs to the contrary, Western Civilization was built on the virtues of Christianity. Unlike failed behaviors, successful behaviors lead to success. The proof is in the pudding.

What you're saying is that they were more apt to conquer, in the name of their God, and force people to believe or get tortured and die. Or go into slavery. Yes, Christianity had MUCH success in that... That is NOT a good thing...

Honestly, you should be ashamed about it, and praying to God daily to forgive you for those sins by your ancestors, that you continue to promote and ejaculate upon us. You should feel very guilty. But that's no reason to accept fiction as reality.

The vikings did the same exact things that you praise Christianity for doing. Why no love for the Vikings and Valhalla?

And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
I could use religion to make a terrorist or I could make someone into mother Theresa using religion. Either way I could lie and create a religious person.

Do I need religion to make a good person? No. In fact lots of Americans raise good people without religion.
This is what I believe a world devoid religion would look like... Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy.


how any worse could socialism be than what your religion, christianity has already proven capable of ...

you are simply afraid of life without your book ... to control what otherwise is beyond your persuasion, free Spirits without the shackles of your false religion, promiscuity.

....And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
If "goodness" is an evolutionary survival trait, then please give examples of it among other species.
If "goodness" is an evolutionary survival trait, then please give examples of it among other species.


all living beings are beholden to the Almighty as they will perish otherwise, the same for humanity.

how any worse could socialism be than what your religion, christianity has already proven capable of ...

you are simply afraid of life without your book ... to control what otherwise is beyond your persuasion, free Spirits without the shackles of your false religion, promiscuity.

Stalin purged about 39 million of his own citizens. Mao up to twice as many.

Still, mankind is his own worst enemy. Christians and Socialists throwing rocks at each other with each claiming the other is worse reminds me of an ape fighting its own image.

You have terrible logic.... You can apply the same argument to slavery. Substitute the word "slavery" for "Christianity" in the above sentences, and you'll see what I mean.

No. That argument does not work. Does slavery still exist? No. Why not? Because it was based on failed behaviors and error cannot stand. Does Western Civilization still exist? Yes. Why? Because virtue is the greatest organizing principle of men. Despite your beliefs to the contrary, Western Civilization was built on the virtues of Christianity. Unlike failed behaviors, successful behaviors lead to success. The proof is in the pudding.

What you're saying is that they were more apt to conquer, in the name of their God, and force people to believe or get tortured and die. Or go into slavery. Yes, Christianity had MUCH success in that... That is NOT a good thing...

Honestly, you should be ashamed about it, and praying to God daily to forgive you for those sins by your ancestors, that you continue to promote and ejaculate upon us. You should feel very guilty. But that's no reason to accept fiction as reality.

The vikings did the same exact things that you praise Christianity for doing. Why no love for the Vikings and Valhalla?

And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
I could use religion to make a terrorist or I could make someone into mother Theresa using religion. Either way I could lie and create a religious person.

Do I need religion to make a good person? No. In fact lots of Americans raise good people without religion.
This is what I believe a world devoid religion would look like... Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy.


how any worse could socialism be than what your religion, christianity has already proven capable of ...

you are simply afraid of life without your book ... to control what otherwise is beyond your persuasion, free Spirits without the shackles of your false religion, promiscuity.

lol, are you arguing for socialism? Don't be shy about it.
You have terrible logic.... You can apply the same argument to slavery. Substitute the word "slavery" for "Christianity" in the above sentences, and you'll see what I mean.

No. That argument does not work. Does slavery still exist? No. Why not? Because it was based on failed behaviors and error cannot stand. Does Western Civilization still exist? Yes. Why? Because virtue is the greatest organizing principle of men. Despite your beliefs to the contrary, Western Civilization was built on the virtues of Christianity. Unlike failed behaviors, successful behaviors lead to success. The proof is in the pudding.

What you're saying is that they were more apt to conquer, in the name of their God, and force people to believe or get tortured and die. Or go into slavery. Yes, Christianity had MUCH success in that... That is NOT a good thing...

Honestly, you should be ashamed about it, and praying to God daily to forgive you for those sins by your ancestors, that you continue to promote and ejaculate upon us. You should feel very guilty. But that's no reason to accept fiction as reality.

The vikings did the same exact things that you praise Christianity for doing. Why no love for the Vikings and Valhalla?

And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
I could use religion to make a terrorist or I could make someone into mother Theresa using religion. Either way I could lie and create a religious person.

Do I need religion to make a good person? No. In fact lots of Americans raise good people without religion.
This is what I believe a world devoid religion would look like... Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.
Ridiculous. No distinction between good and evil? Yea, as if you know better then me what's good and evil.
You have terrible logic.... You can apply the same argument to slavery. Substitute the word "slavery" for "Christianity" in the above sentences, and you'll see what I mean.

No. That argument does not work. Does slavery still exist? No. Why not? Because it was based on failed behaviors and error cannot stand. Does Western Civilization still exist? Yes. Why? Because virtue is the greatest organizing principle of men. Despite your beliefs to the contrary, Western Civilization was built on the virtues of Christianity. Unlike failed behaviors, successful behaviors lead to success. The proof is in the pudding.

What you're saying is that they were more apt to conquer, in the name of their God, and force people to believe or get tortured and die. Or go into slavery. Yes, Christianity had MUCH success in that... That is NOT a good thing...

Honestly, you should be ashamed about it, and praying to God daily to forgive you for those sins by your ancestors, that you continue to promote and ejaculate upon us. You should feel very guilty. But that's no reason to accept fiction as reality.

The vikings did the same exact things that you praise Christianity for doing. Why no love for the Vikings and Valhalla?

And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
I could use religion to make a terrorist or I could make someone into mother Theresa using religion. Either way I could lie and create a religious person.

Do I need religion to make a good person? No. In fact lots of Americans raise good people without religion.
This is what I believe a world devoid religion would look like... Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.
Ayn Rand was a capitalist and atheist. Capitalism doesn't need a God.

But Americans do equated capitalism to democracy and democracy with christianity
....And virtue was not created by Christianity. Virtue means goodness. And like I said in rule #1, religion did not create goodness. That is a trait that most of us inherently have, due to natural selection. It's religion that makes us go against that goodness...
If "goodness" is an evolutionary survival trait, then please give examples of it among other species.
Dolphins have saved humans from shark attack
....But Americans do equated capitalism to democracy and democracy with christianity
Disagreed with your broad brush view of Americans.

Capitalism is an economic system which does work well with democracies and republics. Our democracy/republic does, for obvious reasons, have ties to Christianity since many of our Founders were Christians, but democracy isn't necessarily Christian. Look at Turkey.
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