If God doesn't exist...

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Not wishful thinking. It is an artistic representation and looks like a stegosaraus or similar dinosaur. I'll go by your hundreds of thousands of fossils, but in those which ones show two dinosaurs living together and being buried together? Not many I bet. What I have to come up with is one where both man and dinosaur were buried together. They can't just die together or had lived nearby. They had to be buried together and put under pressure. Moreover, the dinosaurs being buried together is evidence of a global flood. Perhaps, the evidence has been found, but secular scientists hid the evidence so as to not destroy evolution? That is possible.

Let's stop here and do a thought experiment. Do you believe that we can travel into the future? Do you believe that we can travel back to the past and possibly change history?

I say we can travel into the future and I have evidence to show how it can be done. There is no evidence, but science fiction that we can travel into the past.

Or do you believe aliens exist? Many atheist scientists think we'll discover aliens within the next 35 years because of their expensive telescopes and equipment. Yet, they have no evidence that they exist. Just large numbers of planets and stars and wishful thinking. We have shown that life is fine-tuned in the universe and that life bearing environments are extremely rare.

So, I have made a hypothesis from hard evidence that humans and dinosaurs coexisted and yet you do not believe me. This isn't pie in the sky as the secular scientists such as Carl Sagan theorized. Sagan even sent time capsules with two satellites into space so if intelligent aliens found them, they would learn about us and know we are here. What a waste of money and how scientific was that lol?

So between the two worldviews, which group has committed more fraud. It's the secular scientists. Which group has been show to be more wrong. Again, the secular scientists.

As with the Bible, your lack of knowledge of baramins is showing. Baraminology has been developed so that it can be taught in schools.

I have shown you evidence of dinosaurs and man living together. They weren't called dinosaurs back then, but dragons. Many representations of dragons exist all over the world.
-Define proof. You use that word alot, what to you is proof. So far you have used "artistic representation", " It's a conspiracy", "myth". what of those things you consider proof?
-I'll put 2 questions up for you.
Do you consider Radiocarbon dating accurate?
Give me a clear set of parameters for classification of kinds using baraminology?
You say it's scientific so it has to have parameters.
- Now to the rest. There are plenty of fossils beds, usually it used to be a pool of somekind where a flash flood hit. Since that ensures rapid burial. But you seem to not understand something. I'm making it way easier for you then show me humans and dinosaurs buried togheter. Al I'm asking of you is to show me any human buried in the strata under the KT boundarary, or a dinosaur buried in the layers before the permian extinction. You don't have to show me a human buried with a dinosaur just a human in those strata. I say they're buried chronologically. If you can break that chronoligy you will have proven your point. Just don't tell me, the reason it hasn't happened is a conspiracy. I've pointed out to you, that it would have to be a massive conspiracy and not only that. A paleontoligist who can break that chronligy would be famous so it's completly counterintuitive to keep it a secret.
- You know dragons all fly now tell me. Flying dinosaurs looked way different then dragons. I have another hypothesis.It's save to assume large bones have been dug up before Owen did it in the 1800's . I put the question what would happen if a huge bone is dug up in the dark ages. A bone nobody can put on an indigenous animal. Without any reference I can picture any dark age monk put the spin of a mytholigical creature on that. See, dragon Myths and other mytholigical beasts explained without having to resort to dinosaurs and man lived togheter
- Now your thaught experiment, I don't know what the point is but I'll answer.
Yes I do believe in alien life. No I don't believe we will ever make contact. It's a matter of scale not rarity. We as a human race are at a certain lvl in our development, we can communicate using radiowaves, microwaves, lightwaves and probably a few more. The universe is vast and we've only started to transmit call it 80 years ago. So the outer limit is 40 lightyears, because the signal has to get back to us.So the aliens. First have to be intelligent, at the same technoligical lvl, willing to talk, and within a radius of 40 lightyears. In other words pretty much a longshot.
In all time travel theories allowed by real science, there is no way a traveler can go back in time to before the time machine was built.
I'm confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey. However, such a trip would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Time travel to the past is more difficult. We do not understand the science as well.
I stole the bit on time travel but that's the science.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all know that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

" historical and physical evidence" Using evidence instead of proof doesn't change anything. What historical proof, the dragon MYTH? What physical evidence?? You mean a picture like this that creationist call an apatosaur.

I can see the apatosaurus quite clearly, if that's what you meant. How did Native Americans draw such animals?


Would you have a different reaction if they drew an alien lol?

You can basicly draw anything if you want to . I made a campfire and a hilly terrain. It's kind of like looking at clouds. You can make it mean watever you want it to mean.Upon close inspection by Senter and Cole, the "sauropod dinosaur" turned out to be made up of distinct carvings and mud stains.Debunking the "Dinosaurs" of Kachina Bridge | Science | Smithsonian

there you go
View attachment 78212

Yes, but this isn't the only drawing, historical or cultural artifact I provided from every continent and different time periods. The evidence is overwhelming, but the atheists and secular scientists continue to lie or deny.


My little evolutionist joke is since they think birds are dinosaurs, we are living with dinosaurs today. Ha ha.

We still have dinosaurs living today, as well. I pointed out the coalacanth. How about a plesiosaur? Plenty of eyewitness and photographic evidence of these hidden baramins.

I noticed your link was from the Smithsonian. The extinction of dinosaurs is quite wrong. Hopefully, the Smithsonian will give more credence to creation scientists in the near future since it is run by the USG.
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Not wishful thinking. It is an artistic representation and looks like a stegosaraus or similar dinosaur. I'll go by your hundreds of thousands of fossils, but in those which ones show two dinosaurs living together and being buried together? Not many I bet. What I have to come up with is one where both man and dinosaur were buried together. They can't just die together or had lived nearby. They had to be buried together and put under pressure. Moreover, the dinosaurs being buried together is evidence of a global flood. Perhaps, the evidence has been found, but secular scientists hid the evidence so as to not destroy evolution? That is possible.

Let's stop here and do a thought experiment. Do you believe that we can travel into the future? Do you believe that we can travel back to the past and possibly change history?

I say we can travel into the future and I have evidence to show how it can be done. There is no evidence, but science fiction that we can travel into the past.

Or do you believe aliens exist? Many atheist scientists think we'll discover aliens within the next 35 years because of their expensive telescopes and equipment. Yet, they have no evidence that they exist. Just large numbers of planets and stars and wishful thinking. We have shown that life is fine-tuned in the universe and that life bearing environments are extremely rare.

So, I have made a hypothesis from hard evidence that humans and dinosaurs coexisted and yet you do not believe me. This isn't pie in the sky as the secular scientists such as Carl Sagan theorized. Sagan even sent time capsules with two satellites into space so if intelligent aliens found them, they would learn about us and know we are here. What a waste of money and how scientific was that lol?

So between the two worldviews, which group has committed more fraud. It's the secular scientists. Which group has been show to be more wrong. Again, the secular scientists.

As with the Bible, your lack of knowledge of baramins is showing. Baraminology has been developed so that it can be taught in schools.

I have shown you evidence of dinosaurs and man living together. They weren't called dinosaurs back then, but dragons. Many representations of dragons exist all over the world.
-Define proof. You use that word alot, what to you is proof. So far you have used "artistic representation", " It's a conspiracy", "myth". what of those things you consider proof?
-I'll put 2 questions up for you.
Do you consider Radiocarbon dating accurate?
Give me a clear set of parameters for classification of kinds using baraminology?
You say it's scientific so it has to have parameters.
- Now to the rest. There are plenty of fossils beds, usually it used to be a pool of somekind where a flash flood hit. Since that ensures rapid burial. But you seem to not understand something. I'm making it way easier for you then show me humans and dinosaurs buried togheter. Al I'm asking of you is to show me any human buried in the strata under the KT boundarary, or a dinosaur buried in the layers before the permian extinction. You don't have to show me a human buried with a dinosaur just a human in those strata. I say they're buried chronologically. If you can break that chronoligy you will have proven your point. Just don't tell me, the reason it hasn't happened is a conspiracy. I've pointed out to you, that it would have to be a massive conspiracy and not only that. A paleontoligist who can break that chronligy would be famous so it's completly counterintuitive to keep it a secret.
- You know dragons all fly now tell me. Flying dinosaurs looked way different then dragons. I have another hypothesis.It's save to assume large bones have been dug up before Owen did it in the 1800's . I put the question what would happen if a huge bone is dug up in the dark ages. A bone nobody can put on an indigenous animal. Without any reference I can picture any dark age monk put the spin of a mytholigical creature on that. See, dragon Myths and other mytholigical beasts explained without having to resort to dinosaurs and man lived togheter
- Now your thaught experiment, I don't know what the point is but I'll answer.
Yes I do believe in alien life. No I don't believe we will ever make contact. It's a matter of scale not rarity. We as a human race are at a certain lvl in our development, we can communicate using radiowaves, microwaves, lightwaves and probably a few more. The universe is vast and we've only started to transmit call it 80 years ago. So the outer limit is 40 lightyears, because the signal has to get back to us.So the aliens. First have to be intelligent, at the same technoligical lvl, willing to talk, and within a radius of 40 lightyears. In other words pretty much a longshot.
In all time travel theories allowed by real science, there is no way a traveler can go back in time to before the time machine was built.
I'm confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey. However, such a trip would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Time travel to the past is more difficult. We do not understand the science as well.
I stole the bit on time travel but that's the science.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all k now that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?

"I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30." Check page 126 of this threat guess where you got that from. You don't even want to acknowledge that science can meassure distance to distant stars and your trying to claim I don't understand special relativity. As to life on other planets. This boils down to how we look at the world. If you believe God created us in it's image. Life on other planets would pose a problem, because it would proof earth for starters isn't unique. I start from the standpoint earth isn't unique. Logically then I start from the position that life is possible, because it is here on earth. Logically if I identify liquid water as the main catalyst and we find liquid water exist(ed) on at least 2 other places in our solar system. And I furthermore can establish that exoplanets are commmon in the universe. And a rough estimate of stars in the universe is 100 octillion stars. That's 1 with 29 zero's. Statisticly that would mean that life is not only possible but likely somewhere.

Instead of guessing and being wrong, if you have a question why don't you just ask me? I got time travel into the future from watching a youtube from a high schooler who won a science award last year on special relativity.

You fall into a logic trap if you claim vastness is evidence that we'll discover aliens. Why can't God reside on one of those planets by the same line of thinking? Ha ha.

Just admit it is all faith-based and has nothing to do with science. So, the next time you read news stories of how secular scientists claim they'll find aliens, you'll know it is really a philosophy piece. Much of their claims is philosophy.

Liquid water isn't a catalyst for life or else we would see it on other planets in our own solar system. You even claimed water on Mars, so where is the life? That has been explored quite a bit now, no? I think NASA even made a video of a small fish popping out, but they quickly pulled it.

As for the distance, what I said was science isn't considering spacetime when they measure the distances. You continue to fail at acknowledging that when special relativity was proven with the existence of gravitational waves. It was one of the things I was excited about. We still do not understand spacetime similar to 2D-beings able to explain the 3D-world.

Life on other planets does not pose a problem to the creation scientists nor I. It is unlikely based on the fine-tuning theory which I talked about and posted a youtube, and not what you claim. Wrong again, forkup. Is that why your handle is forkup? OTOH, I keep an open mind and try not make false assumptions or jump to conclusions.
Not wishful thinking. It is an artistic representation and looks like a stegosaraus or similar dinosaur. I'll go by your hundreds of thousands of fossils, but in those which ones show two dinosaurs living together and being buried together? Not many I bet. What I have to come up with is one where both man and dinosaur were buried together. They can't just die together or had lived nearby. They had to be buried together and put under pressure. Moreover, the dinosaurs being buried together is evidence of a global flood. Perhaps, the evidence has been found, but secular scientists hid the evidence so as to not destroy evolution? That is possible.

Let's stop here and do a thought experiment. Do you believe that we can travel into the future? Do you believe that we can travel back to the past and possibly change history?

I say we can travel into the future and I have evidence to show how it can be done. There is no evidence, but science fiction that we can travel into the past.

Or do you believe aliens exist? Many atheist scientists think we'll discover aliens within the next 35 years because of their expensive telescopes and equipment. Yet, they have no evidence that they exist. Just large numbers of planets and stars and wishful thinking. We have shown that life is fine-tuned in the universe and that life bearing environments are extremely rare.

So, I have made a hypothesis from hard evidence that humans and dinosaurs coexisted and yet you do not believe me. This isn't pie in the sky as the secular scientists such as Carl Sagan theorized. Sagan even sent time capsules with two satellites into space so if intelligent aliens found them, they would learn about us and know we are here. What a waste of money and how scientific was that lol?

So between the two worldviews, which group has committed more fraud. It's the secular scientists. Which group has been show to be more wrong. Again, the secular scientists.

As with the Bible, your lack of knowledge of baramins is showing. Baraminology has been developed so that it can be taught in schools.

I have shown you evidence of dinosaurs and man living together. They weren't called dinosaurs back then, but dragons. Many representations of dragons exist all over the world.
-Define proof. You use that word alot, what to you is proof. So far you have used "artistic representation", " It's a conspiracy", "myth". what of those things you consider proof?
-I'll put 2 questions up for you.
Do you consider Radiocarbon dating accurate?
Give me a clear set of parameters for classification of kinds using baraminology?
You say it's scientific so it has to have parameters.
- Now to the rest. There are plenty of fossils beds, usually it used to be a pool of somekind where a flash flood hit. Since that ensures rapid burial. But you seem to not understand something. I'm making it way easier for you then show me humans and dinosaurs buried togheter. Al I'm asking of you is to show me any human buried in the strata under the KT boundarary, or a dinosaur buried in the layers before the permian extinction. You don't have to show me a human buried with a dinosaur just a human in those strata. I say they're buried chronologically. If you can break that chronoligy you will have proven your point. Just don't tell me, the reason it hasn't happened is a conspiracy. I've pointed out to you, that it would have to be a massive conspiracy and not only that. A paleontoligist who can break that chronligy would be famous so it's completly counterintuitive to keep it a secret.
- You know dragons all fly now tell me. Flying dinosaurs looked way different then dragons. I have another hypothesis.It's save to assume large bones have been dug up before Owen did it in the 1800's . I put the question what would happen if a huge bone is dug up in the dark ages. A bone nobody can put on an indigenous animal. Without any reference I can picture any dark age monk put the spin of a mytholigical creature on that. See, dragon Myths and other mytholigical beasts explained without having to resort to dinosaurs and man lived togheter
- Now your thaught experiment, I don't know what the point is but I'll answer.
Yes I do believe in alien life. No I don't believe we will ever make contact. It's a matter of scale not rarity. We as a human race are at a certain lvl in our development, we can communicate using radiowaves, microwaves, lightwaves and probably a few more. The universe is vast and we've only started to transmit call it 80 years ago. So the outer limit is 40 lightyears, because the signal has to get back to us.So the aliens. First have to be intelligent, at the same technoligical lvl, willing to talk, and within a radius of 40 lightyears. In other words pretty much a longshot.
In all time travel theories allowed by real science, there is no way a traveler can go back in time to before the time machine was built.
I'm confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey. However, such a trip would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Time travel to the past is more difficult. We do not understand the science as well.
I stole the bit on time travel but that's the science.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all k now that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?

Not wishful thinking. It is an artistic representation and looks like a stegosaraus or similar dinosaur. I'll go by your hundreds of thousands of fossils, but in those which ones show two dinosaurs living together and being buried together? Not many I bet. What I have to come up with is one where both man and dinosaur were buried together. They can't just die together or had lived nearby. They had to be buried together and put under pressure. Moreover, the dinosaurs being buried together is evidence of a global flood. Perhaps, the evidence has been found, but secular scientists hid the evidence so as to not destroy evolution? That is possible.

Let's stop here and do a thought experiment. Do you believe that we can travel into the future? Do you believe that we can travel back to the past and possibly change history?

I say we can travel into the future and I have evidence to show how it can be done. There is no evidence, but science fiction that we can travel into the past.

Or do you believe aliens exist? Many atheist scientists think we'll discover aliens within the next 35 years because of their expensive telescopes and equipment. Yet, they have no evidence that they exist. Just large numbers of planets and stars and wishful thinking. We have shown that life is fine-tuned in the universe and that life bearing environments are extremely rare.

So, I have made a hypothesis from hard evidence that humans and dinosaurs coexisted and yet you do not believe me. This isn't pie in the sky as the secular scientists such as Carl Sagan theorized. Sagan even sent time capsules with two satellites into space so if intelligent aliens found them, they would learn about us and know we are here. What a waste of money and how scientific was that lol?

So between the two worldviews, which group has committed more fraud. It's the secular scientists. Which group has been show to be more wrong. Again, the secular scientists.

As with the Bible, your lack of knowledge of baramins is showing. Baraminology has been developed so that it can be taught in schools.

I have shown you evidence of dinosaurs and man living together. They weren't called dinosaurs back then, but dragons. Many representations of dragons exist all over the world.
-Define proof. You use that word alot, what to you is proof. So far you have used "artistic representation", " It's a conspiracy", "myth". what of those things you consider proof?
-I'll put 2 questions up for you.
Do you consider Radiocarbon dating accurate?
Give me a clear set of parameters for classification of kinds using baraminology?
You say it's scientific so it has to have parameters.
- Now to the rest. There are plenty of fossils beds, usually it used to be a pool of somekind where a flash flood hit. Since that ensures rapid burial. But you seem to not understand something. I'm making it way easier for you then show me humans and dinosaurs buried togheter. Al I'm asking of you is to show me any human buried in the strata under the KT boundarary, or a dinosaur buried in the layers before the permian extinction. You don't have to show me a human buried with a dinosaur just a human in those strata. I say they're buried chronologically. If you can break that chronoligy you will have proven your point. Just don't tell me, the reason it hasn't happened is a conspiracy. I've pointed out to you, that it would have to be a massive conspiracy and not only that. A paleontoligist who can break that chronligy would be famous so it's completly counterintuitive to keep it a secret.
- You know dragons all fly now tell me. Flying dinosaurs looked way different then dragons. I have another hypothesis.It's save to assume large bones have been dug up before Owen did it in the 1800's . I put the question what would happen if a huge bone is dug up in the dark ages. A bone nobody can put on an indigenous animal. Without any reference I can picture any dark age monk put the spin of a mytholigical creature on that. See, dragon Myths and other mytholigical beasts explained without having to resort to dinosaurs and man lived togheter
- Now your thaught experiment, I don't know what the point is but I'll answer.
Yes I do believe in alien life. No I don't believe we will ever make contact. It's a matter of scale not rarity. We as a human race are at a certain lvl in our development, we can communicate using radiowaves, microwaves, lightwaves and probably a few more. The universe is vast and we've only started to transmit call it 80 years ago. So the outer limit is 40 lightyears, because the signal has to get back to us.So the aliens. First have to be intelligent, at the same technoligical lvl, willing to talk, and within a radius of 40 lightyears. In other words pretty much a longshot.
In all time travel theories allowed by real science, there is no way a traveler can go back in time to before the time machine was built.
I'm confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey. However, such a trip would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Time travel to the past is more difficult. We do not understand the science as well.
I stole the bit on time travel but that's the science.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all k now that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?

The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch | HHMI's BioInteractive
This is field research of 2 bioligist over 40 years on finches. I urge you to watch the entire thing, but since I don't believe you will watch, I'll give some highlights. It records both a drought and a uncommenly wet period. Both of those have a significant effect on the population. Proving evolutionary changes. It also explains how they experimentally proved that altough there are about a dozen different species of finches they don't interbreed. Experiments have also been done under labconditions with fruitflies and I have already pointed out the whole bacteriel thing. So when you say evolution is faith without any proof you are plainly wrong.
How do we know that evolution is really happening? . Another link to summaries. It doesn't just reiterate (better then I can) the fossil records. But it also show experimentally both in the lab and in the field different experiments that have been done confirming evolution. You know the thing you say no experiments confirm.Now about baraminology. They say that there are no genetic simularities between kinds. That's a whopper of a lie.Percentage of genetic similarity between humans and animals . This link provides a blip of genetic relationships between the different species. It has sources. It also illustrates something else, genetics act as a time capsule recording how closely in history the different species are related. Try to explain that in another way?

The finch's beak shows micro changes which is part of speciation. It does not show any macro changes. Also, it took place is a short period of time. Not thousands or even millions of years. I do not think anyone is arguing speciation or natural selection. That is part of baraminology. Where is the experiment to show finches came from dinosaurs lol? Or man from apes?

Many of Darwin's theories have been debunked. He even debunked himself on occasion. He wasn't the great scientist he is made out to be. He's become an icon. I would bet a cyber beer that religious Alfred Russel Wallace was a better biologist and scientist.
-Define proof. You use that word alot, what to you is proof. So far you have used "artistic representation", " It's a conspiracy", "myth". what of those things you consider proof?
-I'll put 2 questions up for you.
Do you consider Radiocarbon dating accurate?
Give me a clear set of parameters for classification of kinds using baraminology?
You say it's scientific so it has to have parameters.
- Now to the rest. There are plenty of fossils beds, usually it used to be a pool of somekind where a flash flood hit. Since that ensures rapid burial. But you seem to not understand something. I'm making it way easier for you then show me humans and dinosaurs buried togheter. Al I'm asking of you is to show me any human buried in the strata under the KT boundarary, or a dinosaur buried in the layers before the permian extinction. You don't have to show me a human buried with a dinosaur just a human in those strata. I say they're buried chronologically. If you can break that chronoligy you will have proven your point. Just don't tell me, the reason it hasn't happened is a conspiracy. I've pointed out to you, that it would have to be a massive conspiracy and not only that. A paleontoligist who can break that chronligy would be famous so it's completly counterintuitive to keep it a secret.
- You know dragons all fly now tell me. Flying dinosaurs looked way different then dragons. I have another hypothesis.It's save to assume large bones have been dug up before Owen did it in the 1800's . I put the question what would happen if a huge bone is dug up in the dark ages. A bone nobody can put on an indigenous animal. Without any reference I can picture any dark age monk put the spin of a mytholigical creature on that. See, dragon Myths and other mytholigical beasts explained without having to resort to dinosaurs and man lived togheter
- Now your thaught experiment, I don't know what the point is but I'll answer.
Yes I do believe in alien life. No I don't believe we will ever make contact. It's a matter of scale not rarity. We as a human race are at a certain lvl in our development, we can communicate using radiowaves, microwaves, lightwaves and probably a few more. The universe is vast and we've only started to transmit call it 80 years ago. So the outer limit is 40 lightyears, because the signal has to get back to us.So the aliens. First have to be intelligent, at the same technoligical lvl, willing to talk, and within a radius of 40 lightyears. In other words pretty much a longshot.
In all time travel theories allowed by real science, there is no way a traveler can go back in time to before the time machine was built.
I'm confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey. However, such a trip would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Time travel to the past is more difficult. We do not understand the science as well.
I stole the bit on time travel but that's the science.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all k now that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?

"I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30." Check page 126 of this threat guess where you got that from. You don't even want to acknowledge that science can meassure distance to distant stars and your trying to claim I don't understand special relativity. As to life on other planets. This boils down to how we look at the world. If you believe God created us in it's image. Life on other planets would pose a problem, because it would proof earth for starters isn't unique. I start from the standpoint earth isn't unique. Logically then I start from the position that life is possible, because it is here on earth. Logically if I identify liquid water as the main catalyst and we find liquid water exist(ed) on at least 2 other places in our solar system. And I furthermore can establish that exoplanets are commmon in the universe. And a rough estimate of stars in the universe is 100 octillion stars. That's 1 with 29 zero's. Statisticly that would mean that life is not only possible but likely somewhere.

Instead of guessing and being wrong, if you have a question why don't you just ask me? I got time travel into the future from watching a youtube from a high schooler who won a science award last year on special relativity.

You fall into a logic trap if you claim vastness is evidence that we'll discover aliens. Why can't God reside on one of those planets by the same line of thinking? Ha ha.

Just admit it is all faith-based and has nothing to do with science. So, the next time you read news stories of how secular scientists claim they'll find aliens, you'll know it is really a philosophy piece. Much of their claims is philosophy.

Liquid water isn't a catalyst for life or else we would see it on other planets in our own solar system. You even claimed water on Mars, so where is the life? That has been explored quite a bit now, no? I think NASA even made a video of a small fish popping out, but they quickly pulled it.

As for the distance, what I said was science isn't considering spacetime when they measure the distances. You continue to fail at acknowledging that when special relativity was proven with the existence of gravitational waves. It was one of the things I was excited about. We still do not understand spacetime similar to 2D-beings able to explain the 3D-world.

Life on other planets does not pose a problem to the creation scientists nor I. It is unlikely based on the fine-tuning theory which I talked about and posted a youtube, and not what you claim. Wrong again, forkup. Is that why your handle is forkup? OTOH, I keep an open mind and try not make false assumptions or jump to conclusions.

Well if you didn't get it from me fine but i gave the exact same explanation you did. About 10 posts ago so don't try to say you are writing something so complex I don't understand. What you write is not complex nore is it factual. You tried here to deny the vastness of the universe by trying to put in doubt how scientist calculate distance in astronomy, so forgive me when I find you now trying to use astronomy like a field of knowledge for me leaves me highly skeptical. You also try to deny that supernovas take way longer then 6000 years to develop. You also are still trying to use spacetime as an explanation and are trying to say that science doesn't take spacetime into account. Since the concept of spacetime is something science is not only highly aware but was ultimatly the discoverer of I find that a dubious claim. God being an alien is an intresting taught experiment and not even one I can completly rule out, I would call it a highly advanced alien then, but that's just semantics. It still won't change anything about evolution though. As to water not being the catalyst for life because you don't see it on other planets. Well again a dubious claim. We have searched 1 planet thouroughly for life.... Earth.Mars we have rovers on and if it has liquid water it's underground. The moon is barren. Like you pointed out Europa might have liquid water but if it does it's under several miles of ice. So how do you come to that conclusion?? We have seen on Earth that places wich have liquid water invariably has life, that's a fact.
-Define proof. You use that word alot, what to you is proof. So far you have used "artistic representation", " It's a conspiracy", "myth". what of those things you consider proof?
-I'll put 2 questions up for you.
Do you consider Radiocarbon dating accurate?
Give me a clear set of parameters for classification of kinds using baraminology?
You say it's scientific so it has to have parameters.
- Now to the rest. There are plenty of fossils beds, usually it used to be a pool of somekind where a flash flood hit. Since that ensures rapid burial. But you seem to not understand something. I'm making it way easier for you then show me humans and dinosaurs buried togheter. Al I'm asking of you is to show me any human buried in the strata under the KT boundarary, or a dinosaur buried in the layers before the permian extinction. You don't have to show me a human buried with a dinosaur just a human in those strata. I say they're buried chronologically. If you can break that chronoligy you will have proven your point. Just don't tell me, the reason it hasn't happened is a conspiracy. I've pointed out to you, that it would have to be a massive conspiracy and not only that. A paleontoligist who can break that chronligy would be famous so it's completly counterintuitive to keep it a secret.
- You know dragons all fly now tell me. Flying dinosaurs looked way different then dragons. I have another hypothesis.It's save to assume large bones have been dug up before Owen did it in the 1800's . I put the question what would happen if a huge bone is dug up in the dark ages. A bone nobody can put on an indigenous animal. Without any reference I can picture any dark age monk put the spin of a mytholigical creature on that. See, dragon Myths and other mytholigical beasts explained without having to resort to dinosaurs and man lived togheter
- Now your thaught experiment, I don't know what the point is but I'll answer.
Yes I do believe in alien life. No I don't believe we will ever make contact. It's a matter of scale not rarity. We as a human race are at a certain lvl in our development, we can communicate using radiowaves, microwaves, lightwaves and probably a few more. The universe is vast and we've only started to transmit call it 80 years ago. So the outer limit is 40 lightyears, because the signal has to get back to us.So the aliens. First have to be intelligent, at the same technoligical lvl, willing to talk, and within a radius of 40 lightyears. In other words pretty much a longshot.
In all time travel theories allowed by real science, there is no way a traveler can go back in time to before the time machine was built.
I'm confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey. However, such a trip would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Time travel to the past is more difficult. We do not understand the science as well.
I stole the bit on time travel but that's the science.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all know that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

" historical and physical evidence" Using evidence instead of proof doesn't change anything. What historical proof, the dragon MYTH? What physical evidence?? You mean a picture like this that creationist call an apatosaur.

I can see the apatosaurus quite clearly, if that's what you meant. How did Native Americans draw such animals?


Would you have a different reaction if they drew an alien lol?

You can basicly draw anything if you want to . I made a campfire and a hilly terrain. It's kind of like looking at clouds. You can make it mean watever you want it to mean.Upon close inspection by Senter and Cole, the "sauropod dinosaur" turned out to be made up of distinct carvings and mud stains.Debunking the "Dinosaurs" of Kachina Bridge | Science | Smithsonian

there you go
View attachment 78212

Yes, but this isn't the only drawing, historical or cultural artifact I provided from every continent and different time periods. The evidence is overwhelming, but the atheists and secular scientists continue to lie or deny.


My little evolutionist joke is since they think birds are dinosaurs, we are living with dinosaurs today. Ha ha.

We still have dinosaurs living today, as well. I pointed out the coalacanth. How about a plesiosaur? Plenty of eyewitness and photographic evidence of these hidden baramins.

I noticed your link was from the Smithsonian. The extinction of dinosaurs is quite wrong. Hopefully, the Smithsonian will give more credence to creation scientists in the near future since it is run by the USG.

Not a single artifact, myth, or squiggle you've shown I can't quite easily give an alternative explanation for. For instance you just showed me the monster of troy as proof of dinosaurs and man living togheter. Unless you are trying to tell me you believe in the Minotaur, Hydra or Medusa it falls a bit short as trying to claim it's proof of anything, but that Greek Mythology was highly inventive. Scientist have spend both time and money trying to find the Loch Ness monster or like you trying to call it a Pleisiosaur. They haven't found her ,the picture you've shown has been confirmed a hoax. So how is it proof? I can go on and on.
You're little joke is right but it also destroys your attack on evolution because, if you accept it, it proves evolution, if I accept it,and I do it is completly consistent with accepted science.It is perfectly understandable that after a meteor strike, small agile creatures have a higher chance of survival, exactly the type of dinosaurs that would have evolved into birds.
-Define proof. You use that word alot, what to you is proof. So far you have used "artistic representation", " It's a conspiracy", "myth". what of those things you consider proof?
-I'll put 2 questions up for you.
Do you consider Radiocarbon dating accurate?
Give me a clear set of parameters for classification of kinds using baraminology?
You say it's scientific so it has to have parameters.
- Now to the rest. There are plenty of fossils beds, usually it used to be a pool of somekind where a flash flood hit. Since that ensures rapid burial. But you seem to not understand something. I'm making it way easier for you then show me humans and dinosaurs buried togheter. Al I'm asking of you is to show me any human buried in the strata under the KT boundarary, or a dinosaur buried in the layers before the permian extinction. You don't have to show me a human buried with a dinosaur just a human in those strata. I say they're buried chronologically. If you can break that chronoligy you will have proven your point. Just don't tell me, the reason it hasn't happened is a conspiracy. I've pointed out to you, that it would have to be a massive conspiracy and not only that. A paleontoligist who can break that chronligy would be famous so it's completly counterintuitive to keep it a secret.
- You know dragons all fly now tell me. Flying dinosaurs looked way different then dragons. I have another hypothesis.It's save to assume large bones have been dug up before Owen did it in the 1800's . I put the question what would happen if a huge bone is dug up in the dark ages. A bone nobody can put on an indigenous animal. Without any reference I can picture any dark age monk put the spin of a mytholigical creature on that. See, dragon Myths and other mytholigical beasts explained without having to resort to dinosaurs and man lived togheter
- Now your thaught experiment, I don't know what the point is but I'll answer.
Yes I do believe in alien life. No I don't believe we will ever make contact. It's a matter of scale not rarity. We as a human race are at a certain lvl in our development, we can communicate using radiowaves, microwaves, lightwaves and probably a few more. The universe is vast and we've only started to transmit call it 80 years ago. So the outer limit is 40 lightyears, because the signal has to get back to us.So the aliens. First have to be intelligent, at the same technoligical lvl, willing to talk, and within a radius of 40 lightyears. In other words pretty much a longshot.
In all time travel theories allowed by real science, there is no way a traveler can go back in time to before the time machine was built.
I'm confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey. However, such a trip would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Time travel to the past is more difficult. We do not understand the science as well.
I stole the bit on time travel but that's the science.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all k now that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?

-Define proof. You use that word alot, what to you is proof. So far you have used "artistic representation", " It's a conspiracy", "myth". what of those things you consider proof?
-I'll put 2 questions up for you.
Do you consider Radiocarbon dating accurate?
Give me a clear set of parameters for classification of kinds using baraminology?
You say it's scientific so it has to have parameters.
- Now to the rest. There are plenty of fossils beds, usually it used to be a pool of somekind where a flash flood hit. Since that ensures rapid burial. But you seem to not understand something. I'm making it way easier for you then show me humans and dinosaurs buried togheter. Al I'm asking of you is to show me any human buried in the strata under the KT boundarary, or a dinosaur buried in the layers before the permian extinction. You don't have to show me a human buried with a dinosaur just a human in those strata. I say they're buried chronologically. If you can break that chronoligy you will have proven your point. Just don't tell me, the reason it hasn't happened is a conspiracy. I've pointed out to you, that it would have to be a massive conspiracy and not only that. A paleontoligist who can break that chronligy would be famous so it's completly counterintuitive to keep it a secret.
- You know dragons all fly now tell me. Flying dinosaurs looked way different then dragons. I have another hypothesis.It's save to assume large bones have been dug up before Owen did it in the 1800's . I put the question what would happen if a huge bone is dug up in the dark ages. A bone nobody can put on an indigenous animal. Without any reference I can picture any dark age monk put the spin of a mytholigical creature on that. See, dragon Myths and other mytholigical beasts explained without having to resort to dinosaurs and man lived togheter
- Now your thaught experiment, I don't know what the point is but I'll answer.
Yes I do believe in alien life. No I don't believe we will ever make contact. It's a matter of scale not rarity. We as a human race are at a certain lvl in our development, we can communicate using radiowaves, microwaves, lightwaves and probably a few more. The universe is vast and we've only started to transmit call it 80 years ago. So the outer limit is 40 lightyears, because the signal has to get back to us.So the aliens. First have to be intelligent, at the same technoligical lvl, willing to talk, and within a radius of 40 lightyears. In other words pretty much a longshot.
In all time travel theories allowed by real science, there is no way a traveler can go back in time to before the time machine was built.
I'm confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey. However, such a trip would consume an extraordinary amount of energy. Time travel to the past is more difficult. We do not understand the science as well.
I stole the bit on time travel but that's the science.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all k now that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?

The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch | HHMI's BioInteractive
This is field research of 2 bioligist over 40 years on finches. I urge you to watch the entire thing, but since I don't believe you will watch, I'll give some highlights. It records both a drought and a uncommenly wet period. Both of those have a significant effect on the population. Proving evolutionary changes. It also explains how they experimentally proved that altough there are about a dozen different species of finches they don't interbreed. Experiments have also been done under labconditions with fruitflies and I have already pointed out the whole bacteriel thing. So when you say evolution is faith without any proof you are plainly wrong.
How do we know that evolution is really happening? . Another link to summaries. It doesn't just reiterate (better then I can) the fossil records. But it also show experimentally both in the lab and in the field different experiments that have been done confirming evolution. You know the thing you say no experiments confirm.Now about baraminology. They say that there are no genetic simularities between kinds. That's a whopper of a lie.Percentage of genetic similarity between humans and animals . This link provides a blip of genetic relationships between the different species. It has sources. It also illustrates something else, genetics act as a time capsule recording how closely in history the different species are related. Try to explain that in another way?

The finch's beak shows micro changes which is part of speciation. It does not show any macro changes. Also, it took place is a short period of time. Not thousands or even millions of years. I do not think anyone is arguing speciation or natural selection. That is part of baraminology. Where is the experiment to show finches came from dinosaurs lol? Or man from apes?

Many of Darwin's theories have been debunked. He even debunked himself on occasion. He wasn't the great scientist he is made out to be. He's become an icon. I would bet a cyber beer that religious Alfred Russel Wallace was a better biologist and scientist.

What to you are macro changes? The finches on the Galapogos don't just constitute the one kind these researchers focused on. There are several kinds all different in size and diet. So these scientist found both a confermation that the enviremont had a severe impact on 1 species but it also clearly explains why from 1 population different subsecies develop. In time it's also quite easy to see how if the process continues completly different species will develop. Like I said baraminoligy flat out refuse to acknowledge that genetics clearly shows a percentage of relatedness.

HEADLINER - dinosaurs and people have even been found living together on Mars and just in the last year ... photoimage proof.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all know that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

" historical and physical evidence" Using evidence instead of proof doesn't change anything. What historical proof, the dragon MYTH? What physical evidence?? You mean a picture like this that creationist call an apatosaur.

I can see the apatosaurus quite clearly, if that's what you meant. How did Native Americans draw such animals?


Would you have a different reaction if they drew an alien lol?

You can basicly draw anything if you want to . I made a campfire and a hilly terrain. It's kind of like looking at clouds. You can make it mean watever you want it to mean.Upon close inspection by Senter and Cole, the "sauropod dinosaur" turned out to be made up of distinct carvings and mud stains.Debunking the "Dinosaurs" of Kachina Bridge | Science | Smithsonian

there you go
View attachment 78212

Yes, but this isn't the only drawing, historical or cultural artifact I provided from every continent and different time periods. The evidence is overwhelming, but the atheists and secular scientists continue to lie or deny.


My little evolutionist joke is since they think birds are dinosaurs, we are living with dinosaurs today. Ha ha.

We still have dinosaurs living today, as well. I pointed out the coalacanth. How about a plesiosaur? Plenty of eyewitness and photographic evidence of these hidden baramins.

I noticed your link was from the Smithsonian. The extinction of dinosaurs is quite wrong. Hopefully, the Smithsonian will give more credence to creation scientists in the near future since it is run by the USG.

Not a single artifact, myth, or squiggle you've shown I can't quite easily give an alternative explanation for. For instance you just showed me the monster of troy as proof of dinosaurs and man living togheter. Unless you are trying to tell me you believe in the Minotaur, Hydra or Medusa it falls a bit short as trying to claim it's proof of anything, but that Greek Mythology was highly inventive. Scientist have spend both time and money trying to find the Loch Ness monster or like you trying to call it a Pleisiosaur. They haven't found her ,the picture you've shown has been confirmed a hoax. So how is it proof? I can go on and on.
You're little joke is right but it also destroys your attack on evolution because, if you accept it, it proves evolution, if I accept it,and I do it is completly consistent with accepted science.It is perfectly understandable that after a meteor strike, small agile creatures have a higher chance of survival, exactly the type of dinosaurs that would have evolved into birds.

Why is it that every video or picture of bigfoot, nessie and apperently the lake champlain monster are blurry??
Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all k now that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?

"I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30." Check page 126 of this threat guess where you got that from. You don't even want to acknowledge that science can meassure distance to distant stars and your trying to claim I don't understand special relativity. As to life on other planets. This boils down to how we look at the world. If you believe God created us in it's image. Life on other planets would pose a problem, because it would proof earth for starters isn't unique. I start from the standpoint earth isn't unique. Logically then I start from the position that life is possible, because it is here on earth. Logically if I identify liquid water as the main catalyst and we find liquid water exist(ed) on at least 2 other places in our solar system. And I furthermore can establish that exoplanets are commmon in the universe. And a rough estimate of stars in the universe is 100 octillion stars. That's 1 with 29 zero's. Statisticly that would mean that life is not only possible but likely somewhere.

Instead of guessing and being wrong, if you have a question why don't you just ask me? I got time travel into the future from watching a youtube from a high schooler who won a science award last year on special relativity.

You fall into a logic trap if you claim vastness is evidence that we'll discover aliens. Why can't God reside on one of those planets by the same line of thinking? Ha ha.

Just admit it is all faith-based and has nothing to do with science. So, the next time you read news stories of how secular scientists claim they'll find aliens, you'll know it is really a philosophy piece. Much of their claims is philosophy.

Liquid water isn't a catalyst for life or else we would see it on other planets in our own solar system. You even claimed water on Mars, so where is the life? That has been explored quite a bit now, no? I think NASA even made a video of a small fish popping out, but they quickly pulled it.

As for the distance, what I said was science isn't considering spacetime when they measure the distances. You continue to fail at acknowledging that when special relativity was proven with the existence of gravitational waves. It was one of the things I was excited about. We still do not understand spacetime similar to 2D-beings able to explain the 3D-world.

Life on other planets does not pose a problem to the creation scientists nor I. It is unlikely based on the fine-tuning theory which I talked about and posted a youtube, and not what you claim. Wrong again, forkup. Is that why your handle is forkup? OTOH, I keep an open mind and try not make false assumptions or jump to conclusions.

Well if you didn't get it from me fine but i gave the exact same explanation you did. About 10 posts ago so don't try to say you are writing something so complex I don't understand. What you write is not complex nore is it factual. You tried here to deny the vastness of the universe by trying to put in doubt how scientist calculate distance in astronomy, so forgive me when I find you now trying to use astronomy like a field of knowledge for me leaves me highly skeptical. You also try to deny that supernovas take way longer then 6000 years to develop. You also are still trying to use spacetime as an explanation and are trying to say that science doesn't take spacetime into account. Since the concept of spacetime is something science is not only highly aware but was ultimatly the discoverer of I find that a dubious claim. God being an alien is an intresting taught experiment and not even one I can completly rule out, I would call it a highly advanced alien then, but that's just semantics. It still won't change anything about evolution though. As to water not being the catalyst for life because you don't see it on other planets. Well again a dubious claim. We have searched 1 planet thouroughly for life.... Earth.Mars we have rovers on and if it has liquid water it's underground. The moon is barren. Like you pointed out Europa might have liquid water but if it does it's under several miles of ice. So how do you come to that conclusion?? We have seen on Earth that places wich have liquid water invariably has life, that's a fact.


HEADLINER - dinosaurs and people have even been found living together on Mars and just in the last year ... photoimage proof.


Lol. You're nutty, but fun.
" historical and physical evidence" Using evidence instead of proof doesn't change anything. What historical proof, the dragon MYTH? What physical evidence?? You mean a picture like this that creationist call an apatosaur.

I can see the apatosaurus quite clearly, if that's what you meant. How did Native Americans draw such animals?


Would you have a different reaction if they drew an alien lol?
You can basicly draw anything if you want to . I made a campfire and a hilly terrain. It's kind of like looking at clouds. You can make it mean watever you want it to mean.Upon close inspection by Senter and Cole, the "sauropod dinosaur" turned out to be made up of distinct carvings and mud stains.Debunking the "Dinosaurs" of Kachina Bridge | Science | Smithsonian

there you go
View attachment 78212

Yes, but this isn't the only drawing, historical or cultural artifact I provided from every continent and different time periods. The evidence is overwhelming, but the atheists and secular scientists continue to lie or deny.


My little evolutionist joke is since they think birds are dinosaurs, we are living with dinosaurs today. Ha ha.

We still have dinosaurs living today, as well. I pointed out the coalacanth. How about a plesiosaur? Plenty of eyewitness and photographic evidence of these hidden baramins.

I noticed your link was from the Smithsonian. The extinction of dinosaurs is quite wrong. Hopefully, the Smithsonian will give more credence to creation scientists in the near future since it is run by the USG.

Not a single artifact, myth, or squiggle you've shown I can't quite easily give an alternative explanation for. For instance you just showed me the monster of troy as proof of dinosaurs and man living togheter. Unless you are trying to tell me you believe in the Minotaur, Hydra or Medusa it falls a bit short as trying to claim it's proof of anything, but that Greek Mythology was highly inventive. Scientist have spend both time and money trying to find the Loch Ness monster or like you trying to call it a Pleisiosaur. They haven't found her ,the picture you've shown has been confirmed a hoax. So how is it proof? I can go on and on.
You're little joke is right but it also destroys your attack on evolution because, if you accept it, it proves evolution, if I accept it,and I do it is completly consistent with accepted science.It is perfectly understandable that after a meteor strike, small agile creatures have a higher chance of survival, exactly the type of dinosaurs that would have evolved into birds.

Why is it that every video or picture of bigfoot, nessie and apperently the lake champlain monster are blurry??

Heh. It's natural selection according to the creation scientists. Champ and creatures like it are very quick and fast in their environment either to catch prey or not be caught by prey. So much for putting your evo knowledge to practical use :).
I have proof that man and dinosaurs co-existed. I have the following photo that I took with my Brownie back in 1947:


Most would say it was a staged photo for a musical. However, this one of Civil War soldiers with a creature that looks like a pteranodon isn't.

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all k now that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?

Last points first. Why do you believe in alien life? There is no evidence for it except in science fiction and opinions from secular scientists with today's fancy and expensive equipment to look into the universe. Yet, I'll keep an open mind even though I think they do not exist. It's popular to think they do. You probably believe that human civilizations can exist on Mars, too. The evidence shows that Mars in a terribly inhospitable planet and life can't possibly exist there.

Furthermore, this belief is just based solely on "faith" isn't it. Isn't this the same attitude you hold against me when I say dinosaurs and humans coexisted? Yet, I have provided much historical and physical evidence that they did and yet you consider it myth and you do not believe me. (In baraminology, they have a hidden class for creatures that are cryptids. Today, some dinosaurs are thought to still exist. People look for them like the zoologists and other scientists looked for new animals and plants in the not too distant past, i.e. they talked with people and set out to search for it.) The coalacanth fish was thought to be the link between man evolving from the sea and 100-million years old. Yet, we all k now that they exist today. Another blow to evolution. You believe based on nothing but hypotheses of secular scientists. Just because the universe is vast, even though the creation scientists told you about fine tuning (which is accepted by some secular scientists). SETI is scientific, but it has not been very productive in gathering the evidence for other intelligent life. Isn't this evidence for fine tuning and what the creation scientists are saying?

I'll try to answer your earlier points later today.

Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?

The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch | HHMI's BioInteractive
This is field research of 2 bioligist over 40 years on finches. I urge you to watch the entire thing, but since I don't believe you will watch, I'll give some highlights. It records both a drought and a uncommenly wet period. Both of those have a significant effect on the population. Proving evolutionary changes. It also explains how they experimentally proved that altough there are about a dozen different species of finches they don't interbreed. Experiments have also been done under labconditions with fruitflies and I have already pointed out the whole bacteriel thing. So when you say evolution is faith without any proof you are plainly wrong.
How do we know that evolution is really happening? . Another link to summaries. It doesn't just reiterate (better then I can) the fossil records. But it also show experimentally both in the lab and in the field different experiments that have been done confirming evolution. You know the thing you say no experiments confirm.Now about baraminology. They say that there are no genetic simularities between kinds. That's a whopper of a lie.Percentage of genetic similarity between humans and animals . This link provides a blip of genetic relationships between the different species. It has sources. It also illustrates something else, genetics act as a time capsule recording how closely in history the different species are related. Try to explain that in another way?

The finch's beak shows micro changes which is part of speciation. It does not show any macro changes. Also, it took place is a short period of time. Not thousands or even millions of years. I do not think anyone is arguing speciation or natural selection. That is part of baraminology. Where is the experiment to show finches came from dinosaurs lol? Or man from apes?

Many of Darwin's theories have been debunked. He even debunked himself on occasion. He wasn't the great scientist he is made out to be. He's become an icon. I would bet a cyber beer that religious Alfred Russel Wallace was a better biologist and scientist.

What to you are macro changes? The finches on the Galapogos don't just constitute the one kind these researchers focused on. There are several kinds all different in size and diet. So these scientist found both a confermation that the enviremont had a severe impact on 1 species but it also clearly explains why from 1 population different subsecies develop. In time it's also quite easy to see how if the process continues completly different species will develop. Like I said baraminoligy flat out refuse to acknowledge that genetics clearly shows a percentage of relatedness.

Show me an experiment to show birds came from dinosaurs? Or man from apes? Or land animals from a sea creature? Speciation or natural selection happen in a short period of time, so it is demonstrable according to baraminology. The same should be true if we can get a man-like animal from a sea creature. You do not need hundreds of thousands or millions of years.
The black lines are suppose to be water on Mars.


Or is it just shifting sands from the wind?


Last edited:
I have proof that man and dinosaurs co-existed. I have the following photo that I took with my Brownie back in 1947:


Most would say it was a staged photo for a musical. However, this one of Civil War soldiers with a creature that looks like a pteranodon isn't.


It is a little know fact that the dinosaurs are extinct because they fought on the wrong side in the Civil War.
I can see the apatosaurus quite clearly, if that's what you meant. How did Native Americans draw such animals?


Would you have a different reaction if they drew an alien lol?
You can basicly draw anything if you want to . I made a campfire and a hilly terrain. It's kind of like looking at clouds. You can make it mean watever you want it to mean.Upon close inspection by Senter and Cole, the "sauropod dinosaur" turned out to be made up of distinct carvings and mud stains.Debunking the "Dinosaurs" of Kachina Bridge | Science | Smithsonian

there you go
View attachment 78212

Yes, but this isn't the only drawing, historical or cultural artifact I provided from every continent and different time periods. The evidence is overwhelming, but the atheists and secular scientists continue to lie or deny.


My little evolutionist joke is since they think birds are dinosaurs, we are living with dinosaurs today. Ha ha.

We still have dinosaurs living today, as well. I pointed out the coalacanth. How about a plesiosaur? Plenty of eyewitness and photographic evidence of these hidden baramins.

I noticed your link was from the Smithsonian. The extinction of dinosaurs is quite wrong. Hopefully, the Smithsonian will give more credence to creation scientists in the near future since it is run by the USG.

Not a single artifact, myth, or squiggle you've shown I can't quite easily give an alternative explanation for. For instance you just showed me the monster of troy as proof of dinosaurs and man living togheter. Unless you are trying to tell me you believe in the Minotaur, Hydra or Medusa it falls a bit short as trying to claim it's proof of anything, but that Greek Mythology was highly inventive. Scientist have spend both time and money trying to find the Loch Ness monster or like you trying to call it a Pleisiosaur. They haven't found her ,the picture you've shown has been confirmed a hoax. So how is it proof? I can go on and on.
You're little joke is right but it also destroys your attack on evolution because, if you accept it, it proves evolution, if I accept it,and I do it is completly consistent with accepted science.It is perfectly understandable that after a meteor strike, small agile creatures have a higher chance of survival, exactly the type of dinosaurs that would have evolved into birds.

Why is it that every video or picture of bigfoot, nessie and apperently the lake champlain monster are blurry??

Heh. It's natural selection according to the creation scientists. Champ and creatures like it are very quick and fast in their environment either to catch prey or not be caught by prey. So much for putting your evo knowledge to practical use :).

Please clarefy. I don't nind being made fun of. But I'd like to understand the joke.
Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?
Lol I said in my previous post I don't even believe there are advanced civilazation within 40 lightyears so how you get to me believing theres civilazations on Mars makes me question you even read my posts.And to that point science has ruled out men on mars before we ever send a probe.
I believe, and your right it is a belief that there is alien life for a couple of reasons. Science has found that liquid water is basicly the one condition that life needs. Wherever we find liquid water on earth we find life. Now the last couple of years we have found thousands of planets and quite a few of those planets seem to be in an orbit suitable for liquid water. So we have 2 conditions for life. Planets and the possibility of water wich is a simple compound of 2 of the most common elements . So since the universe is so vast that it's not unreasonable to assume that some kind of life will exist outside earth. Yes I belief in something without proof. There's 3 big differences between your faith and mine. My belief is based on observable facts, it isn't an unbelievable statement as an almighty being did it all ,and most importantly I allow for the possibility that I'm wrong. So you think that the finding of a coelacant is a blow to evolution. It isn't, it simply means that the bonefish was an evolutionary model good enough to survive until this day. There are other examples of those. Single cell organisms, turtles, crocs, sharks all have proven good enough to survive several mass extinction events.
How do you classify kinds in baraminoligy??????? What makes something one kind and not another, seems to be a simple question.

Lol the evidence above shows you do not read my posts. Are they too complex for you? I never said anything about intelligent "aliens" living on Mars. I was questioning why NASA and other secular scientists are proposing to colonize there? In an earlier post, I said that money would be better spent colonizing the moon and trying to build a shuttle station and resupply outpost for space stations. That's what Europeans, Russians and Chinese will be doing with the goal of making money. Besides, Jesus loves the moon and the Bible talks about the moon. There is money to made on the moon. Trying to colonize Mars would be a death sentence. So, we agree on not colonizing Mars.

And just because they found some water, if it is indeed water, it does not mean life. There has to be other conditions for life as pointed out by the fine tuning theory. Thus, vastness and billions of planets and stars does not mean life. I guess you just chose to ignore that. If I had to guess on which planet to try and colonize besides Earth, then it would be Europa. It's a moon of Jupiter and holds vast oceans of underground water. Otherwise, we will probably not find life on the other planets even within 40 lightyears assuming we can travel that far. I think you understand that we can travel forward in time, but you did not know how. The hypothesis is that by traveling at the speed of light and going into space and then returning, one can travel into the future on Earth. Those of the spaceship able to make the journey will only have aged a year while those on Earth would have aged around 30. The answer to how one can travel at the speed of light could be in the Bible, too, and that is by using magnetic propulsion. This is explained in Genesis. The thinking behind magnetic propulsion systems came out the Bible. The secular scientists have their own propulsion systems, but they are still theory.

At least, you admit you believe in some of these wacky ideas without proof. That is "faith," but in the wrong faith-based system. Evolution is also a faith-based system. If it was not, then their scientists would have the experiments to back their theories up. That is one method of proof in science to the creation scientists which you asked for. Another would be some logical argument. Another would be scientific facts and historical truth. I mentioned all of these before as "proof." Where is that with evolution? Between the two systems, the Kalam Cosmological argument tells us logically that God created the universe and all that is in it. There is nothing in evolution that remotely comes close.

In conclusion, I'll just continue to believe that you did not understand the things I was saying and kept continuing to believe in your scientific fairy tales. In the end, truth will win out. There is no way I can convince anyone that their worldview may be wrong. They would have to have an open mind and consider the other side. Only they have the power to change their own mind. In the end, truth will win out and my faith-based system tells me that there are no atheists in the afterlife.

To answer your questions about baraminology, here is a link as an introduction and one as an overview -- Introduction to Baraminology -- What are the Genesis “kinds”? • ChristianAnswers.Net . I am trying to follow this one right now -- OBJECTIVE: Creation Education | Baraminology . Does it show that humans could not have descended from apes?
The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch | HHMI's BioInteractive
This is field research of 2 bioligist over 40 years on finches. I urge you to watch the entire thing, but since I don't believe you will watch, I'll give some highlights. It records both a drought and a uncommenly wet period. Both of those have a significant effect on the population. Proving evolutionary changes. It also explains how they experimentally proved that altough there are about a dozen different species of finches they don't interbreed. Experiments have also been done under labconditions with fruitflies and I have already pointed out the whole bacteriel thing. So when you say evolution is faith without any proof you are plainly wrong.
How do we know that evolution is really happening? . Another link to summaries. It doesn't just reiterate (better then I can) the fossil records. But it also show experimentally both in the lab and in the field different experiments that have been done confirming evolution. You know the thing you say no experiments confirm.Now about baraminology. They say that there are no genetic simularities between kinds. That's a whopper of a lie.Percentage of genetic similarity between humans and animals . This link provides a blip of genetic relationships between the different species. It has sources. It also illustrates something else, genetics act as a time capsule recording how closely in history the different species are related. Try to explain that in another way?

The finch's beak shows micro changes which is part of speciation. It does not show any macro changes. Also, it took place is a short period of time. Not thousands or even millions of years. I do not think anyone is arguing speciation or natural selection. That is part of baraminology. Where is the experiment to show finches came from dinosaurs lol? Or man from apes?

Many of Darwin's theories have been debunked. He even debunked himself on occasion. He wasn't the great scientist he is made out to be. He's become an icon. I would bet a cyber beer that religious Alfred Russel Wallace was a better biologist and scientist.
What to you are macro changes? The finches on the Galapogos don't just constitute the one kind these researchers focused on. There are several kinds all different in size and diet. So these scientist found both a confermation that the enviremont had a severe impact on 1 species but it also clearly explains why from 1 population different subsecies develop. In time it's also quite easy to see how if the process continues completly different species will develop. Like I said baraminoligy flat out refuse to acknowledge that genetics clearly shows a percentage of relatedness.

Show me an experiment to show birds came from dinosaurs? Or man from apes? Or land animals from a sea creature? Speciation or natural selection happen in a short period of time, so it is demonstrable according to baraminology. The same should be true if we can get a man-like animal from a sea creature. You do not need hundreds of thousands or millions of years.
Meet archeopteryx this creature is considered a transitionary fossil between bird and dinosaur. It had several avian features, such as a wishbone, flight feathers, wings, and a partially reversed first toe along with dinosaur and theropod features.

Meet lucy. She was a small chimplike homonid but she walked bipedaly at least partially.

This is what we find in the field. Now this is opposed to your blurry pictures, myths, artistic representations, unsubstanciated claims. I have and contiue to give evidence using what is available online. I just want one single thing for you. Show me any case of a dinosaur and large mamal in the same strata? Where talking about the 2 dominant classification of animals in 2 different timeperiods. We can't both be right. So again if genesis happened these 2 and I'll use your terms "kinds" lived togheter so they should be found togheter. If not accepted science is right. Unless of course you can come up with an explanation why they somehow all ended up in different strata. Just know archeoligist are holding back the evidence is not an acceptable excuse without evidence.
You can basicly draw anything if you want to . I made a campfire and a hilly terrain. It's kind of like looking at clouds. You can make it mean watever you want it to mean.Upon close inspection by Senter and Cole, the "sauropod dinosaur" turned out to be made up of distinct carvings and mud stains.Debunking the "Dinosaurs" of Kachina Bridge | Science | Smithsonian

there you go
View attachment 78212

Yes, but this isn't the only drawing, historical or cultural artifact I provided from every continent and different time periods. The evidence is overwhelming, but the atheists and secular scientists continue to lie or deny.


My little evolutionist joke is since they think birds are dinosaurs, we are living with dinosaurs today. Ha ha.

We still have dinosaurs living today, as well. I pointed out the coalacanth. How about a plesiosaur? Plenty of eyewitness and photographic evidence of these hidden baramins.

I noticed your link was from the Smithsonian. The extinction of dinosaurs is quite wrong. Hopefully, the Smithsonian will give more credence to creation scientists in the near future since it is run by the USG.

Not a single artifact, myth, or squiggle you've shown I can't quite easily give an alternative explanation for. For instance you just showed me the monster of troy as proof of dinosaurs and man living togheter. Unless you are trying to tell me you believe in the Minotaur, Hydra or Medusa it falls a bit short as trying to claim it's proof of anything, but that Greek Mythology was highly inventive. Scientist have spend both time and money trying to find the Loch Ness monster or like you trying to call it a Pleisiosaur. They haven't found her ,the picture you've shown has been confirmed a hoax. So how is it proof? I can go on and on.
You're little joke is right but it also destroys your attack on evolution because, if you accept it, it proves evolution, if I accept it,and I do it is completly consistent with accepted science.It is perfectly understandable that after a meteor strike, small agile creatures have a higher chance of survival, exactly the type of dinosaurs that would have evolved into birds.

Why is it that every video or picture of bigfoot, nessie and apperently the lake champlain monster are blurry??

Heh. It's natural selection according to the creation scientists. Champ and creatures like it are very quick and fast in their environment either to catch prey or not be caught by prey. So much for putting your evo knowledge to practical use :).

Please clarefy. I don't nind being made fun of. But I'd like to understand the joke.

But I'd like to understand the joke.

Recorded history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The earliest chronologies date back to the two earliest civilizations: the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt[3] which emerged independently of each other from roughly 3500 B.C.

Cave paintings (also known as "parietal art") are painted drawings on cave walls or ceilings, mainly of prehistoric origin, to some 40,000 years ago (around 38,000 BCE) in both Asia and Europe.

... 3500 B.C. + 2016 A.D = 5516 recorded history + 38,000 prehistory = 40,016 YEARS

the joke must be that irregardless Bond's claim of dinesours existing with modern man there is still a 34,000 thousand year difference in his claim for the universes 6000 year existance and the chronology of his own postings ....


The black lines are suppose to be water on Mars.


Or is it just shifting sands from the wind?


NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars. This is the latest on water on Mars. Now I don't know why we are talking about Mars all off a sudden. I will say this. There is water on mars in the form of ice at the poles. This is significant for 2 reasons. First because water is the most important consumable on long term missions. But more importantly because split into hydrogen and oxygen it provides, both air and energy. All of these things you can produce locally as supposed to on the moon where we would have to import every pound of the stuff you would need. Would it be difficult yes, I'll say even near impossibe with current technoligy. All I can say to that, Kennedy pushed the US to the Moon when we hadn't even put anybody in orbit.
I have proof that man and dinosaurs co-existed. I have the following photo that I took with my Brownie back in 1947:


Most would say it was a staged photo for a musical. However, this one of Civil War soldiers with a creature that looks like a pteranodon isn't.


It is a little know fact that the dinosaurs are extinct because they fought on the wrong side in the Civil War.

This photo is real because it was published in a book way before photoshop or computers existed. No one has been able to prove it is fake although many have tried.
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