If God loves us unconditionally, why does he kill us instead of curing us?

If you say so. Have you got a logical answer for it? Which god would seem to be an important decision. The wrong choice would damn you to hell. With nothing to differentiate between them all, how do you make that choice?
There’s only one creator. What name you call him or how you choose to worship him does not matter in the least.

The power of faith is unleashed regardless of the form of religion.

Really? If the particular religion doesn't matter, that throws that whole accepting Jesus thing out the window, doesn't it? Is being Muslim or Christian equally acceptable? They share a lot of holy figures.
You should read Mere Christianity. We don’t have to disagree with everything. But putting that aside our nation was founded on the principle I am discussing.

See God anyway you want. It is literally no skin off my teeth. Why should it be?

I don't care what, if any religion a person might believe, but I have a problem when they start modifying our laws to fit their particular flavor of religion, The right wing effort to stuff our Supreme Court with Christian favorable judges is a good example of that. That is not what our country was founded on.
Exactly which religious laws have they tried to pass to force you to practice a religion?

Exclusion from laws because of religious beliefs. Hobby Lobby. The attack on legal abortion clinics.
There’s only one creator. What name you call him or how you choose to worship him does not matter in the least.

The power of faith is unleashed regardless of the form of religion.

Really? If the particular religion doesn't matter, that throws that whole accepting Jesus thing out the window, doesn't it? Is being Muslim or Christian equally acceptable? They share a lot of holy figures.
You should read Mere Christianity. We don’t have to disagree with everything. But putting that aside our nation was founded on the principle I am discussing.

See God anyway you want. It is literally no skin off my teeth. Why should it be?

I don't care what, if any religion a person might believe, but I have a problem when they start modifying our laws to fit their particular flavor of religion, The right wing effort to stuff our Supreme Court with Christian favorable judges is a good example of that. That is not what our country was founded on.
Exactly which religious laws have they tried to pass to force you to practice a religion?

Exclusion from laws because of religious beliefs. Hobby Lobby. The attack on legal abortion clinics.
So Hobby Lobby is forcing their religious beliefs on you? How so?

So you believe crimes are somehow creating a theocracy? How does that work exactly?
Really? If the particular religion doesn't matter, that throws that whole accepting Jesus thing out the window, doesn't it? Is being Muslim or Christian equally acceptable? They share a lot of holy figures.
You should read Mere Christianity. We don’t have to disagree with everything. But putting that aside our nation was founded on the principle I am discussing.

See God anyway you want. It is literally no skin off my teeth. Why should it be?

I don't care what, if any religion a person might believe, but I have a problem when they start modifying our laws to fit their particular flavor of religion, The right wing effort to stuff our Supreme Court with Christian favorable judges is a good example of that. That is not what our country was founded on.
Exactly which religious laws have they tried to pass to force you to practice a religion?

Exclusion from laws because of religious beliefs. Hobby Lobby. The attack on legal abortion clinics.
So Hobby Lobby is forcing their religious beliefs on you? How so?

So you believe crimes are somehow creating a theocracy? How does that work exactly?

If you aren't aware of the Hobby Lobby incident, I'm not going to help you catch up. This is far adrift from the thread subject. Why do you think god kills us instead of curing us?
You should read Mere Christianity. We don’t have to disagree with everything. But putting that aside our nation was founded on the principle I am discussing.

See God anyway you want. It is literally no skin off my teeth. Why should it be?

I don't care what, if any religion a person might believe, but I have a problem when they start modifying our laws to fit their particular flavor of religion, The right wing effort to stuff our Supreme Court with Christian favorable judges is a good example of that. That is not what our country was founded on.
Exactly which religious laws have they tried to pass to force you to practice a religion?

Exclusion from laws because of religious beliefs. Hobby Lobby. The attack on legal abortion clinics.
So Hobby Lobby is forcing their religious beliefs on you? How so?

So you believe crimes are somehow creating a theocracy? How does that work exactly?

If you aren't aware of the Hobby Lobby incident, I'm not going to help you catch up. This is far adrift from the thread subject. Why do you think god kills us instead of curing us?
I’m aware of it. I just don’t see how that is creating a theocracy. It isn’t. It’s not even close.

I reject the premise of the thread. God created existence so that he could share in our experiences and so that we could experience his.

It wouldn’t be much of a life if we couldn’t experience the full spectrum.

But a better question is why are you discussing it if you don’t believe God exists?

Seems rather illogical to me.
I don't care what, if any religion a person might believe, but I have a problem when they start modifying our laws to fit their particular flavor of religion, The right wing effort to stuff our Supreme Court with Christian favorable judges is a good example of that. That is not what our country was founded on.
Exactly which religious laws have they tried to pass to force you to practice a religion?

Exclusion from laws because of religious beliefs. Hobby Lobby. The attack on legal abortion clinics.
So Hobby Lobby is forcing their religious beliefs on you? How so?

So you believe crimes are somehow creating a theocracy? How does that work exactly?

If you aren't aware of the Hobby Lobby incident, I'm not going to help you catch up. This is far adrift from the thread subject. Why do you think god kills us instead of curing us?
I’m aware of it. I just don’t see how that is creating a theocracy. It isn’t. It’s not even close.

I reject the premise of the thread. God created existence so that he could share in our experiences and so that we could experience his.

It wouldn’t be much of a life if we couldn’t experience the full spectrum.

But a better question is why are you discussing it if you don’t believe God exists?

Seems rather illogical to me.

I don't know if god exists. Lets say I was convinced for most of my life until I actually took the time to read and research. Now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda hoping for some reason to regain that belief, because it gave me a certain amount of comfort, but trite remarks and meaningless platitudes I always accepted before just don't seem to do it.
Exactly which religious laws have they tried to pass to force you to practice a religion?

Exclusion from laws because of religious beliefs. Hobby Lobby. The attack on legal abortion clinics.
So Hobby Lobby is forcing their religious beliefs on you? How so?

So you believe crimes are somehow creating a theocracy? How does that work exactly?

If you aren't aware of the Hobby Lobby incident, I'm not going to help you catch up. This is far adrift from the thread subject. Why do you think god kills us instead of curing us?
I’m aware of it. I just don’t see how that is creating a theocracy. It isn’t. It’s not even close.

I reject the premise of the thread. God created existence so that he could share in our experiences and so that we could experience his.

It wouldn’t be much of a life if we couldn’t experience the full spectrum.

But a better question is why are you discussing it if you don’t believe God exists?

Seems rather illogical to me.

I don't know if god exists. Lets say I was convinced for most of my life until I actually took the time to read and research. Now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda hoping for some reason to regain that belief, because it gave me a certain amount of comfort, but trite remarks and meaningless platitudes I always accepted before just don't seem to do it.
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?
If a god did create it, how do you determine WHICH god made it? Is there any reason to choose one over another?

It's written in the book that was found centuries ago -- the Bible. God is the author and it explains what he did in Genesis. It's like an autobiography with someone else doing the writing. We know it is true because it has been verified by scholars just as we can verify a person's autobiography. Any arguments against it or contradictions can be brought up by someone who knew the person and they can provide the evidence to present an argument or show a contradiction.
Exclusion from laws because of religious beliefs. Hobby Lobby. The attack on legal abortion clinics.
So Hobby Lobby is forcing their religious beliefs on you? How so?

So you believe crimes are somehow creating a theocracy? How does that work exactly?

If you aren't aware of the Hobby Lobby incident, I'm not going to help you catch up. This is far adrift from the thread subject. Why do you think god kills us instead of curing us?
I’m aware of it. I just don’t see how that is creating a theocracy. It isn’t. It’s not even close.

I reject the premise of the thread. God created existence so that he could share in our experiences and so that we could experience his.

It wouldn’t be much of a life if we couldn’t experience the full spectrum.

But a better question is why are you discussing it if you don’t believe God exists?

Seems rather illogical to me.

I don't know if god exists. Lets say I was convinced for most of my life until I actually took the time to read and research. Now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda hoping for some reason to regain that belief, because it gave me a certain amount of comfort, but trite remarks and meaningless platitudes I always accepted before just don't seem to do it.
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?

The Bible
If a god did create it, how do you determine WHICH god made it? Is there any reason to choose one over another?

It's written in the book that was found centuries ago -- the Bible. God is the author and it explains what he did in Genesis. It's like an autobiography with someone else doing the writing. We know it is true because it has been verified by scholars just as we can verify a person's autobiography. Any arguments against it or contradictions can be brought up by someone who knew the person and they can provide the evidence to present an argument or show a contradiction.

You know nothing of the history of the bible.
So Hobby Lobby is forcing their religious beliefs on you? How so?

So you believe crimes are somehow creating a theocracy? How does that work exactly?

If you aren't aware of the Hobby Lobby incident, I'm not going to help you catch up. This is far adrift from the thread subject. Why do you think god kills us instead of curing us?
I’m aware of it. I just don’t see how that is creating a theocracy. It isn’t. It’s not even close.

I reject the premise of the thread. God created existence so that he could share in our experiences and so that we could experience his.

It wouldn’t be much of a life if we couldn’t experience the full spectrum.

But a better question is why are you discussing it if you don’t believe God exists?

Seems rather illogical to me.

I don't know if god exists. Lets say I was convinced for most of my life until I actually took the time to read and research. Now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda hoping for some reason to regain that belief, because it gave me a certain amount of comfort, but trite remarks and meaningless platitudes I always accepted before just don't seem to do it.
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?

The Bible
Interesting. Which specific things did you read that convinced you?
If you aren't aware of the Hobby Lobby incident, I'm not going to help you catch up. This is far adrift from the thread subject. Why do you think god kills us instead of curing us?
I’m aware of it. I just don’t see how that is creating a theocracy. It isn’t. It’s not even close.

I reject the premise of the thread. God created existence so that he could share in our experiences and so that we could experience his.

It wouldn’t be much of a life if we couldn’t experience the full spectrum.

But a better question is why are you discussing it if you don’t believe God exists?

Seems rather illogical to me.

I don't know if god exists. Lets say I was convinced for most of my life until I actually took the time to read and research. Now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda hoping for some reason to regain that belief, because it gave me a certain amount of comfort, but trite remarks and meaningless platitudes I always accepted before just don't seem to do it.
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?

The Bible
Interesting. Which specific things did you read that convinced you?

Lots of stuff. There are contradictions all through the bible. One of my biggest questions was how did Paul, who wasn't even an apostle, become as important as Jesus, especially when he directly contradicts Jesus's teachings.
I’m aware of it. I just don’t see how that is creating a theocracy. It isn’t. It’s not even close.

I reject the premise of the thread. God created existence so that he could share in our experiences and so that we could experience his.

It wouldn’t be much of a life if we couldn’t experience the full spectrum.

But a better question is why are you discussing it if you don’t believe God exists?

Seems rather illogical to me.

I don't know if god exists. Lets say I was convinced for most of my life until I actually took the time to read and research. Now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda hoping for some reason to regain that belief, because it gave me a certain amount of comfort, but trite remarks and meaningless platitudes I always accepted before just don't seem to do it.
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?

The Bible
Interesting. Which specific things did you read that convinced you?

Lots of stuff. There are contradictions all through the bible. One of my biggest questions was how did Paul, who wasn't even an apostle, become as important as Jesus, especially when he directly contradicts Jesus's teachings.
I see. So because you can't reconcile what was written in the Bible you choose to believe there is no creator?
I’m aware of it. I just don’t see how that is creating a theocracy. It isn’t. It’s not even close.

I reject the premise of the thread. God created existence so that he could share in our experiences and so that we could experience his.

It wouldn’t be much of a life if we couldn’t experience the full spectrum.

But a better question is why are you discussing it if you don’t believe God exists?

Seems rather illogical to me.

I don't know if god exists. Lets say I was convinced for most of my life until I actually took the time to read and research. Now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda hoping for some reason to regain that belief, because it gave me a certain amount of comfort, but trite remarks and meaningless platitudes I always accepted before just don't seem to do it.
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?

The Bible
Interesting. Which specific things did you read that convinced you?

Lots of stuff. There are contradictions all through the bible. One of my biggest questions was how did Paul, who wasn't even an apostle, become as important as Jesus, especially when he directly contradicts Jesus's teachings.

I think one could make a case that Paul, largely the inventor of Christianity, was as important a figure to Christianity as Jesus.
I don't know if god exists. Lets say I was convinced for most of my life until I actually took the time to read and research. Now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda hoping for some reason to regain that belief, because it gave me a certain amount of comfort, but trite remarks and meaningless platitudes I always accepted before just don't seem to do it.
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?

The Bible
Interesting. Which specific things did you read that convinced you?

Lots of stuff. There are contradictions all through the bible. One of my biggest questions was how did Paul, who wasn't even an apostle, become as important as Jesus, especially when he directly contradicts Jesus's teachings.
I see. So because you can't reconcile what was written in the Bible you choose to believe there is no creator?

Because I can't reconcile what was written in the Bible, I can't consider it to be valid evidence that there is a god. I see no valid evidence elsewhere.
If a god did create it, how do you determine WHICH god made it? Is there any reason to choose one over another?

It's written in the book that was found centuries ago -- the Bible. God is the author and it explains what he did in Genesis. It's like an autobiography with someone else doing the writing. We know it is true because it has been verified by scholars just as we can verify a person's autobiography. Any arguments against it or contradictions can be brought up by someone who knew the person and they can provide the evidence to present an argument or show a contradiction.

You know nothing of the history of the bible.


Yet, I know and have Jesus in my heart and soul, so won't perish in the fire.
I don't know if god exists. Lets say I was convinced for most of my life until I actually took the time to read and research. Now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda hoping for some reason to regain that belief, because it gave me a certain amount of comfort, but trite remarks and meaningless platitudes I always accepted before just don't seem to do it.
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?

The Bible
Interesting. Which specific things did you read that convinced you?

Lots of stuff. There are contradictions all through the bible. One of my biggest questions was how did Paul, who wasn't even an apostle, become as important as Jesus, especially when he directly contradicts Jesus's teachings.

I think one could make a case that Paul, largely the inventor of Christianity, was as important a figure to Christianity as Jesus.

Since Paul's teachings are opposed to Christ's teachings in multiple ways, why is it called Christianity?

John 3:16 (updated)
For God so loved the world, that he gave Paul, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life?
If a god did create it, how do you determine WHICH god made it? Is there any reason to choose one over another?

It's written in the book that was found centuries ago -- the Bible. God is the author and it explains what he did in Genesis. It's like an autobiography with someone else doing the writing. We know it is true because it has been verified by scholars just as we can verify a person's autobiography. Any arguments against it or contradictions can be brought up by someone who knew the person and they can provide the evidence to present an argument or show a contradiction.

You know nothing of the history of the bible.


Yet, I know and have Jesus in my heart and soul, so won't perish in the fire.

Good for you. Now, if you would just go stand in a fire so I can verify that, I'll be happy to listen to what ever you have to say.
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?

The Bible
Interesting. Which specific things did you read that convinced you?

Lots of stuff. There are contradictions all through the bible. One of my biggest questions was how did Paul, who wasn't even an apostle, become as important as Jesus, especially when he directly contradicts Jesus's teachings.

I think one could make a case that Paul, largely the inventor of Christianity, was as important a figure to Christianity as Jesus.

Since Paul's teachings are opposed to Christ's teachings in multiple ways, why is it called Christianity?

John 3:16 (updated)
For God so loved the world, that he gave Paul, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life?
Whenever I want to understand Christianity I always as a militant atheist Jew. :lol:
What was it you read and researched that changed your mind?

The Bible
Interesting. Which specific things did you read that convinced you?

Lots of stuff. There are contradictions all through the bible. One of my biggest questions was how did Paul, who wasn't even an apostle, become as important as Jesus, especially when he directly contradicts Jesus's teachings.
I see. So because you can't reconcile what was written in the Bible you choose to believe there is no creator?

Because I can't reconcile what was written in the Bible, I can't consider it to be valid evidence that there is a god. I see no valid evidence elsewhere.
So because of the Bible you can’t believe there is a God.

You don’t think that sounds stupid?

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