If GOP is upset about Michele Obama's anti-obesity campaign...

any rightie here ever heard of david frum?

no, and i'm with you. I think obama's fat bitch should definitely be telling me what i should eat.
..... over the course of the 20th century it became increasingly common for first ladies to select specific causes to promote, usually ones that are not politically divisive. It is common for the first lady to hire a staff to support these activities.

- lady bird johnson pioneered environmental protection and beautification;

- pat nixon encouraged volunteerism and traveled extensively abroad;

- betty ford supported women's' rights;

- rosalynn carter aided those with mental disabilities;

- nancy reagan founded the just say no drug awareness campaign;

- barbara bush promoted literacy;

- hillary rodham clinton sought to reform the healthcare system in the u.s.; and

- laura bush supported women's' rights groups and encouraged childhood literacy.

- michelle obama has become known for spearheading legislation on child nutrition.

"obama's fat bitch"

Other "first ladies," both Democrat and Republican, have a long history of championing particular causes - environmental protection, volunteerism, women's' rights, just say no, literacy, the healthcare system and childhood literacy like child nutrition are all "motherhood issues." If anything, "child obesity" is one of the least controversial of those listed.

Therefore, if it isn't the "first lady's" cause that is the problem, then the reason of such "contempt" must lay with the "first lady," herself!

There is one, and only one obvious thing, that separates Michelle Obama from the other "First Ladies" who have preceeded her - and it isn't her weight!

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I’m waiting to hear the GOP base explain why Michelle Obama is a bad First Lady for advocating against childhood obesity, but Callista Gingrich would be a good First Lady even though she had an affair with a married man and broke up his marriage.

Anyone want to take a 'spin'? :lol:

Could it be because most Conservatives asses are as fat as their heads, and they hate to be reminded of it?:eusa_whistle:

Good thing she didn't start a campaign over something that would REALLY piss some of them off....alcohol abuse.
Any rightie here ever heard of David Frum?

No, and I'm with you. I think Obama's fat bitch should definitely be telling me what I should eat.

This kind of comment says a great deal about the person who said it.

Hypocrisy, a liberal art. Your silence on the endless streams of comments like this from the left that are not tongue in cheek like this speaks to your real indifference to decorum unless it's a political point for you.
No, and I'm with you. I think Obama's fat bitch should definitely be telling me what I should eat.

This kind of comment says a great deal about the person who said it.
Can you imagine the reaction from the Right if Liberals talked like that about Laura Bush?

It's endless. Again when you leftists hold yourself to no standard at all in any way your objections are hollow.
Ahh, so you are only accusing Clinton. Got it!

Bill Clinton is on tape. The judge ruled, correctly, that the tape was obtained illegally. This means it couldn't be used to put the fucker in prison where he belongs. It DOESN'T alter the FACT that he is 100% guilty.

You care ONLY about your shameful party, facts have no bearing on you.

And yeah, that DOES make you a bad person.
There are countries that Cheney cannot travel to because he would face prison time.

That's a fun lie, isn't it? One you masturbate to with others on HuffingGlue...

Is there anything you wouldn't do for your party? Would you kill to increase the power of your party? Would you kill your mother? I mean, if it were really important like it would promote Obama's fascist care?
You know what? You're a fucking liar.

Documented fact you mindless fuck. That the tape was obtained illegally doesn't make it any less true, cum breath - it just makes it inadmissible.

Look, you aren't capable of thought, you are simply a drone, programmed to do the bidding of the collective. But a sentient organism comprehends that the source of the tape only matters in a court of law.

You have no more understanding of this than an ant on a counter, mindless fuck.
This kind of comment says a great deal about the person who said it.
Can you imagine the reaction from the Right if Liberals talked like that about Laura Bush?

It's endless. Again when you leftists hold yourself to no standard at all in any way your objections are hollow.

I think we can see from your post who is holding no standards. You are pointing a finger at us while three fingers are pointing back at you....appropriately.
All First Ladies have some agenda of some sort, nothing new here. It is a bit comical though watching these two peddling health as they party like rock stars every chance they get.
Ahh, so you are only accusing Clinton. Got it!

Bill Clinton is on tape. The judge ruled, correctly, that the tape was obtained illegally. This means it couldn't be used to put the fucker in prison where he belongs. It DOESN'T alter the FACT that he is 100% guilty.

You care ONLY about your shameful party, facts have no bearing on you.

And yeah, that DOES make you a bad person.

You know....it doesn't surprise me that you advocate ignoring our rule of laws.
Can you imagine the reaction from the Right if Liberals talked like that about Laura Bush?

It's endless. Again when you leftists hold yourself to no standard at all in any way your objections are hollow.

I think we can see from your post who is holding no standards. You are pointing a finger at us while three fingers are pointing back at you....appropriately.

Fingerpointing is the domain of liberals, I won't try that game against pros. You also take yourself wayyyy to seriously. And when I see you ever hold a liberal to a standard then and only then would I even start to consider your opinion here.

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