If gun control isn't the answer, what is?

So you're thinkin them Brits is having 10,000s of gun deaths going unreported, are ya?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Where do you folks think this shit up?

No, I'm saying the UK figures around gun crime are highly misleading.

I'm also pointing out that after the UK banned civilian ownership of firearms, gun crime skyrocketed there.

Sorry if the true doesn't fit your agenda.

Gotcha. Multiply 'em by 10. Now where are we?


First, we're talking about all gun crime in the UK, not just deaths. Secondly, if they're not reporting any incidents lacking a conviction, how do you know to multiply it by 10? You clearly have no idea what the real rates of gun crime in the UK are.
It's no big deal. I recognize fear when I see it. I was raised with guns in the house. I was brought up hunting and was taught to "absolutely" respect what a gun can do. Both my children (a Son and a Daughter) grew up with weapons in the house and both know how to defend themselves. I, nor they, have EVER used a gun in an unlawful manner.

The left is best known for striking out at that which they don't understand. And, as unfortunate as it is, they usually understand very little, but seem to believe that they, and they alone, know what's best for everyone else.

One of my co-workers a few years ago, and Black, like me, told me that I was "one crazy Brutha" because I don't "toe the line" when it comes to Obama - 'cause da Brutha is one of us".

I told him at that time that if he wanted to follow the wolf into the woods, that's hs choice, but he "ain't my Brutha". Obama, like any other politician, has never done a thing for me. But, as in everything, it's a choice.

My buddy recently left the democrat party and is now a registered Independent.

Democrats (liberals) have nothing to offer but slavery. Sorry if that offends liberals, but at some point, one MUST face the truth.

Oh man. You're black and don't vote democrat? The liberals are not going to like you one bit.

Truth be told, I catch more flack from white liberals who are sure that (again, because of my "blackness") I should be jumping up and down for Obama. Sorry 'Massa!!! but I don't agree with the man. I believe in a robust economy perpetuated by free enterprise and NOT the government. I saw, while in Europe, how that form of government works (or rather, DOESN'T work) When I was assigned to consulates in Soviet Bloc countries, I saw, firsthand, the results of Obama's form of "governance".

I saw, first hand, people lined up for blocks on end, trying to get a loaf of bread from a "so-called" benevolent government, where the rulers lived like Kings and the "people" were an encumberence that had to be "dealt with" if they got out of line.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Comparing crime rates between America and Britain is fundamentally flawed. In America, a gun crime is recorded as a gun crime. In Britain, a crime is only recorded when there is a final disposition (a conviction). All unsolved gun crimes in Britain are not reported as gun crimes, grossly undercounting the amount of gun crime there. To make matters worse, British law enforcement has been exposed for falsifying criminal reports to create falsely lower crime figures, in part to preserve tourism.

1. Yet, in countries that have enacted an outright ban on civilian gun ownership, gun crime increased and they still have mass killings. The Clinton era "assault weapon" ban also had no positive effect on gun crime. The National Institute of Justice stated “The public safety benefits of the 1994 ban have not yet been demonstrated.”

2. Your proposed solution overlooks the fact that bad guys will always get a firearm. You cannot stop that. You can only prevent law abiding citizens the means to protect themselves, and that is a non starter

1. Got some stats on that? I'm all fucking ears.


Firearm use in crimes in the UK has doubled in the decade since handguns were banned (Weapons sell for just £50 as suspects and victims grow ever younger, The Times, August 24, 2007)

After the UK ban, U.K. street robberies soared 28% in 2001. Violent crime was up 11%, murders up 4%, and rapes increased by 14%. (British Home Office, reported by BBC news, July 12, 2002.)

The trend continued in the U.K in 2004 with a 10% increase in street crime, 8% increase in muggings, and a 22% increase in robberies. Meanwhile, crime rates in the rest of the western world were dropping.

Between 1997 and 1999, there were 429 murders in London, the highest two-year figure for more than 10 years – nearly two-thirds of those involved firearms – despite a virtual ban on private firearm ownership. (Illegal Firearms in the UK, Centre for Defense Studies King's College in London, July 2001.)

We can also look at Australia:

In the first two years after Australian gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms, government statistics showed a dramatic increase in criminal activity. In 2001-2002, homicides were up another 20%. (Report #46: Homicide in Australia, 2001-2002, Australian Institute of Criminology, April 2003.)

From the inception of firearm confiscation to March 27, 2000, firearm-related murders were up 19%, armed robberies were up 69%, and home invasions were up 21%. Again, this during a period where the rest of the world was seeing crime rates drop.

Sure; but the shit they get their hands on might be less lethal. So there's that.

Less lethal how? You think a firearm that looks a certain way is "less lethal" than ones with a wooden stock or nice walnut grips? Why do you think that?

Besides, what makes you think banning guns would limit the supply of firearms to "less lethal" guns, whatever you think that means?

How did you put it? "You got some stats on that?"

Not to mention, bad guys aren't carrying guns near as much already. Crack dealers know that they get caught, eventually. They all have arrest records and jail time, frequently. And having a gun with them when it happens, makes the jail time about 5 times longer. They know that. So spotters, pals standing around providing cover, and a smart phone, is all they need. And of course, some rock to sell.

So you advocate for tougher laws when someone breaks a law with a firearm. We have no disagreement there.

Bottom line, there is nothing you can do to prevent crazy people from doing crazy things and criminals will continue to break your laws, no matter how many you enact. You can choose to remain unprepared and hope the police will save you. I choose differently.

1. Doubling a small number ain't shit compared to us. You get that, yeah? In fact, we have the 2nd Amendment. Cool. But how are we doing? (answer 12th highest rate of gun death in the world, at ~9 per 100,000 population; Meanwhile the Brits are .25 per 100,000 population.)

BTW, here's a list of countries doing a smidge better than us:

Montenegro 8.55
Paraguay 7.35
Nicaragua 7.14
Argentina 5.65
Canada 4.78
Zimbabwe 4.75
Serbia 3.9
Finland 3.64
Switzerland 3.5
Costa Rica 3.32
Uruguay 3.24
Croatia 3.01
Barbados 3
France 3
Austria 2.94
New Zealand 2.66
Estonia 2.54
Slovenia 2.44
Belgium 2.43
Malta 2.16
Peru 1.87
Israel 1.86
Luxembourg 1.81
Norway 1.78
Portugal 1.77
Czech Republic 1.76
Slovakia 1.75
Lithuania 1.61
Georgia 1.54
Greece 1.5
Sweden 1.47
Denmark 1.45
Latvia 1.43
Bulgaria 1.35
Italy 1.28
Kuwait 1.25
Iceland 1.25
Germany 1.1
Australia 1.05
Republic of Macedonia 1.04
Moldova 1.04
Ireland 1.03
Kyrgyzstan 1.01
India 0.93
Hungary 0.85
Cyprus 0.83
Uzbekistan 0.68
Spain 0.63
Netherlands 0.46
Taiwan 0.42
Belarus 0.38
Ukraine 0.35
Poland 0.26
United Kingdom 0.25
Singapore 0.24
Romania 0.2
Hong Kong 0.19
Mauritius 0.19
Qatar 0.18
South Korea 0.13
Japan 0.07
Azerbaijan 0.07
Chile 0.06
Comparing crime rates between America and Britain is fundamentally flawed. In America, a gun crime is recorded as a gun crime. In Britain, a crime is only recorded when there is a final disposition (a conviction). All unsolved gun crimes in Britain are not reported as gun crimes, grossly undercounting the amount of gun crime there. To make matters worse, British law enforcement has been exposed for falsifying criminal reports to create falsely lower crime figures, in part to preserve tourism.

1. Yet, in countries that have enacted an outright ban on civilian gun ownership, gun crime increased and they still have mass killings. The Clinton era "assault weapon" ban also had no positive effect on gun crime. The National Institute of Justice stated “The public safety benefits of the 1994 ban have not yet been demonstrated.”

2. Your proposed solution overlooks the fact that bad guys will always get a firearm. You cannot stop that. You can only prevent law abiding citizens the means to protect themselves, and that is a non starter

1. Got some stats on that? I'm all fucking ears.


Firearm use in crimes in the UK has doubled in the decade since handguns were banned (Weapons sell for just £50 as suspects and victims grow ever younger, The Times, August 24, 2007)

After the UK ban, U.K. street robberies soared 28% in 2001. Violent crime was up 11%, murders up 4%, and rapes increased by 14%. (British Home Office, reported by BBC news, July 12, 2002.)

The trend continued in the U.K in 2004 with a 10% increase in street crime, 8% increase in muggings, and a 22% increase in robberies. Meanwhile, crime rates in the rest of the western world were dropping.

Between 1997 and 1999, there were 429 murders in London, the highest two-year figure for more than 10 years – nearly two-thirds of those involved firearms – despite a virtual ban on private firearm ownership. (Illegal Firearms in the UK, Centre for Defense Studies King's College in London, July 2001.)

We can also look at Australia:

In the first two years after Australian gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms, government statistics showed a dramatic increase in criminal activity. In 2001-2002, homicides were up another 20%. (Report #46: Homicide in Australia, 2001-2002, Australian Institute of Criminology, April 2003.)

From the inception of firearm confiscation to March 27, 2000, firearm-related murders were up 19%, armed robberies were up 69%, and home invasions were up 21%. Again, this during a period where the rest of the world was seeing crime rates drop.

Sure; but the shit they get their hands on might be less lethal. So there's that.

Less lethal how? You think a firearm that looks a certain way is "less lethal" than ones with a wooden stock or nice walnut grips? Why do you think that?

Besides, what makes you think banning guns would limit the supply of firearms to "less lethal" guns, whatever you think that means?

How did you put it? "You got some stats on that?"

Not to mention, bad guys aren't carrying guns near as much already. Crack dealers know that they get caught, eventually. They all have arrest records and jail time, frequently. And having a gun with them when it happens, makes the jail time about 5 times longer. They know that. So spotters, pals standing around providing cover, and a smart phone, is all they need. And of course, some rock to sell.

So you advocate for tougher laws when someone breaks a law with a firearm. We have no disagreement there.

Bottom line, there is nothing you can do to prevent crazy people from doing crazy things and criminals will continue to break your laws, no matter how many you enact. You can choose to remain unprepared and hope the police will save you. I choose differently.

One that hold fewer bullets is less lethal, which I'd recommend we mandate for all concealable weapons for civilian purchase, keeping and bearing, pursuant to the BoR.
No, I'm saying the UK figures around gun crime are highly misleading.

I'm also pointing out that after the UK banned civilian ownership of firearms, gun crime skyrocketed there.

Sorry if the true doesn't fit your agenda.

Gotcha. Multiply 'em by 10. Now where are we?


First, we're talking about all gun crime in the UK, not just deaths. Secondly, if they're not reporting any incidents lacking a conviction, how do you know to multiply it by 10? You clearly have no idea what the real rates of gun crime in the UK are.

Try stay with me. You say the numbers are not as inclusive as ours. I say fine. Give you the benefit of the doubt, and make it real easy to multiply; just add a zero at the end, which should compensate a few time over.

Then I asked, how do we compare? Mind answering? Or is dodging it your preferred?
Correct, which means your statement that a flash suppressor "hid the DC snipers pretty well" is bogus.

That would depend on whether the muzzle was inside or outside the trunk. Several of the snipers shots were also outside the car. Do you have something definitive you want to say?

Yes. Flash suppressors don't do what you think they do. They are intended to reduce recoil by letting gases escape efficiently. There remains plenty of "flash" coming out of the muzzle. You imply they render a shot invisible. That is not true, not even close.

Wrong moron. They were designed to disperse the gases as they exit the muzzle, and rapidly cool them. They were designed to reduce the visible flash to preserve the shooters night vision, and have the added benefit of hiding where the muzzle flash came from.
Gotcha. Multiply 'em by 10. Now where are we?


First, we're talking about all gun crime in the UK, not just deaths. Secondly, if they're not reporting any incidents lacking a conviction, how do you know to multiply it by 10? You clearly have no idea what the real rates of gun crime in the UK are.

Try stay with me. You say the numbers are not as inclusive as ours. I say fine. Give you the benefit of the doubt, and make it real easy to multiply; just add a zero at the end, which should compensate a few time over.

Then I asked, how do we compare? Mind answering? Or is dodging it your preferred?

Until both countries report gun crime in the same way, with full disclosure, you cannot compare them directly. We can only look at what happened to gun crime after the UK banned civilian firearm ownership. As I showed you, it skyrocketed.
So you advocate for tougher laws when someone breaks a law with a firearm. We have no disagreement there.

Bottom line, there is nothing you can do to prevent crazy people from doing crazy things and criminals will continue to break your laws, no matter how many you enact. You can choose to remain unprepared and hope the police will save you. I choose differently.

Kinda defeatist. But yeah; things can be done, and have been done. Gun crime is a major no-no and the sentencing delta between with-gun-crime and no-gun-crime is stark and having a profound deterent effect. Also, while we have not cornered the market on crazy, and other countries have it too, ours seem to be pretty fucking well armed with lots of bullets via extra high capacity clips; and whadaya know. Our crazies kick ass and can out kill crazies from other countries with ease.

Godbless the USA. Our crazies will not be surpassed. Yippee for us.
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That would depend on whether the muzzle was inside or outside the trunk. Several of the snipers shots were also outside the car. Do you have something definitive you want to say?

Yes. Flash suppressors don't do what you think they do. They are intended to reduce recoil by letting gases escape efficiently. There remains plenty of "flash" coming out of the muzzle. You imply they render a shot invisible. That is not true, not even close.

Wrong moron. They were designed to disperse the gases as they exit the muzzle, and rapidly cool them. They were designed to reduce the visible flash to preserve the shooters night vision, and have the added benefit of hiding where the muzzle flash came from.

So let's say you're right. You're not, but let us assume. Tell us how outlawing these would prevent gun crime.
First, we're talking about all gun crime in the UK, not just deaths. Secondly, if they're not reporting any incidents lacking a conviction, how do you know to multiply it by 10? You clearly have no idea what the real rates of gun crime in the UK are.

Try stay with me. You say the numbers are not as inclusive as ours. I say fine. Give you the benefit of the doubt, and make it real easy to multiply; just add a zero at the end, which should compensate a few time over.

Then I asked, how do we compare? Mind answering? Or is dodging it your preferred?

Until both countries report gun crime in the same way, with full disclosure, you cannot compare them directly. We can only look at what happened to gun crime after the UK banned civilian firearm ownership. As I showed you, it skyrocketed.

Okay; fuck it.

Belgium. What do they do that enables you to reject them as a comparison? Is it the great pralines? (chocolates) Maybe too many ingredients in their beer, and too damn many fruity beers?

Whadaya think?
1. Got some stats on that? I'm all fucking ears.


Firearm use in crimes in the UK has doubled in the decade since handguns were banned (Weapons sell for just £50 as suspects and victims grow ever younger, The Times, August 24, 2007)

After the UK ban, U.K. street robberies soared 28% in 2001. Violent crime was up 11%, murders up 4%, and rapes increased by 14%. (British Home Office, reported by BBC news, July 12, 2002.)

The trend continued in the U.K in 2004 with a 10% increase in street crime, 8% increase in muggings, and a 22% increase in robberies. Meanwhile, crime rates in the rest of the western world were dropping.

Between 1997 and 1999, there were 429 murders in London, the highest two-year figure for more than 10 years – nearly two-thirds of those involved firearms – despite a virtual ban on private firearm ownership. (Illegal Firearms in the UK, Centre for Defense Studies King's College in London, July 2001.)

We can also look at Australia:

In the first two years after Australian gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms, government statistics showed a dramatic increase in criminal activity. In 2001-2002, homicides were up another 20%. (Report #46: Homicide in Australia, 2001-2002, Australian Institute of Criminology, April 2003.)

From the inception of firearm confiscation to March 27, 2000, firearm-related murders were up 19%, armed robberies were up 69%, and home invasions were up 21%. Again, this during a period where the rest of the world was seeing crime rates drop.

Less lethal how? You think a firearm that looks a certain way is "less lethal" than ones with a wooden stock or nice walnut grips? Why do you think that?

Besides, what makes you think banning guns would limit the supply of firearms to "less lethal" guns, whatever you think that means?

How did you put it? "You got some stats on that?"

Not to mention, bad guys aren't carrying guns near as much already. Crack dealers know that they get caught, eventually. They all have arrest records and jail time, frequently. And having a gun with them when it happens, makes the jail time about 5 times longer. They know that. So spotters, pals standing around providing cover, and a smart phone, is all they need. And of course, some rock to sell.

So you advocate for tougher laws when someone breaks a law with a firearm. We have no disagreement there.

Bottom line, there is nothing you can do to prevent crazy people from doing crazy things and criminals will continue to break your laws, no matter how many you enact. You can choose to remain unprepared and hope the police will save you. I choose differently.

One that hold fewer bullets is less lethal, which I'd recommend we mandate for all concealable weapons for civilian purchase, keeping and bearing, pursuant to the BoR.

What's your point? It's not exactly rocket science to make a larger capacity magazine. They're made of sheet metal and a spring. You want to ban springs?
So you advocate for tougher laws when someone breaks a law with a firearm. We have no disagreement there.

Bottom line, there is nothing you can do to prevent crazy people from doing crazy things and criminals will continue to break your laws, no matter how many you enact. You can choose to remain unprepared and hope the police will save you. I choose differently.

Kinda defeatist.

No, realistic.

Gun crime is a major no-no and the sentencing delta between with-gun-crime and no-gun-crime is stark and having a profound deterent effect.

Tougher laws for harming another with a firearm...or a stick for that matter...I'm all for. There you go, agreement!
So you advocate for tougher laws when someone breaks a law with a firearm. We have no disagreement there.

Bottom line, there is nothing you can do to prevent crazy people from doing crazy things and criminals will continue to break your laws, no matter how many you enact. You can choose to remain unprepared and hope the police will save you. I choose differently.

Kinda defeatist.

No, realistic.

Gun crime is a major no-no and the sentencing delta between with-gun-crime and no-gun-crime is stark and having a profound deterent effect.

Tougher laws for harming another with a firearm...or a stick for that matter...I'm all for. There you go, agreement!

Gotcha. Nothing you can do to fix a problem or mitigate some of its problematic aspects.

I'm beginning to believe you cannot. Ya got me.
Try stay with me. You say the numbers are not as inclusive as ours. I say fine. Give you the benefit of the doubt, and make it real easy to multiply; just add a zero at the end, which should compensate a few time over.

Then I asked, how do we compare? Mind answering? Or is dodging it your preferred?

Until both countries report gun crime in the same way, with full disclosure, you cannot compare them directly. We can only look at what happened to gun crime after the UK banned civilian firearm ownership. As I showed you, it skyrocketed.

Okay; fuck it.

Belgium. What do they do that enables you to reject them as a comparison? Is it the great pralines? (chocolates) Maybe too many ingredients in their beer, and too damn many fruity beers?

Whadaya think?

It was the UK and Australia that recently banned civilian firearm ownership, not Belgium. You can either accept that this did not curb crime but in fact increased it, or you can pretend facts don't matter. Your choice.
So you advocate for tougher laws when someone breaks a law with a firearm. We have no disagreement there.

Bottom line, there is nothing you can do to prevent crazy people from doing crazy things and criminals will continue to break your laws, no matter how many you enact. You can choose to remain unprepared and hope the police will save you. I choose differently.

Kinda defeatist.

No, realistic.

Gun crime is a major no-no and the sentencing delta between with-gun-crime and no-gun-crime is stark and having a profound deterent effect.

Tougher laws for harming another with a firearm...or a stick for that matter...I'm all for. There you go, agreement!

Oops. Contradicts the first item. Damn it. Just when I was starting to believe you.
Kinda defeatist.

No, realistic.

Gun crime is a major no-no and the sentencing delta between with-gun-crime and no-gun-crime is stark and having a profound deterent effect.

Tougher laws for harming another with a firearm...or a stick for that matter...I'm all for. There you go, agreement!


You keep using this word. I do not think you know what it means.

Nothing you can do to fix a problem or mitigate some of its problematic aspects.

You can prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Or, you can cower in the corner of a gun free zone and hope the bad guy shoots himself before he gets to you. Your choice.
Kinda defeatist.

No, realistic.

Gun crime is a major no-no and the sentencing delta between with-gun-crime and no-gun-crime is stark and having a profound deterent effect.

Tougher laws for harming another with a firearm...or a stick for that matter...I'm all for. There you go, agreement!

Oops. Contradicts the first item. Damn it. Just when I was starting to believe you.

Really? Now you're being intentionally obtuse.

Stated clearly, your laws that impose burdens and restrictions on law abiding citizens do nothing to prevent criminals from breaking the law.

Punishing criminals that actually hurt someone else is not the same thing.

But you know this.
Kinda defeatist.

No, realistic.

Gun crime is a major no-no and the sentencing delta between with-gun-crime and no-gun-crime is stark and having a profound deterent effect.

Tougher laws for harming another with a firearm...or a stick for that matter...I'm all for. There you go, agreement!

Oops. Contradicts the first item. Damn it. Just when I was starting to believe you.

I think everyone is overlooking on very important point. No matter how many laws you create, lunatics will still get guns. No matter how much training and preaching you do, people who are willing to kill themselves (crazy people) to accomplish their evil deeds are not able to be convinced. The crazy person in Norway should tell you that.

There is no deterrent to crazy people who want to kill themselves.
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Until both countries report gun crime in the same way, with full disclosure, you cannot compare them directly. We can only look at what happened to gun crime after the UK banned civilian firearm ownership. As I showed you, it skyrocketed.

Okay; fuck it.

Belgium. What do they do that enables you to reject them as a comparison? Is it the great pralines? (chocolates) Maybe too many ingredients in their beer, and too damn many fruity beers?

Whadaya think?

It was the UK and Australia that recently banned civilian firearm ownership, not Belgium. You can either accept that this did not curb crime but in fact increased it, or you can pretend facts don't matter. Your choice.

Gotcha. It's the fucking Flemish Stew. Too much gravy and gets onto some of the fries, which, holy fucking shit, are damn good fries. (fritches)

Scratch Belgium. Choose between UK and Oz, except UK rejected on a technical item.

Seems I can choose from Australia and ... Australia. Bear with me ...



I think I'll go with Australia for 100, Bob.

About 1/3rd as many as us (US) per 100,000 living / breathing targets. (2.94 per 100,000; smidge under 1/3rd).

Is it the large cans of beer, or shrimps on the barbie, ya thinkin?

Do tell. I'm on fucking pins and needles.
Believe It or Not Mass Killings Are Not on the Rise, They Are on the Decline

The assault with gun rate for the entire country dropped faster than cities with gun bans. Gun violence rose by comparison in cities with gun bans. There was an immediate changes in society around 1992 & it was not from government.

November 7, 1991, basketball legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson stuns the world by announcing he tested positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Within 2 months the number of people getting tested for aids was up 50%. Illegitimate birth rates dropped within 9 months. Heroin & other injected drug use that had been soaring since 1960 slowed their accent.

The country sobered up a bit & quit sharing IV drug needles. People quit having as many orgies, as much sex with strangers & not without protection. Maybe even settled down & married. This must have reduce the financial stress of illegitimate births & drug use, thus lowered the crime rate. Two parent structure households create the best well adjusted children. Single parent & divorced households & unwanted children create criminals.



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