If heaven is real what language do they speak?

The "funny" comment should really be disabled. I made a serious statement about what I believe as a Christian, and guno just shat upon it with a "funny." Why should that be allowed? If guno has something to say, he should say it. But these "drive by" attack on posts using "funny" should be disabled. It does nothing to promote serious discussion.
BUT we need a "dumbsh!t" box to check as well. Not for you, but for some of the other dumbsh!t comments here like "Arabic".
The language of heaven is not a relevant question. The relevant question is, are you prepared to die? If you were to die at this very moment would you go to heaven, or would you go to hell? I think most of us know the answer to that question. And once you have asked yourself the question, realized what the answer is, it is all on you to change that answer if you don't like it. But the good part of it is this, no matter what you have done, no matter how deep your sin or how deep in darkness you have strayed, there is always a way back to God. And once you take that first step towards God, he will rush to meet you the rest of the way, he will take you into his loving arms, and he will throw a feast to celebrate your arrival.
I am a trained Marine Officer prepared not only to die but to kill and to take as many of the enemy with me.
The people you are shooting are not the real enemy.
Hey if I am shooting at you then you are the enemy.

You did something to deserve it.
The "funny" comment should really be disabled. I made a serious statement about what I believe as a Christian, and guno just shat upon it with a "funny." Why should that be allowed? If guno has something to say, he should say it. But these "drive by" attack on posts using "funny" should be disabled. It does nothing to promote serious discussion.
BUT we need a "dumbsh!t" box to check as well. Not for you, but for some of the other dumbsh!t comments here like "Arabic".
The language of heaven is not a relevant question. The relevant question is, are you prepared to die? If you were to die at this very moment would you go to heaven, or would you go to hell? I think most of us know the answer to that question. And once you have asked yourself the question, realized what the answer is, it is all on you to change that answer if you don't like it. But the good part of it is this, no matter what you have done, no matter how deep your sin or how deep in darkness you have strayed, there is always a way back to God. And once you take that first step towards God, he will rush to meet you the rest of the way, he will take you into his loving arms, and he will throw a feast to celebrate your arrival.

I just posted this because I seen this a few days ago...
View attachment 82051
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The "funny" comment should really be disabled. I made a serious statement about what I believe as a Christian, and guno just shat upon it with a "funny." Why should that be allowed? If guno has something to say, he should say it. But these "drive by" attack on posts using "funny" should be disabled. It does nothing to promote serious discussion.
BUT we need a "dumbsh!t" box to check as well. Not for you, but for some of the other dumbsh!t comments here like "Arabic".
The language of heaven is not a relevant question. The relevant question is, are you prepared to die? If you were to die at this very moment would you go to heaven, or would you go to hell? I think most of us know the answer to that question. And once you have asked yourself the question, realized what the answer is, it is all on you to change that answer if you don't like it. But the good part of it is this, no matter what you have done, no matter how deep your sin or how deep in darkness you have strayed, there is always a way back to God. And once you take that first step towards God, he will rush to meet you the rest of the way, he will take you into his loving arms, and he will throw a feast to celebrate your arrival.

I just posted this because I seen this a few days ago...
View attachment 82051

You all probably seen it, a guy dying in motorcycle accident..
Why didn't none of you little heathens guess that God can speak any fokking language that He wants?

Do you think God is stupid ??
The "funny" comment should really be disabled. I made a serious statement about what I believe as a Christian, and guno just shat upon it with a "funny." Why should that be allowed? If guno has something to say, he should say it. But these "drive by" attack on posts using "funny" should be disabled. It does nothing to promote serious discussion.
BUT we need a "dumbsh!t" box to check as well. Not for you, but for some of the other dumbsh!t comments here like "Arabic".
The language of heaven is not a relevant question. The relevant question is, are you prepared to die? If you were to die at this very moment would you go to heaven, or would you go to hell? I think most of us know the answer to that question. And once you have asked yourself the question, realized what the answer is, it is all on you to change that answer if you don't like it. But the good part of it is this, no matter what you have done, no matter how deep your sin or how deep in darkness you have strayed, there is always a way back to God. And once you take that first step towards God, he will rush to meet you the rest of the way, he will take you into his loving arms, and he will throw a feast to celebrate your arrival.

I just posted this because I seen this a few days ago...
View attachment 82051

You all probably seen it, a guy dying in motorcycle accident..
Well if he was Jewish then he was probably speaking Jew.
And if he was Catholic he was probably speaking Catholic.
And if he was Protestant he was probably speaking in tongues.
Southern Baptist is not a language, however.

You ever hear them talk? Hell ya
I'm Southern Baptist and I don't have a southern accent. I'm from Oregon for Pete's sake.
Any religion that does not let you drink wine is not Christian.

Jesus turned water into wine.

Jesus drank wine at Passover.

Jesus said to drink wine in remember of his blood which was being shed for the New Covenant.

Er..my religion allows me to drink wine.
Then read this:

Does the Baptist Doctrine Feel That Drinking Is a Sin?
Well I don't know who wrote that but I looked it up and apparently we don't drink!

Who knew! Lol!
The "funny" comment should really be disabled. I made a serious statement about what I believe as a Christian, and guno just shat upon it with a "funny." Why should that be allowed? If guno has something to say, he should say it. But these "drive by" attack on posts using "funny" should be disabled. It does nothing to promote serious discussion.
BUT we need a "dumbsh!t" box to check as well. Not for you, but for some of the other dumbsh!t comments here like "Arabic".
The language of heaven is not a relevant question. The relevant question is, are you prepared to die? If you were to die at this very moment would you go to heaven, or would you go to hell? I think most of us know the answer to that question. And once you have asked yourself the question, realized what the answer is, it is all on you to change that answer if you don't like it. But the good part of it is this, no matter what you have done, no matter how deep your sin or how deep in darkness you have strayed, there is always a way back to God. And once you take that first step towards God, he will rush to meet you the rest of the way, he will take you into his loving arms, and he will throw a feast to celebrate your arrival.

I just posted this because I seen this a few days ago...
View attachment 82051
Your link does not work unfortunately.

From CNN

Ghostly image captured in fatal accident photo - CNN.com
The "funny" comment should really be disabled. I made a serious statement about what I believe as a Christian, and guno just shat upon it with a "funny." Why should that be allowed? If guno has something to say, he should say it. But these "drive by" attack on posts using "funny" should be disabled. It does nothing to promote serious discussion.
BUT we need a "dumbsh!t" box to check as well. Not for you, but for some of the other dumbsh!t comments here like "Arabic".
The language of heaven is not a relevant question. The relevant question is, are you prepared to die? If you were to die at this very moment would you go to heaven, or would you go to hell? I think most of us know the answer to that question. And once you have asked yourself the question, realized what the answer is, it is all on you to change that answer if you don't like it. But the good part of it is this, no matter what you have done, no matter how deep your sin or how deep in darkness you have strayed, there is always a way back to God. And once you take that first step towards God, he will rush to meet you the rest of the way, he will take you into his loving arms, and he will throw a feast to celebrate your arrival.

I just posted this because I seen this a few days ago...
View attachment 82051
Your link does not work unfortunately.

Works for me.

A friend of mine had a somewhat similar experience -- she was driving the Tail of the Dragon, a famous stretch of road among bikers for its 318 curves in 11 miles -- she saw this guy prancing up the road, blissfully, his feet not appearing to touch the ground and not at all dressed for the cold weather. Then up the road a ways, in the direction the guy was running from, was a bike wreck with EMTs on scene. Same guy. He was dead.
You ever hear them talk? Hell ya
I'm Southern Baptist and I don't have a southern accent. I'm from Oregon for Pete's sake.
Any religion that does not let you drink wine is not Christian.

Jesus turned water into wine.

Jesus drank wine at Passover.

Jesus said to drink wine in remember of his blood which was being shed for the New Covenant.

Er..my religion allows me to drink wine.
Then read this:

Does the Baptist Doctrine Feel That Drinking Is a Sin?
Well I don't know who wrote that but I looked it up and apparently we don't drink!

Who knew! Lol!
You need to find a new church. A Christian one.
The "funny" comment should really be disabled. I made a serious statement about what I believe as a Christian, and guno just shat upon it with a "funny." Why should that be allowed? If guno has something to say, he should say it. But these "drive by" attack on posts using "funny" should be disabled. It does nothing to promote serious discussion.
BUT we need a "dumbsh!t" box to check as well. Not for you, but for some of the other dumbsh!t comments here like "Arabic".
The language of heaven is not a relevant question. The relevant question is, are you prepared to die? If you were to die at this very moment would you go to heaven, or would you go to hell? I think most of us know the answer to that question. And once you have asked yourself the question, realized what the answer is, it is all on you to change that answer if you don't like it. But the good part of it is this, no matter what you have done, no matter how deep your sin or how deep in darkness you have strayed, there is always a way back to God. And once you take that first step towards God, he will rush to meet you the rest of the way, he will take you into his loving arms, and he will throw a feast to celebrate your arrival.

I just posted this because I seen this a few days ago...
View attachment 82051
Your link does not work unfortunately.

From CNN

Ghostly image captured in fatal accident photo - CNN.com

I set you all up for this thread, guilty as charged...

But do you think this is real?
Ghostly image captured in fatal accident photo - CNN.com
It looks real to me

Ghostly image captured in fatal accident photo - CNN.com
I'm Southern Baptist and I don't have a southern accent. I'm from Oregon for Pete's sake.
Any religion that does not let you drink wine is not Christian.

Jesus turned water into wine.

Jesus drank wine at Passover.

Jesus said to drink wine in remember of his blood which was being shed for the New Covenant.

Er..my religion allows me to drink wine.
Then read this:

Does the Baptist Doctrine Feel That Drinking Is a Sin?
Well I don't know who wrote that but I looked it up and apparently we don't drink!

Who knew! Lol!
You need to find a new church. A Christian one.

No thank you. I have a Christian church.
Just going out on a limb here....:tongue:...but may be a telepathic language is used?

From mind to mind ....so to speak.... just thought transmission:dunno:

I think the language is love.

Its like through my life working on a project dealing with the Japanese , Spanish , Germans or now the Portuguese..as long as you have a mechanical ability and know mathematics it is easy to solve a problem..

But in heaven the language is love.
The "funny" comment should really be disabled. I made a serious statement about what I believe as a Christian, and guno just shat upon it with a "funny." Why should that be allowed? If guno has something to say, he should say it. But these "drive by" attack on posts using "funny" should be disabled. It does nothing to promote serious discussion.

I use funny when I find a comment funny. I've done it a few times in this thread, as there have been some humorous comments. I prefer it to 'funny and agree' if there's not really a point to agree with, just a funny comment.

Not every comment is going to promote serious discussion.
The "funny" comment should really be disabled. I made a serious statement about what I believe as a Christian, and guno just shat upon it with a "funny." Why should that be allowed? If guno has something to say, he should say it. But these "drive by" attack on posts using "funny" should be disabled. It does nothing to promote serious discussion.
You can delete the post. There's a time limit though.

Report his stupid ass for violating the rules of the forum.

There's a rule that you cannot click funny on someone's post?
What do they eat? Can you drink beer and smoke cigarettes in heaven ?

I've always gotten the impression that you have no physical body in heaven, so eating, drinking, and smoking are probably right out. :p
That does not explain why Jesus ate fish after his resurrection.

You should actually read the Bible more often instead of ass-u-me-ing so much.

You should lighten up and not take a clearly tongue-in-cheek comment seriously. :)
We know God spoke Aramaic to Peter, James, John, and John The Baptist.

We know Jesus ate broiled tilapia. And he changed water into wine.

We know the temple had an incense burner in it.

Got any more really brilliant questions ??

How do you know they don't speak japeness or Chinese?
Because Japanese are Jap Shinto's and Chinese are Gook Buddhists, and neither of those religions claims there is a god.

Shinto is ancestor worship.

And Buddhists just hum in one single note all day long. They don't need to talk to God. God does not need to talk to them. They have nothing in common with each other.

That's how I know.

Deductive reasoning.

Do they claim a heaven?
I am no expert in Jap or Gook religion.

So go ask a Jap or a Gook.

So are you admitting to me they really could be speaking Klingon up there?

Hey, Star Trek nerds can go to heaven, too! :lol:
The early "Christians" spoke Aramaic.

Got you there !!
The early Christians spoke a variety of languages. Christ spoke Aramaic. Many of the first Christians spoke Greek and Hebrew and whatever the Romans were speaking. There were Ethiopian Christians, and who knows what else.
Southern Baptists too.
Southern Baptist is not a language, however.

You ever hear them talk? Hell ya
I'm Southern Baptist and I don't have a southern accent. I'm from Oregon for Pete's sake.

They're all very tribal however, terminally fundamentalist in a verbal and dialect manner.
The early Christians spoke a variety of languages. Christ spoke Aramaic. Many of the first Christians spoke Greek and Hebrew and whatever the Romans were speaking. There were Ethiopian Christians, and who knows what else.
Southern Baptists too.
Southern Baptist is not a language, however.

You ever hear them talk? Hell ya
I'm Southern Baptist and I don't have a southern accent. I'm from Oregon for Pete's sake.

They're all very tribal however, terminally fundamentalist in a verbal and dialect manner.
How many Southern Baptists do you know? Pssst....we aren't fundamentalists.

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