If Hobby Lobby wins...

No, I just don't like appointing unqualified people to SCOTUS because you are forwarding an agenda instead of appointing the best people you can find.

22 years on the Court, what has Uncle Tom really contributed other than shining Scalia's shoes?

Your choice of words make it clear you are a racist, sorry but the label you used puts it very clear on how you hate blacks that step out of line.. Nice try at your spin, however you could have worded it differently and you didn't. And skin color is the reason you chose the words you did.

Spin away racist bigot.

By "stepping out of line' you mean 'pissing on his fellow blacks to gain the adulation of white people".

Because that's pretty much what Uncle Tom did.

oh, yeah, and he's kind of a creep, too.

Is that why you hate Kobe Bryant?
Shitbag...they can't force their religion on you. They can't make you go to church, pray, read the Bible, etc.....oh but you think you should make them pay for abortions and contraception. :cuckoo:

Of course, whatever you demand is legal but them asking to be left alone and not support your evil is illegal in your fucked up mind.

FYI...you are going to burn in Hell....enjoy your pathetic life for now.

Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

When Hobby Lobby wins

Now on with the nonsense

They won't win.

I think it's very probable that they will.

Obviously, the three female justices will vote against them, and Breyer.

Alito, Scalia, Uncle Tom and Roberts will vote for them.

And that leaves Kennedy. Mr. Swing vote.

The use of the phrase "Uncle Tom" reveals your "argument" as predicated on your boundless ignorance and silly, baseless preconceived notions.

The reason it is LIKELY that the SCOTUS will rule in FAVOR of Hobby Lobby is that the challenged ObumblerCare provision at issue DOES kind of step on a First Amendment right to have the gubmint compel anybody to pay for anything that violates a fundamental religious tenet.

This does not mean that the SCOTUS will strike down ObumblerCare in its entirety. Too bad.
They won't win.

I think it's very probable that they will.

Obviously, the three female justices will vote against them, and Breyer.

Alito, Scalia, Uncle Tom and Roberts will vote for them.

And that leaves Kennedy. Mr. Swing vote.

The use of the phrase "Uncle Tom" reveals your "argument" as predicated on your boundless ignorance and silly, baseless preconceived notions.

The reason it is LIKELY that the SCOTUS will rule in FAVOR of Hobby Lobby is that the challenged ObumblerCare provision at issue DOES kind of step on a First Amendment right to have the gubmint compel anybody to pay for anything that violates a fundamental religious tenet.

This does not mean that the SCOTUS will strike down ObumblerCare in its entirety. Too bad.

Hey, here's the thing. I called the guy, "uncle Tom" and EVERYONE knew exactly who I was talking about, didn't they?

If the Supreme COurt followed its own rulings, it would find against Hobby Lobby. Scalia voted in Employment Division vs. Smith that the state could fire Native American employees for failing drug tests if they took Peyote.

In short, state interest overruled religious beliefs.

Employment Division v. Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hypocrisy of some on the right knows no bounds.

Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

ummm... it's called "find another job that better suits you..."

geez... the pathetic shit-for-brains libs in here make me wanna... ummm...

well... you in here who've got a lick of sense know what I'm talking about...
I think it's very probable that they will.

Obviously, the three female justices will vote against them, and Breyer.

Alito, Scalia, Uncle Tom and Roberts will vote for them.

And that leaves Kennedy. Mr. Swing vote.

The use of the phrase "Uncle Tom" reveals your "argument" as predicated on your boundless ignorance and silly, baseless preconceived notions.

The reason it is LIKELY that the SCOTUS will rule in FAVOR of Hobby Lobby is that the challenged ObumblerCare provision at issue DOES kind of step on a First Amendment right to have the gubmint compel anybody to pay for anything that violates a fundamental religious tenet.

This does not mean that the SCOTUS will strike down ObumblerCare in its entirety. Too bad.

Hey, here's the thing. I called the guy, "uncle Tom" and EVERYONE knew exactly who I was talking about, didn't they?

If the Supreme COurt followed its own rulings, it would find against Hobby Lobby. Scalia voted in Employment Division vs. Smith that the state could fire Native American employees for failing drug tests if they took Peyote.

In short, state interest overruled religious beliefs.

Employment Division v. Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why are all the self declared experts on this ignoring the actual issues raised by the case? The issue is not the 1st Amendment, it is the RFRA, which is an actual law passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton. The regulations written by HHS do not comply with the law of the land, and if, as you claim you want, the court actually follows its own precedent, it will be struck down. You should pull your head out of Clayton's ass, he hasn't been right about this yet.

Educate yourself if you aren't afraid of being wrong.

The HHS Contraception Mandate vs. the Religious Freedom Restoration Act - Ethics & Public Policy Center
Viagra is a medication used in treatment of heart disease. Treating erectile dysfunction is a side effect. Insurance should pay when used to treat heart disease. Other than that buy your own.
I don't think HobbyLobby will win. A case of this stature, yet they have _zero_ amicus briefs going along with it. Not one. Cases like this, they should be flooding in. The powers that be, the money, are sending a message that they don't want Hobby Lobby to win this.

Why not? Because it would badly breach the corporate veil. If the SC rules that the religious beliefs of the CEO make the corporation Christian, that shatters the claim that corporations and the people running them are separate entities. And that removes the corporate veil protections. All the owners and CEOs then become liable for lawsuits against corporations. And the corporations really don't want that, hence there's no support for the lawsuit.

So if Hobby Lobby wins, there's a bright side. We'll be able to sue the various ratbastard CEOs personally, and not just their corporations.
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Viagra is a medication used in treatment of heart disease. Treating erectile dysfunction is a side effect. Insurance should pay when used to treat heart disease. Other than that buy your own.
"Viagra is for heart disease"?

Let's see:

VIAGRA (sildenafil citrate) is prescription medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).
ED Treatment | VIAGRA® (sildenafil citrate) Safety Info

There you have it. Viagra is prescription medication for heart disease.........
And of course, there's this huge hypocrisy -


I do believe that pill on the right would be covered by Hobby Lobby's healthcare, Lud, I'm not so sure the one on the left is covered. Not that many major insurance plans cover the blue one. :eusa_whistle:

Even if the insurance did cover it, there is no hypocrisy.

I find it amazing that he can't tell the difference between a pill that can be used to terminate/prevent life and one that can be used to create life.
And of course, there's this huge hypocrisy -


I do believe that pill on the right would be covered by Hobby Lobby's healthcare, Lud, I'm not so sure the one on the left is covered. Not that many major insurance plans cover the blue one. :eusa_whistle:

Even if the insurance did cover it, there is no hypocrisy.

I find it amazing that he can't tell the difference between a pill that can be used to terminate/prevent life and one that can be used to create life.
"Sanctity of life."
Viagra Linked to 522 Deaths
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I don't think HobbyLobby will win. A case of this stature, yet they have _zero_ amicus briefs going along with it. Not one. Cases like this, they should be flooding in. The powers that be, the money, are sending a message that they don't want Hobby Lobby to win this.

Why not? Because it would badly breach the corporate veil. If the SC rules that the religious beliefs of the CEO make the corporation Christian, that shatters the claim that corporations and the people running them are separate entities. And that removes the corporate veil protections. All the owners and CEOs then become liable for lawsuits against corporations. And the corporations really don't want that, hence there's no support for the lawsuit.

So if Hobby Lobby wins, there's a bright side. We'll be able to sue the various ratbastard CEOs personally, and not just their corporations.

Damn, you are an ignorant fuckwad, aren't you? Did you even try to find out about that before you said something so stupid that any kindergarten student could prove you wrong?

Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Amicus Briefs

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