If Hobby Lobby wins...

Well, you could let Hobby Lobby employees buy their insurance on the exchanges. Of course then, because of what I'm guessing the average employee there

earns, they would receive substantial subsidies from the government, aka your tax dollars, to buy that insurance, and, they'd be getting the contraceptive

coverage you people are freaking out over, paid by YOU instead of Hobby Lobby.

Sound better, Christians?

This well-illustrates the idiocy of Hobby Lobby’s ‘argument,’ and those who agree with it, where the issue has nothing to do with ‘religious liberty,’ and everything to do with the right’s partisan opposition to the ACA.
No one can force beliefs on employees because no one is obligated to become the employee of someone else.

Heres the rub tho. What if more employers start imposing more "beliefs"? And a few turn to hundreds? The rule still applies that no one HAS to work there but many will have to work somewhere which means some will be exposed to it.

Does the worker lose their right to the CEO's belief?

The problem liberalism will always have rests in two well used phrases. Those are "What if...?" and "But, what about...?"
If you people would simply pay closer attention to 'what is' instead of wringing your hands, you'd be much more productive.
Not only did they fail miserably, they made the chain stronger than it has ever been.

The Chick-fil-a CEO disagrees with you. He says he regrets taking a public anti-gay position.

Chick fil A CEO Regrets Same-Sex Marriage Debacle - TIME

Dang. Looks like those durn liberals won _again_.

He didn't say that at all. He regrets the controversy, but doesn't even hint that he has changed his mind.

Dang, looks like those durn liberals lied - again.
Isn't having sex for reasons other than reproduction a very normal, healthy human behaviour?

Why then is there any objection to medications used to better manage that behaviour?

Why isn't birth control simply viewed as any other preventative medicine?

Yes, sex is something that humans do for reproduction, recreation, and fun.

What you don't get is that HL is providing all forms of BC as part of their insurance package except for the 3 or 4 that cause abortions. They have no objection to preventing conception, only to killing the fetus once it is conceived.

It's what THEY call abortion.

You're not denying are you that there are in fact religions that object to preventative contraception, are you?

Their objections would gain the force of law behind them presumably,

if Hobby Lobby wins.

no its not, the morning after pill causes an abortion of a living embrio. You may not agree, but that is what its about
If you read the article, the CEO is bending over backwards trying to tell everyone how Chick-fil-a isn't anti-gay. His business must have really been taking damage.

Hence, people like Randallflagg and Katz must now flipflop and hate Chick-fil-a, being it's become such a gay-friendly chain.
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Well, you could let Hobby Lobby employees buy their insurance on the exchanges. Of course then, because of what I'm guessing the average employee there

earns, they would receive substantial subsidies from the government, aka your tax dollars, to buy that insurance, and, they'd be getting the contraceptive

coverage you people are freaking out over, paid by YOU instead of Hobby Lobby.

Sound better, Christians?

This well-illustrates the idiocy of Hobby Lobby’s ‘argument,’ and those who agree with it, where the issue has nothing to do with ‘religious liberty,’ and everything to do with the right’s partisan opposition to the ACA.

actually its both, ACA is terrible legislation, it fixes nothing, it makes everything worse, there will be just as many uninsured after full implementation as there were before the dems rammed it through.

if the religious liberty argument gets it killed, great.
If you read the article, the CEO is bending over backwards trying to tell everyone how Chick-fil-a isn't anti-gay. His business must have really been taking damage.

Hence, people like Randallflagg and Katz must now flipflop and hate Chick-fil-a, being it's become such a gay-friendly chain.

do you understand the difference between being gay friendly and being opposed to gay marriage?

you can support gay rights and the ability of gays to commit legally to each other without supporting something called gay marriage.
Heres the rub tho. What if more employers start imposing more "beliefs"? And a few turn to hundreds? The rule still applies that no one HAS to work there but many will have to work somewhere which means some will be exposed to it.

Does the worker lose their right to the CEO's belief?

Cons in the government are trying to force their beliefs on us. Birth control, abortion, women's rights, immigration, taxes, pentagon spending, religious beliefs, and on and on....And then they say, "it's the liberals that are doing it."

The sad part is that you actually believe that.

What's worse is, you know it's true.
Yes, sex is something that humans do for reproduction, recreation, and fun.

What you don't get is that HL is providing all forms of BC as part of their insurance package except for the 3 or 4 that cause abortions. They have no objection to preventing conception, only to killing the fetus once it is conceived.

It's what THEY call abortion.

You're not denying are you that there are in fact religions that object to preventative contraception, are you?

Their objections would gain the force of law behind them presumably,

if Hobby Lobby wins.

no its not, the morning after pill causes an abortion of a living embrio. You may not agree, but that is what its about
Science and the experts say ---> you're wrong.

Emergency contraception (or IUD's) are not abortifacients.
If you read the article, the CEO is bending over backwards trying to tell everyone how Chick-fil-a isn't anti-gay. His business must have really been taking damage.

Hence, people like Randallflagg and Katz must now flipflop and hate Chick-fil-a, being it's become such a gay-friendly chain.

If the chain were ever anti gay you might have a point. As it is your post is irrelevant
If you read the article, the CEO is bending over backwards trying to tell everyone how Chick-fil-a isn't anti-gay. His business must have really been taking damage.

Hence, people like Randallflagg and Katz must now flipflop and hate Chick-fil-a, being it's become such a gay-friendly chain.

They never were anti-gay. You buttholes claimed that.
Freedom of Religion only applies to non-Christians according to liberals...
Does it? Can a Muslim-owned business deny any parts of its employee health insurance coverage that go against Islam? You wouldn't have any problem with that based on the argument of 'religious freedom', correct?
If you read the article, the CEO is bending over backwards trying to tell everyone how Chick-fil-a isn't anti-gay. His business must have really been taking damage.

Hence, people like Randallflagg and Katz must now flipflop and hate Chick-fil-a, being it's become such a gay-friendly chain.

do you understand the difference between being gay friendly and being opposed to gay marriage?

you can support gay rights and the ability of gays to commit legally to each other without supporting something called gay marriage.

Yes if you're petty and vindictive to the nth degree.
This issue has nothing to do with abortion. This issue is about whether business owners and can use professed religious beliefs to pick and choose which laws they will obey.

There is religious objection to abortion and abortion funding. There is also religious objection to

vaccinations, blood transfusions, surgery, not to mention ALL artificial birth control.
Uh, it's pretty easy to figure out if someone is being truthful or lying about their religious beliefs. Also, that belief has to pass the smell test...someone can't claim their religion opposes people with long hair, etc.

If their religion opposes an "action" and their well documented book (the Bible) speaks on the subject being discussed, then you are violating their Christian beliefs forcing them to go against the Bible.

See how that works, twit.

This issue has nothing to do with abortion. This issue is about whether business owners and can use professed religious beliefs to pick and choose which laws they will obey.

There is religious objection to abortion and abortion funding. There is also religious objection to

vaccinations, blood transfusions, surgery, not to mention ALL artificial birth control.
Viagra is a medication used in treatment of heart disease. Treating erectile dysfunction is a side effect. Insurance should pay when used to treat heart disease. Other than that buy your own.

I'm guessing you threw the safety pamphlet that accompanied those little blue pills away ...

Some men shouldn’t take VIAGRA.
Do not take VIAGRA if you take nitrates, often prescribed for chest pain, as this may cause a sudden, unsafe drop in blood pressure.

Discuss your general health status with your doctor to ensure that you are healthy enough to engage in sexual activity. If you experience chest pain, nausea, or any other discomforts during sex, seek immediate medical help.

VIAGRA should not be used with other ED treatments. VIAGRA should not be used with REVATIO or other products containing sildenafil.

Some men should take a lower dose of VIAGRA.

f you are older than age 65, or have serious liver or kidney problems, your doctor may start you at the lowest dose (25 mg) of VIAGRA. If you are taking protease inhibitors, such as for the treatment of HIV, your doctor may recommend a 25-mg dose and may limit you to a maximum single dose of 25 mg of VIAGRA in a 48-hour period.

If you have prostate problems or high blood pressure for which you take medicines called alpha blockers, your doctor may start you on a lower dose of VIAGRA.

Chest pain, nitrates, alpha blockers, and high blood pressure would all be signs of heat disease, looks like you might want to steer clear of this drug if you have heart disease, or is there someone special you have in mind for an early demise??
This issue has nothing to do with abortion. This issue is about whether business owners and can use professed religious beliefs to pick and choose which laws they will obey.

There is religious objection to abortion and abortion funding. There is also religious objection to

vaccinations, blood transfusions, surgery, not to mention ALL artificial birth control.

The HHS mandate requires the family-owned business to provide insurance coverage for the “morning after pill” and “week after pill” contrary to their religious convictions or pay fines to the IRS. The Greens believe that Hobby Lobby cannot fulfill its mission while paying for these drugs (the “morning after pill” and “week after pill”) that conflict with their beliefs. That is why on Wednesday, Sept. 12, Hobby Lobby filed suit in an effort to defend its constitutional freedom to carry out its mission in a way consistent with its owners’ religious principles.

The Green family has no moral objection to the use of 16 of 20 preventive contraceptives required in the mandate and will continue its longstanding practice of covering these preventive contraceptives for its employees. However, the Green family cannot provide or pay for four possible life-threatening drugs and devices. These drugs include Plan B and Ella, the so-called morning-after pill and the week-after pill. Covering these drugs and devices would violate their most deeply held religious belief that life begins at conception, when an egg is fertilized.

The Green family respects the religious convictions of all Americans, including those who do not agree with them. All they are asking is for the government to give them the same respect by not forcing them to violate their religious beliefs.

Does this help clarify HL's stance??

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