If Hobby Lobby wins...

It isn't freedom to "force" someone else to pay for something. It is the company's obligation to its employees because they have the means to do so. Rich fucks just don't want to spend any money on their employees and are using "religious freedom" as a flimsy excuse to get away with it.

Hobby Lobby is NOT a church. "God" is not within their walls. It is a business. Businesses are not churches, but churches are businesses. If Hobby Lobby wins and corporations have religious freedom like churches, then will corporations be taxed like churches?

Oh, okay. So if I win the lottery, I'm obligated to purchase health insurance for some wino sleeping in the overpass because I have the means to do so? I don't fucking think so. Please wrap your tiny mind around the idea that no one has an obligation to do ANYTHING for you, and the more you talk, the less DESIRE they have to do so.

You might also consider that nothing in the Constitution says, ". . . free exercise thereof . . . unless you happen to be rich and KNB envies you because he's too shit-poor and worthless to afford his own beer, in which case you have no rights except to shut up and pay him to stand around picking his nose".

Hobby Lobby doesn't have to be a church, because the only people who think the First Amendment applies only to churches are ignorant fuckstains like you who are challenged by reading "Cat in the Hat". In fact, I really hope I'm not being to articulate for you to understand right now. I'd hate for any of the contempt you create to be missed.

Then why did the Supreme Court decide that states couild outlaw polygamy? The Mormons argued, accurately, that polygamy was part of their religion.

Did the Court wrongly decide that case? Should Mormon polygamous marriages be required to be legal and recognized?

They certainly did decide it incorrectly. I dont believe you'd get the same decision today. Especially with the Lawrence decision.
So just out of curiosity, would you like to explain your "one's religious freedom is inherent, given by human nature governed by natural laws, and NOT determined, defined or decided by government." stance that you are helping to defend??

Humane nature governed by natural laws pertaining to "birth control" is usually called the rhythm method and from my understanding,most couples using this method were known as parents.

So enlighten me, you know my stance, lay yours out so I can understand it ...
The Supreme Court has said that no one has a say over the money the government steals from them.

Funny thing though, they have never once ruled that you can be forced to spend your money on something just because the government says so.

Really? You've never been required to pay for Social Security or Medicare? Where do you live?

Do you understand the difference between taxes, aka theft, and telling me I have to pay through your birth control out of the money you don't steal from me, aka extortion?

If you can't conduct a conversation like an adult you should put me on ignore.

If you want to argue that the power to tax is not constitutional, show me the case law that has ruled it so.
Oh, okay. So if I win the lottery, I'm obligated to purchase health insurance for some wino sleeping in the overpass because I have the means to do so? I don't fucking think so. Please wrap your tiny mind around the idea that no one has an obligation to do ANYTHING for you, and the more you talk, the less DESIRE they have to do so.

You might also consider that nothing in the Constitution says, ". . . free exercise thereof . . . unless you happen to be rich and KNB envies you because he's too shit-poor and worthless to afford his own beer, in which case you have no rights except to shut up and pay him to stand around picking his nose".

Hobby Lobby doesn't have to be a church, because the only people who think the First Amendment applies only to churches are ignorant fuckstains like you who are challenged by reading "Cat in the Hat". In fact, I really hope I'm not being to articulate for you to understand right now. I'd hate for any of the contempt you create to be missed.

Then why did the Supreme Court decide that states couild outlaw polygamy? The Mormons argued, accurately, that polygamy was part of their religion.

Did the Court wrongly decide that case? Should Mormon polygamous marriages be required to be legal and recognized?

They certainly did decide it incorrectly. I dont believe you'd get the same decision today. Especially with the Lawrence decision.

Because of the religious basis, or because polygamous marriages can claim equal protection under the laws regarding monogamous marriage?
No, Actual doctors and scientists looked into it and said its not. Hobby Lobby believes it is even tho it isnt. You cant defend it so you try to get runner up in the category of Best Zinger by a stupid bitch. Congrats

I don't have to "defend" anything against a dipshit who says, "This is what the science is, because Snopes and the NY Times says so!" Please understand that YOU are the one who will forever after have to defend your right to process oxygen that thinking human beings could be using.

Thanks for the congratulations, but recognizing what a peabrain you are isn't exactly a difficult accomplishment. It just requires eyes.

Thanks you done? Because you apparently have nothing so you want to talk about me. Need a man or something sweetie? Fuck outta here

Oh, I'm quite sure you'd love to be able to just make me go away and stop reminding everyone that the vaunted "science" that you're touting in the NY Times and Snopes.com. Sadly for you, you aren't even close to having the sack to make me do anything except laugh derisively.

I'm not even close to being done making sure no one forgets that you're a joke. Enjoy your liver-eating helplessness on the subject.
I don't have to "defend" anything against a dipshit who says, "This is what the science is, because Snopes and the NY Times says so!" Please understand that YOU are the one who will forever after have to defend your right to process oxygen that thinking human beings could be using.

Thanks for the congratulations, but recognizing what a peabrain you are isn't exactly a difficult accomplishment. It just requires eyes.

Thanks you done? Because you apparently have nothing so you want to talk about me. Need a man or something sweetie? Fuck outta here

Oh, I'm quite sure you'd love to be able to just make me go away and stop reminding everyone that the vaunted "science" that you're touting in the NY Times and Snopes.com. Sadly for you, you aren't even close to having the sack to make me do anything except laugh derisively.

I'm not even close to being done making sure no one forgets that you're a joke. Enjoy your liver-eating helplessness on the subject.

LOL...you know what? I never even listed Snopes but thats ok, its not the first or last time you were wrong.
Was the Court wrong because polygamy is a religious practice?

As I explained earlier, if marraige is a fundamental right, the court was wrong. If it isn't, you are.

Was the Court wrong because polygamy is a religious practice?

No, the Court was wrong because government has no business telling consenting adults who they can or cannot marry, or how many they can marry. How their religion feels about the matter is between that religion and the people who subscribe to it.

Marriage should be a contractual affair, and if so desired, also a religious one. There should be no need for permission (license) from any government entity, since it not the business of the government, in any way, shape, or form.
The blacksmith didn't give them away, bub.

Ask the person who is making that argument. I am not.

Does the alleged fact that blacksmiths don't give away old muskets somehow prove the blacksmith couldn't make a musket for himself? Or that someone with enough training couldn't do the same thing? Would the blacksmith be required to pay someone else for the weapon he made? What if they weapons were inherited?

Still costs the blacksmith. He was forced by the gov't to provide it...as well as the long list of other items I listed.

lol at you moving goalposts waaaaaaaaaaay over.

Your claim was that the government forced people to buy guns.

It didn't.
So just out of curiosity, would you like to explain your "one's religious freedom is inherent, given by human nature governed by natural laws, and NOT determined, defined or decided by government." stance that you are helping to defend??

Humane nature governed by natural laws pertaining to "birth control" is usually called the rhythm method and from my understanding,most couples using this method were known as parents.

So enlighten me, you know my stance, lay yours out so I can understand it ...

Your understanding is that people don't have free will? Why would you make that claim when science has actually found evidence that fruit flies have free will? Are we the only animals that can't make a choice, or are you simply an idiot?
Really? You've never been required to pay for Social Security or Medicare? Where do you live?

Do you understand the difference between taxes, aka theft, and telling me I have to pay through your birth control out of the money you don't steal from me, aka extortion?

If you can't conduct a conversation like an adult you should put me on ignore.

If you want to argue that the power to tax is not constitutional, show me the case law that has ruled it so.

How is the fact that I call theft theft proof that I cannot have an adult conversation? Aren't children the people who pretend that things aren't what they are?

By the way, if you want to be on my ignore list I suggest you get used to the fact that I do not have one, I leave ignoring people to the children.
As I explained earlier, if marraige is a fundamental right, the court was wrong. If it isn't, you are.

Was the Court wrong because polygamy is a religious practice?

No, the Court was wrong because government has no business telling consenting adults who they can or cannot marry, or how many they can marry. How their religion feels about the matter is between that religion and the people who subscribe to it.

Marriage should be a contractual affair, and if so desired, also a religious one. There should be no need for permission (license) from any government entity, since it not the business of the government, in any way, shape, or form.

Don't tell him that, he hates religion.
So just out of curiosity, would you like to explain your "one's religious freedom is inherent, given by human nature governed by natural laws, and NOT determined, defined or decided by government." stance that you are helping to defend??

Humane nature governed by natural laws pertaining to "birth control" is usually called the rhythm method and from my understanding,most couples using this method were known as parents.

So enlighten me, you know my stance, lay yours out so I can understand it ...

Your understanding is that people don't have free will? Why would you make that claim when science has actually found evidence that fruit flies have free will? Are we the only animals that can't make a choice, or are you simply an idiot?

You are good about name calling, and about twisting things to suit you. The only person who has stood out as an idiot would be you, with that being said.

You still have not tied anything to free will ... the conversation is about birth control methods and free will is not going to keep you from getting pregnant, For your poor soul finding a partner is probably out of the question, no matter how much money you throw at the situation, but for the young masses, society has already shown the "just say no" works no better to keep teens from getting pregnant than it does to keep your kind from smoking crack.

So your idiot views on free will in relationship to Obamacare ...
By the way with free will some moron would argue the child bride of 10 was his religious right, society gets to trump religion when the good or betterment of society prohibits those religious activities which are harmful to others.

Bestiality, necrophilia, etc, etc are taboo subjects that society as a whole has banned.

You can holla free will all you want but at the end of the day, when your free will harms others then society takes step to stem that type of activity. So with solid reasons and you name calling it is quite apparent who is setting the pace and who the idiot is ...
What was the SCOTUS case that decided the states could outlaw polygamy?
Reynolds v. United States

One problem with your case, it doesn't say that a state can make polygamy illegal, it says the feds can.

Nice attempt at obfuscation though.

That opinion has to be the worst court opinion I've ever read.

"Congress was deprived of all legislative power over mere opinion, but was left free to reach actions which were in violation of social duties or subversive of good order. " (FindLaw | Cases and Codes.)

IOW you can practice your freedom of religion in your mind, but if the court of public opinion is against actions taken in "public" by member of your religion then you are screwed.

Said another way, if they decide they don't like christians, or islamics, then all of their practices can be made illegal. WOW JUST WOW
So just out of curiosity, would you like to explain your "one's religious freedom is inherent, given by human nature governed by natural laws, and NOT determined, defined or decided by government." stance that you are helping to defend??

Humane nature governed by natural laws pertaining to "birth control" is usually called the rhythm method and from my understanding,most couples using this method were known as parents.

So enlighten me, you know my stance, lay yours out so I can understand it ...

Your understanding is that people don't have free will? Why would you make that claim when science has actually found evidence that fruit flies have free will? Are we the only animals that can't make a choice, or are you simply an idiot?

You are good about name calling, and about twisting things to suit you. The only person who has stood out as an idiot would be you, with that being said.

You still have not tied anything to free will ... the conversation is about birth control methods and free will is not going to keep you from getting pregnant, For your poor soul finding a partner is probably out of the question, no matter how much money you throw at the situation, but for the young masses, society has already shown the "just say no" works no better to keep teens from getting pregnant than it does to keep your kind from smoking crack.

So your idiot views on free will in relationship to Obamacare ...

Actually, the conversation is about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The problem with all the assholes, like you, who oppose Hobby Lobby is that they are arguing based on their interpretation of the Constitution, and ignoring the entire basis of Hobby Lobby's challenge of the mandate. For a basic understanding of their position, read this.

Prof. Michael McConnell (Stanford) on the <i>Hobby Lobby</i> arguments

Wow. look at that, actual arguments that actually deal with the actual issues, and actual links to back them up.

What, exactly, do you have again?

Did you learn the difference between arrogance and self confidence? One is where a person claims victory based on the unshakeable belief that they are right, the other is based on reality.
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By the way with free will some moron would argue the child bride of 10 was his religious right, society gets to trump religion when the good or betterment of society prohibits those religious activities which are harmful to others.

Bestiality, necrophilia, etc, etc are taboo subjects that society as a whole has banned.

You can holla free will all you want but at the end of the day, when your free will harms others then society takes step to stem that type of activity. So with solid reasons and you name calling it is quite apparent who is setting the pace and who the idiot is ...

The only moron that would argue that is a pedophile.

As for zoophilia, isn't a crime in most states, neither is necrophilia. What does that do to your position that society has banned them? Is this another example of your arrogance slamming into my self confidence?

I said your arguments were stupid before you even made them. You could have kept your mouth shut and made me look like the arrogant one, but you couldn't resit shoving your feet into your mouth.
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Yep, Joe is a racist and a bigot, nothing new though, we all know that.

No, I just don't like appointing unqualified people to SCOTUS because you are forwarding an agenda instead of appointing the best people you can find.

22 years on the Court, what has Uncle Tom really contributed other than shining Scalia's shoes?

Your choice of words make it clear you are a racist, sorry but the label you used puts it very clear on how you hate blacks that step out of line.. Nice try at your spin, however you could have worded it differently and you didn't. And skin color is the reason you chose the words you did.

Spin away racist bigot.

By "stepping out of line' you mean 'pissing on his fellow blacks to gain the adulation of white people".

Because that's pretty much what Uncle Tom did.

oh, yeah, and he's kind of a creep, too.
So what exactly is the argument that Hobby Lobby is trying to make? Its a business, not a church. What does religion have to do with employees' benefits?

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