If Jury will not bring mccade guilty.. Then Trump must declare a broken govt !!

And now for a further moment of insanity per Justice Kavanaugh

It’s just not as much fun as it was at me and my law clerks’s Friday keggers anymore. Why, I even tried replaced the regular Natty Ice Keg with one of Sam Adams Oktoberfest, hoping people would appreciate the class, but no ... no takers. I just can’t get a fun crowd anymore. RBG was fun and feiesty. I mean she didn’t mind me tickling her little body, and she even led me many a marry chase around my desk. But, a lass, not nearly as much fun now that her health took another down trun. (#mesad)

I tried putting a hand under Sontomayor’s robe once, and she pulled out a knife bigger than my dick, and pierced my damn ear, and said next time she’d fit me for a ring through my sack. No wonder nobody wants to go to Porto Rico!!

And that’s nothing. I tweaked one of Kagan’s titties and the next day, I’m walking to my car and these two guys scraggly beards and funny black hats show up, one hits me in the gut with a pair of gold knuckles and the other just says something like "opfal" or something. I mean speak fcking english, will yah. And then he PISSES on me. ME a Supreme Court Justice. Show me some respect, ya ****.

I mean I get NOTHING at work. Then I go home, and my sad sack nancy of a wife just sits around ... praying Give Me Strength Lord. SCREW that. In high school we didn’t hang around with praying chicks even if they were on their knees crying. Well, sure, sometimes ... but I mean who wants to marry a NUN? Hold on a sec, that cud be rightiously Wrong! Nah, the bishop, he’d never let me do that cause wants to keep it all for hisself. I tried throwing Ashy Ashley on the bed and ripping off her clothes ... she just laid their like a passed out high school girl. I’m PAST that. Thank God for the massage parlor is all I can say. When I leave there, their happy its ended. Haha.

If it weren’t for my two little angels, I’d desspare. They told me they don’ t believe any of the "shit" kids say at school, cause if a woman was rightous, I’d never shove my ball sack in her face. That’s loyalty, my friends. You can’t buy loyalty, and trust me I know that for a fact.
The men are sliding over to trump more and more and the result is now certain

There is NO rule of law occurring because of unequal justice

So now the men will set up a new govt and have only the wise voting
You can't say the government is broken. That is just crazy talk. Mika says everything is juussst greeaaat. Government is daddy and must crack down on its unruly slaves, errr, citizens.
How can the military stand with the scrotus
If they think it’s crooked ?

Stand with what? Why or how do you know it's crooked?

Urban Dictionary: SCROTUS

The term used in reference to a POTUS (President of the United States) who has all the intellect and appeal of a wrinkled ball sack.
SCROTUS trump is citing conspiracy theories and calling reputable media "fake news" in another one of his pathetic Twitter tantrums.
#trump#potus#twitler#45#snowflake#triggered#putin puppet#liar#unift#unhinged#idiot#mental

The majority of men agrees

The landslide majority of white men agrees

The landslide majority of military agrees

With trump that the democrats is the enemy of America

They all agree that there is unequal justice

So they all agree America’s govt is broken

Wow, you get not just one award, but you get 5 bronze leafs which is one Silver leaf to go with it.

Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!

So far, your "logic test" seems to be whether or not they vote for democrats. That will not cost anyone the right to vote.
How can the military stand with the scrotus
If they think it’s crooked ?

Stand with what? Why or how do you know it's crooked?

Urban Dictionary: SCROTUS

The term used in reference to a POTUS (President of the United States) who has all the intellect and appeal of a wrinkled ball sack.
SCROTUS trump is citing conspiracy theories and calling reputable media "fake news" in another one of his pathetic Twitter tantrums.
#trump#potus#twitler#45#snowflake#triggered#putin puppet#liar#unift#unhinged#idiot#mental

The majority of men agrees

The landslide majority of white men agrees

The landslide majority of military agrees

With trump that the democrats is the enemy of America

They all agree that there is unequal justice

So they all agree America’s govt is broken

Wow, you get not just one award, but you get 5 bronze leafs which is one Silver leaf to go with it.

View attachment 279882View attachment 279883

I agrees. He is the best logic of men.
Here is the main problem with this misogynistic dream, it cannot be done within the US Constitution. There is no way they get the votes to ammend it. And any attempt to take away the women's vote will be ruled unconstitutional before it even gets started.

Any attempt to run the elections with only men and the military will result in charges of treason for all involved.

And treason is still a capital offense.
Can't put a Jeannie back in the bottle unless she wants to go.

Look at history on how women loses rights

The only times women have lost rights is by a violent takeover of basic rights.

Despite your claim that Trump has the "men & military", that won't happen. The minute that Trump tries to take away the women's right to vote, every American who believes in the US Constitution abandons him.
How can the military stand with the scrotus
If they think it’s crooked ?

Stand with what? Why or how do you know it's crooked?

Urban Dictionary: SCROTUS

The term used in reference to a POTUS (President of the United States) who has all the intellect and appeal of a wrinkled ball sack.
SCROTUS trump is citing conspiracy theories and calling reputable media "fake news" in another one of his pathetic Twitter tantrums.
#trump#potus#twitler#45#snowflake#triggered#putin puppet#liar#unift#unhinged#idiot#mental

The majority of men agrees

The landslide majority of white men agrees

The landslide majority of military agrees

With trump that the democrats is the enemy of America

They all agree that there is unequal justice

So they all agree America’s govt is broken

And how many of them are willing to throw out the US Constitution? That is the point you are completely missing.
Here is the main problem with this misogynistic dream, it cannot be done within the US Constitution. There is no way they get the votes to ammend it. And any attempt to take away the women's vote will be ruled unconstitutional before it even gets started.

Any attempt to run the elections with only men and the military will result in charges of treason for all involved.

And treason is still a capital offense.

It’s the democrats already commiting treason in the minds of the real power

The men

The white men

The military

The law enforcement

All agrees that the democrats are guilty of high treason

It is their judgement that all democrats should be shaking in their shoes

It’s all ready here with the giant gender difference in voting

This cannot be stopped

The men now will correct their women as they lock up their traitors

So you think committing treason is the answer to your claims of treason by the democrats? Pure nonsense.

The majority of the men will not allow the destruction of the US Constitution. They simply will not allow it.
Women have lost rights in modern China

Now the same will come to the west like all thru history

This experiment is now over

No, it is not. The men in this country will not allow anyone to take away anyone's right to vote.

That you think they will shows your own ignorance more than anything.
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!

So far, your "logic test" seems to be whether or not they vote for democrats. That will not cost anyone the right to vote.
Look at who is on whose side

The men will win like always
Women have lost rights in modern China

Now the same will come to the west like all thru history

This experiment is now over

No, it is not. The men in this country will not allow anyone to take away anyone's right to vote.

That you think they will shows your own ignorance more than anything.

Wrong look at how the men have agreed that the democrats are the enemy of America

They have already made the same judgement as trump

Democrats enemy of America
How can the military stand with the scrotus
If they think it’s crooked ?

Stand with what? Why or how do you know it's crooked?

Urban Dictionary: SCROTUS

The term used in reference to a POTUS (President of the United States) who has all the intellect and appeal of a wrinkled ball sack.
SCROTUS trump is citing conspiracy theories and calling reputable media "fake news" in another one of his pathetic Twitter tantrums.
#trump#potus#twitler#45#snowflake#triggered#putin puppet#liar#unift#unhinged#idiot#mental

The majority of men agrees

The landslide majority of white men agrees

The landslide majority of military agrees

With trump that the democrats is the enemy of America

They all agree that there is unequal justice

So they all agree America’s govt is broken

And how many of them are willing to throw out the US Constitution? That is the point you are completely missing.


They have already judged the system crooked

They have already judged the system is led by crooks

The men of America has judged this as crooked
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!

So far, your "logic test" seems to be whether or not they vote for democrats. That will not cost anyone the right to vote.
Look at who is on whose side

The men will win like always

You overestimate the number of men who are willing to commit such a blatant violation of the US Constitution. And you underestimate the number of people willing to defend that same document.
Women have lost rights in modern China

Now the same will come to the west like all thru history

This experiment is now over

No, it is not. The men in this country will not allow anyone to take away anyone's right to vote.

That you think they will shows your own ignorance more than anything.

Wrong look at how the men have agreed that the democrats are the enemy of America

They have already made the same judgement as trump

Democrats enemy of America

Regardless of what you think men have said, the majority of them will not side with the destruction of the US Constitution.
How can the military stand with the scrotus
If they think it’s crooked ?

Stand with what? Why or how do you know it's crooked?

Urban Dictionary: SCROTUS

The term used in reference to a POTUS (President of the United States) who has all the intellect and appeal of a wrinkled ball sack.
SCROTUS trump is citing conspiracy theories and calling reputable media "fake news" in another one of his pathetic Twitter tantrums.
#trump#potus#twitler#45#snowflake#triggered#putin puppet#liar#unift#unhinged#idiot#mental

The majority of men agrees

The landslide majority of white men agrees

The landslide majority of military agrees

With trump that the democrats is the enemy of America

They all agree that there is unequal justice

So they all agree America’s govt is broken

And how many of them are willing to throw out the US Constitution? That is the point you are completely missing.


They have already judged the system crooked

They have already judged the system is led by crooks

The men of America has judged this as crooked

Judging it as crooked and being willing to throw out the US Constitution are very different things.

If you think the men of America are so willing to trample on the rights of their fellow citizens, you clearly are neither an American nor have you been here.

Your claims are simply lies.
How can the military stand with the scrotus
If they think it’s crooked ?

Stand with what? Why or how do you know it's crooked?

Urban Dictionary: SCROTUS

The term used in reference to a POTUS (President of the United States) who has all the intellect and appeal of a wrinkled ball sack.
SCROTUS trump is citing conspiracy theories and calling reputable media "fake news" in another one of his pathetic Twitter tantrums.
#trump#potus#twitler#45#snowflake#triggered#putin puppet#liar#unift#unhinged#idiot#mental

The majority of men agrees

The landslide majority of white men agrees

The landslide majority of military agrees

With trump that the democrats is the enemy of America

They all agree that there is unequal justice

So they all agree America’s govt is broken

And how many of them are willing to throw out the US Constitution? That is the point you are completely missing.


They have already judged the system crooked

They have already judged the system is led by crooks

The men of America has judged this as crooked

Judging it as crooked and being willing to throw out the US Constitution are very different things.

If you think the men of America are so willing to trample on the rights of their fellow citizens, you clearly are neither an American nor have you been here.

Your claims are simply lies.

Wrong Dead Wrong

Men do have the genes that makes them act

Very foolish to not understand science and history

It’s women known for changing like the weather. Not the men

You democrats are being foolish for not running and hiding

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