If Jury will not bring mccade guilty.. Then Trump must declare a broken govt !!

The rule of law is Broken with a two tired injustice system

The ignoring the crooks is not breaking the real law

The real law will correct this by locking up the democrats and stopping the women’s vote which will come from a logic test for voting

Some women will vote if they pass a high logic ability test

There is not a single person that votes democrat that is not either a crook or too low of logic to understand any thing
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!
How can the military stand with the scrotus
If they think it’s crooked ?

Stand with what? Why or how do you know it's crooked?

Urban Dictionary: SCROTUS

The term used in reference to a POTUS (President of the United States) who has all the intellect and appeal of a wrinkled ball sack.
SCROTUS trump is citing conspiracy theories and calling reputable media "fake news" in another one of his pathetic Twitter tantrums.
#trump#potus#twitler#45#snowflake#triggered#putin puppet#liar#unift#unhinged#idiot#mental
Here is the main problem with this misogynistic dream, it cannot be done within the US Constitution. There is no way they get the votes to ammend it. And any attempt to take away the women's vote will be ruled unconstitutional before it even gets started.

Any attempt to run the elections with only men and the military will result in charges of treason for all involved.

And treason is still a capital offense.
Can't put a Jeannie back in the bottle unless she wants to go.

Look at history on how women loses rights
How can the military stand with the scrotus
If they think it’s crooked ?

Stand with what? Why or how do you know it's crooked?

Urban Dictionary: SCROTUS

The term used in reference to a POTUS (President of the United States) who has all the intellect and appeal of a wrinkled ball sack.
SCROTUS trump is citing conspiracy theories and calling reputable media "fake news" in another one of his pathetic Twitter tantrums.
#trump#potus#twitler#45#snowflake#triggered#putin puppet#liar#unift#unhinged#idiot#mental

The majority of men agrees

The landslide majority of white men agrees

The landslide majority of military agrees

With trump that the democrats is the enemy of America

They all agree that there is unequal justice

So they all agree America’s govt is broken
The Hispanic and black males now will rise to go with the white males

This shows in the polling
Hypocrisy anger is something that is pre wired into all humans so that it will be corrected

Some people say one thing and do the other

They scream about rule of law to help themselves and at the same time promote. Big time breaking of rule of law with unequal justice

A system of unequal justice that they support when voting democrat.

Democrats are the biggest hypocrites known to man and their hypocrisy will always anger and fighting

Very foolish to ignore the men seeing the democrats as the crooks

This has a natural process that works its way and already over half way there even if many are too blind to see

Women will lose their right to vote because of them electing crooks as the majority of men agrees

You're still playing 3d tic-tac-toe, with yourself.

Here is the main problem with this misogynistic dream, it cannot be done within the US Constitution. There is no way they get the votes to ammend it. And any attempt to take away the women's vote will be ruled unconstitutional before it even gets started.

Any attempt to run the elections with only men and the military will result in charges of treason for all involved.

And treason is still a capital offense.

It’s the democrats already commiting treason in the minds of the real power

The men

The white men

The military

The law enforcement

All agrees that the democrats are guilty of high treason

It is their judgement that all democrats should be shaking in their shoes

It’s all ready here with the giant gender difference in voting

This cannot be stopped

The men now will correct their women as they lock up their traitors
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!
Good God man, you wouldn't exist if some woman wasn't illogical. One could argue that none of us would.
Big data just out

Is how Latina males are separating from their Latina females on who are the crooks

And this separation is stronger as experience teaches us more correctly

So it’s all clear the wise are setting up to stop the unwise from electing crooks
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!
Good God man, you wouldn't exist if some woman wasn't illogical. One could argue that none of us would.

Can you not look at 100 k years of history to see how women always loses their rights

Even with MAO of China He said a female Conrad can do anything a male comrade can do

Women had more rights in China under mao

But modern China they have lost their rights

Native American chiefs were never women and gave no rights to the women

Because of women’s lower logic ability and emotions on top of that brings only crooks
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!
Good God man, you wouldn't exist if some woman wasn't illogical. One could argue that none of us would.

The wise does not let the unwise vote and make decisions
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!
Good God man, you wouldn't exist if some woman wasn't illogical. One could argue that none of us would.

Can you not look at 100 k years of history to see how women always loses their rights

Even with MAO of China He said a female Conrad can do anything a male comrade can do

Women had more rights in China under mao

But modern China they have lost their rights

Native American chiefs were never women and gave no rights to the women

Because of women’s lower logic ability and emotions on top of that brings only crooks

from the title to this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ post, anyone can look at your ignorance.

Trump proving to the black males and Hispanic males that the democrats use them

It is trump and not democrats that brings the best jobs for blacks and Hispanics

Which proves the democrats as the crooks
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!
Good God man, you wouldn't exist if some woman wasn't illogical. One could argue that none of us would.

Can you not look at 100 k years of history to see how women always loses their rights

Even with MAO of China He said a female Conrad can do anything a male comrade can do

Women had more rights in China under mao

But modern China they have lost their rights

Native American chiefs were never women and gave no rights to the women

Because of women’s lower logic ability and emotions on top of that brings only crooks

from the title to this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ post, anyone can look at your ignorance.


Your fooling days are over

Just look at the changes occurring right now

Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!
Good God man, you wouldn't exist if some woman wasn't illogical. One could argue that none of us would.

Can you not look at 100 k years of history to see how women always loses their rights

Even with MAO of China He said a female Conrad can do anything a male comrade can do

Women had more rights in China under mao

But modern China they have lost their rights

Native American chiefs were never women and gave no rights to the women

Because of women’s lower logic ability and emotions on top of that brings only crooks

from the title to this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ post, anyone can look at your ignorance.


Your fooling days are over

Just look at the changes occurring right now

not in your ability to type simple sentences -

Women have lost rights in modern China

Now the same will come to the west like all thru history

This experiment is now over
Women will lose their right to vote

If any passes a logic test for voting they then can vote !!
Good God man, you wouldn't exist if some woman wasn't illogical. One could argue that none of us would.

Can you not look at 100 k years of history to see how women always loses their rights

Even with MAO of China He said a female Conrad can do anything a male comrade can do

Women had more rights in China under mao

But modern China they have lost their rights

Native American chiefs were never women and gave no rights to the women

Because of women’s lower logic ability and emotions on top of that brings only crooks

from the title to this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ post, anyone can look at your ignorance.


Your fooling days are over

Just look at the changes occurring right now

not in your ability to type simple sentences -


Only foolish losers are the ones too low of logic to predict correctly

This now will snowball since all the males are waking up to see the crooks getting elected by foolish women’s vote
Good God man, you wouldn't exist if some woman wasn't illogical. One could argue that none of us would.

Can you not look at 100 k years of history to see how women always loses their rights

Even with MAO of China He said a female Conrad can do anything a male comrade can do

Women had more rights in China under mao

But modern China they have lost their rights

Native American chiefs were never women and gave no rights to the women

Because of women’s lower logic ability and emotions on top of that brings only crooks

from the title to this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ post, anyone can look at your ignorance.


Your fooling days are over

Just look at the changes occurring right now

not in your ability to type simple sentences -


Only foolish losers are the ones too low of logic to predict correctly

This now will snowball since all the males are waking up to see the crooks getting elected by foolish women’s vote

English difficult for Russian.

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