If Mueller would have 'had the goods' on Trump he would have indicted him.

And not one of those items shows intent to obstruct.. Just wow...
you didnt see the one about trump's manafort tweeting?

Ric Simmons, law professor, Ohio State University
After reading the full report, it is much harder to understand why Mueller determined that there was insufficient evidence to believe that the president was guilty of obstruction of justice. The primary reason seems to be lack of evidence that the president had a “corrupt intent.” But in reviewing the 10 episodes in which the president may have obstructed justice, the report concludes numerous times that there is “substantial evidence” that the president acted with the intent to impede ongoing criminal investigations, or that a “reasonable inference” is that the president acted with such an intent.

Furthermore, the report noted that the president refused to cooperate with the investigation with regard to answering questions on potential obstruction of justice charges, and that the Mueller team declined to issue a subpoena in order to pursue the issue. But if the question of the president’s intent was unresolved, and thus the question of whether the president was guilty of obstruction remained unresolved, a subpoena of the president would be a critical next step in the investigation.

While there may have been good reasons not to pursue a subpoena against the president, this omission in the investigation leaves open a very significant question regarding whether the president is guilty of obstruction charges.
BEfore you can issue a subpoena, you have to establish that a crime was committed. Mueller never demonstrated any such thing. There is no evidence that the President intended to obstruct the investigation, and he in fact never took any action in that regard. How can you establish intent to obstruct if he never obstructed? You Trump hating turds apparently believe having impure thoughts about some woman in the office makes you guilty of rape.
Subpoena is just a request from a legal authority for evidence: testimony or documents.

According to his report, Mueller’s team believed it had the authority and legal justification to issue a grand jury subpoena to obtain the president’s testimony. But Mueller “chose not to do so” because of the prospect of a protracted legal challenge from Trump’s lawyers.

Separately, the House Oversight and Reform Committee: “The committee has full authority to investigate whether the president may have engaged in illegal conduct before and during his tenure in office,” Cummings said in a memo Friday to committee members along with a copy of the subpoena to Mazars USA LLP.
In other words, Mueller knew his subpoena wouldn't hold up in court.

The committee does not have "full authority to investigate whether the President may have engaged in illegal conduct before and during his tenure in office." That's another way of saying it has the authority to go on fishing expeditions when it has no evidence that a crime has been committed. That's the way police states like Cuba operate, not the United States.

Democrats have revealed their Stalinist cloven hoof.
The Mueller investigation has nothing to do with democrats. Republicans assigned Mueller to this task. It was all done with Republicans in full control.

Check it out: United States House Committee on Oversight and Reform

The committee's broad jurisdiction and legislative authority make it one of the most influential and powerful panels in the House. Its chairman is one of only three in the House with the authority to issue subpoenas without a committee vote or consultation with the ranking member.[1]

In 1997, the Republican majority on the committee changed its rules to allow the chairman, Dan Burton (R-Indiana), to issue subpoenas without the consent of the committee's ranking Democrat.[9] From 1997 to 2002, Burton used this authority to issue 1,052 unilateral subpoenas, many of them related to alleged misconduct by President Bill Clinton, at a cost of more than $35 million.[10]
Sorry, turd, the House does no have any authority to indict someone. Its subpoenas can be flouted with impunity. Only the justice department can indict someone for a crime, and it simply isn't allowed to do what you want. The FBI cannot go on fishing trips with no evidence of a crime being committed, and Mueller's report admits no crime was committed.
If deleting 15,000 subpoenaed official documents that were never submitted for archival, as required by both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - constituting more than 30,000 criminal counts, was not 'Obstruction' then THINKING about firing Mueller but NOT doing it certainly was NOT 'Obstruction'!
Whaaa, "but, but what about Hillary"? Whaaa, call a whambulance.
Any one who defends Hillary Clinton and her crime, one of many, deleting 15000 official subpoenaed documents, has no credibility in talking about what Trump did did or did not do.
The Mueller investigation has nothing to do with democrats.
You are a lying sack of shit!

Mueller was workingg with Obama's FBI, DOJ, and Steele before the official investigation ever began. Mueller's team consisted of all Democrats, all Trump hating Democrat Party and Hillary donors. The lawyer who work for the Clinton Foundation is even one of the members of Mueller's team. Mueller is comey's Mentor and friends with Rosenstein.

The investigation began because Hillary Clinton colluded with foreign spies and Russians, purchased a propaganda field document and gave it to the FBI, who's in with the CIA, DOJ, and NSA, engaged in FISA Court Abuses, perjury, and deceiving both the Court and Congress in order to get an illegal investigation started to investigate a crime that never happened and had no evidence. In doing this, they also got Mueller appointed as special counsel.

All of this has everything to do with the Democrats, their inability to accept the 2016 election, and the attempted overthrow of the elected president of the United States.

STFU already with your lies. The evidence is out, the crimes have been proven, and the Democrats attempted yet failed coup was exposed.
so, youre saying the issue is NOT that we were colluding with Russia, the issue is that YOU found out.

reality is: A senior Australian diplomat has said the government is "now ready to confirm" a series of events in 2016 between the country's high commissioner to the UK and a Trump campaign adviser, which led to US authorities investigating Donald Trump's links with Russia.

Certainly the Steele dossier was a factor, but its ok because it was just raw intelligence used only for purpose of further investigation.
Papadopoulos was the camel that broke the camel's back.
If deleting 15,000 subpoenaed official documents that were never submitted for archival, as required by both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - constituting more than 30,000 criminal counts, was not 'Obstruction' then THINKING about firing Mueller but NOT doing it certainly was NOT 'Obstruction'!
Whaaa, "but, but what about Hillary"? Whaaa, call a whambulance.
Any one who defends Hillary Clinton and her crime, one of many, deleting 15000 official subpoenaed documents, has no credibility in talking about what Trump did did or did not do.
So says our USMB village idiot.
You cannot indict someone on Collusion when Mueller states there was No Collusion. Take your boyfriend’s dick out of your mouth long enough to have a rational thought.

What are you going to impeach him on Moron?

The standard is “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” and Mueller even with a biased Trump hating staff was forced to exonerate him because there was no evidence of crime.

The DOJ rules DID NOT allow or authorize S/C Mueller to indict T-rump: Mueller played by the rules ... Barr did not - plain and simple. That is now in the House DEMS hands ... they can draw up the Articles of Impeachment ... we shall see.
Buzzfeed? Butthirt desperate much?

On a scale of 1-10 how suicidal do you feel after 4 Investigations costing near $100 Million all concluded No Collusion?

I’m hoping you are somewhere near 8 or 9. 10 would be perfect.
The Mueller investigation has nothing to do with democrats.
You are a lying sack of shit!

Mueller was workingg with Obama's FBI, DOJ, and Steele before the official investigation ever began. Mueller's team consisted of all Democrats, all Trump hating Democrat Party and Hillary donors. The lawyer who work for the Clinton Foundation is even one of the members of Mueller's team. Mueller is comey's Mentor and friends with Rosenstein.

The investigation began because Hillary Clinton colluded with foreign spies and Russians, purchased a propaganda field document and gave it to the FBI, who's in with the CIA, DOJ, and NSA, engaged in FISA Court Abuses, perjury, and deceiving both the Court and Congress in order to get an illegal investigation started to investigate a crime that never happened and had no evidence. In doing this, they also got Mueller appointed as special counsel.

All of this has everything to do with the Democrats, their inability to accept the 2016 election, and the attempted overthrow of the elected president of the United States.

STFU already with your lies. The evidence is out, the crimes have been proven, and the Democrats attempted yet failed coup was exposed.
so, youre saying the issue is NOT that we were colluding with Russia, the issue is that YOU found out.

reality is: A senior Australian diplomat has said the government is "now ready to confirm" a series of events in 2016 between the country's high commissioner to the UK and a Trump campaign adviser, which led to US authorities investigating Donald Trump's links with Russia.

Certainly the Steele dossier was a factor, but its ok because it was just raw intelligence used only for purpose of further investigation.
Papadopoulos was the camel that broke the camel's back.
He did NOT.




'Nuff time wasted.

'Nuff said.

/——/ Yeah but Russia...
He did NOT.




'Nuff time wasted.

'Nuff said.

There's no legal term for collusion. It's called conspiracy. Trumps goon squad like Barr today keep using that term so they can blow more smoke up your ass. So grab your ankles, assclown.
So what crime did the Trump campaign "conspire" on?

The crime of defeating Hillary. The ultimate crime of defending the United States Constitution from destruction by the democrats.
Mueller is working under the AG policy of not being able to indict a sitting prez .

True, on the other hand he openly stated that he could find no evidence that any crime had been committed.

That is exoneration, regardless of what he says in CNN auditions.
We don't want him impeached. This is just too much fun. We need to keep him around to torture for the next 20 months or so and watch all of you strumpets heads explode over and over. We'll take pictures for facebook.
We don't want him impeached.

Oh, so you’ve been lying and spewing bullshit for two years.

Got it.

And you know this how? You have no idea the damage that would do to the nation. Of course, like Trump, you don't give a rats ass about the Nation. You only think out Trump and the Strumpets. Screw America then.

Now you're worried about damaging the nation? After two years of non-stop hysteria and demonization of all 60 million Americans who voted for Trump? Sorry but it's already broken beyond all repair.

You started breaking it at least 10 years ago. And you finished the job in the last 2 years. You broke it, you were supposed to fix it. You just broke it even worse. Now, get out of the way and let someone else try and fix it and let them without your stupid meddling.
Your messiah Obama broke it, moron. Of course, democracy always fails. Demagogues like Obama always kill it.

You keep telling yourself that while burying your own head in the sand.
If deleting 15,000 subpoenaed official documents that were never submitted for archival, as required by both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - constituting more than 30,000 criminal counts, was not 'Obstruction' then THINKING about firing Mueller but NOT doing it certainly was NOT 'Obstruction'!
Whaaa, "but, but what about Hillary"? Whaaa, call a whambulance.
Any one who defends Hillary Clinton and her crime, one of many, deleting 15000 official subpoenaed documents, has no credibility in talking about what Trump did did or did not do.
So says our USMB village idiot.
So says EVIDENCE. So says the one NOT denying reality and who has no credibility.
yes--I don't know why that's so hard for the lefties to understand??
--o yeah--they just HATE Trump so bad, they are obsessed with getting rid of him even if they have to lie/cheat/steal
Mueller didn't indict Trump because the OLC guidelines say he cannot indict a sitting president. It's up to congress to prosecute.

Damn! Those sticky guidelines and the rule of law. Those are something Trump and Trumpians and where ever you get your information from should really look into, especially the rule of law stuff!

It's like telling four year olds stuff. It never sinks in on the first soz n passes.
no indictment
Mueller didn't indict Trump because the OLC guidelines say he cannot indict a sitting president.
Post the exact quote from the Mueller report where HE say this, and provide the link.

You are a desperate, pathetic LIAR.

THINKING about firing Mueller but not going through with it is NOT a crime dumbass...

...Unless you can also show me the link to the 'THOUGHT CRIMES' Bill the Socialist Democrats passed...
A sitting president cannot be indicted
Mueller began by noting that the Office of Legal Counsel in the White House wrote in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents can’t be indicted because it would undermine their ability to oversee the nation’s criminal justice system. But he adds that doesn’t mean that a special counsel couldn’t investigate a presidential actions, since charges could be brought after they’ve left office.

“Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available,” he wrote.
Mueller didn't indict Trump because the OLC guidelines say he cannot indict a sitting president.
Post the exact quote from the Mueller report where HE say this, and provide the link.

You are a desperate, pathetic LIAR.

THINKING about firing Mueller but not going through with it is NOT a crime dumbass...

...Unless you can also show me the link to the 'THOUGHT CRIMES' Bill the Socialist Democrats passed...
A sitting president cannot be indicted
Mueller began by noting that the Office of Legal Counsel in the White House wrote in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents can’t be indicted because it would undermine their ability to oversee the nation’s criminal justice system. But he adds that doesn’t mean that a special counsel couldn’t investigate a presidential actions, since charges could be brought after they’ve left office.

“Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available,” he wrote.

Again...THINKING about doing something and not doing it is NOT a crime...unless you can post the link to the ''THOUGHT CRIME' Bill Democrats passed.
Mueller didn't indict Trump because the OLC guidelines say he cannot indict a sitting president.
Post the exact quote from the Mueller report where HE say this, and provide the link.

You are a desperate, pathetic LIAR.

THINKING about firing Mueller but not going through with it is NOT a crime dumbass...

...Unless you can also show me the link to the 'THOUGHT CRIMES' Bill the Socialist Democrats passed...
A sitting president cannot be indicted
Mueller began by noting that the Office of Legal Counsel in the White House wrote in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents can’t be indicted because it would undermine their ability to oversee the nation’s criminal justice system. But he adds that doesn’t mean that a special counsel couldn’t investigate a presidential actions, since charges could be brought after they’ve left office.

“Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available,” he wrote.

Again...THINKING about doing something and not doing it is NOT a crime...unless you can post the link to the ''THOUGHT CRIME' Bill Democrats passed.
It's in the report. Have you read the report, or is this just more stuff Fox ain't telling you?
Mueller didn't indict Trump because the OLC guidelines say he cannot indict a sitting president.
Post the exact quote from the Mueller report where HE say this, and provide the link.

You are a desperate, pathetic LIAR.

THINKING about firing Mueller but not going through with it is NOT a crime dumbass...

...Unless you can also show me the link to the 'THOUGHT CRIMES' Bill the Socialist Democrats passed...
A sitting president cannot be indicted
Mueller began by noting that the Office of Legal Counsel in the White House wrote in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents can’t be indicted because it would undermine their ability to oversee the nation’s criminal justice system. But he adds that doesn’t mean that a special counsel couldn’t investigate a presidential actions, since charges could be brought after they’ve left office.

“Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available,” he wrote.

Again...THINKING about doing something and not doing it is NOT a crime...unless you can post the link to the ''THOUGHT CRIME' Bill Democrats passed.
Heat map of obstruction


Alot more than thinking.
Last edited:
Mueller didn't indict Trump because the OLC guidelines say he cannot indict a sitting president.
Post the exact quote from the Mueller report where HE say this, and provide the link.

You are a desperate, pathetic LIAR.

THINKING about firing Mueller but not going through with it is NOT a crime dumbass...

...Unless you can also show me the link to the 'THOUGHT CRIMES' Bill the Socialist Democrats passed...
A sitting president cannot be indicted
Mueller began by noting that the Office of Legal Counsel in the White House wrote in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents can’t be indicted because it would undermine their ability to oversee the nation’s criminal justice system. But he adds that doesn’t mean that a special counsel couldn’t investigate a presidential actions, since charges could be brought after they’ve left office.

“Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available,” he wrote.

Again...THINKING about doing something and not doing it is NOT a crime...unless you can post the link to the ''THOUGHT CRIME' Bill Democrats passed.

Actually, ordering it to be done falls under the conspiracy laws. Trump ordered the obstruction but his underlings refused to do it. His ordering it is enough. But is it enough for the Senate to convict? If they are not willing to convict, the House is not going to impeach.
You know, I'm guessing that a lot of the redacted stuff had to do with Trump, and the reason it's considered "ongoing" is probably because Mueller has set up some sealed indictments, to be opened when Trump leaves office.
He did NOT.




'Nuff time wasted.

'Nuff said.


Read the report troll. The only reason Mueller didn’t charge Trump is because the DOJ can’t indict a sitting President. The decision to charge Trump lies with Congress, not the DOJ.

Barr doesn’t have the authority to clear Trump.

It’s easy to understand. Like Hillary didn’t win, Don is not guilty.

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