If no Wall...what are the Democratic Party plans for immigration reform?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The "wall" is nothing but NaziCon bullshit.

The "wall" is nothing but NaziCon bullshit.

Wow, use the line Obama gave US, We will take the 1 trillion dollars for infrastructure and put it towards shovel ready jobs....that weren't really shovel ready? You dickwads sure were fooled like many other lies Obama told ya....

The largest single item was a $116 billion tax credit for the middle class. Yet rather than handing out checks, as other presidents had done, Obama dribbled it out in paychecks at about $10 a week. The economic team believed that people were more likely to spend it if it felt like an increase in income rather than a bonus.
Oh look Obama had a tax cut that added to the debt, who would ever think that.....
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
None. The great replacement must go on. BL, go get a Big Gulp and some Big Macs.
The "wall" is nothing but NaziCon bullshit.

Wow, use the line Obama gave US, We will take the 1 trillion dollars for infrastructure and put it towards shovel ready jobs....that weren't really shovel ready? You dickwads sure were fooled like many other lies Obama told ya....

The largest single item was a $116 billion tax credit for the middle class. Yet rather than handing out checks, as other presidents had done, Obama dribbled it out in paychecks at about $10 a week. The economic team believed that people were more likely to spend it if it felt like an increase in income rather than a bonus.
Oh look Obama had a tax cut that added to the debt, who would ever think that.....

Quite a low point in American history. Carter gas lines are not documented on Youtube AFAIK, but yeah, Obama was slightly worse.
The "wall" is nothing but NaziCon bullshit.


Okay, noted...so what actions do Democrats approve of to prevent illegal immigration?

Pass a responsible bi-partisan immigration bill - and enforce it humanely.
Like under Obama?

Liberals Conveniently Forget When Obama Used Tear Gas on Migrants in 2013 - Planet Free Will
In 2013, Border Patrol agents reportedly used pepper spray to fend off a group of approximately 100 migrants who attempted to rush the same San Ysidro port of entry. A San Diego Union-Tribune article at the time said agents fired “pepper balls” and used other “intermediate use-of-force devices” to repel the crowd. The migrants in that confrontation also threw rocks.

The Obama administration’s use of force, of course, did not receive a fraction of the news coverage as the Trump administration’s actions. Forty-two people, most of whom were adult men, were arrested Sunday after the group of migrants tried to rush the border. Nonetheless, elite Democrats are lashing out at the Trump administration for protecting the border.
Seems to me President Trump is just trying to do what the 1/2 white faggot president did before him.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?

”Comprehensive immigration reform” to the Democrats means allowing those here illegally to stay, allowing more immigrants into this country, and giving them the same benefits and rights and privileges real American citizens are eligible for, including citizenship, welfare, food stamps, driver's licenses, loans, schooling, and the right to vote.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?

Put money into more immigration courts so it doesn’t take years to process cases .

Change the draconian one size fits all banishment immigration laws .

Legitimize dreamers .

And yes . Some money for border protection .
Their plan is, "all in". One Democratic President and this country will cease to exist. All borders open, to whom ever. No ICE to exclude the bad element, and we will essentially be done.
Hoards will over run us. Foreigners in public office, sharia for the Muslims, no unified flag, no privacy, no defense, only retreat, no free speech. Taxation without representation. And all it is going to take to bring it to fruition is one Democratic election. We are that close to a UN takeover.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?

”Comprehensive immigration reform” to the Democrats means allowing those here illegally to stay, allowing more immigrants into this country, and giving them the same benefits and rights and privileges real American citizens are eligible for, including citizenship, welfare, food stamps, driver's licenses, loans, schooling, and the right to vote.
And dont forget those Muslims too, they are wanted here by the liberals because the Muslims kill innocent Christians...
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
When Obama hand of the country over to Trump, Obama was known as the DePorter in chief. Immigration was the lowest it has been in decades. Something was working.
their policy?
invite more in
give them free health insurance
free stuff
You are so right. I am sick and tired of the free stuff that blue states are forced to give to red states. Fuk ‘em let the fukers die. I don’t give a sh!t about yokels in red states. Who does? Certainly not trump or their leader ship.

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