if not evolution

Communism and agnosticism are not one in a kind; however, the collectivism involved in Communism is quite similar to Theocracy.
I'd postulate that ding's lying, irrationality and laco of integrity is a chemical imbalance caused by the ciggs he sucks smoke from and into his "rare and precious" life form.

Your dingerred trolling parading as intellectual thought is failing, sloth

I see you lying, to flail a point at the wall that isnt there ~ cuz you're kinda lame and weak. S'not my fault, that youve got a Marx locus of control, dingerred

dings got two oral fixations he'd like to share... cancer sticks, for the virtuous way he treats his "precious gift" of life like a hypocrite... and karl marx's cock

Good 4 atheism, Marxist Dingerred

A religion calling any folks "collectivist" is hilarity!

#dingerred triggered leads to useless spam

"I smoke ciggs cuz I consider life as precious" - dingerred, on the internet

"everything is relative" - ding, 2017 "ha ha ha moral relativist" - ding, 2017

"i herp a derp about atheism while conversing with agnostics and tie it all in with marx on the internet when Im butthurt and dont know what im on about" - #dingerred perpetually triggered

"i read a lot of marx in my spare time, between ciggs and being collectivist with the church." -dingenstein the dingerred, 2008

"i copy paste on the internet when i cant form complete thoughts on my own...they said it so much better! puffffff." - #dingerred

"i fill my time reading propoganda, and then sprinting to the internet to prove my poor understanding. fakk, i need a cigg." - dingerred the cuck, 2001 post 9/11

Atheism and Communism, cuz we conflate our Epistemology with our preferred method of Government. Or, its a nice bow tie for our Dingist Marxist Propoganda cultivator 6, 000

Im thinking a communist had his way with #dingerred in the woods, hence the melty copy pasta

Poor dingerred

Its almost as funny as doing the same, only, posting spam from other's life work and pretending anyones gunna read it or that it pertains to the topic
Ding gets cross examined and melts down into temper tantrums in a crazed deflection caused by cigarette chemicals and a poor education.
There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach.
Life being rare is a comment on the size of the universe, and not on the numerous lifeforms that are likely floating about amongst the inumerable planets in a goldilocks zone.
The second law of thermodynamics is commonly misunderstood by short sighted folks who dont understand the implications of an open versus a closed system.
Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements.
Socialism, Communism and Theocracy are all of the same breed, of folks who admire collectivist values such as the Church as the head of society
Collectivism is a virtue amongst the Congregation and the Gestapo. The church itself practices an inbred form of socialism but excuses its collectivism by invoking an unproven god, whose rules they follow blindly, and with their altruistic hearts.
Socialists desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies.
Show me a sycophant that worships subjective Virtues and I'll show you a hypocrite whose god describes himself as "jealous."
Socialism is a Religion.
Religion is a Religion.

All of the collectivist, gullible breed.

The Earth would be better off without them. Salami and bacon, Amen.
The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another.

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