If Pence Decides To Retire After Completing his Second Term, Should Donald Trump Jr. Run For Pres?

The folks who are "cultists" are the ones unwilling to look at data and consider results. There are many here that will oppose Trump Sr. NO MATTER WHAT just like they supported Obama in spite of his pathetic economy and just like they supported Hillary, regardless of her innumerable crimes and corruption.

So let us look at the data.

Obama inherited a depression and when he left we were at full employment and in a record growth phase.

Hillary was never found guilty of a crime.

The Trump administration has PROVEN to be the most corrupt in history.
You dumb fkers have lost whatever minds you had

Trump Sr. has good economic results to show for his efforts. A good economy is GOOD for Americans. Why are you opposed to that?

The economy he was handed was good. His efforts have really done nothing. Life is about more than the economy and Trump is jeopardizing our national security.
IMO he's taking America through the mud He reminds me of the pig in the mud Filthy but he loves it
The Obama economy was stagnant. That's why voters in the swing states picked Trump over Hillary. You can pretend the economy was terrific, but you're only deluding yourself.
Is Donald Trump about to issue an executive order allowing felons to run for POTUS?

He IS suing a bank to prevent them from showing his bank records answering a subpoena One thing he always was great at,,,,,,,, suing
I think trump needs to groom his sons to continue the great success of this administration. Trump 2024.. when republicans take the house and senate they can amend the term limits for trump. Maybe he can have a 3rd term
I think trump needs to groom his sons to continue the great success of this administration. Trump 2024.. when republicans take the house and senate they can amend the term limits for trump. Maybe he can have a 3rd term
He better hope for a 2nd or 3rd term Things won't go well for him without an army around him
I think trump needs to groom his sons to continue the great success of this administration. Trump 2024.. when republicans take the house and senate they can amend the term limits for trump. Maybe he can have a 3rd term
He better hope for a 2nd or 3rd term Things won't go well for him without an army around him
Why wouldn’t he have the army?? Lol
Donald Jr. does great job public speaking at The Donald's rallies. He would help keep America great!

Donald Jr. 2024!

I like the son-in-law better for President in 2024, Jared seems to be more Presidential material IMHO.
No. What is it with people and wanting dynasties in the White House?
My prediction is that Trump will DUMP Pence in 2020 and go with Nikki Haley......BUT, I'd bet she would refuse since ANYONE who gets close to Trump is politically doomed.

I'd disagree with that. Mike Pence is a very popular guy with the Christian community. Having a man with such a conservative demeanor as Vice President really helps provide contrast for our more flamboyant President.
I think trump needs to groom his sons to continue the great success of this administration. Trump 2024.. when republicans take the house and senate they can amend the term limits for trump. Maybe he can have a 3rd term
He better hope for a 2nd or 3rd term Things won't go well for him without an army around him
Why wouldn’t he have the army?? Lol
Only as president After that he's free game
My prediction is that Trump will DUMP Pence in 2020 and go with Nikki Haley......BUT, I'd bet she would refuse since ANYONE who gets close to Trump is politically doomed.

I'd disagree with that. Mike Pence is a very popular guy with the Christian community. Having a man with such a conservative demeanor as Vice President really helps provide contrast for our more flamboyant President.

If one checks out just how horribly Trump is polling with women, you'd rethink the above. The so-called "evangelicals" have long joined the Trump cult.....they have nowhere else to go and would stick with Trump regardless of what the dimwit does and says.
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