If Putin and Un


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2017
2 serial killing tyrants who want to see the US fall, support Trump for President, isn't it time for you to rethink who you're supporting ?
Yeah how dare the president of the united states try to solve historic tension between us and them.....presidents are supposed to fuck up our healthcare system and make schoolkids eat kale not solve the worlds problems....
Yeah how dare the president of the united states try to solve historic tension between us and them.....presidents are supposed to fuck up our healthcare system and make schoolkids eat kale not solve the worlds problems....
Good to see what side you're on comrade
Yeah how dare the president of the united states try to solve historic tension between us and them.....presidents are supposed to fuck up our healthcare system and make schoolkids eat kale not solve the worlds problems....
Good to see what side you're on comrade
You dumb f-er's can't make friends with those that wish for your destruction Can't you get that???
Yeah how dare the president of the united states try to solve historic tension between us and them.....presidents are supposed to fuck up our healthcare system and make schoolkids eat kale not solve the worlds problems....
Good to see what side you're on comrade
You dumb f-er's can't make friends with those that wish for your destruction Can't you get that???
So are you suggesting nuclear war is preferable to trying?....Is that what TDS did to you?...make you wish for global thermal nuclear war?.....you need help pal....
2 serial killing tyrants who want to see the US fall, support Trump for President, isn't it time for you to rethink who you're supporting ?
So you don’t want peace? Interesting yes I will vote for peace
Yeah how dare the president of the united states try to solve historic tension between us and them.....presidents are supposed to fuck up our healthcare system and make schoolkids eat kale not solve the worlds problems....
Good to see what side you're on comrade
You dumb f-er's can't make friends with those that wish for your destruction Can't you get that???
If only we could get WWIII STARTED!!!!!

Oh...how I wish the left would return to their usual anti-war position. Trump has caused them to lose any semblance of logic.
Yeah how dare the president of the united states try to solve historic tension between us and them.....presidents are supposed to fuck up our healthcare system and make schoolkids eat kale not solve the worlds problems....
Good to see what side you're on comrade
You dumb f-er's can't make friends with those that wish for your destruction Can't you get that???
So are you suggesting nuclear war is preferable to trying?....Is that what TDS did to you?...make you wish for global thermal nuclear war?.....you need help pal....
You nitwits have a way of putting words in peoples mouths NO nuke war is not preferable but making friends with the worst POS on the planet is your way of getting along ?Can you be as stupid as trump? I hope not
Yeah how dare the president of the united states try to solve historic tension between us and them.....presidents are supposed to fuck up our healthcare system and make schoolkids eat kale not solve the worlds problems....
Good to see what side you're on comrade
You dumb f-er's can't make friends with those that wish for your destruction Can't you get that???
So are you suggesting nuclear war is preferable to trying?....Is that what TDS did to you?...make you wish for global thermal nuclear war?.....you need help pal....
You nitwits have a way of putting words in peoples mouths NO nuke war is not preferable but making friends with the worst POS on the planet is your way of getting along ?Can you be as stupid as trump? I hope not
Thinking Putin is the worst piece of shit on the planet is dumb, but straight out of MSLSD.

Why does the Left want WWIII?
Yeah how dare the president of the united states try to solve historic tension between us and them.....presidents are supposed to fuck up our healthcare system and make schoolkids eat kale not solve the worlds problems....
Good to see what side you're on comrade
You dumb f-er's can't make friends with those that wish for your destruction Can't you get that???
So are you suggesting nuclear war is preferable to trying?....Is that what TDS did to you?...make you wish for global thermal nuclear war?.....you need help pal....
You nitwits have a way of putting words in peoples mouths NO nuke war is not preferable but making friends with the worst POS on the planet is your way of getting along ?Can you be as stupid as trump? I hope not
Thinking Putin is the worst piece of shit on the planet is dumb, but straight out of MSLSD.

Why does the Left want WWIII?
Go to bed with a former KGB leader , murderer, a man who'd love to f America up the kazoo?? That's what you sick republican MFers want? Go for it AH's your children will pay the price
And then Gipper exchange love letters with Un the other murdering Trump friend who hates America Visit there and you too can lose your head This pos in our WH is the dumbest president ever
Kim executed the diplomat who arranged the last summit by firing squad because it failed and Trump walked out. Trump said NOTHING. Kim conducted missile tests while Trump was in Japan, and Trump defended Kim. THAT's catering to him.

Kim didn't have nukes and ICBM's when Obama was in power, because Obama didn't let it happen. Trump stopped all of Obama's anti-nuke programs and within months Kim had both nukes and reliable ICBM's. Now Trump has allowed the Chinese to lift sanctions, and made Kim one of the most powerful dictators on the planet.

Everything Donald Trump touches, dies. Hopefully Republican party too
Good to see what side you're on comrade
You dumb f-er's can't make friends with those that wish for your destruction Can't you get that???
So are you suggesting nuclear war is preferable to trying?....Is that what TDS did to you?...make you wish for global thermal nuclear war?.....you need help pal....
You nitwits have a way of putting words in peoples mouths NO nuke war is not preferable but making friends with the worst POS on the planet is your way of getting along ?Can you be as stupid as trump? I hope not
Thinking Putin is the worst piece of shit on the planet is dumb, but straight out of MSLSD.

Why does the Left want WWIII?
Go to bed with a former KGB leader , murderer, a man who'd love to f America up the kazoo?? That's what you sick republican MFers want? Go for it AH's your children will pay the price
Hate. It’s all you have.
You dumb f-er's can't make friends with those that wish for your destruction Can't you get that???
So are you suggesting nuclear war is preferable to trying?....Is that what TDS did to you?...make you wish for global thermal nuclear war?.....you need help pal....
You nitwits have a way of putting words in peoples mouths NO nuke war is not preferable but making friends with the worst POS on the planet is your way of getting along ?Can you be as stupid as trump? I hope not
Thinking Putin is the worst piece of shit on the planet is dumb, but straight out of MSLSD.

Why does the Left want WWIII?
Go to bed with a former KGB leader , murderer, a man who'd love to f America up the kazoo?? That's what you sick republican MFers want? Go for it AH's your children will pay the price
Hate. It’s all you have.
Hate is good when directed in the right direction Trump is garbage and yes I hate the ground he walks on
I guess the left does not remember this.
At a nuclear disarmament summit in Seoul in March 2012, President Obama was caught on a hot mic talking to Russian President (at the time) Dimitri Medvedev. "This is my last election," Obama said. "After my election I have more flexibility."

"I understand," Medvedev is recorded replying. "I will transmit this information to Vladimir."
Since when does an American President kiss the asses of 2 of the greatest dictators in the world? Since when did punks like republicans are now, support a pos like trump? Sad days for America
Yeah how dare the president of the united states try to solve historic tension between us and them.....presidents are supposed to fuck up our healthcare system and make schoolkids eat kale not solve the worlds problems....
Good to see what side you're on comrade
You dumb f-er's can't make friends with those that wish for your destruction Can't you get that???
So are you suggesting nuclear war is preferable to trying?....Is that what TDS did to you?...make you wish for global thermal nuclear war?.....you need help pal....
You nitwits have a way of putting words in peoples mouths NO nuke war is not preferable but making friends with the worst POS on the planet is your way of getting along ?Can you be as stupid as trump? I hope not

Keep your friends close your enemy's closer
Perhaps an American President kisses the ass of two dictators when he gave one billions of dollars as part of moronic deal and let another meddle in an election and according to the left steal it from the Democrat nominee.
Since when does an American President kiss the asses of 2 of the greatest dictators in the world? Since when did punks like republicans are now, support a pos like trump? Sad days for America

We don't know you tell us why Obama kissed Castro and Iraq's ass

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