If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Condoms break

Not when used correctly. Use a quality brand, do not "double bag," and use "fresh" condoms (i.e. ones that have been bought recently). You're not hung like a stallion, no matter how much you want people to think you are. Condoms don't break unless you're doing something wrong.

BC pills mess up

The pill is 99.9% effective when used correctly. Use it the right way and there won't be a problem.

people can't prevent these things.

Bullshit. Use a double barrier approach, and stick to oral/anal sex for "unleashing." The sharks can't take the bait when you put them in a different tank.

Most times birth control is effective

That is why we should make it readily available and cheap/free

It is readily available, cheap/free…….

And not having sex is the most readily available and cheapest birth control method…and doesn't involve the government taking money from one person to pay for another persons birth control...

100% of unwanted pregnancies are due to a failure of abstenance

No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.

Which is a failure of abstenance

Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
Not when used correctly. Use a quality brand, do not "double bag," and use "fresh" condoms (i.e. ones that have been bought recently). You're not hung like a stallion, no matter how much you want people to think you are. Condoms don't break unless you're doing something wrong.

The pill is 99.9% effective when used correctly. Use it the right way and there won't be a problem.

Bullshit. Use a double barrier approach, and stick to oral/anal sex for "unleashing." The sharks can't take the bait when you put them in a different tank.

Most times birth control is effective

That is why we should make it readily available and cheap/free

It is readily available, cheap/free…….

And not having sex is the most readily available and cheapest birth control method…and doesn't involve the government taking money from one person to pay for another persons birth control...

100% of unwanted pregnancies are due to a failure of abstenance

No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.

Which is a failure of abstenance

Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't

They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Do people realize that this kind of forced leave is simply going to result in wage reduction ?

Could be...

But since most working women will only have two children during a 40 year working career, it shouldn't be much of a burden
Most times birth control is effective
That is why we should make it readily available and cheap/free
It is readily available, cheap/free…….
And not having sex is the most readily available and cheapest birth control method…and doesn't involve the government taking money from one person to pay for another persons birth control...
100% of unwanted pregnancies are due to a failure of abstenance
No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:


Why not let children work in factories, underpaid and over worked? Let the market decide, works for the third world.
Why do you think both parties want illegals?

Because this country has become so spoiled and entitled they won't even work anymore.

That's why companies are leaving America.

Rosa parks on a bill for sitting on a bus is lame. It's akin to giving Obama the peace prize.

What Rosa Parks has to do with anything previously said here is a mystery.

if you have problems with big business wanting immigrants, why do I care? You're the one screaming to let the markets decide, but you appear to not like the outcome.
I believe rosa parks is mentioned by the op.

I don't want the market to decide I want the business owner to decide. That's the point of owning a business.

So if the business says...We don't serve negroes here...you are OK with it
Haven't you been listening to cons lately? They are spewing hatred of MLK and civil rights.
Do people realize that this kind of forced leave is simply going to result in wage reduction ?
No. They have no clue. THey think you can just mandate employers pay $15/hr with maternity leave and full medical benefits, retirement, vacation pay etc etc and employers will simply cough up the money like always.
It is readily available, cheap/free…….
And not having sex is the most readily available and cheapest birth control method…and doesn't involve the government taking money from one person to pay for another persons birth control...
100% of unwanted pregnancies are due to a failure of abstenance
No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Employers should be forced to provide paid leave, like every other country. Get over it, pussy.
The only time liberals "care" is if someone else is picking up the tab.

Noble creatures.... Lol

Aren't we a civilization that works together? Do you like your roads, severe weather warning, clean food, clean air and rights in the work place? Thank the government.

Must be something to live out in the middle of no where were you can just not give a damn as you do.
100% of unwanted pregnancies are due to a failure of abstenance
No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Employers should be forced to provide paid leave, like every other country.
This is a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
Angry greedy white Republican dude is consumed with hate & greed. So don't bother trying to speak reason with him. You're dealing with people who would sell or Outsource their own Mother if they saw profit in it. It is what it is.
100% of unwanted pregnancies are due to a failure of abstenance
No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Employers should be forced to provide paid leave, like every other country. Get over it, pussy.
Employees should be chained to a treadmill and forced to work 20 hours a day for a bowl of soup. Get over it, asshole.
No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Employers should be forced to provide paid leave, like every other country.
This is a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
This has nothing to do with controlling uteruses.
No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Employers should be forced to provide paid leave, like every other country.
This is a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
He's a Progressive. It's what they do.
The only time liberals "care" is if someone else is picking up the tab.
Noble creatures.... Lol
Aren't we a civilization that works together? Do you like your roads, severe weather warning, clean food, clean air and rights in the work place? Thank the government.
Actually, I thank me, and all of the people like me that paid for all of these things.
No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Employers should be forced to provide paid leave, like every other country. Get over it, pussy.
Employees should be chained to a treadmill and forced to work 20 hours a day for a bowl of soup. Get over it, asshole.
Can't handle when I use the same bullshit on you? Break down buddy.
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Employers should be forced to provide paid leave, like every other country.
This is a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
This has nothing to do with controlling uteruses.
The only time liberals "care" is if someone else is picking up the tab.
Noble creatures.... Lol
Aren't we a civilization that works together? Do you like your roads, severe weather warning, clean food, clean air and rights in the work place? Thank the government.
Actually, I thank me, and all of the people like me that paid for all of these things.
And you assume we'd be able to have these things benefiting all people without government.. LOL.
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Employers should be forced to provide paid leave, like every other country.
This is a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
This has nothing to do with controlling uteruses.
You set forth a moral position, that employers should be forced to provide paid leave.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
Which is a failure of abstenance
Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't
They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.
Yes, forcing employers they must pay employees for time not worked is pretty sick.
Employers should be forced to provide paid leave, like every other country. Get over it, pussy.
Employees should be chained to a treadmill and forced to work 20 hours a day for a bowl of soup. Get over it, asshole.
Can't handle when I use the same bullshit on you? Break down buddy.
Your positions are incoherent and indefensible. "Everyone does it" wont cut it here.

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