If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

'Fuck the bitch. She got pregnant. It's her problem.'

Pretty much sums up greedy white Republican guy on this one.

I fail to see the problem with "fuck her,because I didnt"
He/she wants to have children they should prepare for up coming event.
It's not like they didnt have 9 months and longer to prepare for the day.
What about the unwanted child? Is child abuse OK?

Foster home.

Fuck that. Who's gonna pay for it? Why is it my fault the little bastard is homeless? Why should i pay for it? Fuck em.

Better to pay for one so he/she gets a proper upbringing so you can break the ghetto cycle of popping out kids by the dozen for money.
Because thats the real problem,kids growing up thinking welfare is a way of life.

Oh i hear ya. I was just doing my angry greedy white Republican dude impression. :)
This has nothing to do with controlling uteruses.
Not a dodge, just a fact.
Its a fact that you offered a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
I suppose everything is a moral decision. Fine, lets accept that, although the benefits have nothing to do with moral outlooks.
This has nothing to do with controlling uteruses.
Not a dodge, just a fact.
Its a fact that you offered a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

He's a typical liberal... thats what they do... shove their morality (which btw never implores them to do anything) down your throat....
This is a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
This has nothing to do with controlling uteruses.
Not a dodge, just a fact. I suppose you could call paid leave forcing morality, but economically and socially, it benefits both parties. Sick employees will actually stay home when they're sick because they can afford to, employees will be more confident, etc, etc.. Productivity is the highest it's been, workers are getting shit on.
It isnt a fact. You havent posted a fact yet. And your supposition is wrong. Employees go to work anyway.
What fact haven't I posted?
Err, sick employees tend to not go to work sick if they have paid leave.
You understand parental leave is not sick leave, right?
Republicans complain that the family is falling apart. Republicans then want to deny paid leave to countless parents with kids.
The only time liberals "care" is if someone else is picking up the tab.
Noble creatures.... Lol
Aren't we a civilization that works together? Do you like your roads, severe weather warning, clean food, clean air and rights in the work place? Thank the government.
Actually, I thank me, and all of the people like me that paid for all of these things.
And you assume we'd be able to have these things benefiting all people without government.. LOL.
What's funnier s that you assume we would not.

Government is, at the most basic level a service provider - those of who pay taxes in effect pay it to do certain things we want done.
That we pay the government to do these things in no way means we would not pay someone else - or do it ourselves - absent the existence of government.

You, of course, have never considered such a thing.
So you believe society could function without a government? Great, another fucking anarcho capitalist.. Somalia is waiting.
Are you admitting to admiring Adolph Hitler? Thought so.
This has nothing to do with controlling uteruses.
Not a dodge, just a fact. I suppose you could call paid leave forcing morality, but economically and socially, it benefits both parties. Sick employees will actually stay home when they're sick because they can afford to, employees will be more confident, etc, etc.. Productivity is the highest it's been, workers are getting shit on.
It isnt a fact. You havent posted a fact yet. And your supposition is wrong. Employees go to work anyway.
What fact haven't I posted?
Err, sick employees tend to not go to work sick if they have paid leave.
You understand parental leave is not sick leave, right?
This thread is about both, follow it.
This is what happens when hate & greed consumes one. And I think many are still under the impression that angry greedy white Republican guy cares about anything but money. Well, guess what? He only cares about money.

He'd sell or Outsource his own Mother if he saw profit in it. And the worst thing about em is, most consider themselves 'Good Christians.' But Jesus is surely very disappointed in the average white Republican dude at this point.

What a total crock of shit, didn't figure you for a commie propagandist.
Paulitician is motivated by hatred of people with more power than him: police, bosses, etc.

Sounds like an ignorant little fuck.
Not a dodge, just a fact.
Its a fact that you offered a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

He's a typical liberal... thats what they do... shove their morality (which btw never implores them to do anything) down your throat....
Yes, it's true, I am a evil liberal who is forcing eight year olds not to work 40 hours a week in factories with broken fire escapes.
Actually, I thank me, and all of the people like me that paid for all of these things.
And you assume we'd be able to have these things benefiting all people without government.. LOL.
And you assume workers would simply accept 25cents/hr without gov't forcing employers to pay more. Right?
That's pretty how much it was before the government started stepping in, the same logic applies to safety of the workplace, how long employees want to work.
Yes everyone worked for 25cent/hr.
You are an idiot,.
I said "pretty much" Before the minimum wage was put into place, employees were underpaid all over the place, workers in certain areas were truly screwed. Safety laws follow a similar story, no women wanted to work in a factory with no fire escapes working, but they did, they had virtually no choice, it's either work or lack money for the kids. Thank god for the government and safety.
LOL. Your "knowledge" of history sucks.
Aren't we a civilization that works together? Do you like your roads, severe weather warning, clean food, clean air and rights in the work place? Thank the government.
Actually, I thank me, and all of the people like me that paid for all of these things.
And you assume we'd be able to have these things benefiting all people without government.. LOL.
What's funnier s that you assume we would not.

Government is, at the most basic level a service provider - those of who pay taxes in effect pay it to do certain things we want done.
That we pay the government to do these things in no way means we would not pay someone else - or do it ourselves - absent the existence of government.

You, of course, have never considered such a thing.
So you believe society could function without a government? Great, another fucking anarcho capitalist.. Somalia is waiting.
Are you admitting to admiring Adolph Hitler? Thought so.
Yep, hitler is my hero. DURRR
Not a dodge, just a fact.
Its a fact that you offered a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

He's a typical liberal... thats what they do... shove their morality (which btw never implores them to do anything) down your throat....
Yes, it's true, I am a evil liberal who is forcing eight year olds not to work 40 hours a week in factories with broken fire escapes.
Wow, arent you the philanthropist. With other people's money of course.
Yeah, sure.... let's move to a 30 hour work week and 90 days a year PTO. Sounds like great model.
With the way automation is progressing and the massive productivity gains, I can see this coming in the future.
Its a fact that you offered a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

He's a typical liberal... thats what they do... shove their morality (which btw never implores them to do anything) down your throat....
Yes, it's true, I am a evil liberal who is forcing eight year olds not to work 40 hours a week in factories with broken fire escapes.
Wow, arent you the philanthropist. With other people's money of course.
How do child labor laws and workplace safety laws requiring working fire escapes take other people's money?
Actually, I thank me, and all of the people like me that paid for all of these things.
And you assume we'd be able to have these things benefiting all people without government.. LOL.
What's funnier s that you assume we would not.

Government is, at the most basic level a service provider - those of who pay taxes in effect pay it to do certain things we want done.
That we pay the government to do these things in no way means we would not pay someone else - or do it ourselves - absent the existence of government.

You, of course, have never considered such a thing.
So you believe society could function without a government? Great, another fucking anarcho capitalist.. Somalia is waiting.
Are you admitting to admiring Adolph Hitler? Thought so.
Yep, hitler is my hero. DURRR
OK thanks for admitting it. NOw go fuck yourself.
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

He's a typical liberal... thats what they do... shove their morality (which btw never implores them to do anything) down your throat....
Yes, it's true, I am a evil liberal who is forcing eight year olds not to work 40 hours a week in factories with broken fire escapes.
Wow, arent you the philanthropist. With other people's money of course.
How do child labor laws and workplace safety laws requiring working fire escapes take other people's money?
You dont understyand this? Seriously?
Actually, I thank me, and all of the people like me that paid for all of these things.
And you assume we'd be able to have these things benefiting all people without government.. LOL.
What's funnier s that you assume we would not.

Government is, at the most basic level a service provider - those of who pay taxes in effect pay it to do certain things we want done.
That we pay the government to do these things in no way means we would not pay someone else - or do it ourselves - absent the existence of government.

You, of course, have never considered such a thing.
So you believe society could function without a government? Great, another fucking anarcho capitalist.. Somalia is waiting.
Your inability to provide a sound, meaningful, thoughtful and knowledgeable response is duly noted.
Any other false dichotomies and vacuous truths you'd like to hide behind?
I am not going to write an essay on why society needs a government, this is simply common sense.
And so, not content with hiding behind false dichotomies and vacuous truths, you demonstrate an elective incapacity to miss the point presented to you.
Why not let children work in factories, underpaid and over worked? Let the market decide, works for the third world.
Why do you think both parties want illegals?

Because this country has become so spoiled and entitled they won't even work anymore.

That's why companies are leaving America.

Rosa parks on a bill for sitting on a bus is lame. It's akin to giving Obama the peace prize.

What Rosa Parks has to do with anything previously said here is a mystery.

if you have problems with big business wanting immigrants, why do I care? You're the one screaming to let the markets decide, but you appear to not like the outcome.
I believe rosa parks is mentioned by the op.

I don't want the market to decide I want the business owner to decide. That's the point of owning a business.

So if the business says...We don't serve negroes here...you are OK with it
Maybe you'd do that cuz it came to your mind not mine.

I will hire anyone who can do the job and I will pay them according to their skill level and I will do business with anyone who has the money to pay me

Except pedophiles. I draw the line at pedophiles and that's probably illegal or a violation of some kind of civil rights.

Thats you

What about the business who decides he does not want to serve negroes....is that the "point of owning a business"
And you assume we'd be able to have these things benefiting all people without government.. LOL.
And you assume workers would simply accept 25cents/hr without gov't forcing employers to pay more. Right?
That's pretty how much it was before the government started stepping in, the same logic applies to safety of the workplace, how long employees want to work.
Yes everyone worked for 25cent/hr.
You are an idiot,.
I said "pretty much" Before the minimum wage was put into place, employees were underpaid all over the place, workers in certain areas were truly screwed. Safety laws follow a similar story, no women wanted to work in a factory with no fire escapes working, but they did, they had virtually no choice, it's either work or lack money for the kids. Thank god for the government and safety.
LOL. Your "knowledge" of history sucks.
You keep saying this while providing nothing to back yourself up. Want me to provide a comprehensive list of workplace disasters thanks to a lack of safety laws? The horrid effects of child labor? I'll do it when I get to my computer, twat.
Not a dodge, just a fact.
Its a fact that you offered a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
I suppose everything is a moral decision. Fine, lets accept that
Now that you understand you are arguing a moral position....
Who are you to force your morality on others?

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