If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Not a dodge, just a fact.
Its a fact that you offered a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

He's a typical liberal... thats what they do... shove their morality (which btw never implores them to do anything) down your throat....
Yes, it's true, I am a evil liberal who is forcing eight year olds not to work 40 hours a week in factories with broken fire escapes.

Sadly, you probably actually believe that is hapenning.
So you believe society could function without a government? Great, another fucking anarcho capitalist.. Somalia is waiting.
Your inability to provide a sound, meaningful, thoughtful and knowledgeable response is duly noted.
Any other false dichotomies and vacuous truths you'd like to hide behind?
I am not going to write an essay on why society needs a government, this is simply common sense.
And so, not content with hiding behind false dichotomies and vacuous truths, you demonstrate an elective incapacity to miss the point presented to you.
If you can point to one example of a successful society without a government, I'll believe you. Just one.
Smaller government not no government.
Progs dont know the difference. Thus when you suggest that gov't regulating mud puddles is an over rech you're accused of wantibg to eliminate the police an traffic regs.
Its a fact that you offered a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

He's a typical liberal... thats what they do... shove their morality (which btw never implores them to do anything) down your throat....
Yes, it's true, I am a evil liberal who is forcing eight year olds not to work 40 hours a week in factories with broken fire escapes.

Sadly, you probably actually believe that is hapenning.
It was happening before evil liberals stepped in ;)
Most times birth control is effective

That is why we should make it readily available and cheap/free

It is readily available, cheap/free…….

And not having sex is the most readily available and cheapest birth control method…and doesn't involve the government taking money from one person to pay for another persons birth control...

100% of unwanted pregnancies are due to a failure of abstenance

No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.

Which is a failure of abstenance

Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't

They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.

You dumb fuck, what are you advocating here, telling people what to do. Go fuck your hypocrite self.
How the US stacks up in paid maternity leave

Wow look at that. States with the highest paid leave also have the highest unemployment and worst economies.
Thanks for showing us what paid leave will do, Nutwinger.
It is readily available, cheap/free…….

And not having sex is the most readily available and cheapest birth control method…and doesn't involve the government taking money from one person to pay for another persons birth control...

100% of unwanted pregnancies are due to a failure of abstenance

No, their the result of not one but two peoples failure to use good judgment.

Which is a failure of abstenance

Abstenance works up till the point it doesn't

They want to tell people what they can do! It is pretty sick.

You dumb fuck, what are you advocating here, telling people what to do. Go fuck your hypocrite self.
Right wing meltdowns are delicious. :eusa_clap:
LOL. Your "knowledge" of history sucks.
You keep saying this while providing nothing to back yourself up. Want me to provide a comprehensive list of workplace disasters thanks to a lack of safety laws? The horrid effects of child labor? I'll do it when I get to my computer, twat.
Workplace disasters happen today too.
LOL. Very rare compared to how much they did happen before regulations. If you deny that, you are literally wrong. There is nothing else I can say.
Lets see the evidence. And show also that the improvement was due to gov't regulations and not improvements in technology.
I'm on my Mobile device so I can't post all that I want to..

'OSHA at 40' Center for American Progress
A 550 million dollar budget. For 2000 employees.

Tell me that money isn't being wasted and pocketed and misused.
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

He's a typical liberal... thats what they do... shove their morality (which btw never implores them to do anything) down your throat....
Yes, it's true, I am a evil liberal who is forcing eight year olds not to work 40 hours a week in factories with broken fire escapes.

Sadly, you probably actually believe that is hapenning.
It was happening before evil liberals stepped in ;)

So was slavery and segregation, until Republicans stepped in.... put that in your clack pipe and tug on it.
You keep saying this while providing nothing to back yourself up. Want me to provide a comprehensive list of workplace disasters thanks to a lack of safety laws? The horrid effects of child labor? I'll do it when I get to my computer, twat.
Workplace disasters happen today too.
LOL. Very rare compared to how much they did happen before regulations. If you deny that, you are literally wrong. There is nothing else I can say.
Lets see the evidence. And show also that the improvement was due to gov't regulations and not improvements in technology.
I'm on my Mobile device so I can't post all that I want to..

'OSHA at 40' Center for American Progress
A 550 million dollar budget. For 2000 employees.

Tell me that money isn't being wasted and pocketed and misused.
You don't even understand what the OSHA does.
How the US stacks up in paid maternity leave

Wow look at that. States with the highest paid leave also have the highest unemployment and worst economies.
Thanks for showing us what paid leave will do, Nutwinger.

Quite a reach....even for the Rabbi

Norway and Sweden are doing quite well economically
Not a dodge, just a fact.
Its a fact that you offered a moral position.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
It's not a moral position...
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
I suppose everything is a moral decision. Fine, lets accept that
Now that you understand you are arguing a moral position....
Who are you to force your morality on others?
Workplace disasters happen today too.
LOL. Very rare compared to how much they did happen before regulations. If you deny that, you are literally wrong. There is nothing else I can say.
Lets see the evidence. And show also that the improvement was due to gov't regulations and not improvements in technology.
I'm on my Mobile device so I can't post all that I want to..

'OSHA at 40' Center for American Progress
A 550 million dollar budget. For 2000 employees.

Tell me that money isn't being wasted and pocketed and misused.
You don't even understand what the OSHA does.
Fuck yes I do. I own a business.
If Americans really cared, we'd pay for all food, all education, all toiletries, all clothing, all health care, all housing, all entertainment and all retirement for anyone who we determine are victims.

I'm just curious where we draw the line. I haven't seen those who "care" so much do that, even a bit.
You used the term "should", which boils down to a moral position - you believe it is the right thing to do.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

He's a typical liberal... thats what they do... shove their morality (which btw never implores them to do anything) down your throat....
Yes, it's true, I am a evil liberal who is forcing eight year olds not to work 40 hours a week in factories with broken fire escapes.

Sadly, you probably actually believe that is hapenning.
It was happening before evil liberals stepped in ;)

So was slavery and segregation, until Republicans stepped in.... put that in your clack pipe and tug on it.
Oh dear god. The parties completely shifted ideologies, now, the backwards south is republican and the more liberal people are democrats. Back then, the republicans were liberal. OH, by the way, since you're peddling this shit, the republicans back then supported LABOR UNIONS. Social security. Regulations. Using the government to end slavery and segregation.
Where was OSHA when I cut my finger making dinner the other night lol

I better be careful or next they'll be in my home making me wear a helmet and knife proof gloves.
The only time liberals "care" is if someone else is picking up the tab.

Noble creatures.... Lol

Aren't we a civilization that works together? Do you like your roads, severe weather warning, clean food, clean air and rights in the work place? Thank the government.

Must be something to live out in the middle of no where were you can just not give a damn as you do.

Fuck you you ignorant retard, your version of working together is forcing others to comply with your retarded demands.
Where was OSHA when I cut my finger making dinner the other night lol

I better be careful or next they'll be in my home making me wear a helmet and knife proof gloves.
Leave it to republican morons to downplay the importance of OSHA.
The only time liberals "care" is if someone else is picking up the tab.

Noble creatures.... Lol

Aren't we a civilization that works together? Do you like your roads, severe weather warning, clean food, clean air and rights in the work place? Thank the government.

Must be something to live out in the middle of no where were you can just not give a damn as you do.

Fuck you you ignorant retard, your version of working together is forcing others to comply with your retarded demands.
Meltdown #2

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