If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Exactly, and when businesses have had enough and move overseas, it's not the liberals fault, it's those greedy Republican business owners fault.
Move overseas to countries that already have universal healthcare and maternity leave?

Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
Move overseas to countries that already have universal healthcare and maternity leave?

Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.
Move overseas to countries that already have universal healthcare and maternity leave?

Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.

Its really very simple. But liberal brains do not operate normally, so presenting them with facts and logic does not cause their brain cells to react like normal brain cells.

One must use feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooooootion to penetrate the liberal brain.

The defective liberal gene (DRD4) is real and has been scientifically identified. Someday medicine may find a cure, until then we will continue to get idiots like obama, clinton, pelosi, reid, jackson-Lee, Whoopi, Rosie, and Behar.
Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

how exactly do we help corporations? By taxing them at the highest rate in the entire world?
Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

Trump agrees with your second point, he wants to raise taxes on hedge fund millionaires. He also wants to lower taxes on the middle class.

Do you have a Trump bumper sticker yet?
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

how exactly do we help corporations? By taxing them at the highest rate in the entire world?
Telling the same lie over and over again does not make it true
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

Trump agrees with your second point, he wants to raise taxes on hedge fund millionaires. He also wants to lower taxes on the middle class.

Do you have a Trump bumper sticker yet?
I missed the part where Trump wants to raise taxes on Real Estate Tycoons

Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

I am not a Republican so your hatefest is wasted on me.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling people what to do. They need to concentrate more on paying of this enormous debt, protecting our borders against an invasion and establishing a strong economy instead of catering to the low class filth that are too sorry to earn a decent living.on their own.
Great idea. Are you willing to pay for it?
She's willing to have you pay for it.
It's the democrats all over. Gin up a problem that doesnt really exist. Point out that sclerotic Euro-dork economies offer this freebie and why cant we be more like them, declare it's a human right, and then push to have "the wealthy" pay higher taxes to fund it.
And the rubes eat that shit up.

Exactly, and when businesses have had enough and move overseas, it's not the liberals fault, it's those greedy Republican business owners fault.
Move overseas to countries that already have universal healthcare and maternity leave?

Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?
Since the biggest reason to move is taxation and regulation the answer is Yes.
Exactly, and when businesses have had enough and move overseas, it's not the liberals fault, it's those greedy Republican business owners fault.
Move overseas to countries that already have universal healthcare and maternity leave?

Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers
Obama has done nothing but pass legislation to "help the workers." Adn the workers are worse off today than the day he took office. Obama and Democrats need to quit "helping" people.
As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

Trump agrees with your second point, he wants to raise taxes on hedge fund millionaires. He also wants to lower taxes on the middle class.

Do you have a Trump bumper sticker yet?
I missed the part where Trump wants to raise taxes on Real Estate Tycoons
It seems you did.
Move overseas to countries that already have universal healthcare and maternity leave?

Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers
Obama has done nothing but pass legislation to "help the workers." Adn the workers are worse off today than the day he took office. Obama and Democrats need to quit "helping" people.

8 million new jobs and increased access to heath-care and most importantly....healthcare portability

Next up ........minimum wage, free college,
Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers
Obama has done nothing but pass legislation to "help the workers." Adn the workers are worse off today than the day he took office. Obama and Democrats need to quit "helping" people.

8 million new jobs and increased access to heath-care and most importantly....healthcare portability

Next up ........minimum wage, free college,
You didnt check this out, did you?
TRUTH BOMB: Obama’s Disastrous Economic “Recovery” In 9 Horrifying Charts
Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

The entier country runs on investments. How does one reward income from labor anyhow?

Supply side worked and worked for many years afterwards.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

The entier country runs on investments. How does one reward income from labor anyhow?

Supply side worked and worked for many years afterwards.

Labor creates wealth. Investments move that wealth around

Supply side was a disaster........destroyed the middle class
Well you show me one report that says maternity leave and healthcare is the reason these companies are leaving.

Companies leave because labor is too expensive in this country. We bog down our businesses with taxation, regulation and dozens of expenses businesses don't have to endure in other countries.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.

Its really very simple. But liberal brains do not operate normally, so presenting them with facts and logic does not cause their brain cells to react like normal brain cells.

One must use feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooooootion to penetrate the liberal brain.

The defective liberal gene (DRD4) is real and has been scientifically identified. Someday medicine may find a cure, until then we will continue to get idiots like obama, clinton, pelosi, reid, jackson-Lee, Whoopi, Rosie, and Behar.

I do believe that the liberal brain works much different than ours.

We had a situation where a small fraction of our society had no healthcare coverage--most of whom couldn't afford it.

I know, I have an idea! We will make a law that you have to buy insurance you can't afford, and then when you can't afford it, we will take money away from you!

That's how the liberal mind works and it's frightening at times. Or........

We have people getting robbed and gunned down in the street. I know, we will make it harder for people to obtain and own guns, and the criminals will obey our laws and give up their firearms.

See! Scary.
As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

The entier country runs on investments. How does one reward income from labor anyhow?

Supply side worked and worked for many years afterwards.

Labor creates wealth. Investments move that wealth around

Supply side was a disaster........destroyed the middle class
We can add economics to the very long list of things you are totally ignorant of.
You brought it up Ray

You think relaxing taxation and regulation will keep companies from seeking $20 a day labor?

Do Americas workers have to work as slaves to make you happy?

As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers
Obama has done nothing but pass legislation to "help the workers." Adn the workers are worse off today than the day he took office. Obama and Democrats need to quit "helping" people.

8 million new jobs and increased access to heath-care and most importantly....healthcare portability

Next up ........minimum wage, free college,
You didnt check this out, did you?
TRUTH BOMB: Obama’s Disastrous Economic “Recovery” In 9 Horrifying Charts

Damn....those charts sure show what a disaster supply side policies were

That trickle down never really happened did it?
As slaves? You mean getting paid what they are worth?

Businesses have to calculate what's best for the company. $20.00 a day for labor would not be a consideration if we were talking labor alone, but we're not. We're talking about all of the expenses businesses have to shoulder vs that $20.00 a day labor. Let's look at some of them:

Employers pay: matching Social Security contributions of an employee, matching Medicare contributions of an employee, workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, paid holidays, paid vacation days, healthcare insurance, time-and-a-half for overtime pay, state taxes, federal taxes, city taxes, county taxes, and now some want to burden businesses with maternity leave?

Would they have these costs if they moved operations to another country?
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

The entier country runs on investments. How does one reward income from labor anyhow?

Supply side worked and worked for many years afterwards.

Labor creates wealth. Investments move that wealth around

Supply side was a disaster........destroyed the middle class

No, unions and Democrats destroyed the middle-class. They are still doing it today. All those foreigners that are willing to work for a third less than Americans is utopia for a Democrat.
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

The entier country runs on investments. How does one reward income from labor anyhow?

Supply side worked and worked for many years afterwards.

Labor creates wealth. Investments move that wealth around

Supply side was a disaster........destroyed the middle class

No, unions and Democrats destroyed the middle-class. They are still doing it today. All those foreigners that are willing to work for a third less than Americans is utopia for a Democrat.

You are partially correct....the demise of unions destroyed the middle class

It is the Republicans who abandoned our cities and sent jobs overseas

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